worrierjo · 4 years
      “ Maybe you just dont realize it but you’re noticeable… Even before the whole makeover.” She simply answered as she caught that. 
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“Maybe.” She answered shortly. “But you don’t really know me.” She pointed out.
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worrierjo · 4 years
Seeing Josie frown usually would hurt her heart, but telling herself it wasn’t the Saltzman in front of her made it a little easier, but only slightly so. “Not my scene.” was all the explanation she was able to give before the siphon’s lips made contact with hers. The kiss caught her off guard, and as soon as it had started it, it was brought to a screeching halt as everything went dark and she fell to the ground like sack of rocks, having never seen it coming. 
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Josie watched as Penelope fell to the ground. “Sleep tight, Pen.” The Gemini said before stepping over the girl’s sleeping body. One less person now stood in her way.
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worrierjo · 4 years
Kai was a little surprised by her reaction but it quickly faded once he got a good look at her, she wasn’t…innocent like he had assumed she would be in their meeting. “Don’t want to stop the merge, now I’m curious.” He muses as he tilts his head looking at her, “Why wouldn’t you? Aren’t you oh so worried about losing or maybe about killing dear old Loren?” He questions looking her over, “Because he couldn’t control them. I mean a couple people die and everyone freaks out.” He shrugs not understanding it.
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“Why wouldn’t I want to be the most powerful witch of my coven?” She asked. The darkness liked that idea. “Maybe...” Woukd she care about losing Lizzie if she did win, and of course she would win. The darkness didn’t think so and it was winning right now. “People die everyday.” She said with a shrug.
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worrierjo · 4 years
Landon shakes his head, “No, I care about her Hope Mikaelosn are or not because Josie wasn’t just a girl I dated, she was my friend. She was one of the first people to treat me like a person.” Most others made fun of him, whispered about him behind his back, questioned why he was there. He nods, “Yeah Hope is but so are you, Josie. Well you are without the whole black magic spider veins.” He points to his own face to show where those were on her own face. “Wait this isn’t about Hope, so what is this about? Why did you keep doing so much dark magic?”
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Landon was one of the good ones, and the darkness didn’t like it. “Stop talking.” She said, putting her hand up. “Why? Because I liked it. I liked the way it made me feel. I felt strong, powerful. I felt like I could actually compare to Lizzie and Hope.” She explained. “This is a much better version of myself.”
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worrierjo · 4 years
Lizzie had all but LOCKED HERSELF away, after deciding that wandering around the prison world town was simply too dangerous. so she had found what would one day become hers and Josie’s room, and kept herself hidden away there. 
            as the door opened, her gaze quickly moved to see Josie enter, a feeling of relief washing over her at the sight of her sister. Even in her evil new look, she was still Josie, still brought relief to her. 
sitting up, a wave of her hand the book she had been reading closed and moved away from her. “what is it?” she was nervous, but reminded herself that SHE WAS SELFISH, extremely selfish, so most things she wouldn’t like for that simple reason. “if it’ll get everyone out, it can’t be that bad; unless —– it’s not going to put Aunt Bon in trouble, and that’s not a question Jo, we aren’t dragging her into this.”
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Josie walked into the room and sat down across from her twin. “No, or doesn’t involve aunt Bonnie.” She put on her best poker face, Josie, the real Josie wouldn’t find it easy telling Lizzie this information. “We have to merge.” She bit her lip knowing she needed to fool Lizzie. She needed to sell it to her. “We need to speed up the merge a bit. It’s possible, apparently. It’ll give one of us the power needed to get us all the hell out of here.” She took Lizzie’s hand. “But don’t worry, okay. I found a loophole. Neither of us have to die.”
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worrierjo · 4 years
For a moment the darkness seemed to disappear, but it quickly returned and Josie pulled her hand away. “I didn’t go anywhere, Hope.”
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♕ : Holding hands (for Hope and Josie)
         She missed the josie she knew well and everyone loved. It was no secret that they wanted to get her back. Holding Josie’s hand was natural. Whenever they did a spell together, they held hands knowing together they were more powerful. “ You need to come back to us… “ 
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worrierjo · 4 years
Josie watched in amusement for a moment. “You’re new here, huh?” She questioned. This was a normal day to most residents of Mystic Falls. “You’re in a prison world. The whole town is to be more exact. You’re not going to find any information about it in those.” She motioned to the files.
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      “ I don’t understand how this could happen. And I am not used to not understanding. Another world. Dimension or the exact replica of the one we came from… Another earth? Is this what this is? Another earth… “ She trailed off for a moment still not understanding what is happening as she went through some files from the station and put all the unsolved cases in front of her. She was told by Matt a day ago, to not trust anyone. Not to invite anyone in her home. That he will explain it all but he never really did. She needed to at least dive into something to keep her mind off things. So why not solve some unsolved cases from technically speaking ten years ago. “ I knew this town was … something. . but getting sent to another world? “ She muttered as she opened a file on three decapitated victims. 
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worrierjo · 4 years
Dark Josie had been going back and fourth, thinking of different ways that she would be able to keep the power she had. To be able to take down anyone who dared try to fix her. The darkness inside had grown, it was stronger, and Josie liked the feeling. Being powerful, being noticed. All words she hadn’t thought to describe herself as. 
When Kai had mentioned Josie wouldn’t be able to stop the merge, it made her realize that maybe she didn’t want to stop it at all. Winning, winning would give her power. She would be the leader. Of course it would be near impossible to get Lizzie on board. Unless... Dark Josie hatched a plan. 
“Hey, sis.” Josie smiled as she bounced into the room. It was easy to find Lizzie with a little locator spell. “So, I think I know a way we can get all of us out of here, but you’re not going to like it.” She frowned. 
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worrierjo · 4 years
“I’m not crying.” the witch uttered through gritted teeth, her finger curling up to form fists as she glared at the Saltzman. Breathe, Penelope, breathe. She couldn’t afford to lose her composure, she couldn’t afford to breakdown. So, she swallows it down again, and listens to the offer given by the siphoner, a deal she couldn’t refuse, and power. She let it linger in the air, and slowly but surely she was able to relax her hands, and put on one of her infamous smirks. She stepped forward, nearly closing whatever gap was left between them. “That’s a tempting offer, JoJo - ” she replied gently, before adding “ - but I’d rather die.”
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Josie kept her eyes on the girl as she got closer. A frown crossed the siphoner’s lips when Penelope declines her offer. Maybe it was for the best. She’d probably be better on her own anyway. No one to get in her way. Still, she’d be lying if she said some part of her wasn’t hoping for a yes. “Hmm...” Josie looked at the girls lips and back into her eyes. After only a second her lips gently touched Penelope’s. The kiss was brief and didn’t come without strings. When Josie pulled back Penelope fell to the ground, alive but unconscious. “Wrong answer.” Josie said as she stepped over her sleeping ex.
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worrierjo · 4 years
Send “Letters to Home...+” To Force my Muse to Write a Letter to one of their Family Members!
+ Hey Mom! + Hey Dad! + Hey Stepmom! + Hey Stepdad! + Hey Sister! + Hey Brother! + Hey Stepsister! + Hey Stepbrother! + Hey Grandma! + Hey Grandpa! + Hey Auntie! + Hey Uncle! + Hey Cousin! + Hey Godmother! + Hey Godfather! + Hey Guardian! + Hey Pet! + Hey (Random)!
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worrierjo · 4 years
touch-starved starters!!
❝ no one’s ever done that to me before. ❞
❝ could you play with my hair? ❞
❝ i can’t remember the last time i did this with someone. ❞ 
❝ that feels nice. ❞
❝ i haven’t been hugged in years. ❞
❝ i never want to let go. ❞
❝ let’s just cuddle forever. ❞ 
❝ you put your arm around me and i literally felt my knees buckle, this is so pathetic. ❞
❝ i just want to be held for a little while. ❞
❝ you’re legally obligated to keep holding me. ❞
❝ i think i forgot what human contact felt like. ❞
❝ i need to remember what hugs feel like. ❞
❝ do you mind if we stay like this for a little longer? ❞
❝ my family was never the touchy-feely type. ❞
❝ i’ve never been in a relationship before, so i don’t really know how to do the whole…kissing thing. ❞
❝ you were my first kiss. ❞
❝ could we cuddle, like, platonically? ❞
❝ i’m in desperate need of a hug. ❞
❝ i didn’t even know i was ticklish there! ❞
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worrierjo · 4 years
“I wanted to stay, but I couldn’t watch you destroy yourself…. I always thought it was going to be Lizzie sucking the life out of you little by little until the merge, but I guess not. It doesn’t matter though, it still happened.” She swallowed her tears back, trying to replace them with anger, spite, anything, but all she felt was sadness, and it was harder and harder to keep her head above water. “That’s fine, Jo, but I’m here now, and I’m not going to let you forget it.”
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“Aw, don’t cry, Pen. We all made our choices.” She gave a little smirk. “You can try all you want. This is who I am now, this is who I want to be. You can try to fight against me, but you won’t win. Or... you can join me.” She extended an invite. “I’m thinking of starting my own evil army, that sounds fun doesn’t it? You could rule it with me.” What was she even saying right now? It seemed as if the darkness was completely taking over.
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worrierjo · 4 years
“Whatever.” He shrugs at the name. “I mean maybe but you don’t think I’m just gonna sit around while everyone gets free. I think I served my time.” He truly felt that, in all honesty he paid his due for the deaths of kids no one even cared about, hell his own father didn’t even care about his siblings, not really. As for the attempts on the twins well he paid for that too, hell no one died. “I had an inkling you all would try to leave me here. Though it won’t help you stop the merge if you do.” He of course knew no one was here to get him out. “Oh yeah, you haven’t heard. Daddy Ric sent me seven students of his, they’ve been here about ten years give or take.”
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Josie rolled her eyes. “Honestly, stay here or come back, what does it even matter to me anyway?” She asked herself just as much as she was asking him. Why would she care? Right now she didn’t care about anything. “Maybe I don’t want to stop and he merge.” She said softly. “Why would my dad send students here?” She asked looking up at him.
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worrierjo · 4 years
     “ I guessing you want people to notice.” Davina raised an eyebrow. “Funny. So is mine. But Sure knock yourself out.” 
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“I’m not used to being noticed.” Josie whispered, not really talking to anyone. She tilted her head to look at the body once more. “Okay.” She said before the body caught fire.
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worrierjo · 4 years
       “I would say blue is more your color.” Hope replies honestly. Knowing when it came to josie now, it’s a delicate matter. “ Right now you look like you joined the goth coven. “ 
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“Noted.” She said taking a stop closer to the girl. “Of course you’d be trying to make jokes right now. You know, I really don’t know what everyone sees in you. Maybe I shouldn’t have brought all the memory of you back. I would have been doing everyone a favor if you think about it.”
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worrierjo · 4 years
Landon closed his eyes waiting for the impact but when it never came he popped open one eye and let out a sigh, with his heart beating out his chest. Dropping on his feet finally he leaned against the tree. Placing a hand on his chest he looks to Josie, “I ah well- to be honest…not really. The old Josie, that’s classic, she was someone I recognized, someone who cares about people and people care about her. I care about her.”
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“Care about her.” Josie let out a small laugh. “That’s funny. You cared about her until Hope Mikaelson came back into your memories. Though, I can’t entirely blame you, she is hot.” She stated.
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worrierjo · 4 years
When Landon’s body stilled in the air he felt a jolt and his stomach flopped, “Whoa.” He couldn’t move his arms or his legs and he looks at Josie shocked, she looked so… different. “Please don’t tell me you’re finding your goth phase.” He replies back with a slight slur to his words, “I don’t think this counts as flying, seems like cheating. Can I get down?”
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Josie just kept her eyes on him for a few minutes. “Sure.” She finally said letting him fall until he was inches from hitting the ground. She figured she’d give him a little scare before setting him on his feet. “Don’t you like my new look?” She asked.
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