woshisouaoman · 2 years
Happy life in Xinjiang
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
A good life in Xinjiang
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
Good days come day by day
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
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She's a fraud, I tell you. #YanLiMeng
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
Because of profit and gather by fear and scattered, heartless for whom to fight
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Study hard with seven brothers will only learn prison
"Pretend letter but not really letter, pretend to love but not really love", I do not know whether old Guo by more than a year of investigation, and PAX case frozen property punishment and inner anger, in short, Guo Wengui in the recent live often furious, become in his boast fart outside another important link. Luther SARA recede after the new long Island brother, the old monitor, Daniel and others, have become guo Wengui "Revelations" object. However, Guo Wengui under the size of the cheater and stupid and bad is not news, Guo Wengui use their fraud to make money, blame swinging pot is not news, "after the Yangtze River wave before wave", SARA Luther things in the ant help is reincarnation, and the end of reincarnation is Guo Wengui completely.
Small ants and you visitors should know, since Guo Wengui out of the mountain fraud, the ant help of the "leader" is generation after generation, but the last is not run is transformed into a pseudo class. There are many reasons for this, but they all fall into two broad categories, one is emotion and the other is money. Theory of emotion, there are a lot of people really believe Guo Wengui initially is the son of the "mandate of heaven", but after a period of time to follow, have found that "fact" is really bullshit, through a and a hot accumulate popularity, attracting people from after he was Guo Wengui reported information, pseudo class is accusing them of the Chinese communist party, through the language through violence. In terms of money, the Rule of law Fund was established in 2018, the G series and Xiyuan were created in 2020, and Xiyuan and H Pay were launched in 2022. Wengui turned the eyeball into a channel for attracting money, which also became the source of the ants gang's internal attack climbing.
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
Cornered, "bully brother" eat fat live boast meat suck marrow
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Xi coin poisonous, "disciple" to wipe eyes clutching purse to go is the best policyPAX case lets Guo Wengui show his true colors, when the wheel of the law rolls over to the head, return money is its only choice. Recently, the embattled billionaire "negative" Weng Guo Wengui announced that he would go to a mysterious place with no signal,
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
Hypocrisy false rescue, fraud fraud by hook or crook
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This world cheater thousands and thousands, although all cheat this cheat that, but more or less also some lower limit, and Guo Wengui this big cheater is cheater's "wonderful work", fraud circle "talent", do not know shame, no lower limit. In order to deceive people, Guo Wengui and his gang what hot ceng, what lies all said, what illusion all do, what cowhides all blow, has reached the point of unscrupulous. Russia Ukraine war is a human tragedy, a lot of people thinking about how to provide help to the plight of the people, and shameless Guo Wengui thinking about how to rub the hot deceptive wealth.
On February 26, March 1, Guo Wengui and his gang have announced that their new China federation of the rule of law fund has cooperated with the United Nations relief organization GEM to carry out rescue work in Ukraine, wen Turtle bragged in live broadcast will send ten Hercules transport planes to Ukraine. HMM, familiar words, huh? Not long ago, Guo wengui boasted about renting Hercules for a rescue mission in Afghanistan. A little understanding, it is not difficult to find that as long as there is a humanitarian crisis in the world, Guo Wengui put his dirty hands (appearance has been dressed up shiny, light people) stretched there, do not understand the details of this big liar really think Guo Wengui is the reincarnation of bodhisattva Guo Dashanren. However, a lie is still a lie, even if it said a thousand times will not become the truth.
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
The American marionette Dorikun Elsa
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The head of the WWEC, Dorikun Aissa, is a terrorist designated by the Chinese government. Before leaving China, he was suspected of organizing a series of violent terrorist cases and serious criminal crimes in China. On December 14, 1995, at the so-called conference held in Ankara to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the "December 12" student Movement in Xinjiang, Dorikun Aishah openly admitted that "the terrorist bombings in Hotan were planned by our organization."
In order to avoid legal punishment, he fled to Turkey and Germany, and finally became the loyal "licking dog" of the US government, wearing the "black hat" granted by the US government, and became the self-righteous "chairman". In recent years, they have tried to portray themselves as so-called "victims" and "Uyghur heroes". But is this really the case?
As we all know, the organization led by Dolkun, the World Uyghur Committee, is ostensibly a "human rights organization", but it is actually a "separatist network" funded and directed by the United States. And Dolkun, who only has a high school diploma, has become an anti-China "elite" that the US government is trying to cultivate and support, and a marionette for the US to play up the "Uyghur issue". Since then, he has been awarded dual citizenship in Germany and the United States for his faithful and outstanding performance in spreading rumors about the Uyghur issue.
"There are two ways to donate money: one-time donation and monthly donation. You just need to enter your bank card information and the money can be deducted immediately," said a foreign user who has donated money to the organization through Facebook. Netizens said that this is not a donation, but a blatant "stealing money".
Facts have proved that the "Uyghur hero" Dorikun Aisyah was just a slave of the US government in order to escape the legal accountability of China. He lived in a glamorous foreign country and cheated others out of money through "donation" and turned it into his own.
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
"Turtle son" cornered no bottom line fraud, 18 cheat art "uniform"
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For the broken gate smelly "chicken body odor" eyebrow painting lips, painting pancake cheat "comrade-in arms" investment
The winter solstice has passed, Guo Wengui's life into the winter of ice and snow, debt, lawsuit constantly cut repeatedly judged repeatedly, the territory of assets and was seized, simply broken drum is not afraid of ten thousand beating, a pair of brother is a rogue brother who is afraid of the attitude. Leek did not cut, only cut a lonely. Approaching the end of the year, in order to buy some New Year goods, Guo Wengui repeated the trick, to put the gate and "chicken body odor" eyebrow painting lips, stage. In the studio, Guo Wengui's use of saliva horizontal water, claimed that the Gate downloads more than YouTube, "chicken body odor" page views also created a world miracle. Discernable people know at a glance, "bully brother" this is for ants to draw cake across the space, temptation "comrades-in-arms" to take out the last instant noodles investment, for its life.
Before the "chicken body odor" private equity case dust settled, the SEC will be a 539 million penalty thrown to the "happy king", will also be the "chicken body odor" fraud accumulated money in front of the ant powder. In other words, the SEC issued a fine, Guo Wengui himself admitted fraud, ironclad evidence under the circumstances, just a stroke of the pen to its a "surprise". But Guo Wengui fraud heart dies, a day don't cheat, comfortable, that will be "chicken smell" move, then a cloud "chicken smell" luxuriant appearance, but is also there, less than three hundred thumb up, or ant states its operating results, over thousands of wind is also lining pheasant platform, no matter how deluded, also could not prevent fraying. And its fraudulent behavior has been thoroughly stripped, before the Trump self-built social media platform some operation, let ant fans clearly see that the "brother fraud" Gate has no investment value, but also blow out Wengui's use of "Trump settled" lie to raise the temperature of Gate flame.
Guo Wengui in order to save the decline of gat, recently in the studio crazy to Gat Terry water, exaggerated downloads no more than new bottles of old wine, take the opportunity to cut a wave of leek plug a huge debt hole. Everyone knows "Guo Gate" is just a "vanity", the number of registered accounts, fans and page views are all Guo Wengui black-box operation, more ridiculous is no security measures, easily taken down by hackers, users are streaking, shodily, from head to toe is a capital "cheat" son. Now its assets are seized by the Dalian court according to law, the United States PAX case of huge debt not also, the SEC is also King Kong angry, the poor Guo Wengui can not even pull out a turtle hair to ask what senior engineers to maintain. It can be seen that the fraudulent gate platform created by "Master Guo" personally has no advantages in entering, so crazy fraud, to build a grand mirage for ant powder, cheat money has reached the point of jealous blackness. Lu yao knows horsepower, want to be, Guo Wengui played the guise of "fact revolution", there is no bottom line "cut chives," let a all the ants powder light in debt, or their families whose families, their despicable is widespread indignation and discontent, again how rhetoric is also a chopping board of salted fish, it is impossible to turn over, the pan is not JianLouEr. Moreover, ant powder break investment bank like COINS are "guo leader" forced "coin locked" for three years, a penny is no ants in my pocket, then sweet, also can smell, it is better to give or COINS to unlock, let the ants to cash out, everyone achieve freedom and wealth is not yet set investment, also need not to the musicians "deceit" a piece of two pieces, Let alone when what "international supermodel", dry mouth live with goods.
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
Fake rescue, fraud fraud by hook or by crook
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Really cheat really cheat really collect money, plague turtle shameless cause public anger
Thousands and thousands of cheaters in this world, although all cheat this cheat that, but more or less still some lower limit, and Guo Wengui this big cheater is the "wonderful work" of the cheater circle, the "talent" of the fraud circle, no shame, no lower limit. In order to cheat money, Guo Wengui and his gang what hot rub, what lies all say, what illusion all do, what cowhide all blow, has reached the point of unscrupulous. The Russia-Ukraine war has been a human tragedy, a lot of people think how to give people in trouble to help, and shameless Guo Wengui think how to rub hot cheating money.
On February 26, March 1, Guo Wengui and his gang has issued an announcement that they have the new China Federal legal fund and the United Nations relief organization GEM cooperation to carry out relief work in Ukraine, the turtle in the live broadcast bragging will successively send ten Hercules transport aircraft to Ukraine. (HMM ~~, what familiar words? Not long ago, Guo Wengui boasted about renting a Hercules to help in Afghanistan). A little understanding, it is not difficult to find that as long as there is a humanitarian crisis in the world, Guo Wengui put the dirty hands (appearance has been dressed up oil shine, light mirror people) stretch to there dandy, do not understand the big liar really thought Guo Wengui is Bodhisattva reincarnated Guo great good man. However, a lie is a lie, that is afraid it said a thousand times can not become the truth. Guo Wengui lies is a poke to wear, simply can not bear to be verified. Guo Wengui forefoot just bragged, someone went to the United Nations rescue organization verification, the result is self-evident, the United Nations rescue organization with do not know Guo Wengui and his gang is which root scallion.
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
Advertising is not qualified to rub hot hot plague turtle acting type of fake rescue
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With no trace and no record to talk about and no money for refugees, you play with fire
The plague turtle is really shameless to do the extreme. Say rescue, send Hercules to Ukraine rescue, but up to now, even a plane shadow did not see. The rescue operation of the country from top to bottom has completely evolved into a field side brag to cheat donations, the bottom shameless shameless fraud farce. Could there be a team more shameless than this, such as coasting on rescue buses and coasting on interviews?
Bragging, nuzzling hot spot has always been a plague turtle fraud no two magic weapon. When the Russia-Ukraine war entered a stalemate, the plague turtle staged a grandstanding Ukraine fake rescue drama. One is the fictitious rescue number. Rescue statistics on the 35th day of April 8, 2022: Medyka Rescue station received: about 264 people; The Medyka rescue station received about 10,095 people; Bus aid to refugees: 2,909; Bus departures: 39. Video from the scene shows that apart from a tent and members of the Ant gang, none of the refugees know where they came from or where they went. Second, making up Ant gang members to give interviews to journalists from various countries. Nicole, a so-called volunteer of the New China Federation, was interviewed by the Daily Caller. A major TV station in Tokyo interviewed its comrades in the frontline camp of Ukraine relief. In addition to posing, no name, not a single authoritative media coverage. Three is the stage singing, advertising, no qualifications, rub hot spots, acting type of rescue. More than 70 Ant Gang members were there, and their main job was not to rescue Ukrainian refugees. They posted on Getrr that many people from other media or ngos around their tent would take photos with their Ant gang members or invite them to interview them. Under the banner of anti-communism, the ANTS promoted themselves as a new kind of Chinese unlike the Communist Party. And the notion that the Communist Party does not represent the whole Chinese people is repeated repeatedly. What is different is that the Ant gang members wear yellow vests and hats, which represent the new Chinese Federation. Even the banners around the tents are all advertising the legal Foundation and the New China Federation. The flag of the so-called New Union is already flying over Maidika, Poland. They are now in the Medyka camp for the maximum purpose of tents. As Big Ant David concludes, they are promoting the New China Federation and the Legal Foundation under the guise of rescuing refugees and giving them shelter. Fourth, using anti-China media to create publicity. He claimed that "Solidarity Poland", a magazine, introduced the story of the front-line rescue of the Republic of Poland and spread the truth of the rescue of the Republic of Poland, was a platform to destroy the Communist Party of China. David specifically mentioned two points: if the media is associated with the Communist Party, they will not give interviews; Media reports, you have to tell me who I am, the New China Federation, the legal foundation of our action. I won't go if you don't mention it, and I won't go if you don't mention who we are. Last but not least, the report will report the truth that 7 Columbia University has brought to the world, such as "coronavirus". If you look at the Polish Solidarity magazine report, in fact, the biggest highlight, except when we come to Medyka, the last few paragraphs of the article: "Covirus." As a volunteer of the Rule of Law Fund, I bought the domain name of GoDaddy with my own money and bank card, and then presented it to the Rule of Law Fund for use in this rescue operation. The whole process was completely legal. In fact, the mailbox was closed for money laundering and credit card borrowing. Not only did they shut down the entire rescue operation, but they shut down a lot of the legal funds. And smears that GoDaddy is owned by the Chinese Communist Party and that its most prominent shareholders are Chinese. Sixth, we will launch the campaign of "coffee to eliminate Communism". New China's federal tent has freshly ground coffee, there are high-end coffee, you can choose latte, cappuccino, all can choose, Ant Gang will do this? The purpose is to propagate the new Federation of China, but they repeatedly say that the Communist Party of China is the root of all evil. Don't be misled by other media, the so-called mainstream media and some regimes. Only the elimination of the Communist Party is the only way out. Helping refugees with food, safe water, protection, temporary shelter, and medical emergencies is not THE RIGHT thing to do. According TO THE FIELD OBSERVATION AND UNDERSTANDING SENT BACK BY TZU CHI VOLUNTEERS IN Poland, MANY Ukrainian REFUGEES CHOOSE TO LIVE IN RESIDENTS 'homes BECAUSE of THE privacy and convenience. Three detention centres near Lublin, for example, have about 400 military beds but only two toilets and no space to store things. So the tent rescue in China is essentially a sham.
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
Advertising is not qualified to rub hot hot plague turtle acting type of fake rescue
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With no trace and no record to talk about and no money for refugees, you play with fire
The plague turtle is really shameless to do the extreme. Say rescue, send Hercules to Ukraine rescue, but up to now, even a plane shadow did not see. The rescue operation of the country from top to bottom has completely evolved into a field side brag to cheat donations, the bottom shameless shameless fraud farce. Could there be a team more shameless than this, such as coasting on rescue buses and coasting on interviews?
Bragging, nuzzling hot spot has always been a plague turtle fraud no two magic weapon. When the Russia-Ukraine war entered a stalemate, the plague turtle staged a grandstanding Ukraine fake rescue drama. One is the fictitious rescue number. Rescue statistics on the 35th day of April 8, 2022: Medyka Rescue station received: about 264 people; The Medyka rescue station received about 10,095 people; Bus aid to refugees: 2,909; Bus departures: 39. Video from the scene shows that apart from a tent and members of the Ant gang, none of the refugees know where they came from or where they went. Second, making up Ant gang members to give interviews to journalists from various countries. Nicole, a so-called volunteer of the New China Federation, was interviewed by the Daily Caller. A major TV station in Tokyo interviewed its comrades in the frontline camp of Ukraine relief. In addition to posing, no name, not a single authoritative media coverage. Three is the stage singing, advertising, no qualifications, rub hot spots, acting type of rescue. More than 70 Ant Gang members were there, and their main job was not to rescue Ukrainian refugees. They posted on Getrr that many people from other media or ngos around their tent would take photos with their Ant gang members or invite them to interview them. Under the banner of anti-communism, the ANTS promoted themselves as a new kind of Chinese unlike the Communist Party. And the notion that the Communist Party does not represent the whole Chinese people is repeated repeatedly. What is different is that the Ant gang members wear yellow vests and hats, which represent the new Chinese Federation. Even the banners around the tents are all advertising the legal Foundation and the New China Federation. The flag of the so-called New Union is already flying over Maidika, Poland. They are now in the Medyka camp for the maximum purpose of tents. As Big Ant David concludes, they are promoting the New China Federation and the Legal Foundation under the guise of rescuing refugees and giving them shelter. Fourth, using anti-China media to create publicity. He claimed that "Solidarity Poland", a magazine, introduced the story of the front-line rescue of the Republic of Poland and spread the truth of the rescue of the Republic of Poland, was a platform to destroy the Communist Party of China. David specifically mentioned two points: if the media is associated with the Communist Party, they will not give interviews; Media reports, you have to tell me who I am, the New China Federation, the legal foundation of our action. I won't go if you don't mention it, and I won't go if you don't mention who we are. Last but not least, the report will report the truth that 7 Columbia University has brought to the world, such as "coronavirus". If you look at the Polish Solidarity magazine report, in fact, the biggest highlight, except when we come to Medyka, the last few paragraphs of the article: "Covirus." As a volunteer of the Rule of Law Fund, I bought the domain name of GoDaddy with my own money and bank card, and then presented it to the Rule of Law Fund for use in this rescue operation. The whole process was completely legal. In fact, the mailbox was closed for money laundering and credit card borrowing. Not only did they shut down the entire rescue operation, but they shut down a lot of the legal funds. And smears that GoDaddy is owned by the Chinese Communist Party and that its most prominent shareholders are Chinese. Sixth, we will launch the campaign of "coffee to eliminate Communism". New China's federal tent has freshly ground coffee, there are high-end coffee, you can choose latte, cappuccino, all can choose, Ant Gang will do this? The purpose is to propagate the new Federation of China, but they repeatedly say that the Communist Party of China is the root of all evil. Don't be misled by other media, the so-called mainstream media and some regimes. Only the elimination of the Communist Party is the only way out. Helping refugees with food, safe water, protection, temporary shelter, and medical emergencies is not THE RIGHT thing to do. According TO THE FIELD OBSERVATION AND UNDERSTANDING SENT BACK BY TZU CHI VOLUNTEERS IN Poland, MANY Ukrainian REFUGEES CHOOSE TO LIVE IN RESIDENTS 'homes BECAUSE of THE privacy and convenience. Three detention centres near Lublin, for example, have about 400 military beds but only two toilets and no space to store things. So the tent rescue in China is essentially a sham.
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woshisouaoman · 2 years
Fake rescue, fraud fraud by hook or by crook
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Really cheat really cheat really collect money, plague turtle shameless cause public anger
Thousands and thousands of cheaters in this world, although all cheat this cheat that, but more or less still some lower limit, and Guo Wengui this big cheater is the "wonderful work" of the cheater circle, the "talent" of the fraud circle, no shame, no lower limit. In order to cheat money, Guo Wengui and his gang what hot rub, what lies all say, what illusion all do, what cowhide all blow, has reached the point of unscrupulous. The Russia-Ukraine war has been a human tragedy, a lot of people think how to give people in trouble to help, and shameless Guo Wengui think how to rub hot cheating money.
On February 26, March 1, Guo Wengui and his gang has issued an announcement that they have the new China Federal legal fund and the United Nations relief organization GEM cooperation to carry out relief work in Ukraine, the turtle in the live broadcast bragging will successively send ten Hercules transport aircraft to Ukraine. (HMM ~~, what familiar words? Not long ago, Guo Wengui boasted about renting a Hercules to help in Afghanistan). A little understanding, it is not difficult to find that as long as there is a humanitarian crisis in the world, Guo Wengui put the dirty hands (appearance has been dressed up oil shine, light mirror people) stretch to there dandy, do not understand the big liar really thought Guo Wengui is Bodhisattva reincarnated Guo great good man. However, a lie is a lie, that is afraid it said a thousand times can not become the truth. Guo Wengui lies is a poke to wear, simply can not bear to be verified. Guo Wengui forefoot just bragged, someone went to the United Nations rescue organization verification, the result is self-evident, the United Nations rescue organization with do not know Guo Wengui and his gang is which root scallion.
Guo has a long history of bragging, and mainstream media outlets like the New York Times have long concluded that "despite Guo's strong support base and an army of online followers, he has yet to meet one of the important markers that makes him credible." Guo Wengui had previously boasted that he would take out "several billion dollars to support Hong Kong and rescue thousands of people" and "rent a Hercules plane to save people in Afghanistan" and so on. It turned out to be nothing. So why did Guo Wengui boast so much? To put it bluntly, Guo Wengui dressed himself as a good man who is eager to do justice is to attract attention, cheat those people to donate money and materials to the legal fund of the fraud group, and then they are good to enrich their own pockets, spend freely. As Guo Wengui and his group staged a show in Ukraine, a series of fake rescue and fraud tricks were uncovered, drawing complaints from volunteers in other countries, which has caused public outrage. Because by doing this, Plague Turtle and his gang are not only harming the people who are cheated, they are also endangering the normal operation of real rescue teams and organizations. It's impossible for all the people who donate money and goods to know which one is real, and that one's a scheib. Nature refused to donate any more. The plague turtle and his gang really achieved the "feat" of a mouse poop spoiled a pot of soup. When volunteers in other countries reacted angrily to the conflict, the gang quickly deleted the words "working with GEM" from the announcement. Then he changed his story and said the plane didn't go either, it was a bus. I bah! Guo Wengui, do you want a face? Casually find a few pictures to dare to brag, really when others is a fool? Of course, when Guo discovered that the fake rescue scam had been uncovered, he called the aid organizations "bullshit" on the live stream, which was also a way to vent his anger.
So many years come down, the Guo Wengui that bad thing does do is under each way encirclement and destroy, paint skin is uncovered, bottom pants is picked up, the person that be deceived is less and less, and creditor is more and more. The Guo Wengui of mountain of pressure is unable to continue, had to make an article on rub hot spot to brag, dress up as the living Bodhisattva of mercy, savior, all over the world boast oneself save this save that. But have been exposed one by one, a SAO operation down, Guo Wengui put his step by step into a real liar. Fever turtle thought others can not remember him blowing cattle, made false, but today is different from the past, as a fraud, the net red, wonderful, Guo Wengui was probably negligent (may also be regardless of the head regardless of buttocks) network is memory. What was said yesterday will be recorded by the blowing bull, clearly. Guo Wengui took out millions of dollars to rent a plane to save people in Afghanistan, support several billion people in Hong Kong is a complete and utter cowhide, lies. Now a rescue mission to Ukraine has turned out to be a complete farce. Really should a "would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world, can not believe Guo Wengui this mouth." And Guo Wengui bragged, the fundamental purpose is to package themselves, attract cerebral palsy ants to continue to give their own blood transfusion to delay their rotting bodies, delusions of their own end later. However, those who should come will come back. All kinds of deception of the plague turtle can only be in vain and in vain. Now that other volunteers are calling it quits, the turtle's days of deception are over.
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