writing-ace-club · 4 years
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Here’s the lovely “smile” of Melon, a GMO-dryad. I’m not sure if all of their species look like watermelons but it might be the case. 
The reason they’re named Melon if all of these guys look like melons is because this one lives near humans and that’s just the nickname humans gave them.
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writing-ace-club · 4 years
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Pseudo-nymphs, also known as GMO dryads, were a magical experiment to recreate the mythical wood nymphs of legend. While magic can transform humans into other organisms, repeated changes can have permanent risks the less phylogenetically related the organism is. So the idea of easily shifting between human and tree is quite fascinating. 
One witch tried to combine the DNA of humans, common fruit, and a hydrozoa jellyfish to link the gap between these groups. The witch was arrested for tampering with human DNA but by then several GMO dryads had escaped into the wild and reproduced. They live on the edges of human society since they are sapient.
They have four small eyes on their chests and backs. No lungs as they breathe through their skin. They contain a seed near their heart that when planted will grow into a tree-like polyp that grows  3-7 more GMO dryads.
Because of this last fact, they have no desire to seek companionship. In fact they’re pretty territorial as they want the best place for their polyp free from competition hogging resources.
Reproduction via death does affect their sense of purpose in life. The human portion wants to find meaning in their existence, the other parts don’t care. It’s very frustrating.
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