wxndiigo · 6 years
*sticks legs out violently* . hi there boys
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wxndiigo · 6 years
“There’s more out there, you just have to be patient.”
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OSKAR’S brows furrowed at the suggestion that he might have to miraculously become a patient person for even one second . The thought occurred and then promptly left the building , a curt laugh quickly sounding in succession . ❛ No , I don’t think that’ll do — when I want something , I want it now . Right there – placed before me with a snap of my fingers . It’s not too much to ask . ❜ 
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wxndiigo · 6 years
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
So basically i came up with this idea recently that Oskar actually has a secret prodigy , her name is unknown yet and she lives in another country. Oskar keeps his friendships very secret because he doesn’t trust others with that kind of knowledge. In the past he has lost people he’s felt close to due to being careless enough to mention them and with the amount of enemies he has collected over the centuries he’s kinda made himself a particularly susceptible target to those kind of attacks.  Soooo I think I’m gonna develop this character and I think her fc is gonna be Yara Shahidi cos she’s a queeeen.
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wxndiigo · 6 years
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wxndiigo · 6 years
guiizz if i ever write a reply to you when i’m realllllllll high ...... i apologise . like , a lot .
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wxndiigo · 6 years
🔥: What’s a place that left them motivated in some fashion?
His birthplace is pretty significant to Oskar as it was where he was shaped as a person and a developed his bloodlust for all things bad . Oskar’s Father was a freakin’ big time viking warrior that led his people and kinda was expected to fill his shoes as the eldest son , his family just hadn’t suspected Oskar would be quite as bad as he turned out to be . Being massacred kinda taught them otherwise haa….
Russia as it’s known today, he travelled through here a lot and settled for a long time, when it was the new world to travelling vikings . That place holds a lot of memories for him and Oskar will frequently go back to visit when he can get away from work .
🌙: Where is the most unusual place they’ve fallen asleep at?
Ummmmm I mean….he’s been alive for quite some time so …. like a few crazy places like probably a popes home or on a long lost island that sunk into the sea . He’s like 3k+ . Oskar would probably have a ton of cool and funny drunk stories about famous people back in the day . But he’d deny these things and most likely be like, “ the most unusual place I’ve fallen asleep? hmm… – a four star hotel. “ Like he’s the most ridiculous and stupid creation , I don’t know why I made him up .
✘: Who do they detest the most? Do they typically avoid this person or antagonise them?
Probably his Dad? I mean he holds a lot of resentment towards his Father for being so cruel and overly aggressive towards him . Hmmmm he’s met the Devil and doesn’t like that guy too much, finds it uncomfortable to be around but doesn’t believe in the Christian faith and their ‘made-up gods’ or their power . But at the same time he’s not stupid enough to push too hard ? Even though he’s in the present day Oskar still believes in the Norse gods and it upsets him a lot (though he ain’t never gun say it) that he will never make it to Valhalla due to his disgraceful acts.
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wxndiigo · 6 years
Questions for Muns of Canon Muses
What is the biggest headcanon deviation from the canon material that you have incorporated into the way you write your muse? Why did you come up with it?
Do you have any controversial headcanons that go against what is generally accepted by the fandom? Do you incorporate this into writing your muse or keep it to yourself?
What is something that was never addressed at all in the canon material that you have independently developed for your muse?
Have you made any outright changes to the canon material in order to write your muse the way you wanted (entire scenes you chose to omit, chapters you say never existed, things you assume were never said, etc.)?
What is an aspect of your muse’s canon material or canon existence that you never had the opportunity to explore but really want to?
What is the general opinion of your muse’s fandom about them? Do you agree with it?
For movie or TV muses, what is your muse’s favorite scene? Why? Can you show a screenshot?
For movie or TV muses, what is a scene with your muse that you hate? Why? Can you show a screenshot?
For movie or TV muses, what other character played by your muse’s actor/actress has a lot in common with your muse?
For book muses, what is your muse’s favorite scene? Why? Can you provide a short excerpt?
For book muses, what is a scene with your muse that you hate? Why? Can you provide a short excerpt?
For book muses, what other character from a book or book series has a lot in common with your muse?
What canon character do you really wish your muse could interact more with?
What is your ideal AU for your muse?
What plots/interactions leave you feeling protective of your muse?
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wxndiigo · 6 years
I FINALLY HVE A DAY OFF FROM WORK AND FEEL LIKE I CAN BE FREE TO WRITE ahhhh. i’m sorry i haven’t been here or done anything :( weh my activity is ... waluigi voice: waAah .
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wxndiigo · 6 years
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wxndiigo · 6 years
Send me a faceclaim and I’ll tell you who they’d be in my muse’s life as a NPC
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wxndiigo · 6 years
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
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wxndiigo · 6 years
                                       [ FILES LOADING….. ]
             INFORMATION FOUND ! > THE HOUND                 RELATIONSHIP: PET & RIGHT HAND TO OSCAR DENNING                 BIRTHPLACE/LOCATION: NEW YORK, THE BRONXS                 CURRENT LOCATION: NEW YORK CITY, UPPER EAST SIDE                 PARENTS: ALIVE / NO CONTACT ALLOWED                                 HISTORY [ LOADING…. ] > COMPLETE !                            ( report may be fragmented ) > ( file complete )                             kristoff was one of a litter, his parents purebred hounds and                             pedigree breeders whom sold their offspring for a profit. the                             boy/hound grew up in an environment without love or connection                             to his parents and siblings (who were also sold off). kristoff was sold                             at birth to a man called oskar dragunov who he would come to know                             and call his master and boss later in life. he was trained from a young                             age how to defend himself and oscar if needs be, in both human and                             hound form.                             at the age of eighteen kristoff moved from his family home, after meeting                             oscar only twice up until that point, and moved into an apartment that his                             owner supplied for him. ever since then his life has been a challenge when                             working for empire, trouble occurs on a frequent basis though the hound is                             highly capable in handling tricky situations.
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                           NAME: KRSTOFF ████ ████                             ALIASES: KRIS, THE HOUND                            D.O.B / AGE: AUGUST 15TH, 1992 / TWENTY THREE                            SKILLS: HACKING / MANIPULATING FILES/COMPUTERS                                           MIXED FIGHTING STYLES, FREE RUNNING, GUNS,                                          TRACKING, LONG DISTANCE RUNNING, KNIVES.                            APPEARANCE: SLENDER, DEFINED MUSCLE, BROAD BUT                                                       SMALL IN STATURE (5FT 7′’), ASHEN HAIR,                                                       LIGHT BLUE EYES, LIGHTLY FRECKLED CHEEKS                                                       & BRIDGE OF NOSE, SCAR THROUGH LEFT BROW,                                                       BUTTON NOSE, LONG/SOFT FACE.                            POLICE REPORT: THE HOUND DOES NOT HAVE ANY OFFENCES                            AS OF YET, HE HAS NOT BEEN FOUND GUILTY OF ANY CRIMES &                            THEREFOR HAS DONE NO WRONG. HOWEVER HE DOES WORK FOR                            MR. DENNING, WHICH GIVES CAUSE TO BELIEVE THE HOUND ISN’T                            AS CLEAN AS WE ARE LED TO BELIEVE.                            PRESENT DAY: WORKS FOR OSCAR DENNING AT THE COMPANY                            EMPIRE AND LIVES ON CALL TO EVERY BECKON CALL THE MAN IN                            THE SUIT HAS. LIVES CLOSE BY TO BOTH WORK AND OSCAR JUST                            IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, AND HAS SLIGHT SEPARATION ANXIETY                            FROM HIS OWNER. IS THE NEXT IN COMMAND AFTER OSCAR AND                            RECRUITS ALL THE WORKERS FOR EMPIRE AND INTERVIEWS THEM.
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wxndiigo · 6 years
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♪♫ bring it back
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sing it back
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bring him back bRING HIM BACK TO MEEEE !!!♩♫ 
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             winter aint a baby no mo. // cause LOOK AT THAT FACE
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wxndiigo · 6 years
work killed me , there was a major fuck up :/ / the girl that was supposed to take over from me at 6pm (it’s a 1 staff per shift bar job) but she ended up textin me like 2 hours later like i’m not coming in, i’m sick and told (the bosses) and i just ??? ok guess i’ll go fuck myself then cos no one told me and there’s no one to cover but cool fine ok i’ll be cool abt it but be bitter inside. cool. and i ended up being there until 10pm and i started at 12 in the afternoon. fair enough 9 hours isn’t that awful but like?? i wasn’t prepared n someone with anxiety that really fucks us lot up. i’m ??? edit: it was crazy fucking busy and everyone was being bonkers :/ ! there’s smth in the water
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wxndiigo · 6 years
                                       [ FILES LOADING….. ]
              INFORMATION FOUND ! > THE BELKIN TWINS (MISSING)                  RELATIONSHIP: BROTHER + SISTER, BIOLOGICAL TWINS.                  BIRTHPLACE/LOCATION: LONDON, HACKNEY.                  CURRENT LOCATION: NEW YORK CITY, DOWNTOWN.                  PARENTS: PRESUMED DEAD (DRUG USERS / DEALERS)                                    HISTORY [ LOADING…. ] > COMPLETE !                             ( report may be fragmented ) > ( file incomplete )                             the twins grew up in on a council estate within hackney,                             london. their parents were well known drug addicts and                             even more so drug dealers in the area. from a young age                             the twins were exposed to violence, abuse and drugs. at                             thirteen the two ran away from home after their mother had                             one of her infamous outbreaks and began to beat not only                             their father (who was barely conscious at the time due to a                             batch of badly cut heroin) but then began to hit stella and                             dominic, blaming them for everything that went wrong in her                             and their fathers lives.                             ████ belkin (father) and  ████ belkin (mother) were                             reported dead in the newspapers a week after the twins disa                             ppearance by a neighbour, who complained about a rancid                             smell coming from the one bedroom flat. the police have given                             a report on the cause(s) of death: (drug use + domestic homicide +                             possible drug deal gone wrong), resulting in the abduction of the twins.                             six years later and the police are still no closer to finding the missing                             children (presumed dead), dominic james and stella amileigh belkin.
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                            NAME: DOMINIC JAMES BELKIN                             ALIASES: NICK LINKEB                             D.O.B / AGE: JUNE 10TH, 1995 / NINETEEN                             SKILLS: PICK-POCKETING (SLIGHT OF HAND),                                            HAND TO HAND COMBAT, FREE RUNNING                             APPEARANCE: SLENDER, LEAN MUSCLE, CROOKED                                                       NOSE (BROKEN ONE TOO MANY TIMES),                                                       FULL LIPS, BROAD SHOULDERS, BROWN                                                       EYES, DARK BROWN (ALMOST BLACK) HAIR,                                                       LONG FACE, 5FT 9′’                             REPORT: STILL MISSING, [ PRESUMED DEAD ] BY THE                             BRITISH POLICE. SMUGGLED HIMSELF AND STELLA                             TO THE UNITED STATES ON A CARGO SHIP FIVE YEARS                             AGO, AFTER A YEAR OF LIVING ON THE STREETS AND IN                             ABANDONED HOUSES WITH OTHER RUNAWAYS/JUNKIES                             THEY STOLE AND DEALED DRUGS TO SURVIVE.                             PRESENT DAY: RECRUITED BY OSCAR DENNING THE OWNER                              OF EMPIRE, TO SCAVENGE HUMANS FOR THE BUSINESS AND                             PICK-POCKETS/ DEALS DRUGS ON THE SIDE FOR EXTRA CASH.
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                           NAME: STELLA AMILEIGH BELKIN                            ALIASES: ELLA LINKEB                            D.O.B / AGE: JUNE 10TH, 1995 / NINETEEN                            SKILLS: PICK-POCKETING (SLIGHT OF HAND),                                           KNIFE/BLADE COMBAT, FREE RUNNING                            APPEARANCE: THIN (TWIG-LIKE), LEAN MUSCLE,                                                      LONG DIRTY BLONDE HAIR, BLUE EYES,                                                       ROUND FACE, POINTED NOSE, SCAR UNDER                                                      THE CHIN AND ACROSS THE FINGERS, 5FT 4′’                        REPORT: STILL MISSING, [ PRESUMED DEAD ] BY THE                            BRITISH POLICE. DOMINIC SMUGGLED STELLA AND HIMSELF                            TO THE UNITED STATES ON A CARGO SHIP FIVE YEARS                            AGO, AFTER A YEAR OF LIVING ON THE STREETS AND IN                            ABANDONED HOUSES WITH OTHER RUNAWAYS/JUNKIES,                            THEY STOLE AND DEALED DRUGS TO SURVIVE.                            PRESENT DAY: RECRUITED BY OSCAR DENNING THE OWNER                             OF EMPIRE, TO SCAVENGE HUMANS FOR THE BUSINESS AND                            PICK-POCKETS/ DEALS DRUGS ON THE SIDE FOR EXTRA CASH.
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wxndiigo · 6 years
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                                       [ FILES LOADING….. ]                                      
                                                    ( employees of EMPIRE .llc )                                                     HIGH LEVEL CLEARANCE
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           PHILLIPE DUBOIS.                                          MELODY VALE.      FIELD OF WORK: HIRED GUN              FIELD OF WORK: LAB SCIENTIST        YEARS AT EMPIRE: FIVE                          YEARS AT EMPIRE: SEVEN
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            HESTER LA CREUX.                                     DANIELLE MARTIN. FIELD OF WORK: PATIENT HANDLER          FIELD OF WORK: ACCOUNTANT          YEARS AT EMPIRE: TEN                         YEARS AT EMPIRE: THREE
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wxndiigo · 6 years
More & More! Headcanons
Send some symbols to hear about more in-depth about my muse(s)!
World Views/Experiences †: Did they come from a religious family/culture? ☩: Do they practice any sort of religion? If so, is it the same as their family’s? 📿: Have they ever had a supernatural experience? 💣: Did they ever get caught in a situation because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time? ✨: What motivates them? Is it a deep rooted passion/motivation, or is it something they struggle with from time to time? 💊: Have they ever dabbled in drugs? If so, what kinds? ☣: Have they ever been severely ill? If so, did it leave an effect on their overall health in the long run? 💉: Do they suffer from any sort of chronic illness or bodily fragility? ✪: Have they ever let a rare opportunity slip them by?
Locations 🔅: What’s a place that holds special meaning to them? Why? 💧: Are there any places they avoid? If so, why? 🔥: What’s a place that left them motivated in some fashion? 💋: Where did they have their first kiss? Do they remember who it was with? 🌟: Do they have any places they want to go before they die? For what reasons do they want to go there? 🌙: Where is the most unusual place they’ve fallen asleep at?
People ✘: Who do they detest the most? Do they typically avoid this person or antagonize them? 👊: Have they ever been involved in a physical fight? 💞: What was their first love like? 💔: Have they ever had their heart broken? If so, why or how did it happen? 💍: Have they ever been engaged before? What broke it off if so? 💛: Have they have sex? If not, are there any personal reasons why?
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