New Blog Same Me
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Hello Everyone!
I want to thank everyone who has followed me and continues to show their support.
I’ve decided I need a little bit of a fresh start. Same blog name but less clutter.
So if we’re already mutuals or if we aren’t but you are interested in rping with me please find me over at @wormholxtreme
I hope you all lovely people have a wonderful day! And keep writing <3 <3 <3
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New Blog Same Me
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Hello Everyone!
I want to thank everyone who has followed me and continues to show their support.
I’ve decided I need a little bit of a fresh start. Same blog name but less clutter.
So if we’re already mutuals or if we aren’t but you are interested in rping with me please find me over at @wormholxtreme
I hope you all lovely people have a wonderful day! And keep writing <3 <3 <3
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New Blog Same Me
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Hello Everyone!
I want to thank everyone who has followed me and continues to show their support.
I’ve decided I need a little bit of a fresh start. Same blog name but less clutter.
So if we’re already mutuals or if we aren’t but you are interested in rping with me please find me over at @wormholxtreme
I hope you all lovely people have a wonderful day! And keep writing <3 <3 <3
24 notes · View notes
New Blog Same Me
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Hello Everyone!
I want to thank everyone who has followed me and continues to show their support.
I’ve decided I need a little bit of a fresh start. Same blog name but less clutter.
So if we’re already mutuals or if we aren’t but you are interested in rping with me please find me over at @wormholxtreme
I hope you all lovely people have a wonderful day! And keep writing <3 <3 <3
24 notes · View notes
New Blog Same Me
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Hello Everyone!
I want to thank everyone who has followed me and continues to show their support.
I’ve decided I need a little bit of a fresh start. Same blog name but less clutter.
So if we’re already mutuals or if we aren’t but you are interested in rping with me please find me over at @wormholxtreme
I hope you all lovely people have a wonderful day! And keep writing <3 <3 <3
24 notes · View notes
New Blog Same Me
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Hello Everyone!
I want to thank everyone who has followed me and continues to show their support.
I’ve decided I need a little bit of a fresh start. Same blog name but less clutter.
So if we’re already mutuals or if we aren’t but you are interested in rping with me please find me over at @wormholxtreme
I hope you all lovely people have a wonderful day! And keep writing <3 <3 <3
24 notes · View notes
New Blog Same Me
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Hello Everyone!
I want to thank everyone who has followed me and continues to show their support.
I’ve decided I need a little bit of a fresh start. Same blog name but less clutter.
So if we’re already mutuals or if we aren’t but you are interested in rping with me please find me over at @wormholxtreme
I hope you all lovely people have a wonderful day! And keep writing <3 <3 <3
24 notes · View notes
New Blog Same Me
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Hello Everyone!
I want to thank everyone who has followed me and continues to show their support.
I’ve decided I need a little bit of a fresh start. Same blog name but less clutter.
So if we’re already mutuals or if we aren’t but you are interested in rping with me please find me over at @wormholxtreme
I hope you all lovely people have a wonderful day! And keep writing <3 <3 <3
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I wanna go home
That’s it
That’s the post
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Do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person? How has rp changed you personally? If you could change one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? Why?
@pepperpxtts | Mun Meme | Answering on Wednesday because I am a dweeb
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14. Do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person?
It definitely has it’s ups and downs. I can say on the negative end, my anxiety has been so much worse because of the culture that surrounds rp and tumblr. It’s good to reflect on things and tumblr, like any other social media, has a way of bringing you information from a lot of different perspectives, but in the years I’ve been on here, it has definitely made me anxious about every single decision I’ve ever made in my life and the characters I like, the ships I like, the writers and stories I like. And we all preach about how everything you like is problematic to someone, but it doesn’t help the self doubt and the constant feelings of inadequacy or the feelings of some how helping perpetrate horrific things that people go through just because you like a show/movie OR just because you don’t openly condemn something. I mean, there’s a lot of other things in my life that has made me grow smaller and meeker, but to say tumblr and rp didn’t have a role in it would be wrong.
On the positive side though, I’ve met a lot of really awesome people through rp. I’ve had some of the most amazing friendships come from, and grow stronger through rp. Coming together for something we all love to do and screaming about our love for something, even just listening to someone go on about something that makes them excited is seriously rewarding. RP has also been here for me in some of the worst moments of my life, before and after I came to tumblr. Being able to cultivate a story and either use my own experiences cathartically or just to shoot the shit and have a laugh rather than focus on the bad stuff going on is honestly the best thing about it. I mean, that’s ultimately why we’re all here right?
15. How has rp changed you personally?
I think some of the points mentioned on the last question are here too. I think, even with the bad, even with the anxiety, the mistakes, the times I fucked up, the times I let other people fuck up, RP has helped me grow as a person while simultaneously stunted me. It’s helped me open my eyes to a lot of things, but also been the cause of a lot of self doubt and self deprecation. It’s bittersweet being apart of something so large. But I’m still here so I guess it hasn’t gotten rid of my stubbornness XDD
16. If you could change one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? Why?
Purity culture. Not just with nsfw, or villains, or taboos, but also the idea that no one can ever make mistakes. There are block buttons and blacklists for a reason. The idea that people have to be afraid to make an offhanded comment because of how someone might interpret it, the idea that something someone doesn’t like is somehow up to others to protect them from is pretty ridiculous. I mean I understand that we’re on a public forum and we should all behave as such. Just because we’re behind a computer doesn’t mean that it’s still not the same as being in a crowded auditorium, but there are lots of things that are targeted by the purity police that are completely rooted in an oppressive society. There are other things targeted by purity police that are taken out of context. There are these ideas that if you so much as interact with someone because they write something, you are guilty by association, let alone the legitimate reasons for that 3rd party individual to write whatever fiction they want to write, you are also condoning them because you don’t condemn them. It’s immature for one, and for two, it leaves absolutely no gray areas for interpretation, or growth, or understanding. Reality is not all or nothing. Everything we do is a perception and we should honestly take a look internally before making judgment calls on other people. Buuuuut I also have a lot of issues with depression soooo maybe I’m not the right person to talk to about this XDD
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We don't write together, cause you are barely here, my friend. 😎😂
@pepperpxtts | Meme
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JuSt BeCaUsE iT tRuE dOnT mEaN u GoTtA cAlL mE oUt LiKe DiS
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ft. the bebes @wormholxtreme & @letsbreakhearts // ( OG post )
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ft. the best bebe @wormholxtreme​
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SHE IS BEAUTY, SHE IS GRACE… AND WILL PUNCH A VILLAIN IN THE FACE // ranom edits of pepper as rescue
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Happy's flaw: Dead inside
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I don't know if I would call this a flaw because, in my eyes, it's not something he does intentionally. He was shaped and forged to build up the walls. To protect himself from just another heartbreak because life wasn't necessarily gentle to this gentle giant. He might be 'dead inside' but only to hide the fact of how vivid and pretty much alive all the feelings, and emotions, and dreams and desires that he had buried within, actually are.
The veil of stoicism surrounding him is exactly that - the veil, cover-up, the mask. Because deep down everything is just too alive, and a little bit too much present, and heavy and hurtful. And hell, in the end, he might as well be the only one who really knows the value and the price of being alive, and respects and appreciates it the most. So in reality, I think that Harold Hogan, as cold as he seems, is actually the most alive from all of them because he feels a little too much of everything but at this point, it became too overbearing that all he can do to really handle it, is to shut down and pretend to be this empty shell. The rock for everyone else to crumble at because in that way he can forget, at least for a second, that he is crumbling himself.  
                                            *mic drop* 
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ginger talking about pepper’s loved ones 2k21 // @wormholxtreme
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Actual image of May meeting full Kree!Kaylee
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tell me why don’t we write together, special edition: Because I keep you occupied in the DMs 24/7
@letsbreakhearts | Mun Meme
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Best special addition ever XD we have a bajillion verses that will never be seen by public eyes XD <3 <3 <3
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