wrigglyclown · 3 years
they didn't even ban mpreg
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
A (good?) TV example of what a queerplatonic relationship is like
…How many of you have watched/remember the show “Full House”? 
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…It’s a pretty well-known show, and because of that, it’s usually my go-to whenever someone asks me to explain what a queerplatonic relationship is like. 
In particular, I use the relationship between Danny, Jesse, and Joey as an example. 
…A bit of background info, the show’s general premise is that Danny Tanner is a widowed father with three daughters. The brother of his late wife, Jesse, and Danny’s best friend Joey move in “temporarily” to help Danny raise his daughters as he is coping with the death of his wife. However, Jesse and Joey’s stay in the Tanner household becomes permanent. 
(Just a disclaimer, I am only going to talk about the events pre- the reboot,  Fuller House)
The show ran for eight seasons, and as those seasons progressed, the relationship between the three men gets stronger and stronger over time. 
Now, to clarify, Danny, Jesse, and Joey are all straight, and not blood related. 
The three men aren’t in love, but they have an extremely high level of commitment to each other.  They live together under the same roof throughout the entire series, and Joey and Jesse assist Danny in raising his daughters, to the point where Jesse and Joey are just as big of father figures in the girl’s lives as Danny himself is. 
The girls are basically their shared daughters.
Together, the three men+ the kids consider themselves as one family unit. 
Even though they aren’t in love with each other, Danny, Jesse, and Joey literally cannot function or live without each other because they are too important to each other. They support each other in the same ways that a spouse would.
Even when Jesse got married to his wife Rebecca later in the series and the two had children of their own, Jesse still didn’t leave Danny and Joey, and just moved his wife and kids into the Tanner household instead, continuing to live under the same roof as Danny and Joey. 
Danny also met another woman that he got engaged to (Vicky). However, Vicky wanted to move away in order to forward her career, and the two weren’t able to make a compromise, so they ended their relationship. Vicky prioritized her work, but Danny didn’t have the heart to move away and leave Jesse and Joey behind. 
In other words, Danny thought keeping up his relationship with Jesse and Joey was more important than his romantic relationship with Vicky (well, that, and he and his daughters liked staying in San Francisco too much). But still- he put Jesse and Joey before Vicky at the end of the day. 
Actually, all three of the men have at multiple instances throughout the series, had came to a crossroads where they had to decide whether to branch off on their own and separate from the other two for various reasons (often to follow some sort of dream), or to turn it down and stay in the house with with the other two.  Obviously, the three ALWAYS choose to stay living together. 
As you can tell, the relationship that Danny, Jesse, and Joey have although not romantic, is considerably stronger than a normal friendship would be- or even a best friend relationship. Their relationship is basically like a three-way marriage without the romance. 
They are so committed to each other that it’s pretty much impossible for all three of them to even picture a life where they are separated and not living together. They hold each other to such a high regard that they make life sacrifices to stay with each other. 
And that is VERY much like a queerplatonic relationship. 
Queerplatonic relationships are usually a term used by aromantic people to describe the very close non-romantic partner that they share a strong commitment with, but you don’t necessary have to be aro or even LGBT+ to have a queerplatonic relationship with someone. Just know that it is something MUCH MORE than just a mere friendship. 
Sometimes, a queerplatonic relationship is three straight dudes and their shared daughters living under the same roof. 
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
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Today is a very special day
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Hatsune Miku! 🎂🎁🎈🎉
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
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see its right there in the comics
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
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true friendship
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
prince “doing the absolute most to show off during an escape mission from a maximum security prison” zuko on that one scene in the boiling rock:
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
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no no no no no no no no no no no no no
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
i want to peg his heart 😔❤
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
why are all pride flags just stripes make that shit like Wales
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
LGBT stands for Lets Guillotine Billionaires Together
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
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a bi pride miku bc i’m bi as hell and SO powerful!!
design by @liquidcosmos!!!!
this pride month, let’s uplift the black artists in our community! here is a twitter thread chock full of amazing black lgbt artists!
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wrigglyclown · 4 years
some advice from Joyce Erin, neighborhood medic:
Please, please, please don't pour milk on peoples' faces who have been sprayed with any kind of chemical irritant. Milk, for a variety of reasons, may provide a momentary relief but is dangerous for our bodies in the long run. It can trap particles against your skin for longer prolonging your exposure to the chemicals, cause infections, and put bacteria in your eyes and face. Which is the opposite of what you need when dealing with chemical exposure. Additionally, the thick white substance will mark them clearly to the cops.
1. A clean water bottle with a sport top cap that will allow you to control the stream of water
2. Have your comrade kneel, ask if they have contacts in. If they do - have them take it out. I know it's painful but contacts need to come out.
3. Ask them to try and keep their eyes open/blinking while you rinse them out. You are physically pushing the particles out of their eyes, which is easier when their eyes are open. Blinking will help too as you do this. That is our bodies natural way to clear out irritants.
4. Use a diagonal motion starting at the bridge of the nose and use a steady stream of water to flush out towards the corner of eyes away from face. You are physically removing the chemical irritants for someone's faces. Repeat on other side.
5. You may need to do this multiple times. IT IS WORTH IT. Think of it like an eye wash in your high school chemical class. This is actually removing the irritants from your face.
6. Contact free spray water in their mouths and if you can have them rinse their mouth and spit far away from you (this is tough with COVID).
7. When they get home do not wear contaminated clothes into the house as much as possible. Put them straight into a washer at high heat. Run an empty cycle between to get rid of the chemicals.
8. Get in the shower right away. Use sturdy soap and let the water run off of your body. Do your best to avoid contaminated water entering your face or genital areas. That is not comfortable.
9. Drink LOTS of water, rest, and listen to your body afterwards. These chemicals impact us and you will need time to recover and heal.
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