writingstudent · 2 years
I may be a Super Villain hell bent on world domination, but that doesn’t mean I’m a bad dad. In fact, I’m an excellent father. My daughter is playing in her championship today, and not even the forces of Heaven and Hell combined will keep me in this prison missing her game.
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writingstudent · 2 years
honestly this gives me such a serotonin boost, whenever i gain sudden awareness of how younger me would WORSHIP the ground i walk on 
sometimes u just gotta do things because 12 y/o you would think you’re literally the coolest for doing those things
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writingstudent · 2 years
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i am begging you all to stop treating this site like instagram if you dont want it to be content free by next year
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writingstudent · 2 years
One thing I love about being a writer is being able to go back through a piece of text and remember everything associated with it. 
Here, the scene you wrote at 3am, barely holding your head up, but fingers frantic to slam words on the keyboard.
There, a cheesy paragraph inspired by your own feelings of joy and wonder at the world. Something so sweet that you had to wiggle in your seat at the very thought.
Over here, the bit you were working on forever, because you couldn’t get the words right. You wanted to escape, but still forged on through the mess until you reached the end.
A story might be a story in itself, but it also contains ghostly records of all the actions and emotions around it, things the reader will never see, but the writer will never forget.
14K notes · View notes
writingstudent · 2 years
Six Days (Sierra Six x F!Reader)
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Being stuck in a room with Sierra Six for a week causes more drama than you thought.
This was a 16 hour fever dream. It's probably going to be a two-parter, but this one ends satisfyingly anyway! I had to get this out of my head because ✨️Sierra Six deserves a lil kiss✨️ 😌
TAGS: Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, Six x F!Reader
WARNINGS: MINORS DNI 18+, sexual content, blood/wounds/death.
WORD COUNT: 7.9k (yeah, I'm sorry)
The knife slashes diagonally across your upper thigh, cutting deep enough you see … yellow? That’s probably not good, your mind flashes. You stumble forward.
The man who had just given it to you tries to grab you again; he was careless where the knife in his right hand went, as long as you weren’t killed. You feel his gloved hand snatch at your left arm, but his attempt ends abruptly. You feel his body fall to the floor with a thump. You hadn’t even heard the gunshot, but there in front of you appears a disheveled Six, his firearm still pointed down the hallway behind you. 
His eyes drop to your hands clutched around your bloody leg, and he closes the distance between the two of you in a second.
“You’re okay. Can you run?” He sounds calm. One hand reaches out to gingerly touch the side of your face; he tilts his head to peer into your eyes. It won’t cross your mind until later that he’s trying to keep you from panicking. 
“I-” your voice breaks. “I think so, yeah.” 
Six nods, thankful that your adrenaline has taken hold; even he'd be making noise with that kind of injury. That wound was certainly going to require several stitches. 
“Hold on to me.” He indicates his belt, wanting to keep you close behind him but needing to keep his arms free. You comply gladly, curling your fingers through a belt loop. Though still scared, your body responds automatically to the protectiveness emanating from the man who has watched over you for the last five months. 
He sweeps through the house, following the escape route he’d had planned from the very day he got here. You try not to glance around but the specter of death is unavoidable. Black-clothed, anonymous bodies lay strewn across broken glass. Debris extends throughout the house, but mercifully the kitchen is corpse-free. Six guides you across the room, and he reaches out for the garage door. As it swings open, Six curses. 
“What’s wrong?” You whisper to his back.
He hesitates, then states, “A friend did me a favor.” He doesn’t move toward the broken body lying next to the vehicle - it’s clear by the angle of the man’s neck that he’s beyond help. 
“We’re even,” Six solemnizes over the man. He says it so quietly that you’re sure you weren’t meant to hear. You feel a prickle of pain in your nose, like you’re near tears. You don’t know if it’s the situation or the fact that you’ve never seen the reticent man show any strong emotion, but you scrutinize the back of his head, trying to understand what’s inside.
“I’m sorry,” you breathe. You drop your hand from his belt to give him space.
Six doesn’t respond. 
You can’t really tell the difference between the man lying there and the other bodyguards that had been rotated through over the past week. Six had hidden the fact that he knew the man well; you’d never seen them interact.
He steps over to the driver’s door cautiously. You wince as your adrenaline starts to fade and the distraction of Six’s body is gone. Ensuring no joy-riders are hiding in the backseat, he starts the car. He climbs in. As the engine purrs to life, he looks up at you standing still in the headlights and deadpans, “If you’d rather stay, I’ll send a pizza ‘round for you.” 
The two of you burst into the tiny apartment, not initially noticing the fact that it’s shockingly small: one chair, one bed, one bathroom. Without warning, he scoops you up into his arms and heads into the bathroom, flicking on the single bulb. He sets you gently on the countertop. He bends to grab a first-aid kit from the cabinet, and you wobble without his support, lightheaded from blood loss and exhaustion. His hands steady you and he stares into your eyes, willing you to be composed. You blink twice, realizing he’s not been this close to you - ever. You smile shyly, and he frowns. Clearly, he thinks you’re in shock. Your heart is racing but it has very little to do with the night’s events. You’d been half-expecting an assault for some time now, and you’d prepared yourself as best a normal person could. Sure, you were scared - nothing would ever be the same now. But you had survived, thanks to Six, and the cold, animal part of your brain knew that was all that mattered. No, the thudding of your pulse was the fault of the ever-present magnetism you felt for the man working before you.
“I’m going to cut your jeans,” Six states. You nod, mind racing with thoughts too silly to vocalize. He pulls a knife from his pocket and gingerly slices away the front half of the already-cut pant leg. You’re left with what resembles a pant-mullet and you giggle a little hysterically at the ridiculous thought. 
He glances up at you, certain you’re in shock, “Lean against the mirror.” 
You obey, your eyes lifting to the ceiling as you recline. Six rises from his hunched position, standing so close that you can still see his face out of the bottom of your vision.
“Tell me when you need a break.” His voice is gentle, but you notice his jaw clenching. His hands settle on your skin. “Deep breath.” 
Then the pain blinds you. You’d been silently crying in the car, the constant burning feeling in your leg causing you to grind your teeth, fidget, do anything you could to distract yourself. But the bite of the needle through your torn, pained flesh as he stitches you back together is much worse. You slam your palms down against the edge of the counter, gripping tight - your sheer willpower the only thing keeping you from thrashing against him. You take deep breaths as he instructed, trying to leave your body behind. 
Your mind wanders to earlier in the night, before chaos reigned, when Six had actually agreed to play a video game with you. You’d let him pick the game, and he’d chosen a first-person shooter (because of course he did). You’d still beaten the trained assassin. He’d sat beside you on the couch, his body heating your right side, and when you won the match, you’d sworn the side of his mouth turned up a little at your gloating. When he beat you in the next round, you’d been a sore loser - accusing him of cheating. You had poked his side, gently, and he had actually laughed. Okay, you checked yourself, it was more like a snort, but it probably counted. 
But then he had admitted to it, “Gotta use everything to your advantage. I could see your location on your own side of the screen.” 
You gasped, “You’re a screen-looker!”
“A what?” He scoffed. “There’s a name for it? And not even a creative one.” 
“Yeah, for cheaters who screen-look.” You glared.
He’d rolled his eyes, then met your stare with his own, much more intense one. His face might be guarded, but his eyes expressed his feelings. He always tried to hide it, but everything was written there among the blue. Your heart had lurched, your breathing requiring thought. For God’s sake, he was so close. His eyes flickered down to your parted lips; but then he had stood, walked a few paces away from the couch. 
“It’s late. You should get some sleep.”
Rattled, you hadn’t been sure how to act, so you followed his lead. You knew he wanted you in your room; he always did his rounds once you turned in for the night. You had stood and stretched upwards, relieving your back. You never saw the guilty way his eyes followed the curves of your body as you moved, nor the way his jaw ticked as you bent to turn off the gaming console. 
When you’d turned around, he had been perfectly composed. You had passed by him as close as you dared, so close you could hear the gum he was chewing, and muttered, “Goodnight, cheater.” 
“Goodnight, loser.” He’d said, shrugging at you as you closed the bedroom door. You’d laughed at that, and as soon as your door had closed, he’d allowed himself to smirk.
He stuck the needle through a particularly sensitive section of your leg, and you were thrust back into your new reality. The safehouse wasn’t safe anymore, and people had died because of you. Including Six’s friend. He’d probably request an entirely new team now; one that would replace him. He’d be free of the assignment he’d had for too long. You’d heard him say once that most assignments don't last longer than a week, and he’d been stuck babysitting you for months.
Your eyes close again, and a sob escapes.
He stops, “I'm halfway. You need a break?”
You shake your head, “Get it over with.”
The next three stitches are as painful as the others. But then you feel his hands leave your skin, and you hear something fall in the trash can - bloody material, maybe. You hear Six wash his hands in the sink next to you, then dry them with a towel. Exhaustion tinges your every thought, now. It’d been nearly a full day since you’d slept.
Tears fall from your closed eyes, unbidden. Gently, but quickly, his fingers wipe away the liquid, and your eyelids flutter open at the contact. The ugly light causes you to squint, but you see Six lean toward you. His right arm slides under your legs, his left snakes around your back, and he lifts you from the counter. You softly cling to his neck. He’s careful not to jar your leg as he maneuvers out of the bathroom and across the room. The bed dips with your weight as he sets you down on top of the covers. Instead of moving you again, he lays a different blanket across your body. He leaves your wound uncovered. 
“Don’t let that touch your leg. Need to keep it as clean as possible, and the last time these were washed, cell phones still had visible antennas.”
“Yes, sir.” You say sleepily. It’d been a long day, a longer night, and though your leg was still paining you, the temptation of the abyss was greater. 
Six watches you fall asleep from the red wingback chair in the corner. He was grateful it was thickly padded - he wasn’t sure he could sit in a plastic chair with the bruises he had. There was no couch, and only one bed, but he wasn’t going to sleep anyway. He wanted to believe that this safehouse, two hours away from the previous, was off-the-books enough for his enemies to have overlooked it. We’re safe here, he was nearly chanting to himself, willing it to be true. But he wasn’t going to relax, wasn’t going to get complacent. Not when he had a job to do.
Six’s entire body ached. He hadn’t moved from his chair except to use the bathroom. He was completely still, his arms folded across his body. He wanted to check the perimeter, to see what was going on outside. Maybe they were setting up for a raid out there. Maybe they were already on their way inside. Or maybe they had one or two agents doing recon, trying to get a confirmed sighting of him or of you. And if it was the latter, him exiting the building would be the opposite of helpful. But god, he hated sitting here feeling useless.
His eyes kept dancing over your sleeping form. You’d slept fitfully at first, but you seemed peaceful now, despite it being nearly mid-afternoon. Six wouldn’t dream of waking you unless necessary. The chair creaked as he leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, hands covering his face. 
How could they have found out? What didn’t I do?
He couldn’t carry the heaviness in his heart. His whole life had been about protecting others; his brother, buddies in prison, strangers, and now you. It’s all he knew, it’s all he wanted to be. Now, because of him, Denver was dead. Six had asked him to help beef up security for a few days. There’d been word that an assault was likely to come soon and Six had looked to one of the few men he truly trusted for help. He grimaced, mourning the dead man; he’d saved Denver’s ass three separate times, each one becoming a joke between them about life debts. Six wished he could’ve been there a fourth time, but he also knew he wouldn’t have altered a thing. 
You hadn’t been in bed like he assumed so he’d broken the pattern in their established rounds to find you. He’d felt nearly panicked searching the house, and when he recognized what he was feeling, he’d grunted, trying to shake it off like a broken toe or a stab wound. It had hurt nearly as badly. He’d shot two men and gotten into blows with a third before finally seeing you at the end of the hallway as you left the bathroom, and of course, he had shot the fourth: your friend, the knife-wielder. Six would never forget the way his body had sagged with relief at finding you.
No, even if he had known that he had a choice that night between you and Denver, he wouldn’t have hesitated in his answer.
And there’s the problem. They somehow know my answer, too.
You sat up quickly, knowing you’d slept longer than normal as the golden light streamed through the small, frosted window. Hoping to neutralize the hunger pains, you threw off the blanket and swung your legs over the side of the bed, hissing at the other pain. 
“Well, don’t undo all my hardwork.” Six’s favorite tone with you was exasperation; like a man whose patience was always at its limit, but never beyond.
“It’s fine, doctor,” you toss back sarcastically, “I just forgot about it.” 
“You - forgot - about the gash in your leg?”
He rolls his eyes, a hand passing over his face. You’re about to thank him for stitching you up, since he’s apparently sensitive about it, when your stomach growls. 
“Is there anything to eat?” 
You bite your lip and narrow your eyes at him. “Okay, I guess I will make us some food.”
He doesn’t move except to pick up a book from the shelf. 
You hobble over to the kitchenette and see the world’s worst pantry. Canned peaches, olives, green beans, and chicken - the latter of which you gag over. There’s a mini-fridge on the counter next to the hot plate. You open that and see a carton of eggs. Wonder how old those are. The carton seemed new, so you open it and are pleasantly surprised by twelve fresh eggs. 
A few minutes later, you’ve made two chopped olive omelettes. There are no plates, but there is a roll of paper towels. You walk slowly toward the chair Six has taken up residence in, an omelette on a makeshift paper plate in your hand. He sees the movement and glances up from the book. He stands and leans forward to take it from you, with a curt, “Thank you.” 
“So, what do we do now?” You ask. Your mouth is half-full of egg and you’re nearly unintelligible. 
“We wait.”
“For what?”
“For things to get quiet.” 
“Mmm.” You nod, still chewing. “Okay, then what?”
He looks up from his own food, answering, “We move. Further away.” 
“Okay. And by ‘we’, you mean you’re not leaving?”
“Wha-? Where would I be going?” Genuinely not anticipating your question, Six’s eyebrows knit together. He blinks, gears turning in his head. It finally clicks for him and he frowns; you’re a little confused how your question could irritate him, but you can’t stop the satisfied grin blooming on your face. The soulful eyes, the little curl of hair resting on his forehead, Six is one of the most handsome men you’ve ever met, and the thought of leaving you apparently never even crossed his mind.
“And now you’re smiling?” He’s now totally bewildered. Six is doing his damndest to put distance between the two of you emotionally, but you seem to be happy about …him staying with you? After assuming he’d leave you in this mess? He is speechless, his food forgotten momentarily.
“Nothing, really. Don’t worry about it. I just woke up, I’m still loopy.” You awkwardly smile again. You realize he’s not going to be satisfied with that, but you’re definitely not admitting you’re attracted to him. “Um, well, I figured since the original team is gone, a new one would be coming. Also,” you pause, knowing he’s against emotional oversharing, “I am very sorry about that. I know it doesn’t mean anything in the grand scheme, but I feel terrible. How do you get used to a life like this? People dying for you? My project wasn’t even that incredible. There are more intelligent, more experimental chemists than me. There is no way my knowledge was worth that.” You set your partially-eaten food down beside you, no longer hungry. 
“You don’t get used to it.” He answers your first question in the most raw voice you’ve heard from him. His eyes bore holes into the floor, desperately wanting to come clean, to relieve you of your guilt. They didn’t die for you, they died for him. 
You try to catch his eye, to raise him from whatever mood suddenly snagged him, but he won’t look at you. He’s conflicted. Not only is he hiding the truth from you, but you believe he’s capable of leaving you at the first bit of trouble, that he’ll give you up to another protection detail at his earliest opportunity. Six decides he cannot sit any longer. He rises, still avoiding your face, checks his gun, and walks to the door.
“I’m going to do a perimeter check; probably be gone ten minutes. I’ll knock in that pattern I showed you.” He pauses then adds, “If I don’t, there’s a trapdoor in the bathroom.”  
“Alright,” you say quietly, your eyes on his back. Confused by his behavior and unable to let him leave in that manner, you can’t help but stage-whisper, “Please be safe.” 
You can’t see the way his throat constricts, the way he closes his eyes and lets your words soak in. Then he’s gone.
You mark the time with the analog clock on the bookshelf, and busy yourself by exploring the infinitesimal room. Your college dorm had been larger than this. The bathroom door is closed, and when you open it to find the trapdoor - just in case - the door hits the toilet bowl. 
“Wow,” you wonder. “How did we both fit in here last night?”
You crouch to explore the grimy linoleum for the hidden seam, but you don’t see anything. Your eyes strain and your head bobs from side to side, trying to see something. But you find nothing. Maybe he’s confused this place with a different tiny, foreign safehouse. Unwilling at the moment to actually feel around the gross floor, you’re content to just believe he’ll knock in the correct pattern.
You turn back into the main room, and pick up the book Six had been reading off the foot of the bed. A trashy bodice-ripper? How in the hell had he kept a straight face? You cover your mouth to stifle a laugh. There’s no way he’d actually even read the title. He - for sure - had been trying and failing to seem preoccupied while you cooked. You’d get even with him for that.
You sprawl out on the bed, the book still in hand. You skip to a third of the way through, hoping to find the good parts, and sure enough: pure bodice-ripping. Again, you laugh out loud at the absurdity of the emotionally-repressed man you know reading this. Feeling this. That sparks an idea in you; it had been a good long while since you’d been allowed to be completely alone. The waistband of your mangled jeans is loose enough to slip your hand down, and you engross yourself in a particularly dirty passage. 
You're completely absorbed by the filthy story when the front door flies open and Six barrels through, shutting it as quietly as he could compared to his violent entrance. He flinches at your aborted scream, watches as your hand rips out of your jeans and you scoot up against the wall, trying to seem like you were not doing what you were definitely just doing. 
The two of you stare at each other for a breath too long. Knowing he won’t - or can’t - you break the silence, “See anything?”
He short-circuits for a second, “No, you’re wearing jeans.” And then he realizes what you were actually asking about, “Oh, no. Nothing.” His face is flushed and he can’t meet your eyes anymore. You’re under the impression you’ve mortified him, but he knows if he keeps looking at your excited, glowing face for a second longer, he will join you on that bed.
“I’m really sorry. Why didn’t you knock?” You titter at the ridiculous situation. But you’re less embarrassed than you thought you’d be. It hits you suddenly that Six makes you feel safe in more than one way, and maybe... maybe you don’t mind being caught. That’s something to unpack later, you note.
“I did knock. You didn’t answer. Hence the busted door.” 
“Oh.” You look up at him, sheepishly.
He doesn’t make a reply, so you question, “Why were you pretending to read this?”
“Hm?” He settles his firearm back in its holster. Six takes a long, calming breath, then meets your eyes. He’s as stoic as can be - except, now you're starting to wonder if it’s a front. You’d long felt like there was an electricity between the two of you. You’d swear Six’s eyes were on you more than they should be, you’d feel his hand hover over your lower back sometimes when he walked you to your room, sending chills through you. He was reliable, protective, witty - he was also kind and selfless, though he let few people see it. But only in your daydreams could you believe he had any real feelings for you. 
…so why did he just react that way? Wouldn’t a normal bodyguard apologize (right or wrong) and move on? They wouldn’t have to stand there and collect themselves, surely. Or I’m just seeing what I want to, you chastise yourself.
“I know you were not actually reading this.” You tease, waving the book in the air.
He folds his arms across his chest, “And how do you know that?” It’s clear he doesn’t even know what the book is about. 
The smirk on your face warns him that you’re about to say something he’d rather not hear, “You wanna know how I know you weren’t reading this book of trashy erotica?” You heavily emphasize the words, and his eyes go wide. “Want me to read some aloud?”
He lunges toward you and snatches the book. “No. No, I do not.” He absolutely cannot let you read porn aloud to him, he would lose all semblance of control. Six was already losing it, and that thought has him grumbling under his breath. Unthinkingly, he glances at the page you had open and he groans. This is what you were masturbating to? Fuck, shit. He shouldn’t have looked. His teeth grind together. 
Oblivious, you bounce off the bed onto your good leg and say, “Since there’s no one out there, we need food for dinner. Is a store nearby?” 
“I’ll go. Gotta find a new doorknob, anyway. You stay here, and listen for my knock.” He pins you with another exasperated look. 
You huff, “Okay, jesus.” You want to push him, ask him for the book back, ask him if you’re allowed to continue, but you can see he’s on edge. So you let it go. He tosses the book unceremoniously on the highest shelf which you can’t reach. You glare at his backside, but he’s gone without turning around.
Six doesn’t get surprised, he doesn't let emotion get the better of him often, and in the past hour you’ve done it twice in two very different ways. He takes a deep breath, and swears again to build one more wall. He can’t let you continue being in danger because of him. But, part of him knows there’s not much he can really do; leaving would only make you vulnerable and leave him lost. He couldn’t leave your fate up to strangers. No, he knew staying was still the best option. He just needed to stop entangling himself in you. Six’s best chance at protecting you long-term was to convince everyone else that you meant nothing to him. That meant getting through this current shitshow, and disengaging from you. You deserved a normal, boring life. A life where you wouldn’t be hunted, used as a pawn, just to hurt him.
Six didn’t speak to you again the entire night. He hadn’t been able to get much with the cash he’d had on hand, but dinner was satisfying enough. You’d handed him his portion on another paper towel, and he had nodded his thanks, but that was just about the only communication he gave you all night. He’d fixed the door and you’d teased him about being handy, but his only response had been to stick his palm out for one of the screws you'd been holding.
He then picked up a book, pointedly avoiding his earlier choice, and actually read all evening while you snuck glances at the way the light from the dusty reading lamp caught his fair hair, his tense face. He had pretended not to notice, but each time your head tilted toward him, he realized his problematic feelings might not be quite so one-sided.
Sure, he knew you were attracted to him; after all, he was trained to notice the little things. The difference between your genuine smile and the polite ones you gave the other bodyguards; the way you unconsciously broke his personal space, brushing past him, poking him; and the way you tried to take care of him. He'd never had that, never had someone bring him glasses of water while he sat at his laptop, ask him how he felt about a certain song, what his favorite flavor of gum was.
But he was afraid it was more Stockholm Syndrome, or boredom, than genuine affection. You were a good person, and bringing someone a glass of water wasn't a Declaration of Intent.
Now, the bed sheets scratch your face and you rub your eyes, sleep calling you once again. You roll over to face Six, still in his chair, to ask him to join you on the bed. Not for anything nefarious, but because you knew he must be exhausted. The past thirty-six hours had been stressful, and you knew your method of coping with humor had been at his expense.
Your eyes adjust with the dim lamplight and you see the book drooping from one limp hand, his eyes closed and head tilted to the side. Happy he was finally getting some rest, you shuffle off of the bed, take the book and mark his place before setting it down. You grab the plush blanket he had given you last night and drape it over his much-larger body. It didn’t fully cover him, but it’d do. You gaze down at him, admiring his vulnerable form. Six meant more to you than you cared to admit aloud. No family, a workaholic with coworkers for friends, you’d let yourself grow fond of the reserved, self-sacrificing blonde man with the affinity for chewing gum. It was the closest you’d been to a person in over a year. No matter what he considered you - a client, a ward, a burden - you considered him a friend.
“Thank you for everything,” you whisper, knowing he’d never hear. You softly kiss the top of his hair, then get back in bed. The abyss welcomes you back. You must’ve been dreaming when you heard what sounded like a defeated groan.
You wake the next morning to Six seated on the opposite corner of the bed, his gun in pieces. You prop yourself up on your left elbow and watch as he painstakingly cleans each part. 
“Can you teach me how to do that?”
He lowers the barrel in his hands, turning to you. You’re backlit by the small window beside the bed, and he curses inwardly. You look sleepy, domestic. Something pure and stable that he knows he’ll never have. 
“Yeah, I can.” He twists a little in place to fully face you, and you crawl a little closer to see the parts. “I just started, so all of them are dirty.” He picks up a piece and hands it to you, extremely careful not to touch you.
“This,” he explains, “is the slide. It’s what chambers a new round and ejects the old casing.” He hands you a paper towel, again obviously avoiding your skin. “I like a softer cloth, but I don’t have anything blood-free. Gently rub the interior.” He instructs. You do as he asks, working in silence. You hold it up to him for inspection, a smile - disproportionately proud of your simple task - beams on your face. He answers with his own, nearly invisible smile, and places the slide on another towel designated for finished parts. 
“Can you show me how to-” You falter as he turns his heavy eyes back to you. “Like, if I needed to, how to use it?” You hesitantly ask, hoping you weren’t bothering him. You’re not a fan of firearms, they’ve always made you nervous. But if push came to shove, you’d prefer not to be using the gun as a club. 
Six is not quite so nervous around guns, and he nods, agreeing that you should have every possible manner of defending yourself. 
“Sure.” You watch in silent admiration as he puts his weapon back together faster than you’d ever be able to, meeting his eye at the end and giving him a dramatic, impressed look. He smiles again, a shade more than earlier. 
You slide down to sit beside him, your legs dangling off the bed. He spends the next few minutes helping you find your way around the gun. He still refuses to touch you, and it gets more noticeable with every second. He even set the gun on the bed for you to pick up rather than hand it to you. You wilt a little at that, sure now that you’ve pushed him away even further than you thought. You can’t help but feel a pit in your stomach. He’s never been a touchy-feely, overly-friendly person; why did you make him so uncomfortable yesterday? You want to kick yourself. 
You watch as he stifles a yawn. 
“Didn’t you sleep?” You ask incredulously.
“I slept enough.” 
“No, you didn’t.” 
Six gazes longingly at you for a moment, replaying last night’s feeling of your lips on his hair. How he’d woken up at your touch. How could he have slept after that? He’d warred with himself about climbing into the bed, holding you close. But Six didn’t want to push this now. He knew there was a power imbalance here (although most of the time it felt to him like you were the one in control) and he didn’t want your affection out of gratitude or survival. He’d compromised with himself by letting his mind free; he imagined your breathy sighs as you slept curled against him, how perfectly you’d fit alongside his body, the feeling of your hair between his fingers. He tears himself away.
“Please take a nap. You’re no good to either of us dead on your feet.” 
“For a corpse, I think I look pretty good.” 
“Six, for god’s sake, it’s daylight and it’s been silent for nearly three days. I promise I will wake you at any noise.” Your voice drips with earnesty, “I promise.” 
He rubs his brow, knowing you’re right. “Yeah, okay.” His eyes are intent upon you, “You promise.” 
You nod twice in quick succession and he makes a face like he’s accepting a plea bargain. He stands, then all but collapses onto the same side of the bed where you’ve been sleeping. You take up vigil in his chair, and it doesn’t take him long to fall asleep.
After an hour, your legs begin to cramp, and you start pacing the tiny apartment. Still feeling a little guilty for yesterday, you wonder if there’s any gum nearby. Maybe a vending machine? You glance at Sleeping Beauty - still breathing deeply. You tiptoe over to the door and unlock it. Six’s rhythm is unchanged by the sound of the deadbolt, so you slowly pull the door open. Peeking your head out, you see a featureless, white hallway; several other plain-looking doors leading to God-knows-where; and there, at the end and nearly out of sight due to the alcove it’s in, is a glowing vending machine. You pat your pocket and find two coins. Should be enough, you hope. You’re unfamiliar with the local currency, and honestly you’re not even totally sure which country you’re in. You prop the door open, just in case, and cautiously step out into the hallway. Ears straining for any noise at all, you begin your trek. Keeping your feet as close to the baseboards as you can, you make as little sound as possible. Eventually you reach the vending machine, and you’re right - you have no idea which country this is as you don’t even recognize the language. But you can identify a pack of chewing gum anywhere. It’s only one of the coins, so you pop it in and get your reward. Uneventfully, you return to the room, quietly slipping the door closed, and deadbolting it shut.
Six sleeps for another few hours, while you spend time making lunch for when he wakes up, and reading some of the other, mostly boring, novels scattered around. One novel piques your interest with a convoluted plot which helps time pass. The book makes you feel uneasy, makes you start to wonder about your own situation. It really doesn’t make sense for Six to still be assigned to you over some biochemical project that never even made it to the testing stage. The fact that someone had actually attacked you made even less sense. None of your research was on your person, and it’s not like you had memorized every single formula. Maybe Six knew more than he’d told you. 
Thinking about Six makes you grow lonely, wishing selfishly he would wake. You’re debating getting in bed and taking a nap with him, your only inhibitor being your promise, when he stirs. He shoots up like a dead man raised from the grave, his hand going to his side where his weapon usually rests.
“Everything’s fine,” you assure him.
“Mmph,” he grumbles. You’re trying not to stare at him, but he looks so uncharacteristically soft, you can’t help it. He pretends not to notice, thankfully. Six tosses the covers off, and picks his gun up from the nightstand. He walks to the door and listens. Satisfied, he turns around and sits back on the bed. 
“I can make lunch-” he starts to offer, but you cut him off.
“I already made you some,” you swiftly grab the sandwich from the mini-fridge and deliver it to him. After he takes it, you pull the gum from your pocket, extending it towards him, too.
His eyes jump from you to the gum and back again twice. “Where’d you squirrel that away?” He jokes, thinking you took it from your previous residence. Then he remembers the machine outside. His face tightens, “You didn’t leave the room, did you?”
“... don’t be mad at me,” you begin slowly, dropping your hand to your side.
“Dammit.” Six hisses. “Dammit, you promised.” He’s off the bed again, towering over you. He shakes his head. He looks you over in disbelief, but his eyes catch on your pouting lips. He’s finding it difficult to be upset with you when all he can think about is how those lips would make him feel.
“I upheld my promise! There were no noises!” You know it’s not a real defense.
He pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to keep his mind on the problem. “Did you see anyone? Did anyone see you?”
“No to the first, and honestly, I can’t answer the second.”
His mouth opens to retort, but he closes it, thinking better of whatever he was going to say. He raises his hands in supplication and slowly states, “You can’t go out there alone.” 
“I wanted to do something nice. I feel useless- like a burden. That weighs on me.” You explain. “But I am sorry. I was trying to ease some small amount of stress for you, not add to it.”
Six snorts and looks away. You'd put yourself in danger to make him happy. How was he supposed to react to that?
When he turns back to you a moment later, he reaches down to take your wrist. Goosebumps appear down your arms, but he tries to ignore it. You loosen your grip on the small plastic package, allowing him to take your peace offering. You don’t want him to let go of your wrist, and he doesn’t. His hand is hot, his thumb rubs languidly across your skin. 
“Thank you,” he says genuinely, stormy blue eyes pinning you to the spot. “But shockingly, you take priority over gum.”
His tone deepens and he orders again, “Do not go anywhere alone.” He’s not trying to turn you on, but with his rough hand covering yours, his authoritative face inches from your own, and his protective demands, you feel the tension flare in your center.
“Mhm, noted,” you respond. Your blood feels hot. Surely he can feel your pulse thrumming? You try to shake yourself out of the rising heat you feel: Take a cold shower, you thirsty bitch, you mentally jar yourself.
“You wanna relax? Make my job a little easier? It’s like you’re trying to kill me yourself.” Six accuses playfully, finally releasing your wrist, where - yes - he had been enjoying your quickening pulse. His soulful eyes dance between yours. You feel flames licking up your body, your stomach tightening in anticipation. Am I killing him? The way he’s killing me? Your heart is hammering, body screaming for him to touch you again. 
“Little dramatic,” you snort, surprised it comes out in a normal tone of voice. Turning away from him, you walk towards the bathroom. And you’re not sure what possesses you, you’re half-sure he can’t stand you, but still you hear yourself say, “I’m going to shower. Am I allowed to do that alone, Six?” 
His head snaps, his intense stare nearly stopping your breath. You watch his Adam’s Apple bob and you wonder what he’s thinking. Your chin tilts upward, inviting him in.
And well, he tried, didn’t he? Six is a strong man. He’d been stabbed, shot, he’d fallen from great heights, been pepper-sprayed - and through everything, he’d kept on fighting. But this? The slow drip of you over the past few months had been bad enough, but stuck in this room with you nearly begging for him? He wasn’t strong enough for that.
“No. You’re not,” he growls.
He crosses the room in two strides, his arms enfolding you. He grunts as he lifts you up and backs you into the wall; at the same time his lips come hard against yours, months of repressed feeling apparent in his grip, his fevered kiss. Your legs curl around his waist, tugging him closer, and your hands move down him - everything you can reach, you want to feel. Your hands press in his hair, his beard, they caress his throat before dropping to feel the beat of his heart through his wide chest. Your frenzied movements send him wild. He had no idea giving in would feel this good; he’s already forgotten about the shower. 
You feel the wall disappear as he moves toward the bed. His knee bends on the soft surface as he lays you both down. You feel his weight pressing into you, grounding you to him. His left hand slides up your shirt, breaking his kiss to remove it fully. He tugs his own off by the collar, and the sight of his bare chest makes you gasp. Intensely defined muscles riddled with scars and tattoos decorate his body. He's lived a hard life. You’re breathing heavily, chest heaving, and he makes a lustful noise at the sight. He unclasps your bra, replacing it with his own mouth. 
“Oh,” you throw your head back at the feeling, and he makes another deep, rumbling sound at your approval.
His pants go next, leaving him in dark red briefs. He pauses and looks down at your pants, your wounded leg. 
“Um, carefully, I guess?” You shrug. He moves his hands appreciatively down your sides, stopping when he reaches your waistband. Six’s beard scratches your sensitive skin as he plants kisses lovingly around your thigh. He’s hoping you understand it’s his apology for not killing the man before he ever touched you. He unbuttons your frayed, fucked-up jeans and places a large hand over your cut to protect it while he pulls the material down, your underwear also going. As he leans back over you, you can’t help but admire him, your eyes brimming with affection at his care. His burning chest presses into yours, and you can feel his muscles flexing as his hands roam your body.
Your hands go to his hair once more, clutching him to you. His tongue skates over the hollow at the base of your throat - you inhale sharply at the sensation. His thigh shifts up between your legs, and the pressure on your most sensitive area causes you to tilt your hips back and forth, riding him a little. Six notes your reaction greedily; he presses his thigh into you harshly and you whine. He places a large hand around the base of your throat, and continues his mouth’s path upward until he reaches your jaw, spurred on by the obscene moans you’re making. 
“Sweetheart, you’re making me blush," his voice husky.
One of your hands cradles his chin while the other snakes along his body, pushing his briefs down - he kicks them off. The feeling of his thick, naked thighs against your own nearly distracts you from your goal. But you find him quickly - you knew he would be big there, too - and you relish the way his powerful body goes slack at your touch. In your peripheral, you can see his biceps shake at the tension building in him. Your thumb brushes over a vein, and you shiver as he lets go of the most wrecked groan you’ve ever heard him make.  
You lean up to capture his lips and swallow the sound he just made. His hand slides into your hair, cradling your head while the other palms your lower back; he grunts as he leans back onto his heels, easily taking you with him. His mouth connects with yours, and his hand slides to the curve of your ass. 
Your thighs straddle him in this kneeling position, and you grind along his length. His hand encourages your rhythm. His other arm falls from your hair to wrap around your midsection, holding you tight to him. Six’s kisses are deep, desperate, but tender somehow. It makes you want him everywhere - you want to know nothing but him. You rock forward further, his tip catching at your center. 
He stills your movement, keeping you in limbo. He leans his head back to see you. You can feel the strength in his muscles, so you don’t even attempt to fight him for the friction you’re craving. Artlessly pushing back the hair that had fallen in your face, he then rests his palm on your cheek, thumb brushing your swollen bottom lip. He shifts his body for a better angle, then slowly - so slowly - pushes up into you. Six’s eyes are almost entirely black, the smallest bit of blue rings his blown pupils as he drinks in your whimper. You didn’t think you could be more turned on, but the look in his eyes is so hungry. He licks a quick line up your neck and the sensation of the warm trail cooling on your skin causes you to clench down on him; he grunts again at that.
You sigh in relief as his hip bones sit flush with your own. You’ve been so ready for this man, the considerable stretch doesn’t hurt in the slightest. You breathlessly laugh, feeling utter bliss. You don’t try to move, knowing instinctively that he’s in charge. 
“Mmm,” he hums gruffly, running a hand through your hair. You feel him twitch inside you, and you want to ask him what he just thought about, but he pulls out and thrusts up into you without warning. You cry out, but he’s not done. He does it again, then again, snapping his hips at a brutal pace. You’re getting what you wanted, he’s driving up into you and it’s overwhelming; Six is dismantling you, piece by piece. His arms flex as they hold you still, his stomach muscles jump at the strain underneath your slack hands. Sweat begins to shine on both of you; the slick reward for his exertion somehow making you wetter elsewhere. A lock of dirty blonde comes free, swinging against his forehead; and you’re mesmerized by the masculine beauty of Sierra Six.
His pattern slows briefly to lay you both back down. His right hand finds its home in your hair, before he begins a deeper, more sensual pace. You gasp out his name at the new feeling, the intimacy. He’s weakened your body so thoroughly that he is absolutely fucking you senseless into the mattress despite his slower pace. You grasp at the bedsheets above your head; you can hear the bed creaking with the force of him. His lips press against your forehead, breathing heavy. One hand cradles the base of your skull while the other plants against the wall for leverage. He tilts his forehead to rest against yours, and it’s clear he’s all but making love to you at this point. The knot in your stomach gets more tenuous with each and every one of his touches. 
You try to reign in your gasps, your cries, but his left hand falls between where you’re joined, and your attempt at being quiet ends entirely.
His lips brush your ear and he growls, “Should’ve known you’d be as loud in bed as you are every other fucking day.” 
“You love it,” you choke out, smiling smugly.
“Is it that obvious?” His voice is heady. 
You’re in sensation overload, the feeling of Six pushing inside you, the rhythmic motion of his hand, and that look in his eyes has your body taught as a bowstring. Your hands reach up to frame his face, wanting to hold him, when you're surprised by the tension in your abdomen snapping viciously. You writhe up beneath him, fucking him back, never breaking eye contact. You feel yourself repeatedly clench down as you come apart for him, finally closing your eyes when you breathe out his name. Six possessively parts your lips with his own, groans echoing in the space between kisses as he lets go, too. His hips begin to stutter; his abdominal muscles jerk as he buries himself deep within you, spending himself nearly as powerfully as you did.
His head drops to your collarbone and you press another kiss to his hair. Six raises up on his forearms, memorizing the way you look underneath him. His lips meet yours again softly before he carefully eases himself from you. He wraps a muscle-corded arm around you, tugging you to him. Six scoots both of you a few inches onto a pillow and throws the covers over you.
Diffused, indigo light from the window indicates that sunset has just occurred, and you can’t help but hope tomorrow doesn't come. Staying here in this wordless, intimate twilight world was the only place you cared to exist. You feel Six’s chest press into your back then retreat, and his exhale tickles your ear. The tattoo on his left forearm lay across your naked breast, and you don’t stop yourself from tracing it. 
“That feels wonderful.” His voice is gravel. You shift further down into him. He pulls you tighter, completely flush against him.
“I won’t stop, then,” you promise him quietly. 
He sighs, and within a few moments, you feel his breathing deepen. You keep your promise until you drift away, too.
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writingstudent · 2 years
i never found Ryan Gosling attractive until the gray man and that's on female gaze in movies. do it again please & thank you
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965 notes · View notes
writingstudent · 2 years
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Lloyd Hansen + Details
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writingstudent · 3 years
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Credit: @ThinkAnneThink
149K notes · View notes
writingstudent · 4 years
listen... i know this might be a hard concept to grasp but... maybe YOU are the racist these posts are talking about...
36K notes · View notes
writingstudent · 4 years
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881 notes · View notes
writingstudent · 4 years
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Thought this might help
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writingstudent · 4 years
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147K notes · View notes
writingstudent · 4 years
Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
189K notes · View notes
writingstudent · 4 years
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yooo everybody. my mom and i were goofing around and found this seriously FUCKED UP site. all your information, (phone number, nam, address even) is available for 2.99. like everything. please watch this video on how to remove it. (im not sure if it’s there for minors, but if you’ve ever owned/rented a house you’re definitely there. it’s worth checking it out to make sure.)
video on how to remove information. : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPFLagxnDsA
fucked up website: http://www.spokeo.com/
also, if you’ve lived in more than one place/state it has you multiple times, remove all of your profile things. (it had my mom 4 times, all over our state. even from when she lived in a house 9 years ago.)
psa over.
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writingstudent · 4 years
Aaaww damn, i said i wouldn't but then i read the list and can I have 12 with Hidan? Pretty please? (With me xD if its possible, if not with Reader) 😘😘
For ease of reading of others I chose HidanxReader. Sorry it took so long for me to get to your request my dear!
The Land of Iron was cold.You knew it was coming and yet it always seemed to surprise you. The last twoweeks had been spent slogging through the snow as your little group skirted theborder in search of one of the jinchūriki. You were very glad to be gettingback in to an area with more normal temperatures. The air still had a slightbite to it when night fell but there wasn’t a single flake of snow for milesand you thought you might kiss the ground in thanks.
You were spending the night in a cheap hotel with Hidan andKakuzu. You had advocated for a slightly more expensive one, one with a hotsprings that you could slip in to and soak the last chill from your bones, butKakuzu had scowled at the idea of loosening his purse strings any more than necessary.You settled instead for accepting Hidan’s offer to share a bed and keep eachother warm for the night. As if you could ever turn down that kind of offer.
Around midnight, however, you realized you couldn’t seem tosleep. Hidan was spread out across the bed, arm tucked around your waist inwarm invitation. But your mind just wouldn’t seem to shut off so you reluctantlyremoved yourself from the bed and began to pull on your clothes. The rustling appearedto wake him. He turned his head and opened one eye to give you an annoyed look.
“Where the hell are you going?” he demanded, voice rough and still half in a dream. You offered hima shrug.
“I can’t seem to turn off my brain,” you admitted. “I thought a walkmight help. I’ll be back in a bit.”
Hidan huffed and let his head drop back to where it hadbeen, his eye falling shut once more.
“Whatever. Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.” Then he was still and silent once more. You stood still as well, watching him with raised eyebrows. There was something unspoken between the two of you, something more than physical. You knew it was there even if neither of you ever spoke about it. It was so odd for him to say things like this, though. If you squinted you could read between the lines and hear what he was really saying. 
A smile stole across your lips as the shirt you had just pulled on slipped back off your shoulders. You shimmied out of your pants as well and tiptoed back towards the bed. 
Hidan’s eyes flew open in surprise as you swung one leg over his waist and settled yourself in his lap. Surprise quickly turned in to a sharp wolfish grin and he brought his hands up to settle them around your hips, steadying you on your perch. 
“I just thought of a better way to spend the night,” you said to him with as much confidence as you could muster. “As long as we’re not sleeping.”
“Fucking right,” he growled before pulling you down to meet his lips.
It was still a while before you managed to fall asleep. But it was certainly time better spent than taking a walk alone. 
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writingstudent · 4 years
Hello!♡ I love your blog! I'd love to read Orochimaru, Hidan and Kakuzu headcanons with a s/o who loves to hug them? Pleaseee! (^-^)~
OMGthat´s a perfect request for me, haha! Thank you, I hope you like it
Hidan / Kakuzu / Orochimaru with an affectionate s/o
-has a hard time with any type of physical contact which is not initiated by him(basically like a cat, teasing and then not wanting to be touched :(( )
-the obvious display of affection and his own fast-beating heart as a reactionis simply overwhelming for the Sannin. The first time his s/o hugs him out ofthe blue, he´ll be frozen for seconds, then huff and do this awkward flyingarms thingy where he doesn´t want to touch his partner to give them the falseassumption of actually liking the affection
Keep reading
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writingstudent · 4 years
geralt gently putting a flower behind jaskier's ear as the bard half-lays with his head on geralt's lap.
geralt's gaze is absolutely besotted.
the flower is a buttercup
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