writing-now-andthen · 3 months
YALL i need more to jds humiliation kink i beg i have to know more i need more scenarios 🙏🙏 also we need more of him as a bottom in general but especially that 😻😻
NSFW 18+
Okay this will be my last one but I hope you like it
He doesn't like to do anything where he completely gives up control
He falls into what he thinks is the deepest "love" there is incredibly quickly but doesn't really get that if he stays with you he'll develop more than just obsession and when he seriously falls totally and deeply and love he'll know because of how strong it actually is
I mean he didn't realize it would be that strong
One of the many new feelings that encompasses is a deeper trust. He didn't think he'd ever tell you he gets off on being humiliated but here we are
He loves to do stuff outside
He's down to feel really exposed outside maybe naked and tied to a tree (assuming he has the safety net that if any one sees you'll shoot them)
He likes gunplay
He likes it when you make him feel awkward or uncomfortable
Spankings a good way to start to make him feel sort of vulnerable and embarrassed
Your equipment in this situation is not relevant he takes it up the ass regardless
The next time you too are going to kill someone have them find JD in the woods in a compromising position before you shoot them in the back of the head
But first let JD deal with being found bound and gagged holding a dildo inside him
This was incredibly short and also the last thing I'll be writing on this blog sorry 😞 I hope you see it and I hope you like the little that is there
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writing-now-andthen · 4 months
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writing-now-andthen · 8 months
Switching Up Roles - Prologue (Buggy x Reader)
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A/N: So the request got insaaaaanely out of hand cuz I can't shut the fuck up about this stupid clown 🙃 In the future I gotta have requests ask for headcanons, full fic, or headcanons with drabbles in the future so I can put a cap on my brain lol I had also been wanting to write Switch!Buggy learning to embrace the sub part of himself. I wanted to get part of it out and the set up cuts off pretty cleanly here. There is a taste of smut in it, but it stays with the style of the exposition for the most part instead of really delving into it.
Word count: ~1760 (The draft is at 8100 rn 🧍🏻‍♀️)
Warnings: afab!reader (no pronouns), switch!reader, NSFW, p in v, creampie, they're like probably too into each other, Buggy leans towards opla Buggy, I have a propensity to just keep sentences going man
I hope you enjoy a taste and thank you for your patience 🙏🏻
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You’d always had a hunch about Buggy. It started with little things like how his grunts and moans would sometimes slip in and out of something more whiny and breathy. How the look in his eyes would turn from something rabid and devouring into something desperate and uncertain. Maybe he was just more comfortable using the whole range of his voice than most men. Maybe that look just came from the insecurity in him that you were constantly trying to wring out with every lingering hug and reassuring whisper.
Speaking of those, he drank them up like an addict. Now, it’s not like you think it’s abnormal to enjoy soft touches and sweet words; everyone wants those from their partner in one form or another. The thing is, Buggy seemed to hang on those words with extra ardor. He’d focus on you like nothing else existed. He’d twist and turn both himself and his comfort zone in order to receive them. Whenever he accomplished something, whether it was as big as defeating a new enemy or as small as making a new joke, he would turn his face to seek you out like a plant’s leaves reaching to feel the sun. He’d go to you whenever he was uncertain. Difficult announcements were made with you within arm’s reach, vital decisions were made with you sitting thigh to thigh, and battles were fought with the two of you back to back.
Despite his status as captain, Buggy was always following you. Of course, he was the one in charge, the one who gave orders, but you were the one for whom he would change those orders or redirect his path. When you entered a room, he was the one to go to you. It was only on rare occasions that he’d order you to him like an owner would a dog. His calls for you were greetings, that is if he wasn’t getting up to lead you in himself. Buggy did know how to demand but he preferred to handle you with invitations. 
Even so, you were well versed in Buggy leading you to touch or lay where and how he wanted. The extending months of your relationship have been filled with the two of you pushing and pulling at each other, empty of any thoughts and aims other than the need you had for each other. He has growled out commands and desires, expecting you to do just as he asked and he fit the role of manhandling you into a compliant sub very well. There were times when it seemed to be just that though - a role. Not every time; the more starved for your body he seemed, the more he’d take you just how he wanted. Now that you were months in and the pent up “what if”s were easing into the new joy of deep connection, his need for your body settled to hunger while his appetite for connecting to You became insatiable. Being able to allocate more time to exploring each other let latent behaviors break through the frantic way that you two tried to consume one another. Buggy had always aimed for your pleasure, hitting steady bullseyes, but now he was consciously seeking it and looking for new avenues to sate you and file them away for the future. He gained the clarity to observe while he was flooding himself with you.
You also noticed that with this change of pace came his need to chase your movements. You don’t think Buggy was even aware of the way he would lean his body towards you no matter the time or place, the way he would follow your lips whenever you pulled away, or the way his body would seek out your hands and happily mold to their movements like you were an artist working with clay. There was the way he seemed almost relieved when you would guide him. It appeared that he savored the time to unload the responsibility of decisions onto someone else but he had never known anyone he could trust to give him that peace before.
You understood that need. The rush you got when you only had to think of pleasing him and then hearing him tell you how good you were at doing just that? It was euphoria all on its own. It had you feeling like you knew in your core that you were doing something right and that you were making your love feel good - feel proud and happy. While you enjoyed partaking in it yourself, you had no problem taking control to give that to Buggy. Honestly it was a dynamic that was sounding tastier by the day. Seeing him act out of need for your direction and approval made you crave it more each time. You were eager to see him when he loses himself in the role of being what you want. You’re positive he’d take to it well; all you want is him after all, but now that he’s given pieces of himself to you, you want all of him. You want him to expose his needs to you, right down to the core of his desires, so that you could feel the thrill of holding that trust and vulnerability. You want to prove to him that he is always safe with you and that you can fulfill all that he wants and more.
One night a few weeks back, you got the final evidence you needed to feel confident labeling him as a switch like yourself. It was one of the few times Buggy was letting you ride him when he was close (he seemed to be embarrassed of the way it would pull out higher pitched moans from him, no matter how you complimented them), and he had let himself fall further into acting without thought than he usually would beneath you. His typical grapple with composure was replaced by him melting into bliss, leaving you a Buggy who was slack-jawed, glassy eyed, and trembling. You could still feel some hesitancy in the way he kept making his eyes focus on you even when they wanted to roll back or the way he would reign in his volume after a particularly (and deliciously) loud moan. His hands still went through the motions of guiding your hips, but this time your hips were pushing into that heavy grip instead of his hold directing the bounce and grind of your body on his.
Even though the feeling of his cock splitting you open and rubbing deliciously from your clenching entrance to the deepest stretch of your cunt left you struggling for thought, you were determined to keep an eye out for his tells that he would try to flip you back over. Whenever Buggy blinked some focus back into his eyes, you leaned down and captured his panting mouth in sloppy kisses. His eagerness to feel your swollen lips and teasing tongue made it easy to kiss his mind back into a blur. When he planted a hand down and sat himself up, you tightened your core to clench down on him and changed to the heavy grinds that made him weak with the way he could feel every hot, plush inch of you gripping him. He fell down to his elbow, but when you followed him to nibble at his ear and fill it with moans, he lost all his strength and collapsed back on the bed.
You kept at it because you needed to cum on top of him. The promise of a body shaking orgasm always came to you in the squeeze of your thighs around his waist, the grind of his pelvis on your clit, the way you could change your angle to have the head of his cock massaging whichever spot felt the most electric in the moment. It took hold of your mind with the way you got to look down on him spread out beneath you while he looked up at you with that desperate face. You could see how steeped he was in pleasure and need from his furrowed brow and shining eyes. Buggy always fell into the most beautiful, incoherent mess when you were the one leading him. His long blue hair spread out wildly, the few strands sticking to his face bringing out his pink flush. His gorgeous eyes, highlighted by stripes of blue makeup and long fluttering lashes, glistened up at you. His painted red mouth looked all the more tempting with how his kiss-wet lips parted for him to gasp in air and breathe out moans.
With little warning, Buggy sobbed out an overwhelmed, “Fuuu-hah-huuuuck,” and the next thing you knew strong hands yanked you down and he trapped you close in an iron grip. His forehead dug into your neck and his humid breath tingled down your chest. All you could feel, hear, smell was Buggy - so much burning skin, jumbled curses, lingering sea salt. His hands scrambled on your back, pulling you closer like he needed it to live, and amidst all the sensation you felt his cock pressed tight into you, twitching heavily with each wave of hot cum it pumped into you. It shoved you immediately far over the edge, and you curled into him, squeezing and shaking and grabbing and gasping. You got what you were promised and your body shook, letting you get extra jolts of friction against his still pulsing cock.
The come down was slow and lethargic, the two of you molded to each other and unwilling to leave the moment behind yet. Your breaths eventually slowed while you both enjoy giving and receiving little trailing touches. Your brain was high from the intense orgasm and the building joy that you can finally open the door on this aspect of your relationship where Buggy lets himself submit.
That is, until he ruins it. 
Both of you were too tired to say much of anything through the swift cleanup and release to slumber. You didn’t think anything of it, because it wasn’t the first time it happened. You did start to catch on to Buggy’s avoidance when he would find convenient ways to dance around the topic or disappear when you were leading up to it. It became unquestionable when he started to run out of clever escape routes. The final straw was when you approached him with an “I wanna talk about the other night” and he did a 180 with a panicked “forgot some captain stuff for the thing” yelled back to you. So you let it drop. For a time.
You spotted your opportunity just over three weeks after you’d dropped the subject. Buggy continued to slip around you for almost two of those weeks, approaching you with the same caution a child would when entering a haunted house on a dare. He held the same nervous excitement and insatiable curiosity too. The whole time, you pretended that you hadn’t noticed. You were well practiced in the art of playing blind; Buggy wore his emotions on his sleeve whether he wanted to or not, and he loved that you would let him pretend some of it didn’t happen. Even though he knew you sometimes played it to your advantage and still let most of your comments and cackles out during his outbursts and foibles. He just paid you back for those with his own tricks and teasing and all’s fair in love and war.
You knew not to strike right away. You needed to reaaaaally let him settle back into normalcy between you two so that The Incident wasn’t on his mind. Not that you’d been able to get it out of yours; you were endlessly replaying the memory of him being seized by instinct and impulse so violently that he clung to you like he could never be close enough while you made him cum so hard that his dick felt like someone was jolting a toy inside you. Whether the imagery came to you on purpose or involuntarily, it always had you squirming and looking for some way to get off.
Today had been especially filled with that memory, but luck was on your side, finally ready to reward you for your patience. Buggy had been getting a bit exhausted recently, prepping the crew, the ship, and everything on it for a risky raid happening next week. It would be the culmination of a few months planning, and he had been running himself ragged making sure that everything would go smoothly. And, when it didn’t, there was a backup plan and at least two more backup plans for that one. 
He had been seeking rest from you more than interaction the past few days - falling asleep almost immediately after getting back to his room late, giving you long hugs where he’d close his eyes if only for a minute and let you hold up some of his weight, scarfing down his food so he could power nap with his head on your thigh while you finished your own meal. If he was doing something that only needed one hand, he’d send the other to you so he could have the comfort of your touch and the pick me up from feeling your occasional squeeze on it. He had to find and stop you the time you decided to massage his overworked hand, because the relaxing feeling had him zoning out through full conversations.
All that to say, the man clearly needed someone to force a break on him and take care of him. Just as clearly, Buggy was needing that care from you so much that he was allowing himself to seek you out in ways that he (wrongfully) feared would annoy or drain you. His exhaustion outweighing that sea-sized insecurity of his was the cue you’d been looking out for. If he really didn’t want to be submissive to you then that’s fine, but you’d be damned if it was just his own negative self-talk keeping the two of you from feeling that way again or from bonding even closer with another dynamic to exchange trust and affection. After all, that act of trust being met with affection is one of the best ways to chip away at his self-doubt and self-loathing.
~ ~ ~ ••• ✦✦✦ ••• ~ ~ ~
More to come - hope you enjoyed 🤍
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writing-now-andthen · 9 months
It actually caused me physical pain to delete so many requests in my ask box, sorry for not responding to each of them to say I'm not doing it but if you requested JD, Mark Hunter, or kuffs and I haven't answered I'm probably never going to as I'm no longer writing for them
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writing-now-andthen · 9 months
As a trans guy myself, i just get so happy reading your trans masc JD HC. Feeling affirmed and consequently revenged when someone tries to bother you by calling you gay is such a mood, like "hell yeah i am a fag! And you're an asshole, are we done stating facts?". Could you write something about JD and a trans masc reader this time?
JD x trans masc reader hcs
JD typical everything, use of dyke, swearing
I believe there's three things you could do to make JD 'leave' you:
1. Tell him you don't love him
2. Interfere with his killing
3. Get boring. Mundane.
Otherwise he'll love his boyfriend for... How ever long he stays alive
He'll kill anyone you want or even don't want but trust him he knows what's best
You're a match if you have the same fire that burns in him, the one he would let devour him in his pursuit to see society burn
I mean he won't say it like that, wouldn't want to freak you out
Unless he's sure that you think like him or you're going to be permanently separated... For whatever reason
You've heard an assortment of slurs... Dykes probably the worst in terms of accuracy
So odd how you start seeing JD and any shit you got tapers off...
So crazy how you'd never catch anyone admitting they're scared of him
Or maybe it's that the people with reason to be scared are dead
Be trans do crimes
He's very chill- well okay no JD's not chill but he is about your transness he doesn't act like it's a big deal and rarely brings it up
If you talk about being trans be careful with your words if it sounds like someone made you dysphoric or upset you he'll kill them
He won't act like that's what's going to happen in the moment but it is
This was rlly short so very sorry I'm trying to pump out whatever I have now because I'm no longer taking requests/writing for Jason Dean
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writing-now-andthen · 9 months
My phone got fucked shortly after this so and I didn't know my password so I couldn't do anything 😭 I just came back to a shit ton of notifications omg
Okay okay posting more soon
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writing-now-andthen · 10 months
Okay okay posting more soon
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writing-now-andthen · 10 months
Nvm fck this
Currently reorganizing my masterlist<3
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writing-now-andthen · 10 months
Currently reorganizing my masterlist<3
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writing-now-andthen · 10 months
Heyy do you have any requests rn? I just dont wanna resend something someone else already sent lol :3
I do I do
I have what's maybe not a lot for someone else but to me is like wow so many! You can still send in yours if you'd like though I am going through them at a pace significantly less than fast
If your thing is hella specific than it's probably not already in my ask box<3
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writing-now-andthen · 10 months
There's something called a KOSA Bill in the US. It's a project planning to cut off internet access to ALL CHILDREN WORLDWIDE. This means they are banning Chai/C.AI, Wattpad, AO3, Discord, Tumblr, Tiktok, etc.
To make matters worse, parents will have access to their children's internet activity, meaning chats, websites visited, apps opened, etc. Giving them NO privacy whatsoever. Esp. children who are LGBTQIA+, because in the US, it is deemed "inappropriate".
There is a solution to this, however only to people who have Tiktok, there is a user named omarsbigsister, if you check their profile, you can see in their bio it says "STOP KOSA!! ⬇️⬇️"
Below the text, there's a link. Now before you click on the link, there's a video you need to see, giving you instructions on what to do.
This is the video.
Plz do WHATEVER you can to boost this, tag friends, reblog, share, anything will do.
Tags: @randomweebhub @blankdemslate @raymett @donkeybro @corvid-steven @pookie-pie-12 @ipostmyhyperfixationsnshit @ask-the-anonymous-army @fandomsandwriting1 @myclutteredmess-but-reblogs PLS BOOST!!
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writing-now-andthen · 10 months
More busty betty and Hard harry plz or I'm going to spontaneously combust 😊
For anyone reading this who doesn't know it's pt 2 of bimbo! Reader busty Betty x mark Hunter (I think the only (or one of the few) specifically and explicitly fem readers I have rn)
(nsfw talk if sex and masturbation)
His show can go on pretty late so sometimes you take off your makeup and such while you're on air
He calls you doll
It's different as himself and his persona but as Hard Harry he's very forward with flirting with you on air
If you indicate that it's okay Hard Harry will definitely sexualize you live
Sometimes you get letters from people flirting with you like with him and the anonymous eat-me-beat-me lady although you get more letters of that nature then he does, he's fine with responding to it however you want; if you speak sexually so will he, if you shut that down he backs you up
If they leave a number you both definitely call as per his rule
He lets you take control of calls for letters that were addressed to you but he still contributes just like you do for people who write to him
He's very sexual on air and you can definitely match that energy male masturbation/desire can be more normalized and talked about then female masturbation/desire so I guess congratulations on keeping up with him on fake masturbating on his show
You two can obviously simulate sex on his show but c'mon he's known for his masturbating
Doesn't hurt to state your horniness on air and join in
You get way more letters about that then he ever did. Huh weird.
Sometimes you say really meaningful and insightful things and this can throw people of "Dear busty Betty, I didn't know you could sound that smart" you've also gotten letters calling you stupid
Mark doesn't like those letters and you don't either but you also know that's kinda par for the course, you've always had people with assumptions about you for things like your voice/tone, your hair, your makeup, your clothes, and such
But whatever Mark loves and you get to be Busty Betty on his show
If you two don't want anyone knowing you're Busty Betty you have to play it like it's probably a fake bimbo persona and definitely not you
Okay that's all I got srry it took so long (you asked this in April 💀) and it's kinda short
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writing-now-andthen · 11 months
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writing-now-andthen · 11 months
could i possibly request a jd x fem!reader, whether it be a fic or headcanons? the premise would be that readers hair gets stuck in something like a drawer or a car door, and she doesn’t react how a normal person would, and jd would realize or joke about her having some sort of hair pulling kink?
It's a drawer
You didn't notice when you shut it
You spun around so quickly to make your way back to jd it hurt a bit when it tugged on your hair and you whimpered just a little bit
Now jds heard what it sounds like if you stub your toe or accidentally lose your fingers in something
He's also heard what you sound like in his bed when he does something you really like
He can identify which sound was which
He doesn't say anything yet
He waits until the next time your lips are on his, and it's when the two of you are sitting on his bed that he runs his fingers through your roots and grabs a hold of your hair
He pulls your head back a little just so his mouth can get at your neck
And you make that pretty sound again
He pulls you by your hair down so your laying on his bed with him on top of you, he only lets go off your hair to hold down your hands
He tells you you make some real cute sounds when he pulls your hair
You can say you don't, you roll your eyes, you can say nothing at all if you want
He just won't do it anymore
Since you don't like it
He'll still run his hands through your hair, he might get a grip on it for a second but his hand let's go almost immediately
Since you don't have a hair pulling kink
Always touching your hair now
Won't do anything with it
But the second you snap and say please pull my hair
He will and he eats up all the pretty sounds you make
And I do mean that you have to say please
You were just being so difficult about he has to make sure you mean it
He thinks you're so cute when you say please
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writing-now-andthen · 11 months
can you write something about jd with a corruption kink and a reader who’s like not super innocent but i’d a virgin, doesn’t always understand nsfw jokes, etc etc 🤭
Okay I'm so sorry I don't know what it is I just don't think I can do corruption kink, it's not like I have a problem with it I just like can't write it, I dont know why I just can't get the hang of it but I thought I should probably tell you
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writing-now-andthen · 11 months
could you possibly write a (possibly smutty) sub!jd x fem!reader fic where he keeps trying to subtly drop hints that he wants her to take the lead, but she is pretty oblivious to it, until he finally comes upfront and says it??
Okay I was trying to do these in the order I received them but yk what I'm straight up cherry picking and I choose this one <3
This is like hella short cause I kind of just pumped this out, I'm trying to get back to posting again also ngl I totally skipped out on making it smutty
(set in 1989 btw)
Jason Dean x Reader
3 times JD hopes you know what he wants + 1 when he tells you (yes okay I tried to do 5 + 1 and only got to 3 before being like nevermind this is where I stop)
The thing about JD, well one of the things is that if he starts making out with you he instinctively comes in strong, he's pushing you against the nearest surface, his hands are exploring your body- the point is it's hard to back track out of that when he comes in so strong. It's easier when you initiate, then all he does is kiss you back, he tends to match the energy you bring.
You're on his couch and and you kiss him once gently, he kisses you back after you pull away. You're eyes meet his, then close as you bring your lips together again, this time longer. He pulls you onto his lap, he likes the control you have when you start grinding into it. So take control, hold his wrists, grab his throat.
but you don't.
"We could try these."
And he scratches the back of his neck and he's holding hand cuffs
And you. You assume because he's JD he wants to cuff you and you would not at all mind reversing those roles but he probably wouldn't be into that right? So you say you wanna cuff me?
And he says he'd love to and yeah he really would it's just... He had something else in mind but you know what nevermind he can try again another time. He does want you to... y'know... He just doesn't want to say it. He was kind of hoping you would suggest the cuffs go on his wrists, then he wouldn't have to say it, he'd just need to not object to it.
He's holding your purse for you because you saw a tiny little frog and wanted to pick it up. Your purse is cute and feminine and no he does not mind.
This is Sherwood, Ohio and in 1989 it's home to beer guzzling, high school peaking, Kurt Kelly, and as your coming to take your purse back he just happens to be walking by.
And he says
"Nice purse! What's it feel like being your girls pet, flamer?"
And that's it and he gone. And its whatever, but come to think of it he actually brings up an interesting point.
"How nice." JD unfazed and he pulls you in close to him. He kisses you and he doesn't drop the confidence or his flirtatious energy when he asks you "So how about it..." He kisses you before the second half of his inquiry "you uh, want me to be your pet?"
He's smiling and he's looking you up and down. The way he says it... He could be kidding, he could just be acting flirty.
He could be totally serious and hoping you take the hint and tell him you'd love to dom him and he'd look so pretty on all fours. But you don't take the hint and you don't say that.
+ 1
The two of you are sitting together on his couch when he says it.
Well not so much sitting on the couch as making out on top of it. Only this time when you put your hands on his chest he grabs them and asks if you put them somewhere else.
You position your hands on his wrists, he feels a little nervous but he positions you both so your pinning him to the couch.
It does not help with his nerves when you kind of just pause for a second, it's just your surprised, that's not something you thought was going to happen.
Your still not doing anything.
He clears his throat.
You take control for a minute and kiss him, your forceful, and domineering, and your putting pressure on his wrists. But only for a minute. Next your taking his lips off his just to double check that he's into this, that he wants you to take control.
He chokes a little when you ask him if he wants to sub for you sometimes and do you have to be asking him this right now? Like this? While you're on top of him, and his hands are pinned above his head? He's feeling a little exposed like this and he's very aware of his erection pressing into your body.
You can feel him pressing into you.
"Oh I guess you do like it, so you wanna be more submissive for me?" You nod towards his crotch to illustrate your point.
There's no judgement in your voice, just observant curiosity, but God that doesn't mean you're not making it just a little awkward for him.
He's a little embarrassed. He is not going to tell you he's embarrassed.
He feels like it's worse if you know. So he just nods his head yes and tries to act cool about it.
"So maybe do we could stop using our mouths for talking?"
He is silently begging for you to to kiss him and not ask any follow questions for now.
And you do.
Maybe he'll talk about it some more later.
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Just got a request that I want to do so bad but I'm committed to doing them in the order I received them and I have seven or eight to do first but if youve sent one in I swear to God I'm going to do it
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