Chenle - How You Meet & How He Confesses
I LOVE THIS BOY I'M SORRY--- It wasn't requested, I just felt like doing it, lmao. Also, I'm going on hiatus until the 16th, because of finals, but I should be back!! ❤ You all can still request stuff! ______________________________ ▶okay so first of all, y'all met at a café. you went there to work on an essay. you expected to be alone but that all went out the window when a boy around your age sat across from you claiming he couldnt sit anywhere else ▶...even though the café was almost empty ▶but it was okay bc you were like,,, Wow He's Cute ▶you nervously went back to typing, but your mind was elsewhere bc,,, Cute Boy, Across From You ▶the boy cleared his throat and was like,, I Lied I Could've Sat Elsewhere, But I Just Thought You Were Cute ▶nd your face got a bright red, like??? cute boy thinks youre cute??? How™? ▶and as much as you wanted to talk to him, you only had half of your essay done, and the deadline was drawing closer every second of you wasted,, so you gave him an apologetic smile and said 'i really, really need to work on this, but youre really cute too?? can i have your number??' nd ur screaming internally. ▶and he pouts, saying 'i wanted to ask you for your number >:(' , but he quickly gets over it and writes it down, 'text me later, okay?' ▶you nod and he gets up and leaves but not before winking at you (which made you blush more) and talking to the barista, getting you your fav drink :D ▶so its been, like, four months since yall met, and you two are inseparable. instant best friends honestly ▶like, its more common to see you at their dorm than it is to see donghyuck, even tho he lives there nd u dont ▶and so one day, he finally decides to confess, even though he's convinced himself you don't like him like that ▶everyone tries telling him that youre head over heels for him,,, but he Just Isn't Hearing It ▶he asks renjun for advice at first, but then renjun just gives him cheesy pick up lines, so he's like Moving On ▶he goes to the next person hes closest to; jisung ▶he blackmails jisung into helping him confess to you ▶jisung was so annoyed @ him, but gave in bc he didnt want to be Exposed. so its the day, he goes up to u nd is like 'chenle likes u but hes too scared to tell u even tho its obvious u like him' nd ur like,, tell him i feel the same way about him nd he just says 'tell him yourself, i need to do homework' ▶(homework being taking a nap) ▶so u go back to the dorms w jisung nd he leaves to his room, leaving u nd chenle (and donghyuck bc he doesnt know when to leave) alone ▶hes bright red when he sees u nd gets all embarrassed, nd ur like awww ur so cute internally and externally u say 'i like you, you nerd' ▶hes shocked nd is like,, do u like me, or like like me? y'know,,, just to make sure ▶'like like you loser' ▶hes ecstatic nd is all bubbly. he cant rly think of what to reply with, so he says 'i like like you too' nd u roll ur eyes like wow 1!! what news ▶and then from that moment on, you both become a rly cute couple!!! ▶(and become the subject of endless teasing from donghyuck, but it's okay bc you have each other) ______________________________ IDK if you can tell, but Chenle is my bias LOL.
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Requests Are Open
Please take a look at the groups I write for and the rules!!
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|| Rules ||
I will write for pretty much anything, but I draw the line when it comes to sexual assault. 
I will write smut, but not for anyone under 18. 
That’s about it! It’ll take time to get to your requests, so please don’t spam me.
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