wotpsillytime · 1 year
I'm not on tblockers. No need. I never block. I dodge, roll, and parry. I take a sip of my estrogen flask, and attack anew
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wotpsillytime · 1 year
Oh no.... not my bed and my pillows and my blankies..... sure would suck if I.... got snug as a bug in there.... whatever would I do......
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wotpsillytime · 1 year
Boring ol' intro post
Figured I should probably make a pinned post first in case someone stumbles onto this blog!
Sillytime is what I like to call the, well, silly doodles and mini-comics I make for Warrior of the Plants, a Warrior Cats roleplay I'm in! They're mostly based on social media posts, and considering the only one I really use is Tumblr, I needed to make an account to reblog some funnies
Consider joining us! The server's always open to new members and we're pretty cool in my opinion B)
The Discord - https://discord.gg/jxV6ZGz9Jz The Toyhouse forum post! It has pretty important information so I'd recommend checking it out - https://toyhou.se/~forums/12.worlds/409256.warriors-of-the-plants-discord-warrior-cat-rp
I'm making this account because I like organization, so ofc I'm making a tagging system lmao
wotp - main tag ; all posts will have this except potential "ooc" ones like break announcements
tbsc - to be screenshotted ; posts that will for sure be drawn! im a lazy fucker so im only going to do the ones i have a really clear image for
sillytime - art posts
serioustime - posts from the actual wotp accout
oot - outside of time ig ; those non-wotp posts i mentioned or stuff that's related to the rp but not to sillytime
I'll also be tagging character names and their clan when i associate one with a post/they're in the drawing + obviously the typical tags about warriors and rp OCs
Clan tags (for convenience)
FrC - Forest
FC - Flower
CC - Cactus
ClC - Castle
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