wotmad · 3 years
Rhudolph the Red Nosed Nightmare!!
I reported earlier on my hit against Sandy Claws and I felt it wouldn’t be right to talk about old Rudy. This smob isn’t all together difficult but it can be tricky. It’s best to hit with a group of high damage weapon abs people. This smob requires serious manners to get into and once in the smob area you are locked in so you either kill it or it kills you. The zone is a nice 3x3 area and all the rooms except the smob room load cute “evil” deer to kill. I highly suggest it. The smob itself is Rudy and around 5-6 of his friendly bucks that do pack quite the punch. I highly suggest not bashing Rudy until he is the last beast standing. Once you finally kill old Rudy you roll the dice entering the chamber. I highly recommend only sending one person in unless you do enjoy a body count. Get all the bones and fancy item from chest and return to your group. 
Now there is a trick to leaving this area. You need to visit each room in the zone and offer the bone to the altar and close the altars. Then once you get to the room you entered the zone from you offer the gem and the exit will appear. I hope this at least helps some and doesn’t give away too much.
So far I have hit 2x and it loaded a shocklance and BT Spear. I think the spear was an oddity as I heard from a couple others they got rares on their hits as well.
Good luck all and merry smobbing!!
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wotmad · 3 years
Sandy Claws
Two days in a row. Is this 2013 again??
So I logged on today to see where Protus would be upon waking. Got stuck in a smob last night and had to idle but it was right before reboot so wasn’t sure where I would end up. Thankfully I was in circle and dropped down into Tar Valon. I checked who was on and sent a few good morning messages and was met with come X and do Y and we will do Z. I of course had to jump at the chance to do Z so off I ran to the Borderlands. About 60 seconds later I found the group who had completed all but the last part of the smob (Sandy Claws.)
The smob was with two evil braem bucks and we quickly dispatched them and did a few rounds with Sandy but the group needed a rest to finish. We rested a good 7-8 minutes until everyone was mostly full (BTW - like 5 masters, Sedai and 2 more with rares) We took on Sandy next and with max engage only 4 of us could be on at a time. So we took turns eating emote after emote and her chain hit everyone each round. One by one the group fled so that healthier people could get on. We were getting where there were no more healthy people left but Vilac’s bashing picked up and we were able to vanquish the smob. It was not a particularly good load considering the difficulty but it wasn’t horrible either.
The Load:
Vilac gets a pair of high leather riding boots from the corpse of Sandy Claws. Vilac gets a pair of thick, gold-plated greaves from the corpse of Sandy Claws. Vilac gets a soft leather pouch from the corpse of Sandy Claws. Vilac gets a wide leather belt from the corpse of Sandy Claws. Vilac gets a dark, barbed flail from the corpse of Sandy Claws. Vilac gets a pair of riveted chainmail sleeves from the corpse of Sandy Claws. Vilac gets a half-cape of silk-lined leather from the corpse of Sandy Claws. Vilac gets a shining steel breastplate from the corpse of Sandy Claws. Vilac gets a shimmering chain of gold from the corpse of Sandy Claws. Vilac gets a red felt hat with a poofy white tassle from the corpse of Sandy Claws. Vilac gets a ring of silver from the corpse of Sandy Claws.
So we won, Time to head out and see who wants the chain and cape. We get to room to climb chain and I wait to see what people are doing as this is first time doing the smob. I see 3 people climb chain and swing down to safety. I type climb chain and bam....the mud starts to lag....I see Vilac say repop...I see him ask for help...Then finally the mud moves and I see mobs everywhere...then bam...lag again...I type flee but no mud movement.....And then a wall of text flies by and I am in CoL. and the mud freezes again and that's where I am right now. Who knows if my equipment or my friends will escape.
To sum it all up, The smob was fun and interesting to get to, I expect a little better load for the effort and the unfortunate end really sucks :P 
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wotmad · 3 years
Current State of the Mud - 12/14/2021
Hi Everyone, It’s been along time since I have had the time or want to start musing again about the Wheel of Time MUD.  I have been playing the MUD again for the last 2-3 weeks and I am enjoying it quite a bit again. And by this I mean that I am playing LS and enjoying the MUD. Typically when I come back it’s a hop on LS, ask what’s up and am met with silence. I alt to DS and go PK or have fun killing stuffs with people.  Nowadays however, I can log on and say Hi and What’s up and am met with people talking and doing things. It’s wonderful.
I have said this in a few posts before but its worth mentioning yet again. A strong, Fun, involved LS means a thriving MUD. LS is the life blood of the MUD. So when there are things to do and people to do them with it keeps people around and wanting to stay.
So here is my analysis of the MUD as it stands right now. Lets start with SS and then DS and then LS. Seanchan, They are combined with LS now as far as who list and narrates. The island is back into the game from when I played last, There are now Damane and active clans.  Seandar has a cool smob chain and there are still the normal smobs near Falme. Seanchan also has mob support across the map a little more which is nice. I do not play Seanchan, I statted a nice seanchan for giggles and started leveling it up but it just didn’t have the draw I prefer. So I haven’t played SS since. Overall I think nice Changes/adjustments to the side. 
Darkside, The numbers for DS have been steady I think and there have been some cool additions: Greymen, flame, quests, gold earning, potion getting, auction house (sort of), blood flasks, df system changes. All good things for DS in my opinion. Still not a fan of some of the map zone changes but I am learning to live with it. Overall I think Darkside has a lot of things that are positive for quality of life that's been added.
Lightside, The numbers for LS have been great lately. I have seen at least 40 on everyday and often times 50+ which is awesome. There are so many new players coming to the MUD and old players coming back that the atmosphere has been pretty great. I am working through all the changes and learn something new almost daily. Yesterday I learned that rank’s affect damage now instead of just getting a bonus at rank 7 you get stair stepped damage bonuses. It pays to be clanned and ranked up. I am constantly seeing people PK, Smob, Ask questions and ask for xp partners. The way LS should be.
Now for the last part, The MUD as a whole. I am very pleased about where the MUD currently is and where it is going. The staff is amazing from what I can tell and very willing to talk to players and are very open with any changes and things being worked on. There is constant improvements which was not a thing 2 years ago and I believe that is what is making everyone happy (IMMs and players alike.) From starting off being soooooo much better with base stats being wonderful, to adding so many things to do from quests, rp, smobs, pk to ultimately end game characters getting fun little perks and bonuses. The MUD is in a great place and I look forward to continuing to play and have fun. 
I will be writing more in the coming weeks and months. Hopefully a few of you read this and at least get a laugh or actually learn something.
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wotmad · 4 years
Back to Statting - Day 7?
All right, so I haven’t actually statted 7 days in a row but over the last maybe 10 days I have statted a little over 7 of those days I would guess. So far I have gone through approx. 3200 stats. I have statted a couple close ones but not what I am looking for yet. I did take a break from statting to level up a 18 18 19 hunter I statted which had bad hp rolls to 30. I figured, heck why not see if I can get at least decent hps. And from level 30 to 38 I got almost perfect 2 hp rolls. So I continued to xp and got to lvl 45 I think it was before I had to sleep and ended up with 401 at 45. Not bad considering my starting base was so low. By 51 I am hoping for at least 405 to 408. Until there is another xp multiplier I will be statting I guess.
On a side note I hopped on DS one night and joined in the pk. There was quite a few on DS and LS couldn’t really put up a fight. And there were comments in discord about people swapping over or more people logging on LS more often. For the next 2 days I logged into LS to see how things go. The first day I logged on and crickets. I asked about pk, smobbing, quests, anything really and I received a single tell about maybe hitting something if we got more people. That never happened. I was logged into LS maybe 45-60 minutes and it was mostly trying to get people to interact and do something. I gave up and rented. The next I logged on to hear pk going on Lockshear. The alt I logged on was naked so I quickly hit up chest, grabbed a gray and sprinted to LS. I got engaged on a group west entrance and south gate while the LS IN Lockshear were trying to finish a couple hiding in Ilsae. Pretty sure the group thought LS was about to pounce as they fled off me and PK ended. I then sat inside Fal Dara while people tried to decide if they were going to afk or pk or rent. I went outside and was going to look around but with 15 being on DS a group could hit me at any  moment and I had no idea what LS was doing so I decide to come back in and just rent. Lightside is just frustrating to be on. Unless you have a very select few people online to pk/smob with its quiet and non-committal. 
I have said this in past blogs, Lightside NEEDS to be the life blood of the mud. It should be the side that has 3x the numbers always. There should constantly be promotions going on to encourage people to be playing LS most of the time. I think that’s it for now. Hopefully I will post next with....I statted my hunter. Until then I will keep grinding.
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wotmad · 4 years
Day 3 - Statting Adventures
I thought about doing this every day but when I am only talking about statting I am not sure I can write enough to do this everyday. Anyway, I am on my 3rd day of statting now and 1500 stats in the books now. The closest stat yesterday was a 19 6 7 16 19 trolloc hunter. I have yet to get even a sniff of one today. I am changing back to ramshorned breed. We will see if my luck is better today. Not much to report other then I am finding that statting with a less damage weapon seems to allow me to continue longer and get more stats. 
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wotmad · 4 years
Having a look Around
Hi Everyone, Long time no post but I figured it’s better to get my ideas/thoughts/concerns/triumphs and disappoints written out again. For the last month(ish) I have been lurking about on Wotmud again. Playing some old characters and saying hi to some long lost friends. I keep somewhat up to date on changes to the mud and it seems like things are moving in a good direction.
One thing I would like to comment on is statting. I decided to try and stat a new DS Hunter and I am now 1000 stats in and want to give my view so far. So in the past I always had luck with Ramshorned so figured sure lets start there. I statted 600 from this breed and rolled 3 character better then prerolled and by that I mean 19 x x x 19. I decide ok maybe Rammie isn’t the way to go so gave wolfish a try. 400 stats later I rolled 1 better then prerolled. Not getting better then prerolled aside I think my problem actually like in the lowend statsum. I am looking through my data collection and 44/1000 had a statsum in the 50′s. There was even one in the 40′s. Now this, in my opinion, is ridiculous. No character with a statsum less then 63 is even remotely playable during this day and age of the mud and statting “should” reflect that. I believe the statsum should be changed to have a minimum roll of 62 or 63. Yes I get that getting good stats should be hard but again, I have just statted 1000 ds hunters and really only 4 that can be considered better depending on what you are looking for.
In my time statting as 1000 stats takes some time I have been offered 1 or 2 characters that would be what I am looking for but I am old school in that I like to stat my own characters. Just feels weird playing a character I didn’t stat and I find my loyalty to that character is reflected in my playtime. I have no idea if IMMS even will notice this as I am sure this blog is long gone from most peoples memories, but my hope is that they do and can look into statting overall. I would be more then willing to consult in some manner.
It’s nice to be talking wotmud again, can’t wait to start talking more.
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wotmad · 7 years
Curtain Call
The atmosphere, the rule changes and my active home life all contribute to me calling it quits. I have played this game since 2001 and I have enjoyed it for most of this time. I have found it harder and harder to log in and care because of policies and certain types of people being around as well as most of my friends no longer playing. I would like to think I helped more then my fair share of people over the years in an attempt to have them see what I saw in the game.
I just have to comment on what actually brought this about.  The imms made everyone in the mud turn in their chits as most of you know. I have basically been sitting on a rainbow chit for awhile now waiting for a certain inactive unique to pop up. Everytime I ask about said unique it is claimed to be active. I know who has the fucking thing and I know for a fact it wasn’t active but whatever I guess. So I was forced to use my chit or lose it. So I used it on Blight Killer. Nothing special but something I can use on my abs character. So I have a unique now and am active for I think it was 2 weeks before I went out of town for work and then came back and went on vacation. After I come back from vacation I have logged on a few times. Most of those times was to chat with friends or rank up a clan member. If no one was on to chat with or rank then I didn't stay very long. And here now I log on today and I am in jail and have to give up the unique I was forced to get or stay in jail. Wotmud policy at its finest.
A few things I would like to say to imms. First off to Flash - Your lack of leadership and trust is the reason the mud is dying. I understand this is just a pet project on your back burner but if you actually cared about this place it would be thriving. Vivienne - I used to really appreciate how much you were around and the stuff you did for others until the few rare times I actually talked or had to deal with you and you always came across as angry or “bitchy.” I think to myself oh maybe she is just having a bad day, but then every single interaction she acts the same. This is no way to talk to people. I think you have helped and hurt the most out of everyone. Your time and dedication to the mud has to be commended but your policies and witch hunts and rulings on common sense issues ran tons and tons of imms and mortals off. For the most part all other imms have had bad days and good days but I can see they are working with shit rules so I can’t blame them for having to work the way they have.
I want to mention a few people that have meant a ton to me over the years being here. Laena - My mentor when I started the mud. Super Patient and a rock star. Mira - Always kept things fun and showed me tons (not just her ample bussom.) Rihanna -  My first real partner on the mud. We spent so much time together here. Alayla - One of the kindest, generous, most honest, wonderful people I have met on this game. I could probably make multiple posts on her but I am trying to keep this sort of simple. Wilkerson -  He was a great guy and was sad to see how his mud path ended. Fender/Lenara -  I miss these 2. Had some great times with them and again sad to see how one of their imms ended. Lyren/Ickmund/Mythras/Rascul/Track/Thore/Dime/Isaah - The irc crew of late. I always enjoyed talking about the mud with you all even when we always don’t agree. I am sure we will all stay in touch. There are tons of people who have helped or been apart of my mud career and I can’t mention them all. Thanks to you all.
And lastly farwell!
- Protus, Sarene, Toribio, Abrams, Burke, Fagan and many many more.
- Corey
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wotmad · 8 years
Rules from Above
I just heard something absolutely crazy. I hope this is just some trolling as I have not confirmed this myself but the person I heard this from said they confirmed this with a couple people and I just can’t believe it. There is apparently a new rule where imms have to wait 48hrs between mortal and imm alting and visa versa. SAY WHAT!!! 2 days!!! Are you fucking kidding me?? Who the hell made up this rule? Its like a real life Darkfriend is doing everything they can to make this mud drop in the tank for that last gurgle. 2 days!!!! What the hell??!!??
You do realize some of the most active players are the imms and actually playing this mud is what keeps people around and now you are telling imms “well you did 10 minutes of work on joe random zone, You now have 2 days to wait until you can have fun in this world.”  I was sort of curious on a few people who I dont see hardly at all anymore and i assumed it was irl stuff coming into play but I bet this has a bunch to do with it.
Again, 2 days!!! wtf!!
This is the stupidest rule I have ever heard of and I hope that this was someones clever attempt to troll me.
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wotmad · 8 years
New Smob Chain
So I had the opportunity yesterday to get a group together and try this sucker out. I was a little nervous about going to all this trouble only to get a shining plate or something but figured why not. I mean, I haven’t done it before and I quite enjoy doing new things. So we start with the Soldiers Outpost Smob on TV road. This has been seriously buffed up since I last was here. Once taking care of that we headed to south of Lugard to take care of Carchton. We did run into one Lightside while doing this but she was quickly asploded. So we headed north to Chachin next and this was quite the battle. With the group we had, I thought it would be much easier then it was. Anyway, We finally dispatched what we needed to and found the golden vault. Along the way several of the members of group said they had seen mauls and jcuffs loading but I wasn’t too hopeful as I have heard that talk before only to get a gold ring or something. So we all surrounded the vault and it was opened, much to my surprise something very nice was inside. A tainted war maul, mmmm, muy bein!!!!
I have to say this is a great chain and its just about the right amount of difficulty for the reward. Now to talk a dreadlord into getting gate and making this a much quicker and safer trip :)
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wotmad · 8 years
Looking for Rare Weapons
I have been reading the posts on forums about abs weapon loads and how to get them. Several people mentioned the murgoz chain is the way to do it. So I log on lightside and convince a couple people to make a go of it. Luckily for me the few people I convince into this are all masters and are good to go.
So off to aylia for the first part of the chain. Ragyn races down there sporting his fancy sword and his gaidinly powers and a mob and actually kills this smob in quick fashion before the people I had gathered elsewhere could get there. Ok, first smob done, lets head to FD. The rest of our group is fd and we go to take out kural. We do that in quick fashion and head back to FD. So far we are 45 minutes into the chain, both actual smobs loaded crap (1 or 2 basic pieces of gear.)
We head off to Murgoz where another person joins us on the way. 5 people 4 with mobs so a group of 9. At the time of us doing this smob its the 5 most powerful people on Lightside. The hero’s of the light joining forces to take on a tough opponent. All of us looking forward to the opportunity of getting something nice (hopefully a nice abs weapon.) We work our way through murgoz and head to that glorious chest. 
Its opened and what do we get.......gold greaves. So yes thats...um...nice but not even close to what anyone was hoping for. In fact noone needed those because everyone in the smob group was fully decked out already. Had we not all been fully kitted this chain would of take a good bit longer. So we did the chain in a little over an hour, with 4 masters, 4 fully eqd mobs and a bonded gaidin. Thats with one of the smobs being solo’d. With a little bit more pre-organization we could of knocked some of that time off and with us all horse hopping maybe a bit more. The point is, I get that receiving nice rewards should come hard, but its really does seem like a ton of work for a maybe instead of a sure thing. I guess we just kill Falme instead from now on, you know you will get 2 nice items there.
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wotmad · 8 years
I am still around
So after being reminded of this place on forums today I came back and read quite a few of my previous posts. I quickly remembered my achievements and frustrations of what is playing on wotmud. 
I think I will try and post here some more. Not because anyone really reads this anymore but I think its a sort of outlet that allows me to say my peace without having to watch what I say or pull any punches. Right now I have been thinking about how the forums are controlled and this controlling style or management. I mean I get not wanting things to get out of hand but they just are super trigger happy and it just needs to stop.
I will say however that after a certain post was removed, a certain imm mailed me and the original poster to explain the mishap and answer a few questions which was great. I have not always had that experience with wotmud imms so its nice to see.
A nice quick post but I will try and write more about a few things. If you have any ideas or things you would like me to write about feel free to send me a mudmail about it.
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wotmad · 11 years
Busy Busy Busy
So its been some time since I have spent any time thinking about writing here. Finally decided to hop on and give everyone a status of what Ive been up to. I actually took a break from the blog writing while I was attempting to clan Gaidin. I did this for a couple reasons. First because I didn't want anyone knowing I was this particular character. Sometimes its great to get the benefits of people knowing you and getting that extra little help or in. Other times its great being in a place you know so well and being completely unknown and being judged solely on your accomplishments. Secondly I didn't want to rant or say anything that would hinder my entrance into gaidin. 
I did make it into Gaidin and found its not some old boys club like most people tend to think. They joke around a lot and rib each other quite a bit but at its roots its about being able to handle yourself and the ability to keep another safe if needed. Currently I have rank 5 qps and am waiting the rank time requirements. While I have been waiting on that I statted a new DS char since I havent ever played combo on DS.
I ended up landing myself a 19 18 19 hunter which I quickly leveled up to 35 and applied for Dha'vol. After a round the map zone test I was clanned and I am off and running. Been clanned around 1 week and I have to say I am enjoying it quite a bit and despite a silly death to Lancelaut today have been on a decent roll for such a new char to me.
Let's see what else has been going on. Well myself and a few others talked valan into creating a statdb which resides @ ( statdb.heroku.com ) He is working on it each week to make it an evolving and wonderful tool. I hope old and new people alike use it and make use of it.
Hmm, what else. Oh well I participated in a potential clan entrance kill or be killed tournament. I loved the idea of this but I never saw my target so it got a bit frustrating. And of course after the tournament ends I see my target on like everyday....UGH!! Anyway, it was fun kind of creeping around and watching for someone to come kill me at any moment. I kept thinking of possible traps and tricks to lure someone into. Had me thinking of ever nook and cranny I could use. 
Its getting late so I am going to end this now but writing about this stuff reminds me of the fun I had doing it and has reinvigorated my want to write here more. So look for more to come.
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wotmad · 11 years
Blademaster Attempt
So there was a post on forums about how someone got ripped off beating renegade blademaster and it got me to thinking about giving it a try again. I believe before I made master I attempted it around 10 times. Of those 10 times I got it to crit 2 times, beat 3 times and not even close the other 5.
Fast forward a few months and I still haven't tried it again. OK fine!!! So I grab a WSL and toss my combo in chest and grab some abs. 81% abs and a H/H WSL, here I go. I tricked some unsuspecting HoL into making sure RBM was misties for me and off I went. I found him and issues my challenge. The following is what happened - 
* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > You try to quietly draw a dagger from a brightly-colored sash.
* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > Nah... You feel too relaxed to do that..
* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > sheath
You sheath a dagger into a brightly-colored sash.
* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > wield sword
You wield a wickedly scythed longsword with both hands.
* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > stand
You stop resting, and stand up.
* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > bash smob
Your bash at the Renegade Blademaster sends him sprawling!
* HP:Healthy MV:Full - the Renegade Blademaster: Scratched > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's body very hard.
* HP:Healthy MV:Full - the Renegade Blademaster: Scratched > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's left leg very hard.
* HP:Healthy MV:Full - the Renegade Blademaster: Scratched > 
Madin narrates 'why leave it'
* HP:Healthy MV:Full - the Renegade Blademaster: Scratched > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's right leg very hard.
* HP:Healthy MV:Full - the Renegade Blademaster: Hurt > b
The Renegade Blademaster hits Protus with Boar Rushes Down the Mountain!
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.
* HP:Scratched MV:Full - the Renegade Blademaster: Hurt > b
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's left leg very hard.
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.
* HP:Scratched MV:Full - the Renegade Blademaster: Hurt > b
[bash ]              
The Renegade Blademaster barely smites your body.
                      As the Renegade Blademaster avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!
* HP:Scratched MV:Full > 
The Renegade Blademaster barely smites your body.
* HP:Scratched MV:Full - the Renegade Blademaster: Hurt > b
Aang narrates 'its their kill'
[bash ]              l - the Renegade Blademaster: Hurt > 
  The Renegade Blademaster barely smites your body.
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's body.
The Renegade Blademaster smites your body.
Your bash at the Renegade Blademaster sends him sprawling!
* HP:Hurt MV:Full - the Renegade Blademaster: Hurt > 
Madin narrates 'he mobbed by himself'
* HP:Hurt MV:Full - the Renegade Blademaster: Hurt > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's body hard.
* HP:Hurt MV:Full - the Renegade Blademaster: Hurt > 
Madin narrates 'when they were inside'
* HP:Hurt MV:Full - the Renegade Blademaster: Hurt > 
The Renegade Blademaster hits Protus with Leaf on the Breeze!
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's left arm very hard.
* HP:Hurt MV:Full - the Renegade Blademaster: Wounded > b
The Renegade Blademaster hits Protus with Boar Rushes Down the Mountain!
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's left hand into bloody fragments!
The Renegade Blademaster smites your left arm.
[bash ]
Aang narrates 'reason he mobbed was because of them no?'
The Renegade Blademaster hits Protus with Leaf on the Breeze!
Harun narrates 'I'm already south'
The Renegade Blademaster barely smites your body.
Madin narrates 'no'
                      As the Renegade Blademaster avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!
* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh > b
The Renegade Blademaster hits you with Lizard in the Thornbush!
* HP:Battered MV:Fresh > 
The Renegade Blademaster smites your left arm.
[bash ]              h - the Renegade Blademaster: Wounded > 
Madin narrates 'he was walking by the double pat :p'
  The Renegade Blademaster barely smites your body.
Your bash at the Renegade Blademaster sends him sprawling!
* HP:Battered MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Wounded > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's left leg very hard.
* HP:Battered MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Wounded > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's left foot into bloody fragments!
* HP:Battered MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Wounded > 
The Renegade Blademaster hits Protus with Leaf on the Breeze!
* HP:Battered MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Wounded > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's head into bloody fragments!
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's right hand into bloody fragments!
* HP:Battered MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Battered > b
[bash ]              
The Renegade Blademaster hits Protus with Leaf on the Breeze!
The Renegade Blademaster smites your body.
Your bash at the Renegade Blademaster sends him sprawling!
* HP:Battered MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Battered > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's head into bloody fragments!
* HP:Battered MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Battered > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's body very hard.
* HP:Battered MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Beaten > 
The Renegade Blademaster hits Protus with Leaf on the Breeze!
The Renegade Blademaster hits Protus with Boar Rushes Down the Mountain!
* HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Beaten > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's left arm very hard.
* HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Beaten > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's body hard.
* HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Beaten > b
[bash ]              
The Renegade Blademaster tickles your right foot with his smite.
Your bash at the Renegade Blademaster sends him sprawling!
* HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Beaten > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's body hard.
* HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Beaten > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's body hard.
* HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Beaten > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's left foot into bloody fragments!
* HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Critical > 
The Renegade Blademaster hits Protus with Leaf on the Breeze!
* HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Critical > b
[bash ]              
  The Renegade Blademaster barely smites your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's right foot into bloody fragments!
The Renegade Blademaster barely smites your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Your bash at the Renegade Blademaster sends him sprawling!
* HP:Critical MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Critical > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's body.
The Renegade Blademaster is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
* HP:Critical MV:Fresh - the Renegade Blademaster: Critical > 
You scythe the Renegade Blademaster's left arm into bloody fragments!
The Renegade Blademaster is dead!  R.I.P.
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear the Renegade Blademaster's death cry.
* HP:Critical MV:Fresh > rem sword
scalp corpse
The sound of slow, deliberate clapping echoes from above.
You stop using a wickedly scythed longsword.
* HP:Critical MV:Fresh > You try to quietly draw a dagger from a brightly-colored sash.
* HP:Critical MV:Fresh > You lean over and sever the bloody head from the corpse of the Renegade Blademaster.
* HP:Critical MV:Fresh > 
A rope is dropped, allowing you to climb aloft.
As you can see I beat it and I have a strong feeling master damage and OB has a lot to do with it. I missed two bashes and still beat him. I had attempts before where I didnt miss any bashes and only got him beat.
All that being said now I wait to get the flag.
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wotmad · 11 years
Second class citizens
I have been playing quite a bit lately as an unclanned character and it can be down right awful. Now it was worse in the beginning and some people are getting to know me now but even still it can be difficult (is anything on this mud easy anyway?) 
Some of the things I have noticed is during pk other pkers will ignore you and basically make you solo it or completely figure out what and where. And then only when they are in trouble will demand you group with them. Then there is the after pk split where if anything nice was taken its usually a toss to a clanned and have them give you their cast offs.
Not all of that is deal breakers in my opinion but does wear on you after some time. Is it some kind of trial period people go through? The "I don't know you, so prove yourself to me while I am a jerk to you" phase. Most of the time a handfull of people know my alts and will help me out if I ask so its not a huge deal for me at all, but for someone who is new and doesnt happen to know 2/3 of the mud populace this can be a huge roadblock.
I guess what I really wish is that people would give others the benefit of the doubt to begin with until they prove otherwise. I try to live my real life by that and I'd like to think it has worked out pretty well so far.
As you can see, I am back to blogging so look for more to come.
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wotmad · 11 years
PK etiquette
I think pking same side has sort of spoiled me. Samesiding you can pk really low and not worry about a gank. You can really pk at less then 20 hps and know the other guy might do the same. And usually either of you can get away at anytime but choose to stay and try to catch the kill. Well i find myself trying this on ds some and its just not worth it for me I am thinking. I get low and run to mobs, not full pattys but mobs that help me but dont make it so rediculous as the ls player not hitting. I get crit and still hang around these mobs mostly, the occasional rest at patty for a tic but for the most part keeping the pk going. I can tell the other person is sort of doing the same, hanging around low but not overextending.
I am outmatched in this pk mostly because the person I am fighting is in a very nice combo kit and my abs mallet can sit him 60-70% of the time but even with mobs on him he is parrying or dodging my hits. I get a lucky bash in right as patty walks in and he goes to crit. I chase of course thinking he had to be 3-4 hits from dead and I end up ripping. It was fun pk and I took a chance and it didnt pay off. Playing abs vs such an opponent can be frustrating. 
So here is the point at which is different that I am used to. Normally same side I will take an item or two I need and drop the rest to encourage them to fight again. I mean either of us could of left at any time but chose to stay and make it fun. I tend to reward people for that effort. I have to say I do not get on the receiving end of that effort very often. In group pk I get it, alls fair, But 1v1 especially when you cant even use any of the equipment i just find it annoying. Abs/clubs are easy to come by on DS or anywhere for that matter so its not a big loss but its a respect thing I think. A sign of good faith to a fellow combatant.
Maybe my way of thinking is outdated, I don't know. I know I am getting a shorter fuse when it comes to showing the opposite side respect.
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wotmad · 11 years
Trying my hand at leading
So for most of my time on the mud I have been in the leader role with everything except pk. For pk I most of the time run around solo or if I do group its usually with a known leader I trust. So that being said I havent really had to lead too often in pk and I have been playing a new hunter on LS and my trolloc on DS and find myself leading quite a bit more often now.
My problem however is this changes my playstyle quite a bit to be much more cautious. I havent gotten many kills as the leader yet but I havent lost many people either. I just really tend to play safe when I have other peoples lives/eq on the line. I am sure I will come out of my shell eventually and learn from this current moving slow to being able to work the group better.
Judging the risk vs reward also got a lot harder now as someone who is leading. Before I could care less about eq usually as I can get whatever I want normally quite fast. But everyone else in my group might not have the access I do and thus its a huge hit for them. Anyway, I am working on it and people keep following me so I will know I am really sucking if they stop I guess.
See you all on the battlefield.
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wotmad · 11 years
People in Power Positions!!
So I find myself playing DS when I 1. Don't have a ton of time and just want to hop on and run around and PK or 2. LS has serious numbers and I want to try and even things up. My problem is that the more I am playing DS the more I am running into Olbies who think they are end all be all at PK and are just plain asshats about it.
By this I mean a few things. Firstly being the constant degrading of others on globals about how they arent pking right or why are you fleeing or we should of won but you suck. This is almost only coming from Fades in my opinion. Now don't get me wrong there are some great fades out there and I respect them tremendously not only for their PK skills but for how they handle their group as well as how they communicate what they want. 
I had an incident today where i was running from LS and ended up low beat/hagg in blight. I narrated a general area I was in and my condition. Once I saw LS had chased I narrated that as well. I got engaged and bashed before I could narrate on. After the bashed time had passed my narrate of on went through and I was now crit/hagg. I narrate that i think I am going to die because I am hagg and crit and tic was taking forever. I typed flee and as my flee was about to go through I got bashed again. At this point narrates blows up with where, where, where from a certain fade. I cant narrate of course since I'm bashed.  I finally am able to narrate my position and flee 2-3 rooms staying around a patty. I know I can't run in with my mvs and no vial. The fade in question comes into my room diags me right after a tic and mocks me for calling for help because I am just beat/hagg. While he is mocking me the LS comes in and hits me 3x getting me crit again. I flee off and end up dying 6-7 rooms from this place.
The fade then can care less about my rip and goes on about his business downplaying everyone else and talking like a big man. This is when one of the true good leaders which is also a Fade lets me know he has a full kit and drops it on me. I hate that people in this game attain power more or less because they have been here a long time or are the loudest person and thus gets the scalps.
I am just frustrated with a select 2-3 people on DS and it sickens me that they have any "power" at all.
/end rant!! :P
I will try and keep writing posts here and keep you all entertained. if there is anything in particular you would like me to write about drop me a mudmail and I will happy to write about it.
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