wormnobook · 16 hours
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wormnobook · 1 day
hey there, you've arrived at a Tumblr checkpoint!
are you thirty? have a sip!
are you hungry? have a spack!
have you been snitting in the sale proclation? mack your tabbers!.
are you stick? purt your indies!
do you need to prot a buntle? go! now!
are you tired? break your togs!
do a quick snat of your vitals. are you fond? do you need to reduct your plandles? if you have a trick, tog it. if you need to sitch, go so.
are you grod or too trinking? if you need to break off a grint or mend the bontle, go to that now!
I hope this helps! and I hope your tunderfal day :-)
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wormnobook · 2 days
walking to a hidden little creek past a secret little trail in a hidden little park in the middle of a suburban Oakland neighborhood to discover guy named Brandon with a cool mustache who was just so calm and joyous about his piano that he somehow got through like a half mile of trail to the beautiful little spot among the trees. and the piano is like kinda broken and out of tune and there's a bunch of broken parts on the ground and there's a little sign on the piano that's like 'hey be careful this piano is broken! we're not mad at whoever did this though. they had they're own problems and we're just letting out their anger.' He invited us to come to one of his piano concerts in the woods by adding us to a whatsapp group chat. I am never going to forget about Brandon from the woods in my whole life. this was a very influential moment to me
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wormnobook · 4 days
i ate nothing but food for 200 days
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wormnobook · 7 days
kinda interesting how social media as a whole is like widely considered one of the worst things at for your self image possible. and i'm not disagreeing for like instagram and stuff. it's just kinda interesting that getting tumblr was probably the singular most beneficial thing to my body image in my life.
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wormnobook · 7 days
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good lord this thing is useless
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wormnobook · 8 days
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wormnobook · 10 days
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So I've binged this manga, and here's my one and only contribution to this fandom.
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wormnobook · 10 days
they call me the procrastinator the way I... uhhh... i'll tell you later.
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wormnobook · 11 days
Happy thursday lads. Do me a favour, take my dungeon meshi dating quiz and tell me who you got in the tags
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wormnobook · 11 days
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accidentally pieced together a narrative on my profile by retweeting things i thought were funny
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wormnobook · 15 days
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Certified dungeon meshi moment
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wormnobook · 17 days
wow lesbianism is so awesome
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wormnobook · 17 days
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wormnobook · 18 days
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i hate my linear algebra textbook.
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wormnobook · 18 days
Probably controversial of me to post this on the reading comprehension website. But this is also the autistic trans website, so, target audience...
If you're trans and afraid of people, I have a trick for you. Try looking at them and telling yourself "it's possible they could be trans too".
I cannot explain what this has done for my confidence, in so many ways. It allows me to sidestep the immediate void between my experience and the impression I worry about giving and my perception of theirs. I immediately greet them while assuming the best, and my brain doesn't go searching for signs that they hate me. I smile bigger. And they pick up on the ease, and it tends to make them friendlier, too!
It also does so much for my own confidence as a trans person. Looking at human bodies that are all shapes, sizes, ancestries. Examining fashion senses. It's a physical reminder that trans people can look like anyone. Anyone, any body, can be trans. It really just... recalibrates how you see bodies. Even if they're most likely cis, you start seeing a whole person. The parts of them that often get washed out when your brain just ascribes "man" or "woman". You start seeing how their lines in their faces fall, how they carry their weight. You're not looking for it to try to guess their assigned sex or hormones, you're looking at them because you recognize that the person in front of you has a body, and anything could be true about it, really. The more people you think about as potentially free from the weird cis binary, the more comfortable you become with your own body. The things that make you look "masculine" or "feminine" just kind of... bleed into basic humanity. You notice things like plenty of women, statistically most of them cis, have strong and angular faces. You notice plenty of people can look androgynous, too, especially as they age. Men who have soft faces and are shorter than 5'. The way wrinkle lines turn a face into a lattice with the expression slightly obscured until you throw them a smile, and watch every muscle turn upwards and kind.
You just. You just start looking at people as *like you.* And in my experience, the harder I try to see people as similar to me instead of different from me, the better luck with interactions I've had. The less anxiety I carry. The more likely someone is to tell me, when I've complimented their beanie or their nails or their shirt, that I've made their day.
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wormnobook · 19 days
whatever man, you're a fake creator. you're not playing spore, you're playing something else entirely
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i made this anon in spore [2008]
next time show your face
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