Body Aches Sickfic Prompts🤒😫:
1: Constantly clinging to caretaker because everything hurts, they're miserable, and they don't know what to do with themselves.
2: Crying any time something cold touches their sensitive body.
3: Being extra sensitive to bumping into things, or to rough touch.
4: Just straight up inconsolable crying because they feel bad all over and they're just fed up.
5: Cuddling with caretaker in a warm shower/bath.
6: Being fed pain meds by caretaker.
7: Whining while getting a massage from caretaker, because even the lightest touch hurts.
8: Curled up in bed, not wanting to move and swaddled in blankets.
9: Being super uncomfortable on a car ride because every bump is painful.
10: Making a bed for themselves in whatever the warmest room in the house happens to be.
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a character who doesn't know they're about to pass out becaue they've never done it before. rather than saying "I feel faint" or something, they say "I feel a little weird." they only sit because another character points out that they look pale and tells them to sit or lie down.
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Based off this prompt from @jordanstrophe
“Caretaker! Caretaker!”
Whumpee let out a breath of relief as they stumbled into the arms of Caretaker, grasping desperately at the fabric of their shirt and clinging on for dear life.
“Hey, hey Whumpee calm down,” Caretaker rumbled. “Shh, it’s okay.”
“They’re trying to- You have to stop them,” Whumpee blubbered, “Please, please don’t let them get me please-”
Caretaker drew a calming hand down their back. “Shhh calm down, no one is trying to hurt you.”
Whumpee’s sobs softened as they gripped tighter onto Caretaker.
“We just want to make sure you’re safe.”
Whumpee froze. Their eyes raised slowly to Caretaker's and saw an undefinable glint in them. Despite the warmth Caretaker tried to exude, Whumpee could see something hidden under the facade. Something dangerous.
All of a sudden the warm arms surrounding them seemed all too constricting. Whumpee’s eyes widened.
They bucked against Caretaker, suddenly terrified as Caretaker’s hold grew tighter.
“Whumpee stop-”
“Let me go!” Whumpee shouted, panting breathlessly as panic grew. The sound of the footsteps of the medics behind them grew louder and Whumpee’s struggles increased.
“No, no no stop stop please Caretaker Caretaker-”
Caretaker huffed while shifting to pin them down. Whumpee yelped.
“Whumpee we’re doing this for your own good.” Caretaker looked tired out, stressed.
Whumpee wouldn’t buy it. They pulled frantically against the hold but Caretaker wouldn’t budge.
“Caretaker, please-” Tears streamed down their face and they looked up at Caretaker only to see a stony, unwavering face meet them back.
The sound of voices drew their gaze as the medics finally arrived. Their heart dropped. Their last chance at freedom, gone.
A needle pricked them in the neck and they whimpered, slumping against the ground.
Whumpee’s eyes started to droop against their will and they used their last bit of strength to glance at Caretaker, the one they thought was on their side.
Caretaker looked back at them, a look of sadness and concern. They brushed a sweaty lock of hair out of Whumpee’s face and Whumpee would have flinched had they had control of their body.
“We’re going to help you.” Caretaker whispered softly, a sad smile on their face.
Whumpee’s eyes shut to the sound of lies.
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when caretaker has no choice but to cover an injured whumpee’s mouth, when an emergency medical procedure is being performed on them (for instance, an on-field amputation or an act of applying a tourniquet to slow the bleeding), with their hand to prevent whumpee from screaming in pain and agony, and in result give out their location to whumper or other danger.
the food is good and delicious.
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Caretaker comes into sick whumpee's room and finds them shivering violently in their sleep. Sympathetic and concerned, they tuck them in with another blanket, thinking they'll surely be cold when they wake up.
So many ways it could go from there.
1: Whumpee wakes up much colder than Caretaker anticipated, to the point where even the extra blanket doesn't matter
2: Whumpee sleeps off most of the fever and wakes up a little tired and groggy but not nearly as chilled as they were in their sleep
3: Whumpee wakes up boiling and too weak to push away their layers, Caretaker feels guilty
4: Whumpee doesn't really wake up at all, going straight from a feverish sleep to delirium and are far too out of it to notice if they're cold or hot at all
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More fever prompts just because:
Whumpee waking up with a now-lukewarm cloth draped over their forehead, and weakly reaching up to brush it away
Caretaker coming to check on Whumpee and finding them awake but silently crying into the edge of their blanket because they really just don't feel good at all
Whumpee being too weak and dizzy and shaky to eat the soup their caretaker brings them, only able to sit up for a few minutes at a time before they have to close their eyes and lie back again
A caretaker sponging off a whumpee's sweaty, feverish face, and the whumpee just whimpering feebly, so out of it they can't tell if it's too cold or feels like a wonderful relief
The crease between their eyebrows, wordlessly mouthing whatever fears they're facing in their dreams, soft sounds of distress escaping them, all while the caretaker gently thumbs damp strands of hair from their forehead
The fever finally breaking and the whumpee waking up sore all over and so weak they're trembling at the slightest movement, sweat clings to their shirt and they shiver violently when Caretaker helps them out of it and into something dry
Feeling so so cold but with that uncomfortable heat just over their skin that feels all wrong, they know they must be hot because the sheets are almost painful against them, but without them they're a shivery mess
A whumpee sitting huddled against the headboard of their bed/the back of a couch or chair, wrapped in three blankets with beads of sweat on their forehead, eyes glittery and half open, half aware of the shadows creeping from the corners of their room that might just be their imagination -- they couldn't tell the difference if they weren't
Someone going to bed feeling a little off and getting zero sleep, throat sore and mind racing and chills too prevalent for them to get a single wink - in the morning they wake up feeling exhausted and out of it and when they swing their legs out of bed they find themselves almost too dizzy and shaky to stand up and that's when it hits them that oh, this is beyond just a sleepless night
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tina and linus (all of the prompts are stolen from people around Tumblr)
hesitant kisses, but when they part one whispers "do it again. please
"kiss me again, but- mphh"
cupping your lover's cheek. staring into their eyes with a grin before the kiss, their hands curling around your neck, anticipating it.
resting your head gently on their shoulder
them running their fingers through your hair and looking into your eyes
placing a soft kiss on their forehead
soft kisses on both cheeks and tip of the nose.
 “I gave you one hundred and one reasons to walk away, yet you never did. Why?” “Because I love you. It’s really that simple.”
“Remember when we first met here?” “Yeah, of course. That was the day when you spilled coffee on me and apologised profusely but all I could think about was how gorgeous you are and how great it would have been to get your number.” 
You’re an idiot.” “Well, at least I’m your idiot, right?”
Smoothing your fingers down your lover's tie, fixing where your lover couldn't tie it right. 
Holding your jacket over your lover's head as they hide from the rain, finding their formal outfit more important than your casual wear. 
Whispering jokes/loving words in a lecture/school/church/a meeting. Trying not to laugh/flirt back in fear of disturbing everyone else who's trying to pay attention. 
Protecting your lover's sleep as they doze on your lap, making sure nobody bothers them as they entrusted their peace to you. 
"Hold on, let me fix this for you." 
"God, you look so good." 
staring at them for a long time
observing their little details 
having their every little thing memorised 
Kisses Prompts that sends the readers reeling:
(5th, and 7th onee!! omfg 12th one PLSPLS somebody write and tag mee!)
hesitant kisses, but when they part one whispers "do it again. please."
hands caressing your neck or tracing your jaw as they kiss you nuts
their lips on yours, hot, feverish, partly sucking, teasing with their tongue (OMG-)
heated kisses - their hands on your bare skin, yours in their soft hair, lips nibbling, biting, moaning into yours, while heavily breathing after.
"love, don't hide your face, don't.." hands gently removing yours from your flushed face. "you make me fluster." you say, but they kiss you through those words and mumble against your lips, "you fluster me more, sweetheart."
kisses trailing down your chin, leaving love bites on your neck, chest, and all the shyness in between > < feeling their hot, sloppy wet kisses all over ur body, everywhere and beneath your stomach, and above it. :')
"i don't know how to kiss but let me kiss you, and I'll do it just right." (on my damn knees ffr)
moving to gasp for air, but the other still leans in, eyes closed, lips parted, absolutely wanting more!!! a string of saliva connecting each other's lips!!
hugs after kisses, that lasts several heartbeats long, as they nuzzle their face in your crook. kissing there as well, shyly smiling into it. (fyi im single since birth and haven't experienced ANY OF THESE BEFORE.)
"kiss me again, but- mphh"
cupping your lover's cheek. staring into their eyes with a grin before the kiss, their hands curling around your neck, anticipating it.
"lay down, love and let me do you how you deserve it."
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Could you write a prompt with a whumpee with a leg injury (maybe a stabbing or something) who has to completely act like nothing’s wrong because they’re walking back home with their friend who is already suspicious and they can’t let them know (for some reason)? Sorry that this is uber-specific.
No 4. Dead on Your Feet
Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disoriented | Can’t Pass Out
The night air hit Whumpee’s face in a rush. Their eyes flickered close, soaking in the warmth for a single moment before they had to keep moving. Whumpee followed Caretaker into the street, sprinting to a nearby alley that they could only barely see through the tears blurring their vision.
Their leg was a cacophony of pain. Blood had seeped down a good half of their pant leg, blessedly invisible against the black fabric in the dark night. Each step felt like it sent shards of glass into their bone, as though the knife was still embedded there. It wasn’t, which created more problems, as now they were bleeding out a lot faster.
“Whumpee, hurry up,” Caretaker hissed. Whumpee winced at how strained their voice was, even in a whisper. Maybe now that they’d finally gotten the job done, Caretaker would get some rest.
“Sorry,” they breathed back, fighting against a limp as they reached their friend.
Caretaker glanced back at Whumper’s base where it loomed behind them, jaw twitching in the dim light the street lamps provided. “If no alarm has been raised by now, we probably have until that guard you knocked out wakes back up. Are you okay walking back home?”
Whumpee furrowed their eyebrows. “Yes? Why wouldn’t I be?” They took another step and briefly found themselves unable to breathe. Lovely.
“Just making sure,” Caretaker said slowly, eyes just a little too perceptive. Whumpee stayed on the inside as they moved into the street, hugging the buildings and the shadows that clung to them. Their ragged breaths seemed to give life to the walls towering on either side, making them tilt and sway, the ground swelling.
Their shoulder hit the brick wall hard.
Caretaker turned towards them, face shadowed in the hazy streetlight. “Whumpee?”
Whumpee screwed their eyes shut, using the wall to push themself back upright. “Yeah. I’m good. Just tired, I guess.”
They didn’t get a response from that, only Caretaker watching them, a silhouette in the dark that Whumpee would give up everything for. Their leg was a dead weight beneath them now, heavy like lead and filled with glass that bit deep into their skin, their muscle, their bones, with each hesitant movement. Whumpee locked their knee when putting weight on it (wouldn’t want to be caught limping, would they?).
The world was still spinning. Whumpee leaned their head back and looked at the sky for a moment to try and disguise it, to hide the tears building in their eyes as sure as the headache embedded in their skull. “The sky is beautiful tonight,” they whispered. Not that they could see it.
Caretaker let out a small breath. “Yes, it is.” Their tone was softer now, and something gentle stirred in Whumpee’s chest.
“We should get home before Whumper wakes up,” Whumpee continued in that same soft tone. “You need sleep.”
“Is that honestly what you’re worried about right now?” Caretaker snorted, but there was no malice behind it. “You look exhausted yourself. But we deserve to celebrate tonight.”
Whumpee’s tears receded and they dropped their head back down. Their throat burned with the effort when they spoke. “Yeah. You’re right.”
Caretaker deserved to have a night of celebration more than anyone else. Whumpee wouldn’t take that away from them for the world. They walked on in silence, Whumpee’s hands burrowed deep in their pockets. Their fists were clenched against the pain, but beyond that, their extremities were getting very, very cold. They were almost surprised there wasn’t ice crusting along their fingertips, despite the warm night. Best to just keep moving.
Their vision was shifting in and out of focus, flashes of black coming in when they were certain they hadn’t blinked. They were shaking from the effort of keeping their leg moving, now. Their muscles were growing stiff around the weeping wound. Still, they kept their back straight. They kept their knees locked. Their breaths grew more and more labored, burning their lungs, but their breaths were there.
Then their leg buckled underneath them, and none of it mattered.
The world swung back into place slowly above them, circling and circling like water going down the drain, long after Whumpee had gone still. A muffled ringing filled their head. A noise was lingering beneath that, thick and soft like whoever it was was yelling through a mattress.
Why did it all hurt so much?
A face appeared right above them, blocking out the golden streetlights. Whumpee stared blankly. They were terrible at reading lips, and for some reason Caretaker was just mouthing words. Or—no, they were speaking. Whumpee just couldn’t hear them.
After a moment, Caretaker seemed to realize this. Their face was creased deeply in worry, and Whumpee felt a spear of guilt thrust into them at the realization that that was their fault.
“‘m sorry,” they forced out. Caretaker froze. Their expression changed, tightening. When they spoke again, it was very deliberate, so that Whumpee could make out what they were saying.
“Can you hear me?” The lips said. Whumpee shook their head, closing their eyes as the world dipped around them. Caretaker waited until they were looking again. “Where are you hurt?”
Whumpee hesitated, tears rising to their eyes again. They didn’t want Caretaker to have to deal with it.
Something like anger swelled in Caretaker’s eyes. They grabbed onto Whumpee’s chin, forcing their gazes to meet. The intensity of Caretaker’s expression cowed them, and one of their shaking hands reached down towards their leg, then slumped down in defeat.
Instantly Caretaker was down beside it, ripping away the soaked pant leg. Whumpee was pretty sure they screamed as it came away from the wound. They didn’t have time to think about it, though, because they promptly passed out.
When Whumpee woke up, their hands were warm, and their clothes were dry. It took them a moment to process anything else.
Slowly, they opened their eyes, rubbing the sleep from them. They didn’t remember going to bed.
“You’re awake,” a strained voice said. Whumpee sat up, wincing at a pain in their leg. Caretaker was sitting at their bedside, face like stone and eyes red and bloodshot.
Another sleepless night on their part. Whumpee could have drowned in their guilt. Their hands felt out the lump in the covers where their bandages were.
“I passed out,” they remembered. Their voice was weak.
Caretaker took a deep breath. “Yes.”
“I don’t—” they started, then deflated under Caretaker’s hard eyes. “I thought I could make it.”
“I’m sorry.”
“…I don’t understand.” Caretaker crossed their arms over their chest. They hadn’t accepted Whumpee’s apology. Whumpee waited for them to continue. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Whumpee’s eyes dropped. “I. I didn’t want you to worry.”
“I’m worried now, Whumpee.” Their voice was sharp as a dagger. Something dark flared across Caretaker’s face, receding just as quickly. Whumpee knew it was still there. They just nodded, morose.
A thin silence stretched between them. Whumpee’s head started pounding, and they leaned back against their pillows.
“I went for a walk this morning,” Caretaker said suddenly. “When you were still asleep. I was tired of sitting here.” They swallowed, brows lowering over their eyes. “You left a trail of blood last night, did you know that? I could follow your footprints all the way back to Whumper’s. And last night I didn’t even notice.” Their voice broke off suddenly, and for the first time Whumpee noticed tears in their eyes. “Why didn’t I notice?”
Whumpee hugged themself. “It’s not your fault.”
“No, it’s not my fault that you decided to just ignore your stab wound. It is my fault that I noticed something was wrong and I didn’t do anything until you were bleeding out on the ground.” Caretaker’s voice was raised now, and they cut themself off with a grimace. Their voice was soft the next time they spoke, but still shimmering with anger. “Were you going to tell me?”
“No. Answer the question, Whumpee.”
All the air seemed to leave Caretaker at once. They slumped over, elbows resting on their knees and face in their hands. Whumpee had never seen them brought so low.
“Why?” they asked again, and it sounded almost begging.
Whumpee didn’t have an answer. They just sat there battling back their tears, because Caretaker deserved to feel upset without Whumpee stealing the moment again.
When Caretaker lifted their head up, their eyes were wet. “Okay. Here’s what we’re going to do. I am going to go get you some food and medicine. When I get back, I am going to be calm, and you are going to have some damn good answers for me.”
They stood up while Whumpee cringed and nodded. As they got to the door, Caretaker looked back.
“And Whumpee?”
“Never let this happen again.”
Taglist: @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @twistedcaretaker @lonesome--hunter @poppys-writing @endless-whump @multifandoms-multishipper @shadowylemon @utopian819 @whumpkitty @journey-the-panda @freefallingup13 @prettyboysinpain @1becky1 @temporary-whump-sideblog @chartreusephoenix @thelazywitchphotographer @mylifeisonthebookshelf @badluck990 @lockedupuniverse @luna-rein @broadwaybabe18 @pinescales-whumps @silverwhisperer1 @embersalive @the-bloody-sadist @batfacedliar-yetagain @nicolepascaline @whump-angst-fluff-repeat @susanshinning @didieatyourdog @corvid-voidbur @insane-writing-things @thebaffledtiewriter @morning-star-whump
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“Drop them.” Caretaker ordered, causing Whumper to freeze. Their arm was under whumpees shoulder, they seemed barely conscious and are clinging to their arm for support.
“I SAID DROP THEM!” Caretaker yells.
“As you wish.” Whumper sighs; the second they unhook their arm, whumpee collapses on their knees with a wounded gasp. 
Unfortunately, that’s how caretaker realized they’re hurt.
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Whump ABC #8 - Hidden Injury
Based on the results of this poll.
Caretaker grits their teeth as they get up from the chair, the dizziness almost making them sit down again. But they take a deep breath, straighten their shoulders and walk out of their office. Team leader catches up to them on the hallway, placing a hand on their shoulder which makes them flinch.
The sudden movement hurts, the pain immediately shoots through their body, exhausted and almost shaking as their painkillers slowly but surely stop working. But caretaker bites their tongue and hides the agony they are in - there are more important things to do right now. Resting would set the whole team back, they can't risk it.
"Hey, we need you upstairs," team leader says and eyes them for a few seconds. "Lookin' a bit pale, you good?" Caretaker manages a nod and tries to shake off the pain that won't stop throbbing through their whole body, trying to casually lean against the wall as their knees feel like they almost give in.
"Are you sure you are okay? You seem-" but team leader stops in the middle of their sentence to catch caretaker by the arm and guide them softly to the ground as the collapse, feeling hot and cold at the same time. They try to struggle against the hands lifting their shirt, revealing blood soaked bandages around their abdomen.
"How long have you been hiding this?", team leader asks, eyes widened in concern. "Hey, hey ... stay with me, okay?" But caretaker mutters an excuse and feels the pain take over.
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Some responses to "I'm fine":
"Then how do you explain that?"
"Uh huh. Sure you are buddy."
"You know, it's ok if you're not ok."
"There is no way you're 'fine' after that."
[skeptical silence]
[worried silence]
"[name], it's ok..."
"We talked about this."
"Please don't lie to me."
"You call that 'fine'?"
"Then why are you [action that reveals distress]?"
"You don't look/sound fine."
"Something's bothering you; I can tell."
"You can talk to me... "
"You're not fooling anyone."
"I just want to help. Will you let me?"
"No you're not."
"You're shaking..."
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Whump dialogue XXXVI
"Do you know what I did to them?" Whumper purred, a hint of pride in his voice as he circled Whumpee.
"I've seen the scars," Caretaker bit back in reply.
"No, I mean..." Whumper made a gesture and they both watched as Whumpee dropped to their knees in front of them without any hesitation. "Do you know what I did to them," he repeated in a more sinister voice.
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Dialogue prompts for when Whumpee is sitting on death's front lawn with a mimosa and Caretaker is not having it
"Easy, buddy, easy. You're alright, I got you."
"Hey-- hey, stay awake!"
"Keep breathing, you're doing great."
"I can't find a pulse!"
"Will you stop trying to die on us for five seconds?"
"Quiet. Save your strength."
"Talk to me. Tell me about something you like."
"Don't say that. You're gonna be fine."
"No, don't go to sleep. Hey! Eyes open!"
"Sorry for hurting you, but you need to be awake."
"Come on, breathe!"
"I swear to God if you die, I'm dragging you back so I can kick your ass."
"Please don’t leave me."
"Shut up, you're not dying today. Not on my watch."
"There we go. Deep breaths, just like that."
"I know this hurts, just bear with it, ok?"
"Shhh, shhh. I know. I know."
"I'm right here, it's ok. You're ok, now."
"Don't you dare die on me."
Feel free to add more!
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whumpee who is hospitalized and is under heavy sedation not because they need to undergo surgery but because, without the sedation — and after having been through a very traumatic event — they will thrash around and panic to the point it can affect their heart and their overall physical condition, since they’re so out of it and so traumatized that their brain is simply not able to process and understand that they’re safe now. this. this trope just ✨hits different✨
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Pip and Aine pls, note to myself
i love these two characters. i need to trap them in a collapsed building so they can talk about their feelings as one of them slowly bleeds out.
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whumpee who has spent days/weeks alone, shivering in the freezing cold, passing out from hypothermia but waking up later, rescued, and tucked under several blankets, a warm hand on their head, fingers threading through their hair
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Hospital thump prompts
"Please don't make me go there again"
"I promise I'll be okay, I don't need to go to the hospital"
"They are gonna help you, I promise"
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