The Hunger Games: Catching Fire might be the only movie that has stepped into the arena of great expectations and survived.
The long awaited sequel to the popular movie, The Hunger Games, Catching Fire debuted on November 22 as the second film to the series written by Suzanne Collins.
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"MSNBC host says newborn infants don't count as 'alive' unless parents decide they do; infanticide is the new abortion"
The content of this article is blown completely out of proportion; not to mention it's incredibly ill-sourced.
The entire rant is based off of Harris-Perry's legitimate controversial quote on MSNBC, which, surprisingly, is quoted in the article:
"When does life begin? I submit the answer depends an awful lot on the feelings of the parents. A powerful feeling--but not science."
And SUDDENLY, she will potentially:
"murder her own baby in the near future and feature it on the set of MSNBC in a special celebration broadcast complete with pentagrams etched on the desk and a chorus of hooded satan-worshippers drinking the blood of a dead fetus while [she] reads the names of the sponsors." 
. . . Really?
Major Red Flag: All of the hyperlinks lead either directly back to the same article it's featured in, or to another article on the same website.
The hyperlink 'providing information' on Melissa Harris-Perry, the satan-worshipping MSNBC news anchor itching to murder children, leads directly back to the original text.
That trend applies to the other major ideas and names that need to be sourced for respectable credibility; but each hyperlink fails to leave the website it's already on.
Additionally, everything that Harris-Perry "believes" isn't even quoted. The author is doing what the media is famous for: taking statements out of context and stretching the truth as far as possible. 
America should not be shamed for 'wanting to kill children', but instead for deliberate misguidance, instigation, and greed. 
Articles like these are published for your attention;
for my attention,
for this.
In one way or another, someone got paid for this articles publicity. They aren't trying to protect you from corruption, here;
they're trying to stay above water and make a living,
just like you and me. 
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Most people at Cedar Crest have at least one complaint about the food.  While the food is at least usually pretty good, there are a few things that could be done better.
There is currently a committee through SGA working on getting the students what they want in terms of dining services, and more and more students are considering becoming a part of it.
Some of the things being asked for include allergen labels, vegetarian/vegan labels, more vegetarian/vegan options, a higher allowance for each meal time, and for the kitchens to be better stocked.
Dining services really does try to do their best for us, but it is lacking in a lot of factors.  Just the other day, the only thing I was able to eat in the dining hall was the salad bar, and even then half the available options were dried out and weird tasting.
Also, my veganism is a health issue, so it doesn’t bother me if my food accidentally touches a meat or animal product, but many vegans see their lifestyle as a moral guideline.  Yet all the vegan burgers are cooked on the same grill as the beef burgers, with no wipedown or anything to at least make an effort.
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A lot of people don’t have any hope for the changes they want to see come about at this point.  But there are people working on it.
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1. Satire Meme
I think this is a powerful meme because it plays on racist stereotypes. The reader sees the picture and the text "Let's go rob," before they see the second line of text. The meme does not make fun of the person the meme is about, but rather the reader. Their mind might jump to a negative conclusion and find out it is something positive, making them feel bad. 
2. Political Meme
I think this meme works because its text is from another situation (Kanye interrupting Taylor Swift) and uses it in a different conversation where a similar thing actually happened. 
3.Parody Meme
I love this meme! It takes song lyrics of a song that everyone wishes they didn't know and changes the lines to fit Darth Vader. There are plenty of memes out there that do the same thing to "Call Me Maybe" but I feel that this one is the best.
4. My Favorite Meme
My favorite meme is David Tennant in places that he shouldn't be. The meme I chose is making a reference to that popular trend while also parodying a LotR scene. 
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1. My Choice
Honestly, I judge myself for liking these as much as I do, but the longer I look at them the funnier they get so…
2. Political
For my political i chose one of those fake campaign ads. If i remember correctly they came about last election when the legit adds were just getting more and more ridiculous. A lot of people were frustrated with the amount of effort put into dissing the others running, rather than saying what they would do in office. These things are a perfect representation of my feelings towards the political sphere.
3. Parody
I love this show. I do. But sometimes you just want to see a bunch of people fighting zombies, rather than a bunch of people drama with some dead things wandering around in the background. 
4. Satire
A jab at everyone who has a youtube account and uses it to comment on videos, basically. I don’t understand why everyone does thing, because it’s not always started my internet trolls. The format of this meme is pretty typical, but the eagerness on the guy’s face is what I imagine is on those commentators faces as they click submit. 
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Meme Assignment
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Political meme: I chose this one because I loved the reference to Pinky and the Brain. I also thought the reference made it a slightly successful meme because a lot of people would get the reference, at least a lot of 90s kids would.  Satire meme: I'm not quite sure what this meme is called and I don't really enjoy it but I think it does satire very well. It makes it very clear what it is making fun of and why and even though I don't really like it personally, it still makes me giggle.
Parody meme: Go home, You're drunk. I find these memes hilarious because they are often used to personify things. I especially love this sign one because it was a fairly stupid mistake made by whoever actually made and put up the sign. Choice meme: I chose the facepalm kid meme because it entertained me. It seems like a stupid fear until you see the picture below it and that's what I think makes it successful.
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heheh, I love these!
My political meme addresses the government shutdown. I think it's relatable in the sense that we've all called IT tech for help when something wasn't working; the thought of the government taking such a simple route to solve their problems is hilarious! This meme also humors everyone that belittles the government for shutting down in the first place, indirectly saying the shutdown was a dumb decision. Also, Obamas conflicted expression makes it seem like he could actually be saying the caption, which adds to the humor.
The High Expectations Asian Father meme represents my satire meme. I thought it was a great example of over exaggerating our societal stereotype of strict asian parenting styles, especially when it comes to grades. I love the play on words here! The fact that the meme suggests that the father cares more about the child's grade than their physical health is a hilarious over exaggeration. The fathers blank, strict expression really puts the cherry on top! 
Scumbag Frodo is, in my opinion, a hilarious parody meme. It's relatable to any Lord of the Rings fan, pointing out any of movies flaws when it comes to Frodo in particular. For anyone thats seen the movies, memes like this point out things that you wouldn't have necessarily picked up on when watching the movie itself; which is probably why they're funny. The face they chose for this meme is actually pretty funny in it of itself; he looks so happy and innocent, yet it's paired with one of his 'scumbag' moves! 
Lastly, I chose Tough Guy Spongebob for my choice meme. I absolutely adore Spongebob, which most definitely had something to do with it. In the episode this is from, he was trying to sound tough but really ended up sounding like a wimp; the same eye-roll reaction is apparent here. It's also very relatable in the sense that we've all scrolled past those 'like' pages on facebook that lead you to believe you're genuinely contributing to society by 'liking' the page. It also pokes fun at the people who truly believe they've helped by liking the page, and the companies/people that make the pages; not to mention belittling all of the hope for aiding in world issues by liking Facebook pages as a whole. 
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For my memes, I chose the following. My political meme features the Republican "heartthrob" from the 2012 election- Paul Ryan. After doing a photoshoot emphasizing his dedication to physical fitness, numerous political memes were made. I like that this one doesn't make insanely personal digs on Ryan but still pokes fun on his jock-y image. I thought the quotations around the "guns" part of the caption was cheesy though. Would somebody not be able to connect the connotation to the picture?
Hipster Ariel is one of my favorite parody memes. So many great pictures to parody from just one movie!! This meme is a little generic for the genre, but otherwise I like it. Simple, and to the point. 
Keanu Reeves memes are consistently funny satire memes. They make fun of a lot of society's would-be conspiracy theories. They also remind me of Philosoraptor memes, which I also find funny. This one about Axe body spray couldn't be any more right about most guys wearing an unnecessarily large amount of body spray. 
And finally, my choice meme included a puppy and a tennis ball. I think animal memes are very versatile and can be used with a lot of different humor. This particular one is combined with the "erhmagerd" speech memes, making it more funny than if it were just typed normally, as the dog has a humorous face on. 
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Yes, two are big bang, but really this show is amazing. The Big Bang Theory has grown incredibly popular and even has its own Facebook meme page (which I happen to follow). The loveable Sheldon captures the hearts of millions with every meme-worthy phrase he utters. I love the show and love the memes.
Now the snickers one, I've seen this one for the past few months, and it automatically came to mind when I thought of a political meme. 
And that leaves the alpacapillar. Now I've seen this almost every day when I go down to the barn and have NEVER thought of this. I really do like some of the alpaca memes. The ones that play off of the word "alpaca" are getting a bit repetitive, but then you happen to stumble across one like this which actually makes you laugh. Alpacas are beginning to grow ever popular (Stanley Steamer commercials, multiple TV episodes like in Royal Pains), so it is only natural that the memes are right behind them :)
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Great Satire! This is so true!!! Picture is great! And the picture is priceless! So many more memes you can make with the base picture though!
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Love this parody meme it's hilarious. I like the edits as well! Disney Princesses are the best for parodies!
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first: One of my choice
I like this post a lot. I think its quite hilarious and almost everyone can relate. Everyone has had that one very productive day and you feel like your done for the day but you have so much more stuff to do. Lastly, the picture is perfect because it just makes feel like that is the face you make when something like this happens.
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We'll Remember
It was during the summer of my freshman year at college when I heard about the death of Elijah Carraway.
I didn’t know him that well and I hadn’t spoken to him in about 7 years.
But that was the first time someone from my childhood died.
There were a few students in my high school who passed away at an early age. The principal would announce it over the intercom and we would have a moment of silence. I would feel sad, but the feeling would diminish and life would go on.
This was different. I actually met Elijah, spoken with him. We shared the same homeroom teacher. I remember him saying “I voted for you” during our elementary spelling bee sign ups.
I never saw him after that year, but I remembered him. I remember.
I learned in the morning. I learned in my pajamas, sitting on the couch that day.
"Gunned down on the streets of Pottsville," they said on the news. "Body of Elijah Carraway found…drug related."
This was different.
And it is only just beginning.
You leave high school, only staying in contact with a few close friends, thinking you are just leaving everyone else behind, forging your own path.
You don’t, not really. You take them with you every step of the way. They make you the person you are today.
You may not see them again, only hear their names, maybe on the news.
But we’ll remember. We’ll remember them saying “I voted for you.”
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Steam Heat
Valve has announced that it would like to take PC gaming into the living room.
They have created a prototype of a new line of products with the goal of reaching more gamers.
The company is stressing that the machines will be fully customizable and that when the Steam Machines go on sale there will be different specifications for the wide range of machines.
 Valve is trying to improve the gamers experience by allowing them control of their machines abilities.
They want to create the perfect machine for their users by giving them a large variety of machines to choose from.
The company announced that they are planning on sharing the source CAD files for the enclosures, allowing people to replicate them if they want to.
I think this is an odd move for them to make. They are creating this unique piece of equipment and allowing others to do the same.
Financially, this might be the wrong move for them. Competitors and consumers will be able to replicate the devices themselves, bringing down the value of Valve’s Steam Machines.
Sony has noted that they will be keeping an eye out on Valve’s new project, as it might help them overcome some of their current equipment advancements.
The announcement has certainly created a stir in the gamer community. Exciting and concerning fans of Valve games.
They are still looking for beta testers for their new equipment. Allowing fans a first look, as well as helping the company fix all the bugs before the official product release.
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A Frozen Snow Queen
About a week ago, Disney released its official trailer for their new movie Frozen which you can watch here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbQm5doF_Uc Along with the release came the usual rush of controversy and complaints that seem to come with every Disney movie because they can never please everyone. That isn't what this blog post is about though since there are plenty of those rants out there. If you want a few good ones of those rants then just ask, I've read quite a few.
This post is about another movie that's coming out called Snow Queen. It's official English trailer was released just 4 days ago and from the very start it looks very similar to Frozen. You can see it for yourself here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54q4R07MMxQ There are many complaints about it looking bad in comparison to Frozen and how the lip syncing is off. What most people don't realize is that Snow Queen was originally released in Russia last December and that the English version is a Dub of the original. 
The trailer isn't quite as well set up as the one for Frozen as it is much more cut from cloth trailer with very few jokes that work. In my opinion, it is a fairly decent trailer with fairly decent art. I don't think that it will hold its own in theatres against Frozen though due to poor advertising and the fact that Disney is behind Frozen. 
I will be looking into seeing Snow Queen either way since it seems to follow the original story much better than Frozen does and as a fan of Hans Christian Andersen, this means something to me. I'd also like to see how the two stack up against each other with my own two eyes instead of relying upon the reviews of others.
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They're In Your Home:Stinkbugs
As the early signs of fall begin to make an appearance, an unwelcome pest begins to show its face in force.
The end of the summer season marks the active seasonal journey of the stinkbug from forests and cornfields to human houses. Climbing under sidings and down chimneys, stinkbugs make your home their home.
While certain areas may see only a few of these flying pests, many homes across the United States are finding little relief these past few weeks during which the stinkbugs are at their worst.
During the warmer months, stinkbugs live outside for the most part; consuming fruit and crops while they breed the next generation.
Stinkbugs are not native to the United States but from Eastern Asian countries such as Korea, China, and Japan. Early reports in Allentown, Pennsylvania record the bugs arriving as early as 2000, perhaps by hitching rides in suitcases.
Over the last few years, their numbers seem to have exploded since the exceptionally warm year of 2010. Now, billions plague houses all across the country, with no substantial way to stop them.
The residents of 376 Hartman Road in Reading, Pennsylvania seem to be feeling the worst of the invasion, numbers ranging up into the hundreds of thousands. Trying any solution they can, the family has sprayed poison all around their home with limited results.
While people seem to favor poison to protect their homes, a simple mixture of soap and water can kill stinkbugs but only by direct contact. Others have resorted to vacuuming up the pests, often crushing and releasing the odor which stinkbugs are named after.
While there is talk of introducing natural predators of the bugs into the United States, the stinkbug invasion continues with no reprieve in the foreseeable future.
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