wxiji · 10 years
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                         ❝ why not. ❞
               he wasn't particularly fond of                alcohol, but it would do.
ー 「I」 ー
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       ❝personally, i quite enjoy some vodka.                            care to have some of that, sir?❞ 
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wxiji · 10 years
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                          bc i’m lazy, here’s the game.                           password is “femaletitan”.                           no quotation marks, obviously.
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wxiji · 10 years
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                         i’m going to make a cah game                          in a few minutes, so if you wanna                          join, like and i’ll send you the link!                         (mutuals only, please.)
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wxiji · 10 years
Questions designed to make you hate me
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Any fandoms that don’t appeal to you?
Have you ever unfollowed someone? Why?
Do you have a NoTP in [insert fandom here]?
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Is there anything you used to like, but now can’t stand?
Unpopular opinion about [insert fandom here]?
Have you received anon hate? What about?
Any fandom you’re ashamed of being in?
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wxiji · 10 years
Headcanons 2.0 (secrets edition)
♦ - something no one knows about your muse 
★ - a guilty desire they are ashamed of
♒ - a secret that’s obvious
∇ - a secret about your muses family 
☼ - a person who knows most of the muses secrets
♡ - a secret about their love life 
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wxiji · 10 years
Torture sentece starters
the dark m!a list i made got a ton of notes so i decided to make one that's a little more fun
"Stop it! Please!"
"Stop the pain... I'm begging you."
"You won't be needing that eye anymore, might as well take it out."
"No one will save you."
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"I will make you suffer."
"P-please... anything but that..."
"I won't kill you, I'll do much worse."
"I won't let you get away with this."
"No! Stop!"
"What a mess I've made. Do you know how to get bloodstains out of clothing?"
"When I'm done with you death will be a blessing."
"You won't get me to spill so easily."
"You're insane!"
"Stop! I'll tell you what you want!"
"You look so pathetic sitting there all chained up."
"Don't bother, the restraints are solid steel."
"I want to make sure you feel every second of this."
"I think you can live with a few fingers missing."
"By the time the police find you they won't be able to tell if your corpse is even human."
"How does this feel!?"
"Here's how it's going to work, you tell me what I want or I'll pour this boiling water on you and laugh at your screams."
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wxiji · 10 years
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        " Somebody killed Rize ... or such. "
                                 (‘ I. II. III. IV. )
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wxiji · 10 years
oh god i'm so sorry. it appears i've forgotten about my juuzou blog bc of my main annie blog (it's mxnsterkiller). will work on replies when i get off mobile.
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wxiji · 10 years
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  juuzou watches, blinking at the   healing arm.
  ❝ whoa, how'd you do that? ❞
           ╎░ ♚ ░╎
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     "I’m sure. This should heal      in no time,”
    and so he freezes the inner of     his arm to prevent much blood     loss as the outer heals.
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wxiji · 10 years
send a ☓ and i will generate a number for what the situation in which our muses meet will be
[4 = sitting next to each other on a packed bus/train]
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  juuzou didn't like closed  spaces. they made him  feel trapped--         and especially when            the people next to            him were squished            too close.
   ❝ can you scoot over;          just a little bit? ❞
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wxiji · 10 years
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  ❝ life's full of tragedies--          you'll get used to them,             trust me. ❞
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wxiji · 10 years
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  ❝ people are like that        with my           STITCHES--             i think they look                cool, though. ❞
  he didn't care what others   thought so long as he liked   them.
“Somewhat, little children like it but grown adults hate it for some reason. They probably think I’m some punk ass kid.”
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wxiji · 10 years
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  ❝ eh--           that's the gist of it. ❞
  he could tell the explanation   was lost on the other--no   matter.
  ❝ but moving on from that--           you aren't from japan,                 are you? ❞
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「 ♥ 」—
               ” So, to sum up a ‘Ghoul’ they’re basically modified cannibals? “ That’s what she got out of the entire explanation besides the fact that they’re not human.
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wxiji · 10 years
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  ❝ are you sure? ❞
  he'd hate to have to   clean up a dead body,           after all.
          ╎░ ♚ ░╎
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     "Yeah — I think. Oh wait, I’m bleeding.”
     He had just pulled him arm out from      between two vending machines while      he retrieved his GameStop card.
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wxiji · 10 years
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  ❝ suzuya--              suzuya juuzou. ❞
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—   ❝ Lyra, my name is Lyra. && who are you ? ❞
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wxiji · 10 years
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  ❝ a drink. what are your                 recommendations, miss? ❞
ー 「I」 ー
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      ❝Is there anything you’d be interested in drinking today        or are you here because you require some information        on a certain someone or thing? I can do my best in         answering all questions you have for me.❞
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wxiji · 10 years
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  --- Juuzou blinked up at the        other, offering a small smile        before standing and brushing        himself off.
       'It's fine, really!'
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"O-oh, a-are you okay?!" He hadn’t meant to run into and knock the other done but then again, who ever did mean to? Somehow he had taken the boy down to the floor, making panic rise in the ghoul. It was his fault, racing to get to the game store before they closed.
"I-I’m so s-sorry! I didn’t mean t-to! H-here, l-let me help-" He bent down, reaching a hand out for the other to grab. "I-I was in a h-hurry, s-sorry…"
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