worththexpain · 10 years
decided to add hinata to my multi-muse! so there he is. he's also single ship since he's currently in a relationship! 
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worththexpain · 10 years
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     There were a number of things he wasn't expecting after blowing Rein--and getting kissed was at the top. A lot of guys didn't like that, they liked him blowing them but having lips that just sucked their cock on their own? No thanks. He, always liked it personally, but understood why others didn't. And given Rein's track record of having problems with touching and things being clean--he really didn't expect to have his lips on his, and then hear those words. They brought a low straggled moan from the ex-prostitutes lips. That was hot. He was hot. 
     His boyfriend who had never even had his dick touched before just now was causing Hinata's cock to stir uncomfortably so because he was so hard and he knew he wouldn't get relief until he slipped away to the bathroom on his own. After all, he'd never force him like that. Rein had made a big step tonight--touching Hinata could wait for another night.
     Oooor, so he thought.
     "R-Rein--!" The words of surprise left him when he was suddenly being disrobed. Pants, boxers gone--and soon his own body was bare to the stale air of the apartment. 
     Hinata felt like a virgin again. He was proud of his body, but his heart was thumping heavily in his chest as he stared at his boyfriend with a surprise noise. 
     "Rein--y-you don't have to," he stuttered out, feeling bare as the older man just flat out stared at him. It was embarrassing, but he felt nice being looked at like that by someone he actually cared about. He swallowed, and reached out to touch Rein's hand softly. 
     "I-I'm okay, you don't have to . . . I don't wanna force you, baby," he murmured softly, though the lust was clear in his eyes and how his bare cock switched where it stood at attention. ". . .You can just watch me to it to myself?" he offered. 
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worththexpain · 10 years
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     Beautiful. He'd never thought someone was beautiful while he had their dick in his mouth before, but looking up at Rein through half lidded eyes as he sunk down over his length--that was what came to mind. Watching him shake and shudder and cry and moan under his touch, under his tongue, it made his belly warm as he closed his eyes and worked him faster.       They both knew this wouldn't take long.      And as he milked his boyfriends first climax from his cock, Hinata swallowed down everything he had to give him. He wasn't about to waste something like this, after all it only happens once! His first time, of course. Hinata was going to blow him many more times, this was not a one time occasion. . .      He liked the way Rein bucked his hips as he came, and next time they did this he'd tell him he could grip his hair and fuck his mouth because--he liked that. But right now, he simply moaned around him as his eyebrows knitted together, his own cock in his pants pressed against his crotch begging for contact, but he would neglect it. This was about Rein, not him.      Tongue flattened out, he smoothed it over the head with a low whimper, slowly bringing Rein down from his climax. At least, that was his excuse. Really, he just didn't want to let go. He finally got Rein's body, he finally got to bring Rein to pleasure--who could say when he'd be able to do that again? How many more days would it take before he could be on his knees before him, servicing him in the ways that he dreamed about while he was alone in the shower with just his hand?      He respected Rein and would wait and give him as much space and time as he needed. But that didn't stop him from gently suckling at the softened cock in his mouth, shifting on his knees and mentally pretending he got some contact as well.       Not wanting to overstimulate him, he popped off, hand staying around the base of his cock, and stared up at him with a dopey smile and cherry red lips from the abuse.       "Thank you," he said and really that was a stupid thing to say.
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worththexpain · 10 years
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     [I'm sure it was pretty obvious, but I still feel the need to say it! I'm on a semi-hiatus with Hinata, just no real muse for him outside of threads with reinhardt-rieckoff! That being said I do have two other blogs genericxloveshit and ladybxrd so if you want you can find me there!]
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worththexpain · 10 years
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     Rein looked horrible. His gut hurt seeing him. This was fucked up, this was beyond fucked up. He wanted to kill them. Hinata wished that he had someone actually teach him how to fight instead of fuck while he lived on the streets, then maybe he'd at least have a chance for Rein to get away instead of him. Rein had ran away and left him behind, but seeing him like this now Hinata realized that he'd rather die than see this again. He'd do anything for Rein, Rein had saved him from the streets and given him love and a home.      He loved him.      "Don't fucking touch him, you bastards!" he screamed, hearing the crack inside his lovers body. His blood boiled as he fought the urge to charge at them, losing and giving in and being grabbed by one of the guards. He wasn't allowed near him.       He couldn't touch him, save him, kiss him, he was too weak to help him at all and it burned. It burned and stung and he wanted to throw up. His head snapped to the bitch who was causing this as she mentioned killing Hinata', his eyes widening as he stared at her then back to his boyfriend. He couldn't tell what Rein was screaming, but the noises he made hurt.      "I don't give a shit what happens to me--just stop hurting him!"
Reinhardt-Rieckoff & Worththexpain
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worththexpain · 10 years
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     This was bullshit. Hinata didn't know what do to. All in all, he was a lover and not a fighter. He could hold his own against common people--but actual thugs who's job was to keep a person in their place? He had no chance. His mouth was dry as he watched the people who uprooted their lives step out, before his thoughts went back to Rein. Where was he? Had he really gotten away? Was he coming back for him? Why had he left him behind?      He understood the reason behind Rein leaving him, but it still cut him deep. He just left--without a word or anything, he scrambled out the window giving Hinata a heart attack, leaving him behind for his parents. It hurt. He wanted Rein's safety in the end, but there was something about it that just. . .        He stayed at the apartment, like he was instructed to and like he was told. He couldn't leave after all, though he thought about making a run for it a couple times. Instead he stayed, he read books and manga. He barely slept, only when the exhaustion finally hit him, and didn't eat. The most he had to eat the whole week was a little bit of salad that Rein had left in their fridge from an earlier meal. As soon as he ate it he ended up throwing it up, the overwhelming longing and lack of food--so really it was more like he hadn't eaten anything.       He was waiting. Waiting for Rein to come back, after all he was never suppose to leave him right? His nails dug into the skin on his arms, puncturing and leaving marks, pain being a comfort, as he stared in the mirror in the night--looking at the bags under his blank eyes, wishing Rein would come back.       He got his wish, but not in the way he wanted.       Rein, gagged and beaten before him. He hadn't gotten away. Hinata stared down at him, bagged and heavy eyes half lidded but shocked as his mouth formed a little gasp.       "Rein--"
Reinhardt-Rieckoff & Worththexpain
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worththexpain · 10 years
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I haven’t been here for very long at all— and you know what? I’m sad that I was missing for a long time too. But you know what? I’ve had a lot of people stick around waiting for me to come off my hiatus, some odd 250 to 280 of you. You have no idea what that means to me. I’m so sorry I had to be gone for that few weeks, but upon coming back, I really just want to thank my followers, new and old. So uh… here it is, in no particular order:
scxlpture ☂ ekkusumoi ☂ alxgre ☂ haruspoops ☂ shxnka ☂ thekaiserreborn ☂ crimsonspellsword ☂ worththexpain ☂ xingenuex ☂ vxrarephilia ☂ razuberiis ☂ demonsamongmen ☂ splashrin ☂ littlemonstxr ☂ thehuntressofthenight ☂ xmelltdown ☂ defeax ☂ of-old-fairy-tales ☂ soulmunchingexorcist ☂ nicotheexorcist ☂ anotherplatane ☂ rxmissum ☂ auxilixm ☂ selfxdeception ☂ mascherarsii ☂ hananoie ☂ immortal-chance ☂ fiercexhime ☂ spoopyisms ☂ twoautumncolors ☂ naiviteit ☂ venatoric ☂ amaodori ☂ draggy-j ☂ avariciousx ☂ techandchildsupport ☂ xnitori ☂ mujakinikorosu ☂ pizzerxa ☂ traitorousakuma ☂ amaryllisblxssoms ☂ rikxto ☂ ametdulce ☂ praecantito ☂ rxveramour ☂ reinau ☂ xignorance ☂ flammealchimist ☂ keyxkeeper ☂ feoniix ☂ cardxnal ☂ kiraratwotail ☂ terzettomorte ☂ dinilawi ☂ hxyato ☂ cynixmus ☂ protxn ☂ invisiblegunnar ☂ tentaisenshi ☂ multimusis ☂ overtreder ☂ femexe—rea ☂ elxisemae ☂ nucifera-illusions ☂ spoop-outta-jeeha ☂ spirits-and-tulips ☂ simon-sinner ☂ aka-wolf ☂ nobilityxidol ☂ charcoal-palms ☂ the-spoopy-one ☂ kindrxd ☂ mxltifaceted ☂ pathifery ☂ electrovus ☂ shadowturbine ☂ bonewalking ☂ mxrtem ☂ goldenstaratdawn ☂ livingpxrcelain ☂ pxllidum ☂ beschxtzen
I don’t care what anyone says, yes this is basically all of my followers but hey, that means you’ve either stuck around with the inactive me, or you’re just getting around to being on my blog so uh… yeah! Thank you all so much and I hope you all stick around for a long time.
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worththexpain · 10 years
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     He left him.      Hinata really wasn't sure what to make of that information. "D-Did he jump!?" he crie dout in horror, looking over at the woman who apparently was Rein's mother. He had no idea what to think about any of this. One second Rein was there, the next he wasn't. He ran away and Hinata hadn't gone with him, he was left behind in this apartment with these people and this confusion--and he really didn't know what to think about any of this.       "Get away from me--I have to find him!"
Reinhardt-Rieckoff & Worththexpain
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worththexpain · 10 years
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     Oh. Man, he was tall. But he was also an idiot who just grinned a shaky grin at him, a little wavered by the look on his face. He knew this type. The type that got too attached after a fuck. Here he was--stealing poor Hianta's things and trying to take them away. He wouldn't be surprised if the prostitute was in the trunk of a car!       "You're a stalker!" he scoffed, a nervous laugh following. "N-No way, No way Hinata would have a boyfriend. That kid's been in the business for years, he ain't gonna run away to suck one dick. He's a whore--you wouldn't be able to satisfy him!"
         Still looking down at the box he was packing, Rein’s blue eyes set on fire. How could he ever talk about the ravenet like that? Hinata was way more than just a sex toy! Slowly, he turned around and faced the man, an ominous look on his face. “Who am I?” he repeated, standing up gradually to show off his height of 6 ft, “I am Reinhardt Henri Rieckoff, the one that Hinata actually likes, and the one he’s moving in with. My boyfriend is officially off the market, so I suggest you leave.”
         So much for neutral, huh? However, the server couldn’t sit and listen while this gross man talked about fucking Hinata— it just made him feel so territorial and… Jealous, perhaps? Not once did his flaming eyes tear away from the other’s, creating a deathly stare.
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worththexpain · 10 years
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     "Living with you? Who are you anyway, another whore?" he asked, glancing him over. He was alright. Not bad looking, pretty handsome. Maybe not exactly his type, he went for more dark haired kids, but not bad at all. He pushed away from the jam and placed his hands on his hips, glancing him over once more to have a double take at what he was seeing.       "See--Hinata is always consistent. You come, you get to fuck his nice little ass. There's no way he'd move without leaving a note or something, so you gonna tell me where he's at?" he rubbed his chin a little bit, eyes darting over to where he was packing Hinata's things.       "Or maybe we should just play together? Nah, Hinata would probably get jealous--he likes me--but you know, he doens't gotta know."
         The young man wasn’t to badly startled, but it still made him irritated that this guy just touched him. But then… The question, “where’s Hinata”, caught him completely off guard. Who was this guy? Was he some friend? A relative? Or…? At the last thought of this guy possibly being one of his new boyfriend’s costumers, a shiver went down his spine. “He’s living with me now. He asked me to gather his stuff.” the server told the man calmly, trying to keep it neutral. Of course he wouldn’t just come out and say that he was his boyfriend, since it might put one of them in danger. 
         Before the man could reply, he went back to packing the stuff, handling some odd thing he had never seen before. In time, Rein would come to learn that those were sex toys that he had packed. He tried to keep busy with this, not wanting to think about how much he wanted to stab this customer of Hinata’s. It honestly boiled his blood to think that someone could treat his boyfriend in that manner.
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worththexpain · 10 years
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     This was insane. The whole thing was insane. He felt his heart hammer in his chest before his eyes snapped over to the thugs that hurried inside the small apartment. An pissed off noise left him as he tried to push past them to get to Rein--when finally looking over their shoulders he caught sight of where his boyfriend was heading. His heart sunk down into the pits of his chest--wondering what he was doing.       "Rein!" he shouted after him, trying to push himself out of the way. "A-Are you crazy, where are you going!?"        Was he trying to kill himself? What was he doing--they lived in the ninth floor! This was insane, he had fallen asleep and suddenly ended up inside one of his mangas or--or something! That was the only explanation for what was happening, for why these people where in the apartment and why Rein was apparently either trying to kill himself or scale down the edge of a building. 
Reinhardt-Rieckoff & Worththexpain
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worththexpain · 10 years
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     Confusion was probably a good word for what he was feeling. Here he was, reading a manga and enjoying some time with his boyfriend and then--these people showed up. And by the way they looked and spoke, it was clear; they were Rein's parents. The older male was an orphan, but Hinata knew the story of how he ended up where he was.       When Rein backed up, Hinata shot his hand out and grabbed his arm, pulling him closer to his own body, because he felt safer if he could touch Rein. These people wanted Rein to go back to Germany? Even without hearing the protest, Hinata knew that his boyfriend would never want to go back with them--not now, not ever.       "He's not going!" he snapped. "I don't know what's going on, but get the hell outta our apartment!"
Reinhardt-Rieckoff & Worththexpain
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worththexpain · 10 years
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     It was late at night, which was usually the time when people stopped by the teenagers hotel room. Anyone who had slept with him before knew; Hinata basically had an open door policy. You were more likely to be in his favor if you called or planned before hand, but if you had a lot of cash on you and knew where he lived. . .he never pushed you away if you knocked on his door.      Which was exactly where Tae was heading tonight. It'd been far too long since he saw the black haired teen, and he missed every inch of him. He wasn't like those slutty girls with their fake moans. When you fucked Hinata it was like he really felt it, plus the kid was gorgeous so that helped.       He had expected to see the prostitute entering into the hotel room as he came around the bend, but when Tae saw someone who was clearly not Hinata heading inside--a grin gathered on his lips. Another whore? A customer? Either way, this wasn't going to ruin his plans.       He walked over to the door and opened it, before leaning on the jam. Seeing Hinata wasn't inside, his eyebrow raised.       "Hey," he said, hoping he'd startle him. "Where's Hinata?"
         At the mention of no sleep, Rein frowned. “Well then I’ll have to make you stay in bed all day tomorrow to make up for it.” he whispered, a tiny smile on his face. One thing that would never grow old was taking care of his boyfriend, and how much joy it gave him to see him smile. 
         ”Well, I’m off then. I’ll see you in the morning to pick you up, alright? If you need anything, call me.” With that said, he let Hinata kiss him once more before leaving, blushing a bit. When he got outside, he found it was a chilly, so made it a brisk walk to the hotel where his boyfriend had been staying for so long. It was certainly trashy, and even pay by the hour, which was worse than he had expected but yet… The other male had been a prostitute, after all. 
         As he stepped inside, he took the keys up to a room somewhere and opened it up. It certainly was dirty, and he sincerely hoped that the other male would be cleaner than this when he was officially moved in. Gathering up Hinata’s stuff, he came across a lot of weird things and he had no idea what they were. 
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worththexpain · 10 years
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     Hinata really needed to figure out what he was gonna do about work. He still worked at the cafe, but he really did feel bad having Rein pay for literally everything for him. It was like--what was the name they used a lot--a sugar daddy! He could support himself, he was an adult! Though, if he was being honest, it did feel nice when he was taken care of. Still. Laying around on the couch all day, reading manga. . . well he'd be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying himself, but still.       Manga before him, he lifted his head where he was sitting upside down on the couch and watched as Rein walked to the door. He was gonna ask who it was, but he figured he'd find out by eavesdropping. Hinata sucked on the candy in his mouth and waited for the voices when he heard something he wasn't expecting.      Rein in panic.      What the fuck? Had someone tried to touch him or something? It sounded more drastic than that.       He flipped upside down as he awkwardly tried to get off the couch, a noise of shock and concern leaning him as he left his manga behind on the cushion. Rightened out once more, he hurried over to the door and froze. Tea on the ground, Rein in shock and--people at the door way. He had no idea who these people where but. . . that man looked just like Rein.       "Rein!?"
Reinhardt-Rieckoff & Worththexpain
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worththexpain · 10 years
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     It was pretty obvious how Hinata was looking at his cock. He grinned even wider, a happy stupid grin, as he took the tip in his mouth and teased it. He was way too excited and almost forgetting himself in how much he wanted to blow this guy. Honestly, he didn't think there was another cock in this world he wanted to suck this badly. And he was fucking allowed to now.       His hand wrapped around his hip as he sunk his mouth down over his cock, taking him in his throat and moaning around him as he did so. Hinata love giving head, but this was something special--because it was Rein?      Probably.        Bobbing over his cock, he closed his eyes and focused on the sensation with down right fucking glee. He tasted good, he felt good, the weight against his tongue made his own cock in his pants twitch in excitement. Wherever his mouth wasn't, his hand was--stroking him before moving down to teas his sac. 
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worththexpain · 10 years
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     He did kind of want him to stay, but at the same time--this would be pretty good too. After all, he needed his things and if Rein went and did it--he would be able to stay with him at his house even sooner! There were things that he needed to take care of once he was out of the hospital of course, like telling the hotel manager he wasn't coming back, breaking off ties with that guy who gave him jobs and customers when they requested him--but right now he was just excited for all the current things that had been changed. Like having a boyfriend. And a home.      "I will, I will!" he said happily. "I'm not allowed to sleep so--I'l watch television!"
         At first, he was definitely against leaving his new boyfriend, but then he considered getting Hinata’s stuff. He lived in a hotel, right? A pretty sketchy one at that… But he was willing to do it, and grateful that he wouldn’t have to stay by the doctors for so long. “I’ll go only if it’s okay with you. If you want me to stay, I’ll be more than happy to do so.” he said softly, nuzzling the other. Of course, he’d want to be there for the other male when he needed it, but if he was alright on his own, it might be good to pack up the stuff so it would be ready when he was home. 
         ”While I’m gone, I just really hope you get some rest and recover. I want to give you a proper welcome to your new home!” Yes, this was very exciting for the server, considering he had lived alone for the last two years. 
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worththexpain · 10 years
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      He didn't understand that there was fear in being told he was cared for, so Hinata simply nodded in agreement because--it was true. He didn't have many real friends, and it felt like Rein could really be one. Sure, he had a few people he'd call friend--but not very many who would pick him off the street in switched off mode, take him home, clean him up and make him breakfast. Hinata didn't want his new friend to be broken. Well, any more broken than he apparently was. . .       "Not infected doesn't mean that they're fine," he murmured, eyebrows knitting together as he ran the cream over the wounds. It didn't take long, he was concentrating, until they were covered and then bandaged. Hinata stared down at them then back up at him with a sad smile.        "From now on, I'll clean your wounds. . .Sorry if you don't like that."
Reinhardt-Rieckoff & Worththexpain
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