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Okay so, we cleaned out the pond and I was in charge of making sure there were no frogs in the pond (I gave myslef that job because of my love for frogs, don't judge) and this is Fred The Frog. I have set him free now, but for about an hour he happily sat on my hand, just sat there, he had lovly golden and shiny eyes. Fred is the first 2 pictures. Thrid picture is a newt I found, I called him Jim, he ran away :(.
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Hey guys! I'm Emmalynn and I'm 13,im in the queen, bealtes and classic rock music fandom. I draw art sometimes, most of it is bad. I count myslef as a hippie/bohemian. I hate all of the modern pop music, Jimi Hendrix is my idol. Queen is my favourite band. Anyway, my Instagram is wrecked.converse and my twitter is TheQueatles. Dm me on those if you want to dm, I can not dm on here sadly. Thank you and hope you like my posts.
P.s I will post a lot about frogs aswell as music. I love frogs.
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