wubba-bubba · 4 years
the reason there are few/no male domestic violence shelters is because males haven’t made themselves any. 
do you guys seriously think women’s shelters were just HANDED to women, and that we didn’t have to fight for decades for them amongst massive pushback? do you think there wasn’t huge controversy surrounding the first womens’ shelters? do you think there weren’t violent protesters? do you think founders weren’t harassed with rape and death threats? we had to work for ours, you can work for yours.
if you want domestic violence shelters for men/transwomen, MAKE YOUR OWN. i’ll support you in that. most feminists will support you in that. but don’t make us do the work for you. we did all our own work ourselves, so can you. don’t rely on women to solve your problems.
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
the thing that kills me about the tras losing their minds over the women-only pool in sydney (article here) is that it is literally one place. one singular place that women could count on to be totally free from men. the mciver baths were a sex-segregated space from 1876 to this month, when they dared to make public that penises were not welcome in the facility and were non-stop harassed on facebook until they reversed that policy.
locals of the area where the mciver baths are say there are swimming areas literally DOWN THE STREET which are open to all genders, so this is not an issue of people wanting to swim and not being able to. this is an issue of one solitary space daring to prioritize female bodies and being punished for it. the baths were once a safe space for muslim women; islam only permits women to expose their hair/most of their bodies around other women, and requires that they cover up in the presence of men. while I disagree with this rule, I am disgusted that this place will no longer be somewhere safe for muslim women to literally and figuratively let down their hair.
they found one solitary harmless sex-segregated place that still exists and made it their mission to destroy it. what a textbook case of male entitlement.
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
a woman in greek mythology: *goes absolutely fucking apeshit as a result of the terrible things that have happened to her and gets violent revenge*
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
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planned parenthood really thought they did something with this huh?
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
Sisterhood is our biggest strength. Looking out for each other, uplifting each other, learning together, keeping each other safe, but also organising - men have been playing us against each other for all of history because they’re afraid of what happens when we stop seeing each other as competition. And they’re right to be afraid, our sisterhood can be so much stronger than their disgusting patriarchal code. 
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
i HATE when you’re talking about feminism and when you keep it all empowering like “women are people! we need better jobs!” everyone’s like ok coolio beans
but then when you turn it back on men like “hey also men need to stop raping and killing us and preventing us from advancing” it’s like ohhhh noooo not all men! leave men alone!!
bruh where do you think the need for women’s rights came from??? some ghost coming down from the heavens and making rules?
like talking about the oppressed is ok but bringing up their oppressers is mean bc what about their feelings tooooo? 😢
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
When the titles of popular porn videos are the same as titles of articles describing vicious rapes/murders/kidnappings you know porn is irredeemably evil
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
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Oh?? My?? GAWD???
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
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Literal fucking demons
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
i am sick and tired of seeing posts suggesting that both wearing the hijab and being half naked is empowering for women. empowerment is “the giving or delegation of power or authority”. the meaning of the hijab and other muslim coverings is the very definition of rape culture and victim blaming. what power or authority does a woman get by wearing a symbol which suggests that she should cover her body so men won’t sexually assault her? what power or authority does a woman get by wearing oversexualized clothes which are literally designed to satisfy the male gaze? none. both panders to male desires. both is the exact opposite of empowerment and female liberation. you are not woke or intersectional, you are rebranding misogynistic bullshit as empowerment.
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
many feminist issues are seen as debatable or having subjective answers because they are framed as a matter of women's choices. however, women's oppression has never been due to our choices. it is the direct consequence of the choices of men. therefore, instead of asking if women indeed "choose" to do sex work, and if that's "allowed" - we need to ask if it's okay for men to coerce women into sex using their superior financial resources as leverage. instead of asking if it's "okay" for women to be kinky, we need to ask if it's okay for men to suffocate and bruise women.
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
I’m sick of this “sugar daddy ~ baby” trash being romanticized on this hellsite. Rich old men paying to have sex with younger, vulnerable women and girls isn’t cute or glamour. It’s creepy. It’s disgusting. It’s not an aesthetic. It’s prostitution. Real life “sugar babies” are being raped, beaten, trafficked. “Sugar daddies” are abusers.
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
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What level of misogyny are you on that you think a woman who has been in the intensely woman-hating public spotlight for most of her adolescence and her entire adult life talking about her struggle with body issues is offensive? This is a perfect example of the “tyranny of vulnerability”—you’re never allowed to talk about how misogyny has damaged you if you have any type of privilege over anyone else.
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
what next? if a girl who was held captive by her abuser was suffering from stockholm syndrome liberal regressive feminists would be like “BuT-But she ~LIKES being abused see she likes her abuser! her choice!!1 A girl could be anorexic and starving herself and liberal feminists would be like “Umm sweaty its her body her choice. if she wants to starve, you go girl!! you lose those calories woo!11 
you have to realize that some ~choices are heavily influenced by other things and you have to observe the thought processes and causes behind it. 
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wubba-bubba · 4 years
I am so here for children and teenagers killing older men that try to rape them😊. You are doing amazing sweetie 👏🏾👏🏾
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They need to free this girl. She did nothing wrong at all. STOP MARRYING CHILDREN!!
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