So I’ve no cause to frown as one who’s received this zoe.
I know life runs its course and triumphs inevitably.
I’m required just to stay in the flow, 
If I do the drinking, then God gives the growth.
So there’s joy in my heart, and a spring in my step, 
and a smile on my face as I sing,
Oh, I’ve got rivers of life flowing out of my innermost being!!
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Life’s Process for Multiplication
Large Group Fellowship, John 18&19
In death situations, life prevails!
The Gospel of John is a gospel of life. Not the bios nor psuche life, these types of lives don’t save you. But the zoe life, the divine, uncreated, eternal life of God is the life that fulfills God’s purpose! We see in John 1:4 that this life became a person, became contactable for us! Then this life went through a process, a process of death and resurrection. We see in the gospels that the Lord was so willing to go to the cross. Who else would be willing to die? (From YP meeting 2 days ago, I enjoyed from Mark 11 that the Lord even in the 6 days of preparation before His crucifixion, which is also parallel to the 6 days of preparation in Genesis, even angered the religionists when He flipped over the tables in the temple, to speed up His death because He had to die on Passover in order to fulfill the prophesy of being the Passover lamb! Seriously, who speeds up their death?) But actually we see that the Lord was so willing to go to the cross because He needed to prove that He is the resurrection life! (John 11:25). Resurrection requires death.
John 19:10-11 “Therefore Pilate said to Him, You do not speak to me? Do You not know that I have authority to release You and I have authority to crucify You? Jesus answered him, You would have no authority against Me if it were not given to you from above; for this reason, he who has delivered Me to you has the greater sin”
This account of the Lord responding to Pilate actually is only portrayed in the four gospels in John, the gospel of life! Why? John had to show us more about this wonderful wonderful life! In death situations, life prevails. This person, Christ, prevails, and overcomes everything. In fact, resurrection life needs death to prove that its over death. John shows the most negative situations the Lord went through, like the details of how they persecuted and crucified Him, because resurrection requires death.
It gets better...
John 19:34 “But one of the soliders pierced His side with a spear, and immediately there came out blood and water”.
This is parallel to...
Exodus 17 when Moses struck the rock.
Exodus 17:6 “...and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it so that the people may drink.”
This is account number one...but there’s another account in Numbers 20.
Numbers 20:8 “....speak to the rock before their eyes so that it yields its water.”
Numbers 20:11-12 “Then Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his rod twice.......and Jehovah said to Moses and Aaron, because you did not believe in Me...therefore you shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them”
So the first account shows Moses striking the rock, which represents the Lord (1 Corinthians 10:3-4) being judged on our behalf, being cleft for us once and for all. In the second account though, Jehovah tells Moses to speak but Moses strikes, and this costed Moses and the children of Israel to be unable to enter the Good Land. This shows us that the Lord once and for all! After we sin or become far away from God, the Lord doesn’t need to die again for us, but actually all we need to do is SPEAK. Lord, we take your blood! Wash us and cleanse us again!
2 Corinthians 4:13 “And having the same spirit of faith according to that which is written, ‘I believed, therefore I spoke,’ we also believe, therefore we also speak”
The more you speak, the more you drink. Never stop conversing with Him!!
The cross isn’t for suffering, but terminating -- terminating the way you are naturally so that the divine life can work in your being and fill it.
Don’t ever deny the Lord’s sovereign arrangement for you, but keep turning to Him, keep conversing, keep drinking of the living water!
Sidenote, personal experience: Tonight the speaking brother brought up the example of fruit trees. Actually, most fruit trees need winters, called “chill hours” otherwise they won’t bear fruit. I appreciated that bearing fruit isn’t all about outwardly preaching the gospel, but its about the divine life working in our being, even in the midst of death situations. There’s a particular friend I have who used to come to the meetings over the summer (AG) but slipped away when the school year started, and when I found out I would be overlapping with him during certain hours in the week, I immediately began to think how “I should care for this one”. Started thinking like, hm maybe I’ll get the brothers in my small group to meet him, he can get connected, and boom! But the whole time I was in my psuche life, not in my spirit. None of anything I planned even came remotely close to happening, but I am so thankful to the Lord for letting me fail in this way. Instead of bringing this friend to the meetings, the Lord actually brought me through more death situations. One morning I was walking to a certain classroom, having a normal conversation with the Lord on my way there. Before walking into the building, I remember the Lord nudging me about this person’s name, and I just said Amen Lord,this friend. So this friend ended up showing up a couple minutes later, and we were just talking about class, but randomly and suddenly, he started asking me about coming to the meetings again! Wow!! The Lord really is after the intrinsic reality. What He hates is outward show without inward reality. I realized that while my intentions may have been “good” in the beginning, they weren’t the Lord’s intentions. Actually what the Lord was after was gaining me a little more, and in His gaining me, I was able to really come to the Lord in a genuine way about this friend and the Lord answered that prayer. What the Lord needed was to terminate me, terminate all my “good intentions”, so that only His life remains because only this life can reach and captivate my friend!
Praise You Lord, You are the resurrection! Only You can overcome any death situation. Keep me turning to the resurrection life in my spirit all the time. Teach me to live by the resurrection life, moment by moment, day by day. Keep terminating my old man, and everything that I am, so that Your life can flow freely and overflow to all those around!
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“It is a blessing to be satisfied with ordinary days, in the divine dispensing”
I’m beginning this blog because there are so many times when I go through my day and I think wow, I want to remember this verse and my enjoyment of it forever. Or sometimes I think, I can’t wait to share with everyone! But sometimes I forget. I don’t write it down, and lo and behold, I forget it within an hour. Other times, my love for the Lord starts dwindling and I forget my past experiences of how sweet the Lord has been to me. I’m starting to run out of sticky notes for the things I do remember to write down of the things I read when I’m at my desk, but its insufficient. Even this blog probably won’t be able to capture all the experiences of our wonderfully, immeasurably rich Christ. My writing skills aren’t too good, but I’m also beginning this blog because I’m slowly realizing that my experiences are for the Body. Everything that the Lord has sovereignly arranged in my life, the positive and the negative experiences, has been arranged so that I can learn to turn to Him, so that He can grow in me, and that His Body can grow! This is also to help me be able to look back at all the wonderful things Christ has done in my life! Currently almost halfway through college, and it’s flying by way too fast. But my prayer for the remainder of my time in college and my life is that I would really make the above quote my experience! To redeem every day, and to learn how to live day by day, satisfied, and in the divine dispensing. 
Thank You Lord for everything! May You gain more of what’s on Your heart, even through this blog. Saturate and permeate and be in every word here :) 
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