Sorry for the lull in activity, summer school
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POLL 16:
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"Somebody had to submit this [USS Enterprise], might as well be me."
Propaganda below:
USS Enterprise NCC-1701: "You're a nameless redshirt. And you're scheduled to join the next away team with Kirk, Spock, and Bones."
Discovery One: "It's an historic mission and the crew are on camera 24/7 with reporters asking for interviews. Not an inch of the ship has privacy. The crew are always being watched by an AI, and the AI handles the functioning of the entire ship, so the crew is bored. The ship's AI was not programmed well and will kill the crew if they go off course from the mission."
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POLL 15:
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"OSHA would have a field day with this."
Propaganda below:
Archeological expedition (submitted twice): "Cheapass equipment that breaks easily, more than 3/4 of the crew die within the first seven hours, one of the "experts" is a convict, no one did background checks on the expedition leaders or their connections, there's a civilian who is clearly untrained in pretty much everything useful (this guy can't even drive and people are questioning the accuracy of his translations.....the thing he's there to do) and the 'chef's four basic food groups sound like a recipe for death."
Clovis Bray: "The guy in charge committed like... SO many human rights violations all for the sake of his 'legacy'. Including but not limited to; uploading human minds to robot bodies to create both a way to live forever AND basically super soldiers, many experiments about eliminating the need to eat or drink in humans, an AI with the capability of taking over every weapon in the solar system that would allow him to become a god by proxy, and a nanotechnology for creating off world colonies that later got used to create man-made horrors beyond your comprehension via cannibalizing anything it can get its hands on to replicate itself."
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POLL 14:
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"Why would someone agree to be paid 3.60 a week in a inky death machine? Like, are they stupid or just that desperate? There are way better jobs with way better pay out there mate"
Propaganda below:
Gent corporation: "Death is more than common there"
Joey Drew Studios: "Literally everyone who’s ever worked there has either been corrupted, gone insane, died, or is in an eternal cycle of torment I lean COME ON"
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POLL 14:
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"Why would someone agree to be paid 3.60 a week in a inky death machine? Like, are they stupid or just that desperate? There are way better jobs with way better pay out there mate"
Propaganda below:
Gent corporation: "Death is more than common there"
Joey Drew Studios: "Literally everyone who’s ever worked there has either been corrupted, gone insane, died, or is in an eternal cycle of torment I lean COME ON"
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POLL 13:
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Propaganda below:
StrexCorp: "evil religious corporation cult that takes capitalism to its worst extreme basically. at least at NVCR (night vale community radio) your biggest worry is the Creatures— at Strex you’re probably HOPING you get eaten by a creature before your next shift. assuming your last one ever ended."
Night Vale Community Radio (Submitted twice): "almost every intern dies. Just dies by awful circumstances but the radio host (Cecil Gershwin Palmer) is always sad about it." "I think it would be funny They literally have a running joke about the various gruesome ways interns have died on the job"
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POLL 12:
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Propaganda below:
Arkham Asylum: "Pretty much a 50/50 chance at either dying or being promoted to Patient. The worst people keep breaking out/in/sideways and nothing changes. Do they even get"
Lexcorp: "Lex Luthor"
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POLL 11:
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"You could also just say Halcyon corporations, because everyone just kinda sucks."
Propaganda below:
Rizzos: Rizzo’s is a fictional food company out of Halcyon. Not only are they a corporation that believes in things like scheduling your sick days months in advance and keeping their employees children as assets, but Rizzo’s specifically murders an actress And is trying to take over their whole
The Halcyon Corporation: It's a company town on the moon where you work until you die. And even then you have to pay for the luxury of a grave.
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POLL 10:
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“Goodnight, Good luck”
Propaganda below:
Global Relief Effort (GRE)
“They experiment on children and caused two zombie outbreaks, one of which destroyed society as we know it, and half the world, as well as nearly killing humanity.”
IMC (Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation):
“"Peace and Order By Force" -IMC motto
Also they start wars for profit”
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Propaganda below:
The BAU (the behavioral analysis unit)
“general crimes and them being cops. bureaucratic bs. -100 mental health“
Princeton plainsboro teaching hospital:
“medical malpractice, murder, medical malpractice and medical malpractice.”
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Huh. Never thought I’d see Roblox games submitted, ill include them none the less :] -Rose
Propaganda below:
Jovial Playground:
“Theres mouches, that like to bite. Theres raw meat and shit. The slushies cost a limb. All the employees have shit wrong with them (Jov keeps being replaced because they keep decaying and rotting, so they have to be thrown into the sewers, Plum has anger issues and is still grieving, Scrith is violent and loves stabbing mouches, and also wont get off her damn tomagotchi to do work, Aubade is still trying so hard to make Jov be able to stay alive, and he keeps having to throw her out, who he sees like his child, and make new Jovs, Lacustrine was a bitch and narcissist, and now they are dead, Eidolon is just generally kinda miserable and lonely, and Illusia-Feread is a bitchy little brat kid.) Oh, and you know, its a kids soft playground, with ballpits and shit, so thats already horrible. But atleast the employees TRY to get along, care about eachother, and help eachother out... mostly.”
Glorp N Go:
“yum zlurpie…. WE HAVE YUM ZLURPIE……….. (i wanna see a place from a media i love get featured :3)”
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Wait these were developed by the same person?? I didn’t even realize that when I matched them up together -Rose
Propaganda below:
Altobuck Hospital:
“That place is fucking haunted, multiple monsters attempt to kill you, and lots of medical malpractice. And youre just a damn janitor. And a guy tries to get you to kill a girl with a shovel, then attempts to kill you with the same shovel.”
Aether West Academy:
“Both employees you come across in the game arent doing too well (ones depressed and the other is just hella fed up), the kids are fucking nightmares, sneaking out, playing pranks, vandalizing, pretending to be each others dads. The headmistress/principal is unfairly biased towards her sibling, who keeps purposely trying to get in trouble but the headmistress wont do anything. Theres an emotional vampire running loose in the school, attempting to break everyones hearts. Oh, and did I mention that theres recently been a murder? By one of the students? And a kid was beat up with a baseball bat.”
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“the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is”
Propaganda below:
The stanely parable:
“Healthy Safety is shit, you can enter the void from a window, and their [there] is a death machine in the basement”
Papa's Pizzeria:
“ You've been essentially ditched by Papa Louie to run a pizzeria all by yourself, relying on (mainly) tips to improve the business.”
“Yes, that is the title of the media. There's also 16 or 17 others, so those work too.”
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Propaganda below:
Hazbin hotel:
“It’s literally hell”
“The worst of the bosses (boss but plural)”
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"Side note though working there (the company) would mean seeing the monsters and some of them are pretty cool…… sighs"
Propaganda Bellow:
JCJenson (submitted twice): They basically destroyed the whole ahh planet, and if you get lucky enough to be sent to Cabin Fever Labs, you have to deal with robo exorcisms and a planet-eating psycho possessing everything
The Company (submitted 4 times): If you don't find enough pieces of random shit in buildings and on planets full of weird creatures that are trying to eat you/snap your neck/suffocate you/electrocute you/other things, you get flung into space to die. oh and regardless if you have enough random shit, if you're too loud or ring the bell too much a giant tentacle monster inside the company building will grab you and kill you.
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"Why has OSHA not shut down all of William Afton’s businesses yet?"
Propaganda below:
FNAF (submitted 10 whole times!): 1: roaches and trash piles fucking everywhere (one of these being A KITCHEN. this is not an abandoned facility) many many waste disposal areas are not kept clean. there is an area that is a maze made of trash 2: a fire escape being in a vip only area 3: many working surfaces have loose boards. you use some of these loose boards to escape from robots trying to kill you 4: there are robots trying to kill you 5: so so many sparking wires. everywhere 6: generators KEPT IN A PLAY AREA? FOR CHILDREN? WHERE THEY CAN TURN THEM OFF??? (not osha as osha is only employee safety but still) also generators in a sewer that too 7: many places not properly lit, as well as flickering lights 8:many wires and cords just on the floor. trip hazard convention 9: if you make even one small mistake fixing freddy HE KILLS YOU 10: chica attacks staff bots over pizza flavored things. i imagine this does not stop at human staff Everything that has ever happened in the franchise
Fazbender Entertainment: They make their employees work in death traps, and when those employees inevitably die, they are brought back to life as phone-headed slaves and (most of them) have all memories of their past life erased. The company also covered up multiple hundreds of child murders to save their own skin, set up at least one robot-fox strip club, and have numerous health violations in every location (moldy food served to guests, large deep-sea isopod infestations, fatally violent employees and animatronics)
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Lobotomy corp (submitted twice): "Because you have a very high chance of going insane, people keep dying, you literally work with the horrors and you're stuck in a timeloop Makes its employees work with monsters every day to harvest power for the City like some sort of fucked up horror power plant. High risk of death, and/or having a mental breakdown while working with the monsters (during which you may or may not die anyway). and if you do happen to die? oh no! anyway."
Combine: "You'll be forced to be part of the oppression of Earth. Overwatch soldiers are also heavily augmented, with many body parts replaced with combine technology (for example, eyes replaced by links to a helmet, meaning they are dependent on the Combine to see) and also heavily psychologically conditioned with tech like memory replacement to be unquestioning fighters. And then after all that you get bludgeoned to death with a crowbar by Gordon Freeman."
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