wwg1wga17 · 3 years
So I don't write well ok so lay off bitches!
So I don’t write well ok so lay off bitches!
So looks like I screwed up my fonts and all because I am way too nosey for my own good. I don’t need any education on all that comma stuff or period for that matter. My Aunt thinks I’m crazy and my neighbors think wth right? So any of the thousands of friends I had as Jeff Long or Jeff Longer or Scott Willis or Scooter Scooter or probably others I can’t remember on FB well its me folks. Last…
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
What do you look for when regular news sucks.
What do you look for when regular news sucks.
There is connection folks. I just know it. Won’t be too long and people will start looking into our past for answers. Answers we deserve. We have been lied to about everything. I believe in a creator. God. All this stuff in-between, I have a hard time with. We deserve the truth. We have not been to many locations across the planet. The 3rd floor of Harawa. What’s in Bimini? What’s under the…
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
Must something going on!
Must something going on!
<p class="has-text-align-center" value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80"> <strong>So X22 isn't out yet. No show on Friday either. Says the electric is out, but I have a feeling something else is up. How much longer I we gonna let Joe Biden in office. The proof he cheated is clear now. Anyone who thinks Joe is going 4 years is out of their mind…
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
The Bimini Underwater Pyramid - Eye Of The Psychic
The Bimini Underwater Pyramid – Eye Of The Psychic
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
Not Democrat approved.
Very informative program for anyone who is new. Top notch program I have watched for 4-5 years now. Can’t believe its been this long, watching and waiting for something to break. This show is super tight folks. Wait till you see the connections made in this video. Amazing how BO and Iranian folks were in college together plus Bill Clinton involved too. Really nice apple pie making Grandmas are…
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
Your tax dollars paying for illegal immigrants Dental happens to be a fact
Your tax dollars paying for illegal immigrants Dental happens to be a fact
<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80"> Yup, when you think you've had enough with stupid democrats lets have a look at this article and scratch our heads. Better yet, lets share this around, and don't be afraid to share it with your local news channel like I do often. They don't think my stories are worth telling for some reason. Like…
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
Are things going to slow for you?
Are things going to slow for you?
YES. I can’t count the number of times I thought for sure we would finally see some justice. Even X22 is getting depressing. I listen patiently for the information I wanna hear only to be let down once again. I understand things are going on in the background, but some of us would like to hear some encouraging news. One major arrest would be nice. We all know about Italy and Leonardo satellites.…
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
What will be tomorrow's Cover story?
What will be tomorrow’s Cover story?
<p class="has-secondary-background-color has-background" value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80"> My patience is being tested for sure. The show needs some spark or something right. They say what's happening is all planned and everything. I'd like to know what they are waiting for. Something is holding up the arrests. How much longer before…
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
Let's get read rumble!
Let’s get read rumble!
<p class="has-secondary-color has-text-color has-small-font-size" value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80"> There is no doubt that Joe Biden cheated his way into office. Now comes the kicking and screaming. How bad will that be? Mass shootings. Bombings going of in large cities. They will try something, its false flag time. Right Now!!!!! Come…
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
Start paying attention please!
Start paying attention please!
Do not listen to what MSM says about anons and Q folk. It’s all garbage. We are are not violent people. Please start giving some of your day to this program or news outlet. Doesn’t matter. Call it what you want, but I hope you find today’s news eye opening. Even bigger favor would be after you see what’s what would be to share with everyone you know and start a discussion as soon as possible. I…
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
Please start watching this show.
Please start watching this show.
I am very serious about what is shared here. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. You better have links and such to prove your point or don’t bother. I am about the truth, and if wrong I admit. I am not wrong very often. Not batting a thousand that’s for sure but damn close. Please watch today’s show as well. Feels like game time folks. Grab some popcorn. I think the main attraction is about to…
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
So we got the nuke and the kids!!!
So we got the nuke and the kids!!!
Have a look at this. I trust the source and so should you. Start watch X22report.com right away so that you get caught up ok. Things are going quite well for the good guys. Lots of stuff on that ship from China btw. MMMMM interesting. Could we be at the preipice now like Dave say’s? If not we are damn sure close right? It’s 2:15 in the afternoon and wondering if He took Easter off.
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
Take a step back for perspective!
Take a step back for perspective!
Watching the news and looking at all the nonsense is exhausting. This is Easter Afternoon and I am just in awe with all the crap that MSM is putting out there. Feel sorry for Matt G. The Dems are obviously grasping at strings that won’t hold their weight. They are completely desperate right now accusing Matt of Pedophilia. Accuse your enemy of your crimes. Sounds Russian to me, but more…
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
Will Norway lead the way?
Will Norway lead the way?
From what I have seen over the last few days, it looks like we have crimes against humanity across the board and not just Norway, but here in the New Republic(USA). Spoiler alert for a you libs Joe Biden is not President of the New Republic. He’s going away shortly. I can hear it in Dave’s voice. If you listen to someone long enough you have better grasp of who they are. You don’t have to see…
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
Kids In Containers
What people are about to find out is that they are trafficking kids on the Evergreen shipping container. My friends and I have feeling we are gonna see some horrible things. If X22 says there might be not what’s in those containers but “Who” is in those containers. Everything pointing to go time. Zero day is upon us. It can’t be much longer before someone snaps like dry twig. Hunter Biden gun…
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
How much longer?
I say not much longer! So tired of making new accounts on facebook. Account disabled on Twitter. What could a nobody in the news business have such a influence on people that they have to ban me from all platform? Guess I share too much truth. Plus it helps to have other friends involved with Q or they are anons from across the Globe. Well, used to have a great team with people on the ground in…
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wwg1wga17 · 3 years
We need to start digging
We need to start digging
I really think everyone should take time to see this video. After years of learning about pyramids this one is incredible. We need to see whats under Harawa and why is Giza located at the speed of light? Stargate? Was Tesla on track? I think so people. Free energy all across the planer. If we could just get over the current nonsense and start looking into where we come from. I get goose bumps…
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