wulfofkarstark · 2 years
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aster bowed deeply to the other man, thrusting his arms out dramatically so that his coat flared out as well. if he could wear something like this every day of his life, he would die a happy man. “ lord aster tyrell of highgarden, third son to the name, and all that pompous nonsense,” he declared, popping back up with a grin. “ and you are one of the stark lads, right? i’ve heard of you from your sister, dilara.” at the question, the man let out a very exaggerated sigh, resting his chin on his hand. “ my night is actually going terrible…” his eyes flicked to the pouch on wulf’s hip. “ i have yet to taste a delicious tart.”
In answer to Aster Tyrell’s flourish and bow, Wulfrik grunted inelegantly and nodded. As close as he would be getting to a bow that evening. But then matched Aster’s grin with one of his own. “Ah, not a Stark lad, but a Karstark lad,” he corrected with a hand raised above his head, palm down. “Easy mistake. Further north. Dilara Stark, wonderful as she is, is no sister of mine.”
Wulfrik was acutely aware of the weight the stolen tarts held. Worth more than a handful of gold dragons, they were. He followed the line that Aster’s eyes cut toward the pouch.
“Terrible to hear that,” he said slowly. Surrender would not come so easy. “They’re going missing rather quickly, aren’t they? Who allowed such tragedy to befall this wedding?”
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
closed starter for @wulfofkarstark !
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          " quick question . " the man said , taking a seat across the table from his younger brother . lips holding firm to a devious smirk . " exactly how much ale do i need to feed you to make a fool of yourself ? " a brief pause held the conversation , intrigue alight behind brown eyes . " hypothetically , of course . "
“The night is young, we can always find out,” Wulfrik answered with a grin as he tapped his finger against the cup already on the table. Already prepared for his brother to join him, he slid another across the table. “Looking at this room though, another fool might make it a crowd. Had your fill of the fun already? Or, hear me out, do we need to make our own? This wedding is much too...southern.”
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
Storming away from his wife had left Mateo with the option of simply staring at the wedding festivites blankly as he determined whether or not he should leave for their rooms. He doubted she would be there, all too sure that she would be drinking somewhere to ease her aches, and yet he did not wish to go there. Perhaps in fear she would be there, and another fight would begin anew. Or perhaps in fear of her not, his only companion the silence he created for himself. The glass of wine was not going to be drunk until whoever this was asked for it. His hand claimed it while looking at the young man in front of him. “Yes, I am.” He was acutely aware that he should not have this drink, it would further sour his mood, and yet the glass rose to his mouth to take a sip. “I’m sure you are capable of finding another drink somewhere in this large hall, full of drinks.”
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A look of disbelief settled across Wulfrik’s face as the man, previously uninterested in the wine, suddenly was. Then he laughed and conceded with a small nod, a flash of his palms to his sides. The man was correct, he certainly could find another glass, but this small interaction made that glass the most interesting glass in the entire room. If only for the man’s clear annoyance and that Wulfrik was in a jesting mood. Had been the moment he stepped through the great doors. An apology could be made later.
“Aye, I could, but that drink caught my eye from across the room,” he sighed as he rubbed at his chin. Made a show of looking melancholic as he searched this man’s face. Hells, he looked so damn familiar. What was--? Ah, he found it. Like father, like son, neither seemed to want anything to do with the celebrations. “Is it good at least? I’m sure you would know, Lord Marbrand. Is it one of yours then?”
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
For: @wulfofkarstark​​
“Hey stranger,” was the greeting Shivani gave Wulfrik after coming up beside him. It’d only been three years since she last saw the second youngest Kharstark. They used to get along pretty well and could get into quite a bit of trouble together. She’d missed him a little during her travels. But she’d never say it out loud, especially when she wasn’t sure who she could trust at the moment. “Have you been causing much trouble without me?”
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“Stranger?” Wulfrik’s head whipped around at Shivani Bolton’s voice. Thank the Old Gods, another friend in King’s Landing, though his joyous expression cut itself off at the head. Brow raised in question, the corner of his mouth followed with it as he loosely folded his arms and leaned back. Observed her with a comically suspicious leer. “Ah, attempts have been made but never has been quite the same. It took a wedding of all things to draw you back out then?”
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
closed to @godspecd​ malina
The mood of the celebration seemed to be shifting and Wulfrik could sense it like a northern wind. The crack of his laughter quieted and the frenetic pace he held throughout the hall slowed. Now was the time settle, to observe, and to listen. And who better to find his moment of quiet beside than Malina Bolton, as gracious as ever? His grin broadened as he collapsed in the empty seat beside her, a flurry of furs and a slight splash of ale upon the table.
“Lady Bolton,” he called as he ungraciously settled his elbows on the table and let loose a heavy breath. “What a lighthouse you are. It’s getting restless out there.”
The murmur of unease didn’t deter his smile but it did level it. There was no need for appearances with Malina. His eyes narrowed as he shot a look over his shoulder to watch.
“Has the evening treated you well?”
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
CLOSED   EVENT   STARTER   ,   carrigan   &   wulfrik   (   @wulfofkarstark​​   )   !  
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               westeros   is   foreign   to   him   ,   the   south   of   the   country   even   more   so   .   the   heat   here   is   different   then   in   lys   ,   less   warm   but   more   stifling   in   a   sense   .   emerald   hues   scan   the   crowds   ,   briefly   coming   across   the   bride   -   surrounded   by   guests   .   he   smiles   just   a   bit   before   a   bit   of   fur   catches   his   attention   .   ��   your   fur   is   glorious   .   pieces   like   this   are   hard   to   come   by   in   my   home   so   forgive   me   for   the   bother   .   ”
“Glorious indeed, my new friend.” Wulfrik had vainly been waiting for the moment that someone had something to say about his furs other than that they were impractical in a place such as King’s Landing. Let it be impractical. Let them know where he called home, where he answered to. “Aye, this is a special one. We hunted each other for three days. You bond with a creature like this after so long. ‘Tis an honor to have them here with me.”
His hand dropped from the ends of the fur and he cocked his head. At the word bother, he waved his hand dismissively.
“Ah, no bother to be found in an honest statement,” he laughed. “Where do you call home then?”
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
closed to @gcldenflwer​ aster tyrell
“These tarts are shit, aren’t they?” The gasp of insult that filled the air next to him was worth it. Enough to draw them away from him so he could slip a handful into a pouch at his hip. Task accomplished. The journey home would be filled with more than prodding questions at just what the hell was going on with Cayn and Aurore. Wulfrik felt eyes on him and glanced up to meet them head on.
“...Shit enough to share with others and spread the word,” he said quickly, then couldn’t keep a laugh from spilling out. He eyed the other man. “Ah. You’re from the place with the flowers, the gardens--Highgarden, that’s the one--aren’t you? How’s the night finding you?”
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
closed to @scndrenched mateo marbrand
Good behavior was something that Wulfrik had briefly considered at the door, then never again as the night continued on. It wasn’t his wedding. He was comfortable as he was, bouncing back and forth between the walls to remind everyone it was a celebration. If only for the sake of those with too many eyes and ears on them. A pause from his self-appointed duty led him to a table with few near it. He intensely eyed an unspoken for glass of wine.
“Are you going to have that?” His gaze flickered up to very serious man beside it. A very serious, familiar man. He looked like a friend of his. Then he laughed, held onto that thought. “Aye, perhaps you need it. I can find another. Unless...?”
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
closed to @servtudes​​ brynden marbrand
With a good deal of ale in him and his finest furs around his shoulders, Wulfrik felt light as a feather. Though his steps and laughter was anything but. Everyone seemed too tightly wound, too on edge over something. Was this what it was like in the south? So he opted to blur his vision just enough to ignore the edge but certainly not his friends.
“Brynden Marbrand, my friend, why the hell are you idling?” His voice was a thunderclap across the table he stood in front of. A judgmental hand on his hip and a grin on his face, he cocked his head at his quiet friend. “‘Tis a wedding, not a funeral, though it quickly could be given the gossip. So. Come on, there’s drinks to be had. Have you had any? Come, come, I’ll get you something.”
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
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the karstark lord has adjusted his attire to match his northern attitude while being conscious of southern temperaments. winter's sun out, guns out, and wolf teeth on display.
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
closed to @theodorebaratheon​
The spare sword Wulfrik had been given by the sparring grounds attendant felt like an unbalanced insult in his hand but he did not fault the boy for it. Swords in King’s Landing were crafted differently, he figured. He weighed it in both hands, his left favored over the right, then rolled his shoulders once satisfied. It would do and he told the wide-eyed boy as much. Just as he made ready to deliver the King’s Justice to a strawman, he paused as his eyes caught flash of familiar movement. Squinted across the field and through the bodies of others that made ready to do the same.
“Theodore Baratheon, is that you?” He unceremoniously, perhaps dangerously, crossed along the field with a wide grin on his face. “Aye, it is!” He laughed, both in relief and joy. Someone he knew. Someone he liked, at that. A rare find in the capital. “Am I glad to see you, here of all damned places. How are you, friend? Tell me everything.”
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
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          settling  into  the  capital  would  not  happen  for  lord  karstark  .  no  matter  his  amusement  with  the  lords  and  ladies  of  the  court  and  his  affinity  for  toying  with  them  ,  he  was  uncomfortable  .  he  had  never  set  foot  on  land  anywhere  south  of  riverrun  .  no  matter  his  distaste  for  the  man  ,  his  father’s  words  echoed  through  his  mind  .  supplying  daily  reminders  that  despite  the  niceties  ,  southerners  were  not  to  be  trusted  .  nonetheless  ,  he  had  a  part  to  play  .  to  pretend  to  enjoy  the  festivities  and  keep  his  bitter  distaste  within  the  confines  of  his  own  mouth  .  thus  ,  𝐂𝐀𝐘𝐍  found  himself  perusing  the  paths  of  the  street  of  flour  .
his  consumption  of  the  recently  purchased  lemon  cake  was  halted  ,  gaze  settling  on  wulfrik  .  blank  stare  met  his  words  ,  amusement  lingering  on  his  plain  face  .  “  i  think  you’re  right  .  i  believe  i  saw  some  players  leading  a  mutt  to  the  stage  that  seemed  to  resemble  you  ,  brother  .   perhaps  in  honor  of  your  arrival  .  ”  the  man  smirked  ,  hand  clapping  the  younger  brother’s  back  .  “  are  you  enjoying  the  south  ?  ”
“And what a fine mutt he must be,” Wulfrik said with a whistle, the very image of pride. “And yours? I’m sure they found the finest flea-bitten cloak for it.” The laughter in his tone dwindled, his eyes sharp as he surveyed the rows before them. His voice lowered as he inclined his head, unfolded his arms to settle a hand on his belt. “I hope they took some fingers to liven up the performance.”
At Cayn’s question, he hummed low in consideration. Fiddled with one of the ragged ends of the fur strung about his shoulders. The capital was filled with familiar faces, he did not loathe that. But he loathed how the capital could change them when shadows fell and the festivities ceased.
“Between taking it or leaving it, you already know the answer,” he said with a grunt as he began to walk. He grinned at his brother. “But it is good to see some of our friends here, equally as miserable. Are you?”
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
closed starter for wulfrik @wulfofkarstark​
As Aurore walked along the shore of Blackwater Bay, the peaceful quiet of the evening was ruined by the rather angry barking of a seal. She was all too familiar with the temper of certain sea animals, and her first inclination was to leave the creature be…had it not been for the familiar voice calling out for help. The sound of the grown man’s desperate pleas were absolute music to her ears, and she wasted no time in jogging towards the source with a grin on her face.
Soon enough she was faced with a scene she would treasure for years to come. Wulfrik Karstark. One angry seal cornering him on a rock that jut out from the spray of the ocean. A large pool of water separating them from the shore. She savored the picture it made before cupping her hands around her mouth. “Fair maiden!” she called out, already more than willing to milk this for all it was worth. “Are you in distress? Might I be of service? Does this foul dragon threaten your maidenhood?” She was thankful there was no one around to hear her teases that were wholly inappropriate for noble ears. 
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Wulfrik Karstark did not like the ocean. Scorned the very thing and if he found himself on a ship, he stress slept until land was once more in reach. It was something he enjoyed looking at, from a distance atop the Grey Cliffs. As it was meant to be.
Wulfrik Karstark after four glasses of a fine Dornish red loved the ocean. Kings Landing was too warm for him but the ocean was just cold enough that if he closed his eyes, it felt like the north. Until the sand disappeared from under his feet and he drifted home. Or towards the closest rock that the ocean pulled him toward. A rock already occupied by someone he could not shout off. The hoarseness of his voice had said as much. Sea spray in his eyes, he squinted towards the shoreline. Thank the Old Gods, someone had heard him.
“Rory,” he called out, his northern tone a thankful drawl. That little fear in him faded. “Aye, they wish to be wed and did not take kindly to my refusal. We’ve only just met!” Better to laugh than consider where he was. Made sluggish by the red in him, he skittered around the rock like a lethargic spider in furs.
“If someone of the highest moral fiber offered aid," he said loudly. “I would be thankful. Might even share some of my red, wherever it went off to.”
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
closed to: @ccstaway​​ where: king’s landing markets
If Wulfrik were to spend longer than necessary in King’s Landing for a wedding of all things, he would make the most of it. Make merriment for himself as the days slipped into nights. The journey had been spent preparing his tallest tales, cleaning his finest furs that he insisted on never parting with no matter the warmth. He would rob King’s Landing of taking his life by submitting to heatstroke first and there was humor to be found there, those his siblings insisted there was not.
It was on the third or perhaps fourth day, he wasn’t quite sure, that he sidled up to his oldest brother on the outskirts of the marketplace. He pushed back his hair and eyed the rows of merchants. The games of childhood that he often neglected with his need to run. His expression softened and then he grinned, looked at his brother from the corner of his eye as he folded his arms.
“I had a funny thought this morning,” he began, voice underlined with a tone of laughter. “Do you think they get dogs to play the North in those plays of theirs? If so, should we meet them?”
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
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kate’s thirty, flirty and thriving results
top 30 television male characters
30.) matthias helvar (shadow & bone)
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