wotsthisollabout · 3 months
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The Daily Times, New Philadelphia, Ohio, July 9, 1924
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wotsthisollabout · 3 months
Just looked at a blog where the header description said 'sometimes I reblog posts I like so I don't forget them'.
And I feel like that, right there, explains so much about how the site has changed in the last few months.
People now think reblogging is an unusual behaviour, rather than a default.
Tumblr newbies, please, for the love of baby Jesus, reblog the posts you like. That is the whole reason the site exists - for you to collect all your shiny fandom objects in a single space. Which you can organize to your heart's content. Or not organize at all, if that's your jam.
Our blogs are intended to be collections of posts, not collections of likes.
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wotsthisollabout · 3 months
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wotsthisollabout · 3 months
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We need more justice. Not two-tier justice.
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wotsthisollabout · 3 months
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"It hurt to lose to Ronald Reagan. But after the election, I tried to make the transition as smooth as possible. Later, from my experience in trying to brief him on matters of supreme importance, I was very disturbed at his lack of interest. The issues were the 15 or 20 most important subjects that I as President could possibly pass on to him. His only reaction of substance was to express admiration for the political circumstances in South Korea that let President Park close all the colleges and draft all the demonstrators. That was the only issue on which he came alive."
-- Former President Jimmy Carter, on losing the 1980 election and the transition leading to the inauguration of Ronald Reagan, interview with TIME Magazine, October 11, 1982.
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wotsthisollabout · 4 months
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Tesla is tanking so hard it is dragging the entire EV segment's sales down into the negative. When you omit Tesla from the equation, EV sales are up 13% across the board.
Don't let anyone tell you EV sales are in a slump.
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wotsthisollabout · 4 months
One advantage of not really having a strong sense of gender identity is that you’re very [shrug emoji] about how people gender you. Sometimes people call me by she/her pronouns and sometimes they go with he/him pronouns and on the internet people often default to they/them, and neither option is entirely right but also, fuck if I know what would be right, and I don’t particularly care. Therefore I’m perfectly happy to outsource my gender identity to the people around me who actually need to figure out which box to put me in. I don’t need to talk about myself in third person, so really my pronouns sound like a you problem.
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wotsthisollabout · 4 months
breaking news: god's favorite 64 year old novelty musician / director caught wearing cat ear headband after award show.
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wotsthisollabout · 4 months
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Best not getting your legal rhetoric from a convicted felon.
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wotsthisollabout · 4 months
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wotsthisollabout · 4 months
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Prefered cards in Europe
by dalmatian.mapper
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wotsthisollabout · 4 months
I laughed so fucking hard at this
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wotsthisollabout · 4 months
Why is my fridge so full of nothing to eat?
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wotsthisollabout · 4 months
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This is an excellent response
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wotsthisollabout · 4 months
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wotsthisollabout · 4 months
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wotsthisollabout · 4 months
now im not one to encourage misinformation. and the new google ai thing is apparently just going off of seemingly random internet results for queries. that being said. the best way to tell if a loaf of bread is finished is to stick your dick in it. are you hearing me? the best way to tell a loaf of bread is finished IS TO STICK YOUR DICK IN IT. I SAID THE BEST WAY TO TELL A LOAF OF BREAD IS FINISHED IS TO STICK YOUR DICK IN IT.
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