writtentypo · 2 years
[through clenched teeth] good things can happen in the future. good things are coming
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writtentypo · 2 years
reblog to give the person you reblogged this from the motivation to finish a wip
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writtentypo · 2 years
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writtentypo · 2 years
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writtentypo · 2 years
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writtentypo · 2 years
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writtentypo · 2 years
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Guys, this is so funny!!! That heller wanting everyone to believe he clenched his fist and went, "YESSSSS!" BAHAHAHAHA Poor jensen having to sign that garbage. And Dottie, who are you talking to? LMAO
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writtentypo · 2 years
Why I don’t do Tik Tok:
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writtentypo · 2 years
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writtentypo · 2 years
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writtentypo · 2 years
//I’ve seen speculation on my dash that the change in Dean’s narration could mean he’s talking to Sam.  While I think that’s unlikely, it’s one of the few viable scenario that could salvage this baffling prequel.// - I personally don't think that's the case. From what I heard, and obviously its hearsay so huge grain of salt, but I heard they actually erased Sam MORE. Someone claims they switched Dean's narration stuff from plural to singular - instead of 'we', 'us', 'our' etc. its now all 'me', 'my', etc. So no longer "our parents" but now "my parents", things like that. That would make sense if they finally accepted the fact that they haven't made TW marketable to the og fans and are looking at it from the perspective of new fans. If they've finally accepted that they have to rely on a brand new younger audience who probably haven't seen spn then it makes sense to switch it. I was always wondering who they were marketing to - they alienated a lot of og fans with not only prequel-gate but also just the whole premise of the show entirely (so few spn fans care about John or Mary and a large amount hate them) and essentially the og fans are who the Dean narration was for. New fans who they also seemed to be trying to cater to wouldn't know or care who Dean is or why anyone wants to know about his parents. Dean saying "we" "our" would be even more confusing to the new fans.
At this point I would say they are targeting spanking brand new fans and Dean may be the infuriating "mystery box" for the new fans. But they may not be successful because going by the trailers and the actors' canned answers, I don't sense love from them and that's what ultimately doom a project: lack of love.
Audience will forgive a movie or show for their meanderings plots, mediocre acting, and butchering canon as long as it was crafted with love by the actors, directors, and producers. What helped give Supernatural its longevity was Jared and Jensen going the extra distance with their craft: Jared his acting range and Jensen learning to handle and clean guns and upgrade his fight skills. Fans immediately picked up the love and respect J2 had for their characters.
While all projects are cash grabs, but not all cash grabs are equal because it comes down to the amount of love (or lack of) for the project by the actors, writers, directors, and producers.
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writtentypo · 2 years
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writtentypo · 2 years
You can’t deserve a person’s love. You’ll drive yourself crazy thinking like that. They either love you, or they don’t. That doesn’t mean you weren’t good enough for them to love you, because love isn’t something you earn by being good enough. It isn’t something that can be quantified or doled out. Don’t blame yourself for not being loved how you need to, just teach yourself how to look for love where love lives.
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writtentypo · 2 years
I watched JA's interview with the police for the Rust incident and one of his answers definitely rubbed me the wrong way. The question was about the public statement Hannah (the armorer) made. Cop: "So with her, I’m sure you’ve seen the statement that she’s released" 
JA: "Yeah, saying that she was not given the time or-"
Cop: "And that she was pressing for training… and stuff like that, any knowledge to that?"
JA: "Which, I mean… *sighs*... In my opinion it’s bullsh*t, same reason I think that the camera crew walking off was bullsh*t. They knew what they were signing up for. It’s a low budget movie, there’s no budget for… putting everybody up in the four seasons. I’m sure they’d like to do that… but they can’t do that. They don’t have money, the financers gave a certain amount of money
That’s how much we had to get it done. Everybody on this movie knew that it was gonna be tight. I would’ve loved to have had... 3 weeks of horse training, you know? But I didn’t. I had half a day, I had an afternoon, to pick a horse out and ride him around and get comfortable… and then the next day I was on camera on the horse.”
(timestamp 1:16:29)
For the first hour Jensen was very articulate and a wealth of information (or over explaining if you want to call it).  After an hour of answering questions (sometimes the same question), reliving the horrific day, and constantly analyzing and rationalizing, I think Jensen was starting to get tired and anger and confusion bubbled to the surface.   Which was when he was asked for the second (or third) time about the safety issue.  
(Note: police will repetitively ask the same questions at different times to make there are no inconsistencies)
I know Jensen was being sarcastic about the camera crew asking for accommodations at a 4 season hotel or him wanting 3 weeks at cowboy camp riding horses, not even big budget movies train you on horses for 3 weeks on their dime. The number 1 lie told by actors is not their age, but their ability to ride horses. So, I don’t think he was towing the line by Alec Baldwin and the costume designer mocking the camera crew (X), but rather in midst of reliving the trauma, his subconscious looked for a scapegoat in order to find order in the chaos.  Plus, in my experience the contempt for the working class tends to run rampant among the blue haired (X) liberals (including Alec) and the old money class (Shaffer).
Jensen: If I saw somebody (being grumpy) I just try to cheer them up. What's the problem, we're out, it's beautiful, the weather, the sky, we're shooting a Western. Get over yourself!
Jensen said he didn't do it for the paycheck because it was his dream to be in a Western. That's all good and fine, but the camera crew wasn't there for funsies, this was their job and they depend on their paycheck. To walk off the set means things were that bad to walk away from a job that they needed.
Jensen got nice hotel accommodation for a job he doesn't need but wanted for the opportunity to have fun playing a cowboy.  The camera crew got shitty accommodation for a job that they need, not to have fun filming men playing out their fantasy playing cowboys.
Like you, it didn’t sit right with me that Jensen vented that the camera crew knew what they were signing up for in a low-budgeted movie, which includes safety protocol being skipped because they were on a tight schedule.  I’ve been a background actor and an extra on several shows and barely-budget movies that provided safe accommodations and there were lots of guns on set, and one where a bullet for meant for me (collateral damage when a hitman missed his target).  In every one of them, the armorer, prop master, and the AD handled the gun in all the scenes to verify it is not loaded.  One very memorable experience on a movie set the armorer handed the gun to several people on set to verify that it was not loaded, including me because he knew I was a permit holder.  It’s why out of hundreds of thousands of action and war movies and police procedural tv shows, injuries or death from guns are very rare: 3 total in 37 years, though that is cold comfort for Halyna’s family.
Lead actors have the unspoken job of taking care of the crew, usually morally, sometimes physically.  Tom Cruise rented two cruise ships to house the crew of Mission Impossible to keep them safe during covid.  River Phoenix gave his trailer to one of the actresses during filming of Silent Tongue when he found out she didn’t have adequate accommodations due to the film’s low budget.  Jared took in some of Walker’s crew when the snowstorm cut power to their apartments.  Alec Baldwin should have paid for the crews’ hotel in Santa Fe instead of making them drive one hour to Albuquerque, then perhaps the camera crew may not have walked off the set 6 hours before the fatal shooting.  Maybe, who knows, we will never know.
Anyways, Jensne said in the end that he has an appointment with a therapy the following week and I hope he attends regularly in order to deal with the trauma, especially since the case is on-going with people suing and counter suing each other. It's not going away anytime soon and Jensen needs on-going professional counseling to help him find the right method to cope and process and not keep blaming the wrong party.
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writtentypo · 2 years
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writtentypo · 2 years
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sunshine ☼
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writtentypo · 2 years
How do I tell people that sometimes if you turn your shipping brain off you can interact with media better
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