wrcns · 3 years
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“god, please don’t,” luca throws back, knowing that would be an even worse headache. he’d have to hire security to have henri over, probably. the hug is surprising, but after the events of argentina, not altogether unexpected. lara had even shown a rare emotion when she asked if he was alright, followed directly by her bluntly asking if the earthquake had managed to solve the problem in belgium. “god, who told you that? it was wendy - wasn’t it? i was a medic, not a nurse!” he pauses, looking around, “i think it’s the same apartment for everyone. and you can’t move in here. wendy already asked, and i told her ‘no’, too. i already have two children to look after, i don’t need a third.” 
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“does it really matter who told me? i’ve already changed your name in my phone. it’s immortalized now,” wren quips in return, a sing-song quality to his voice that seems to become the most clear when he’s making an effort to annoy his siblings. it’s a familiar routine and though he’s not going to admit he finds it comforting in any way outright-- he can, at least, admit it to himself. he holds a hand to his chest with an affronted expression a moment later, eyes wide and mouth falling open slightly as though he’s never heard anything more genuinely shocking than luca denying him a place in the apartment. “for starters: you wound me, brother. for two: i’m perfectly happy living in my own flat, thank you. tomas will be here sooner than later, i hope -- god forbid i have to think about logistics with my fiancé in touching distance.”
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wrcns · 3 years
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wrcns · 3 years
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“how did you get in here?” luca takes a second to stare at his brother and feels a bit like he’s going insane. had lara mentioned on their call that wren was arriving in tokyo? he would’ve appreciated the warning. he usually needed six hours to prepare for the migraine brought on by wren’s antics, “i mean - i missed you but.. did someone let you in? or did you take up lockpicking as a new hobby?” 
“they must’ve put my coffin in the wrong apartment,” wren drawls, blue eyes already rolling before he’s finished speaking. “i think lock picking would be a delightful hobby to learn, though!” he declares with a broad, excited grin that he carries even as he steps in to give luca a proper -- albeit rare -- hug, studying his brother quietly for a moment before he nods, satisfied with the state of things in that moment. “i heard you had quite a time in argentina, hm? nurse luca?” he teases, stepping away and slipping his hands in his pockets as he observes luca’s apartment with genuine interest. “you think your place is nicer than mine? do kings get special treatment? shame.”
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wrcns · 3 years
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↪ introduction to wren d’ansembourg.
full name: wren marcel d’ansembourg.  nickname(s): vtáčik ( ‘little bird’ in slovak, used exclusively by his fiancé tomas ).  age: twenty-five.  date of birth: 3 june 1995. zodiac sign: gemini.  place of birth: luxembourg city, luxembourg.  ethnicity: white. nationality: luxembourger.  gender: cis male.  sexual orientation: homosexual.  romantic orientation: homoromantic.  religion: roman catholic, though wren isn’t the most diligent catholic ( re: he hasn’t done anything religious of his own volition in years ).  occupation: when he isn’t running amok around his home in luxembourg trying and failing to do his royal duties, he’s an artist -- a painter, more specifically.  language(s) spoken: luxembourgish, french, german, english ( all fluently ). slovak ( not fluently, at this point the best he can do is string together his favorite swear words to make tomas laugh ). accent: his accent is extremely reminiscent of a german accent, though he’s been told it’s softer than the average german accent -- when he’s speaking english, that is. he’s been told his accents in french and german are negligible and difficult to notice -- especially at the pace he usually speaks ( i.e. - wren has never said anything slowly in his twenty-five years of living and doesn’t plan to START ).
face claim: maxence danet-fauvel.  hair color: brown.  eye color: blue. height: 180.34 cm ( 5′11″ ). weight: 83 kg ( 183 lbs ). build: lanky, athletic. tattoos: he has a tattoo of a wren on his left forearm ( here ) ; to date he doesn’t have any other tattoos but he’s constantly doodling things he’d be perfectly willing to get tattooed on himself - tomas has, so far, urged him to think about it a bit more.  piercings: he has three piercings in his right ear -- he wears a ring in the lowest one and studs in the upper pair.  distinguishing characteristics: his height, the fact that he always looks like he needs about six months more sleep at any given moment, the way he talks with his hands, the way he dresses. 
label: the odd duck. positive traits: capable, clever, compassionate, considerate, creative, curious, daring, dedicated, earnest, empathetic, generous, independent, loyal, observant, passionate, protective, reliable, selfless, warm. negative traits: competitive, irreverent, sarcastic, self-conscious. aloof, anxious, crude, haughty, hedonistic, impulsive, timid, weird. goals/desires: wren’s admittedly very excited to get married when the time comes, to continue living his life as happily as possible even within the protection program.   fears: genuinely doing anything to disappoint or hurt his family, losing his siblings or tomas.  hobbies: painting, driving his siblings absolutely nuts, dreaming up new pranks to pull on his friends and family, doodling ( on clothes, skin, actual paper - wren’s not picky ), chatting with reporters about nonsense things, going on twitter rants about the dumbest things, spending time with his family ( occasionally ), cuddling with tomas, exploring whatever city he happens to be living in as thoroughly as possible, playing soccer, learning how to make films ( god forbid anyone let this man hang onto a camera for a significant length of time ), looking at memes until his eyes hurt.    quirks: most of his sense of humor is based on memes, he almost always has paint smudges on his hands no matter what he’s doing, he’ll switch between languages when he’s talking without thinking-- especially if he’s speaking english and forgets phrases he’ll try and figure out what they are in the other languages he knows and go from there, he can come off pretty aloof but he’s a genuinely social person -- he just tends to be too-tired on any given day to be really over-zealous.  likes: visiting museums when he has the attention span, painting, planning pranks, learning new skills, playing music ( his guitar skills aren’t all that bad and he genuinely enjoys practicing ), mystery novels, memes -- especially if they’re brand new to him, pestering luca, spending time with tomas, planning dates when he’s in the mood, watching documentaries on super obscure subjects, collecting mismatched socks, hanging out with regular people, collecting art supplies, energy drinks, coffee, good beer, good food, flustering tomas.    dislikes: having to be involved in political matters of any kind, most hard liquor, not being taken seriously when he wants to be, people who take themselves too seriously, france, having to be serious for any length of time usually, anyone who fucks with his family.    
father: emile albert james d’ansembourg.  mother: adélaide marie d’ansembourg.  sibling(s): luca phillipe gabriel d’ansembourg, wendy juliette d’ansembourg, lara jeanne d’ansembourg.  pet(s): he doesn’t have any pets at the moment.  financial status: too rich for his own good.
Wren is, first and foremost, a genuinely odd person -- or so he’s been told for the length of his life at present; it’s a title he accepts with the utmost pride and he’s the first person to admit that he’d rather be known as odd than known for anything else. He can be loud and abrasive-- opinionated in ways that would likely get him into more trouble were he not royalty but could likely get him into sticky situations he isn’t even vaguely prepared for as time goes by. He isn’t always nice in any traditional sense -- he has no problem telling people what he thinks of them, will rip them to metaphorical shreds with a broad smile on his face and be that much happier for it. He obsesses over miscellaneous things to an inane degree -- he’ll worry about how mismatched he can get his socks to be for over an hour on any given afternoon and turn around to obsess over any given style of art he’s currently fascinated with depending on the day. Wren is also one of the most loyal people in the world -- at least where his family and loved ones are concerned; essentially, when someone takes the time to get to know him and Wren understands that they love and appreciate him in a way that he needs ( whether he’ll admit it or not ) then he would do anything in the world for them the moment they need him and he tries -- on occasion and not always successfully -- to make that clear to those he thinks need to understand it.
Wren has never been what anyone would label ‘a typical prince’ -- he’d likely be the first person to question what a typical prince was supposed to be and why would it be so terrible if he wasn’t fitting a mold that, in his mind, had been outdated for hundreds of years? A prince in title and status but perhaps not at heart — the inner workings of palace life never interested Wren unless he needed to be aware of them to pull off some halfcocked prank or another on a whim. To those who knew him in the palace he was a troublemaker on his best days and that suited him far better than being the dutiful youngest son that he was convinced no one believed he could be even if he’d had the desire to begin with.
In his mind, there was no sense in forcing himself to be a shell of the person he hoped to be and if that meant that he was seen as bizarre or odd or too “other” to be taken seriously, well, that was something Wren - by his teenage years - had come to accept rather happily. He was much more at home tucked away in his room with his face inches away from his laptop screen going down some internet rabbit hole or another -- his obsessions were long lasting, his hyperfixations even more so and it was never quite a surprise to anyone when he would emerge from his room looking as though he hadn’t slept in days but perfectly ready to talk anyone’s ear off about whatever subject had caught his attention for the time being.
As he got older he tried to strike a balance between embracing all of his hobbies and relationships outside of being a prince and making at least half an effort, even if it was a poor one, at being a “proper prince”. It wasn’t something he was gifted at -- politics of most sorts tended to give him a headache on his good days and he could waste breath on arguments for hours simply to have advisors admit that he was right in the long run -- something Wren would enjoy deeply simply for the satisfaction of it all. He wasn’t the sort of prince anyone would look to to guide a country and he was thankful, consistently, that it wasn’t his responsibility in the long run to do so. It was almost an accident -- too good to be true, in his mind -- when he met someone at a political function and bonded with them and when he met his current boyfriend it was exactly the way he felt.
He wasn’t always the sort of man anyone would look twice at or pay attention to for more than a wild story or acerbic quip but things were different from the moment they met and Wren found himself struck by the feeling of being seen in a way he felt so rarely that it was, in essence, a connection he couldn’t ignore. He half-expected their relationship to fizzle out as they got to know one another more deeply -- perpetually concerned that he would ultimately be too weird for anyone to take seriously where a long term relationship was concerned but as time went on and the world seemed to fracture around them one of the few things Wren had to cling to was his relationship with the man he loved. Politics became a subject Wren abhorred that much more as alliances formed and their countries were not overtly friendly or directly allied and Wren’s stress over their relationship ending because of him shifted to a deep concern that their relationship might end whether they wanted that or not. It terrified Wren in a way he’d never felt prior and in a fit of something just short of desperation he proposed in the hopes that nothing in the world would ultimately drive them apart.  
— Wren has been out-- to both his family and close friends-- as gay since he was fourteen years old. It’s never been something he stresses about or something he feels the need to hide in any concrete way but he’s certainly not the sort of person to go yelling about his various ex-boyfriends or flings to the world at large. Where extremely personal matters are concerned Wren can be intensely private, though that need for privacy can, on occasion, be cast aside in his mind in favor of pulling off a particularly glorious prank or giving the media some piece of insane half-truth to froth at the mouth over which he’s found nothing short of delightful to play with in his adulthood.
— In the grand scheme of interests he has, art is paramount. It’s one of the only things Wren has ever been interested enough in to study properly and arguing his case to be allowed to attend art school in earnest is something he’s extremely proud of having accomplished. Painting, sketching, sculpting, photography -- art of almost any sort is enough to catch and hold Wren’s attention but painting is usually his go-to form of practicing where his own art is concerned, as the materials are usually far easier to come by when he’s traveling or in this case when he’s going to be essentially in protective custody for the foreseeable future.
— Wren and his boyfriend -- now fiancé -- have been dating for going on three years and Wren is as in love with him now as he feels like he always has been. He feels he can be most earnestly himself around his partner and takes advantage of that at every turn -- occasionally in the form of staging elaborate but ultimately harmless and loving pranks on him simply to give himself something to do and relieve any tension either of them happen to be carrying. Their relationship is an easy one and even with the political tension in the world that brought their engagement to bear -- it’s still perhaps the most settled and at ease with his choices Wren has ever felt in his life.
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wrcns · 3 years
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consider adopting ( wren’s fiancé ) ...
TOMAS KOVAC, prince of slovakia, duke of kosice.
�� two souls don’t find each other by simple accident. ”
to wren -- political functions had always been something of a joke. a chance for him to find an absolutely outrageous suit to wear, make something of a fool of himself for an evening and delight in the attention that would follow - whether it came from his own family or people on the internet who seemed to delight in just how strange he was. he could be counted on to share strange, fanciful stories or offer a joint he had hidden in the inside pocket of his suit jacket but it was rare that wren left any political gathering of any sort having had a good time because of the people there. 
looking back he can’t quite remember what the event was centered around -- only that tomas was there & the impression the slovakian prince made on him from the moment they met was one that stayed with wren long after they parted ways. tomas was charming in a way wren imagined he never was-- but the other prince seemed equally charmed by wren’s wild stories and the serious of nervous habits he had that ultimately revolved around trying to come up with the most insane rumors he could generate where they pertained to the royals in attendance.
to wren, tomas seemed to be every bit the picture perfect prince -- but their mutual appreciation for one another was something neither of them could ignore and it was only a handful of weeks following their first meeting that tomas asked wren out properly and their courtship, tentative though it was, began in earnest. wren had never dated anyone seriously before he’d met tomas - it was far easier, in his mind, to connect with people in the loosest possible sense so they would have no room to grow bored with him and cast him away but tomas seemed only to appreciate him more by the day and wren fell for him particularly fast and particularly hard.
they’d been dating for over a year by the time the world around them began to splinter in ways neither of them could plan for and in spite of tomas’s lobbying to his father to ally slovakia with luxembourg, his pleas fell on deaf ears and wren found himself, for the first time, worried that he might lose tomas though it would ultimately be no fault of theirs. the thought alone was enough to urge him to action and within two weeks he’d acquired a ring and planned a proposal he’d been thinking about for months by the time he finally popped the question. wren jokes continuously that he blacked out shortly before tomas agreed but their engagement is something he has never regretted, in spite of the fact that it hasn’t swayed his fiancé’s family in favor of a more supportive alliance. 
in the end, wren could care less about the politics of it all — whether their countries are allied with one another isn’t nearly as important to him as whether he’s happy with tomas and he is and always has been, deliriously so. 
wren met tomas at a political event ( conference on trade issues, climate change, anything that would draw a vast number of european / international royalty to one place ) and they hit it off immediately. tomas is ambitious, politically minded but unfailingly warm and absolutely dotes on wren; he’s one of the few people in the world wren feels really knows him and sees him and they trust one another implicitly. they’re stupidly in love and half of tomas’s reasoning for joining the program has been to be near wren -- the distance isn’t ultimately something either of them want to deal with longer than they have to and wren’s not spectacular at telling tomas ‘no’ in any situation ( not that he’s even considered it in this case ). tomas is definitely perceived as the more “normal” of the pair of them but he’s just as odd as wren - even if it’s in different ways. they complement each other really well & are generally a very solid couple. 
NAME ; tomas matej kovac.
AGE ; twenty-five -- twenty-eight ( really, as long as he and wren are within a few years, age wise, i don’t mind ).
FACECLAIM OPTIONS ; ronen rubinstein, axel auriant, alex fitzalan, paul mescal, taron egerton, utp.
TITLE ; his royal highness, prince of slovakia & duke of kosice.
GROUP ; @highsocietyhq.
CONNECTIONS ; wren d’ansembourg ( @wrcns / fiancé, prince of luxembourg ). luca, wendy & lara d’ansembourg ( @lucadansembourg​ / luxembourg royals, future in-laws ).
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wrcns · 3 years
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you’re beautiful when you laugh.
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wrcns · 3 years
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