wsbloyer · 1 year
Series: Living Stones, Week One: Look back to Go Forward
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-db7f5-14bc830 Week One: 10/01/23 Series: Living Stones (One off) Title: Looking Back to See Forward Bible: Joshua 4:1 – 9,   “God’s Past Faithfulness Prepares us for the Future”   Joshua 4:1 – 9 (NLT) When all the people had crossed the Jordan, the Lord said to Joshua, 2 “Now choose twelve men, one from each tribe. 3 Tell them, ‘Take twelve stones from the…
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Series: Praying, Week Four: Prayer Answers (Scott Bloyer)
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-86trq-14b2f67 “Pray like you know the answer and trust God with His answer”   1 John 5:13 – 15 (NLT) 13 I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life. 14 And we are confident that he hears whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. 15 And since we know he hears us when we make our…
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Series: Praying, Week Three: Prayer Pattern (Scott Bloyer)
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-q8eta-14aa0ab Week Three: 09/17/23 Series: Praying   Title: Prayer Pattern Bible:  Luke 11:1, Matthew 6:5 – 13,   Luke 11: 1 (NLT) Once Jesus was in a certain place praying. As he finished, one of his disciples came to him and said, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”   Matthew 6:5 – 8 (NLT) 5 “When you pray, don’t be like the…
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Series: Praying, Week Two: Paused Prayer (Scott Bloyer)
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-ffu76-14aa0a1 Week Two: 09/10/23 Series: Praying   Title: Paused Prayer Bible:  Psalm 32:1-6,   John 14:26 (NLT) 26 But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.    “Paused Prayer Punishes; Repentant Prayer Restores”   Psalm 32:1 – 6 (NLT)…
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Series: Praying, Week One - Pray First (Scott Bloyer)
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-r34gd-1498c05 Week One: 09/03/23 Series: Praying   Title: Pray First Bible: 1 Timothy 2:1-2, James 5:13 – 16   1 Timothy 2:1-2 (NLT) I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. 2 Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives…
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Series: Sweet Dreams, Week Four - Dangerous Dreams (Scott Bloyer)
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-93sg8-1498bff Week Four: 08/27/23 Series: Sweet Dreams   Title: Dangerous Dreams Bible: Acts 9:10 – 19 Big Idea: “One Person in Christ is Priceless”   “One Person in Christ is Priceless”   Acts 9:10 – 19 (NLT) 10 Now there was a believer in Damascus named Ananias. The Lord spoke to him in a vision, calling, “Ananias!” “Yes, Lord!” he replied. 11 The Lord…
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Series: Sweet Dreams, Week Three: Gift of Dreams
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-acjjv-1486446 1 Peter 4:10 (NLT) 10 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.   “Your spiritual gifts were not given for your own benefit but for the benefit of others, just as other people were given gifts for your benefit.” By Pastor Rick Warren   “God Gives Gifts for His Glory and to…
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Series; Sweet Dreams, Week Two - Destination not Directions (Scott Bloyer)
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-3xdjw-147cc05 Acts 2:17 (NLT) 17 ‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. 18 In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men and women alike— and they will prophesy.    “God Dreams have a Destination but…
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Series: Sweet Dreams, Week One: God Given Dreams (Scott Bloyer)
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-knz75-1473f55 Week One: 08/06/23 Series: Sweet Dreams   Title: God Given Dreams Bible: Genesis 28:10 – 22   Joel 2:28 – 29 (NLT) 28 “Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. 29 In those days I will pour out my…
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Series: Summer MixTape, Week Five: Arron Chambers
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-7j4tc-146ad36 We are so excited to be able to continue our Summer Mix Tape Series with Pastor Arron Chambers from Journey Christian Church – Greeley.  If you would like to reach out to Pastor Arron Chambers then please feel free to email us at [email protected] 
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Series: Summer MixTape, Week Four - Ben Foote
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-qwu2j-1464700 We are so excited to be able to continue our Summer Mix Tape Series with Pastor Ben Foote.  If you would like to reach out to Pastor Ben Foote then please feel free to email us at [email protected] 
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Series: MixTape, Week Three- Anthony Ropkin
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-35bhp-145d491 We are so excited to be able to continue our Summer Mix Tape Series with Pastor Anthony Ropkin.  If you would like to reach out to Pastor Anthony Ropkin then please feel free to email us at [email protected] 
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Series: Summer Mix Tape, Week Two: Scott Bloyer
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-tqc8s-1451274 We are so excited to be able to start our Summer Mix Tape Series with Pastor Scott Bloyer.  If you would like to reach out to Pastor Chris Bullard then please feel free to email us at [email protected] 
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Week One: Summer Mix Tape (Chris Bullard)
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-947ys-144ac9b We are so excited to be able to start our Summer Mix Tape Series with Pastor Chris Bullard.  If you would like to reach out to Pastor Chris Bullard then please feel free to emai us at [email protected] 
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Fathers Day - Becoming a Difference Making Dad 06/18/23 (Scott Bloyer)
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-3hitx-143a43a We hope you enjoy this message from Elevation Christian Church on Father’s Day.  If you would like to have more information about Pastor Scott or the church just click here.
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Series: Uncertain, Week Five: Uncertain Circumstances (Scott Bloyer)
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-axard-142f5a0 “Our brains are hardwired to make much of modern life DIFFICULT.”   Romans 12:2 (NLT) 2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.   “Circumstances don’t create Contentment;…
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wsbloyer · 1 year
Series: Uncertain, Week Four: Uncertain Views (Scott Bloyer)
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-awufz-1426702 John 6:14 – 15 (NLT) 14 When the people saw him do this miraculous sign, they exclaimed, “Surely, he is the Prophet we have been expecting!” 15 When Jesus saw that they were ready to force him to be their king, he slipped away into the hills by himself.   Matthew 20:21 (NLT) 21 “What is your request?” he asked. She replied, “In your Kingdom,…
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