wxrmtxxl · 5 years
Remus shook his head, “No, you’re wrong. We’re all very overwhelmed right now, we all just have different ways of showing it. For example, I sit and think too much to the point I can’t sit still, so I come bother my friends at work and invite them out for coffee just so I don’t have to be alone with my own thoughts.” He wasn’t entirely sure if that was the real reason he had come searching for Peter. He told himself it was for Peter’s sake, but deep down Remus knew it was partially for his own sake too. “Just because we keep it bottled up doesn’t mean we don’t feel the same way as you. Honestly, the way you deal with your emotions is probably the healthiest out of all of us.”         
He shrugged and chuckled a bit, it was obvious how close him and Peter were if he knew how often he drank coffee throughout the day. “I had my tea in the morning, and a couple cups of coffee since. But you can never have enough when you sleep as little as I do.” Sleep never came easily to him, from dealing with night terrors as a child, to staying up all night studying or reading during school, it was just a habit by this point to survive on just a couple hours a night. Laughing slightly, Remus’ smile widened, “Chocolate does make everything better. Didn’t you hear that Madam Pomfrey added it to her list of medicine since I left? The younger students complained that they no longer had a supply of chocolate, so it’s officially part of the hospital wing now.” It wasn’t uncommon for Remus to seek out students that were feeling down to provide them with chocolate throughout his time at school. “Are you telling me you don’t think chocolate fixes everything?”
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Peter sighed. Why did it have to be that his way of ‘showing it’ involved all but breaking down and being unable to cope with even loud noises? He was sure if Sirus was here he’d be catching hell for this behaviour; the other all seemed to be harder on Peter than most, even if deep down he felt he deserved it. “You’re not b-bothering me. You’re never a bother.” he said quietly, and he suspected Remus was putting that on a little just to try and make him feel better. “N-not really,” he said, looking up at the other, “There’s not much healthy about going to pieces in a noisy workplace.” Hell, maybe they were all unhealthy, just in different ways.
“You should let me get you some dreamless s-sleep potion.” He knew it wasn’t exactly a cheap concoction to make (and even pricier to buy ready made) and Remus didn’t like feeling he was getting by on handouts, but Peter was in a good job now, when he could manage it, and he wasn’t exactly spending much on himself. To his mind it seemed like a win-win. Whether Remus would agree was another matter. “I know you like c-coffee but, I think a good night’s sleep would h-help you a little more.” he rolled his eyes slightly as Remus turned to what had to be his favourite subject: chocolate. “I don’t think it would save our lives in a crisis.” he told the other gently, “But I g-guess it does make me feel better.” he smiled slightly, “She saw a lot of us, you had plenty of time to wear her down.” He missed her though, strict as he was; heck, he missed almost everything about Hogwarts, it was maybe the one place he’d ever felt safe.
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
SHE CANTED HER HEAD in the direction of the voice, realizing she wasn’t alone ( & feeling quite glad for it ). “Tea would be lovely, thank you.” A shadow of a smile is offered towards the male, washing away the former vulnerability and instead replacing it with a more determined and characteristic feature. She wasn’t certain whether the strong upfront was for her sake or Peter’s, there was just something in her that wanted to help and protect everyone around her. “Maybe spike it a bit with firewhiskey?”
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Peter nodded, relieved to have something that he could do; sitting with his own thoughts was one of the worst things he could do and it seemed he was getting into that state more and more often lately. He stood and moved to the stove, lighting it with a flick of his wand and filling the kettle from the sink. “U-umm, I think we have some h-hidden?” Everyone usually needed a drink, or some, after missions successful or otherwise.  He popped the kettle onto the stove and bent to peer into a cupboard to grab the booze, “H-how-” he paused, swallowed and tried again, “How are you coping, L-Lily?”  
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
It was a little surprising to Daisy that Peter had remembered her at all. Anybody that didn’t know her usually said she was quite forgettable. It was always nice to know at least someone remembered her, even if it was just small details. “I’m honestly surprised you remember me at all, I was a little quiet and kept to myself when I wasn’t around my friends.” Daisy smiled, taking her time while measuring him to make sure she was accurate, and to give her time to chat with him.
She placed a hand on his shoulder and the other on his back, straightening him out a little. “Just need you to stand a little straighter, I know it’s a little awkward to be measured.” Most people got uncomfortable while getting measured and hunched themselves over a little, but it made it difficult to get accurate numbers. Daisy giggled again, “So you’re telling me your friends were the ones causing trouble and you were just there? I have a hard time believing that. You must have had some sort of hand in it.” She wasn’t trying to accuse him, it just seemed like him and his friends had all their heads together at all times, there was no way he didn’t come up with some of their little pranks. “I was always such a goody-two-shoes I never even drempt of getting in trouble. I wouldn’t have known where to start.” Though sometimes she wondered what it would have been like to be a little more reckless, it seemed to be more of a Gryffindor trait that she didn’t possess.
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Peter was a quiet sort, he tended to watch much more often then speak and in so doing he heard a great deal. Most of it was idle gossip that hadn’t served much use (except in school when he’d overheard some interesting little tid-bits that had led to some very crazy pranks) but he did often head people’s names and other basic information... Even if he didn’t often have cause to use the knowledge he gained. “I umm... People-watched a lot back in school.” he said with a small shrug.
He let out a small ‘ooft’ noise when she moved his back and made him stand straight; the form felt foreign to him since he spent so much time with an unconscious slouch out of habit to avoid being seen. “O-okay.” he said with a small nod, rolling his shoulders a little to try and get some of the stiffness out of his frame. The downside was that standing like this put him staring right into his own reflection and he’d never been very fond of doing that. So, he cast his eyes down despite standing tall and tried to reply to her, “U-umm, I uhr, I guess I was a little involved... sometimes.” He’d come along with them on every one of their shenanigans but it was always a rarer occasion when he came up with the idea... that didn’t mean it wasn’t unheard of though. “I never t-thought I’d be doing things like that. My umm, friends were naturally talented at it.” But then, when it came to Remus, James & Sirius, they seemed naturally talented in pretty much everything.  
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
Who: Antonin & Peter Where: Within the Ministry of Magic
Antonin had been wanting to get insider knowledge from the Wizengamot for months with no avail, even his own status as an employee of the Department of International Magical Cooperation hadn’t produced anything of value, and frankly, he was frustrated and thoroughly annoyed, not used to being denied anything his entire life.
The workday had finished for Antonin and with his briefcase held firmly in his hands, full of paperwork that he would spend the evening working on. The scene unfolded in front of him as he saw three employees in the elevator, two of them cornering another one, a thinner male who almost disappeared behind the other two bulky frames. He didn’t recognize any of them, though Antonin rarely paid attention to others that weren’t purebloods or in his immediate social circle unless he was planning to exploit them in some way. 
He rolled his eyes as he entered the elevator, he wasn’t sure what came over him as he spoke, “Two against one – he must be quite powerful if this will take both of you.” He snickered to himself as they turned on him instead, “Stupify.” He muttered the jinx quickly as it hit both of them before either of them could say anything, the elevator finally halting as Antonin exited, leaving the slumped over bodies on the ground without a care. “Are you waiting for them to wake up? Come on.” He called over his shoulder, his eyes finally locking on the younger male.
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Peter hated his workplace sometimes. He’d thought leaving school would mean there’d be no more bullies hovering around attempting to have their wicked way whenever his friends weren’t with him. But, as it turns out there were bullies everywhere in the world and two of auror’s in training seemed to think he was the perfect pick to have some fun with on their way out.
“P-please, I just-” he was cut off by one of them crudely imitating his stammer while the other smirked and both advanced till he was backed up into the corner. He hadn’t even thought to reach for his wand, still in the pocket of his robes while his hands clutched at some files, worthless paperwork, in the hopes someone might come in and stop this... he didn’t have the backbone for it.      
As it turned out, someone did come one and with the kind of self-assured flair he could only dream of the man had the pair stunned and hitting the floor with a barely-there flick of his wand. Blinking in shock he couldn’t think what to do and instead stared until the doors opened once more and the man looked back and told him to follow. Juddering forward he got out and managed to draw level, “T-thank you.” he muttered quietly, “S-sorry for the trouble.” He wasn’t sure why this man had deemed to help him but he had nonetheless and already he felt bad about it. Probably the other’s good deed for the day.  
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
WHO: Ilona & Open WHERE: Diagon Alley
It had been several weeks since Ilona last walked the cobbled pavements of Diagon Alley. Certain business matters had temporarily taken her out of the country, but as she weaved in and out of the familiar alleyways, she couldn’t help but notice that they were a lot quieter than she remembered them to be. Even so late in the evening, there was normally some kind of hustle and bustle going on, but that was not the case this evening. Not that she minded of course, no, she actually preferred it when the streets were quiet, because it meant that she could hear clearly when someone was approaching her. 
“Has no one ever taught you that it’s rude to try and sneak up on people?” She called out a few moments after she realised there was another set of footsteps just slightly behind her.
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It was night, it was dark and Peter hated being outside right now. He’d have done this scurrying as a rat if he wasn’t desperate to get to the Leaky all the same. He’d promised to meet his friends there after work but work had gone on longer than he’d expected (the level two departments were still recovering from the minister’s death) so now he was walking as quickly as he could through the ally to get from one end to the other before something went wrong. He had his head tucked into his coat and just hoped nothing would happen and now one would come up behind him or-
“Ahh!” he half-cried when a voice ahead of him ended up calling out loudly. He jumped a little and looked at the woman he’d completely missed and shook his head, “I w-w-wasn’t s-sneaking.” he said quietly, shaking his head side to side, “I’m j-just trying to g-get through-”  
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
It had been a long day of training. Gideon didn’t mind it usually, at least not at the time. It was only later that the aches settled in his bones and he began to notice all the new bruises that seemed to show up on his skin every day. Still, despite the tiredness, he did enjoy it. He had made his way to Leaky Couldron because he didn’t want to return to his apartment just yet and was in dire need of a drink. He was on his second drink of the night when someone sat down next to him and he took knocked his shot back before turning to them with a small grin, “Fancy a drink?”  
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Things were finally returning to some sense of normality at the Ministry following the assassination of the minister. Her death had rocked the place and Peter got nervous enough at the smallest of things. He’d finally been able to catch up with on work he’d been too pent up to get to and ended up finishing late. He usually ran straight home from work but today, today he really wanted a drink and had risked the journey to the Leaky Cauldron for it. He’d taken a seat, after looking around and working up the guts to go in, and jolted a little at the voice next to him, looking over nervously, “O-oh umm... Okay.” he stuttered out quietly.  
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
Taking a rambunctious six year old who had entered the stage in life where she was curious about everything but preferred to find answers for herself instead of simply asking why on errands was not Anromeda’s preferred way to spend a Saturday.  Not that she didn’t enjoy Dora’s curiosity but it was easier to manage when Ted was there to corral her as Andromeda worked through her list.  She was on her own today though and she groaned as she stood at the counter of the apothecary and heard something shatter in a far away corner followed by the unmistakable giggle of her daughter.  “Whatever it is, add it to my bill,” she said with an apologetic sigh to the clerk.  “Nymphadora Tonks, get your rump to the front of this store this instant,” she called, unbothered by the looks it earned her from the other patrons.  A Black in her bones, she was used to making her own rules and even though her last name was now different, it didn’t mean she always was.  All her things and daughter gathered, Andromeda opened the door of the shop just in time for Dora’s next spurt of energy to send her running into the streets of Diagon Alley and straight into an oncoming shopper.  “Merlin, help me,” Andromeda sighed before turning her attention to the unsuspecting victim.  “I’m so sorry.  Sometimes there is just no stopping her.”
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Peter continued walking down the street despite the habit he’d developed of trying to look back every other step since he was damn convinced that someone was following him and it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He didn’t enjoy going out shopping, not even when he was in a group with some of his friends. It was almost asking for trouble and since he had his arms full of the shopping he couldn’t put off any longer he didn’t ever seem the small bundle of excitement running towards him. The contact, though it wasn’t much, was enough to cause him to jump and send his shopping spilling out of his arms and onto the streets of the ally. Red-faced at his own cowardice and ineptitude Peter bent over and began trying to gather it up as he looked at the little girl who’d done the bumping and her mother. “O-Oh... It’s aright.” he mumbled, “S-sorry to cause any u-uh, trouble.” he added, feeling it was probably his fault for being so determined to look behind him and unable to see what was in front. “A-are you okay?” he asked, looking down at the little girl.
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
Xeno sighed just a little bit before continuing. “The creature is called an Occamy.” He explained quietly. “The creature has the ability to fill the available space it’s in. For example, if you put it into a teapot, it would change it’s size to fit perfectly in that space. If you put it into a big room, it could grow to fit completely in the room.” He explained slowly. “It was a feature in the Quibbler this issue and people just seem to be so confused about it.” 
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Peter blinked a few times as the other went on to explain what he was talking about. “O-Oh,” he hadn’t heard of the damn thing. What he had heard was some colleagues going on about the ‘nonsense mag’ that was the Quibbler. He’d never ready a copy but clearly this man had, “I-I’ve umm, I’ve never heard of it.” he eventually answered, shaking his head. “B-but it uhr, does sounds confusing.” If they existed wouldn’t they be the size of the universes empty space then? 
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
“Hm, indeed you are, Wormtail.” James commented with a small nod of his head. “Sometimes you have to get hurt to learn from your mistakes. And it’s better to learn the mistakes you might make in a duel during a practice, then out in the field.” James explained, shrugging his shoulders. “It’s better to happen in a controlled environment than not.” 
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Peter sighed, “Somehow I don’t think either of us consider that a good thing.” He crossed his arms and looked down, knowing he probably lacked the guts to ever risk getting hurt in the first place. “I know I-I just...” he looked down, east to look at James’ feet then his face, “I worry.” This was all too real, too grown up, not a game or duelling practice but real life and death.  
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
She would have said sorry too. Apologies fell from her mouth faster then she could control. She said it if she wasn’t in the wrong and she said it if she was. Sitting with Peter she kept hold of his hand and listened. Placing her other hand atop of theirs Mary shook her head. “There was a lot of people in there and it was just chaos, I didn’t like that all that much. But when you’re so used to the quiet, I can very much see how this could feel so very overwhelming. Maybe today you can take an early day and go home?        
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Peter hated being the weak one but it was a role he’d fallen into and was unable to get out of. He looked over at Mary and then his gaze shot to the floor again, unable to really keep contact for lone. “I-I just...” There was no way he could come out of this looking anything less than a complete coward. “It was too much.” he eventually half-whispered, “They p-probably wouldn’t even notice if I was gone.” Peter kept to himself a lot at work and no one would need him. “W-what about you?” Mary must’ve needed to get in there as well or she probably wouldn’t be here.  
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
Pandora smiled at him, waiting for him to make a decision. “You won’t be around Opal, like I said she’s floating I can’t really bring her outside of the room at the moment.” She wasn’t sure why a cat could scare him but she respected everyone was scared of something. She nodded. “Of course cows need hats. When it gets cold outside their ears get cold and they need to keep warm somehow. I also made them blanket but I want to make sure they like the hats first, make sure they like the colors and all. Would also like to meet the chickens?”
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Honestly, Peter wasn’t sure what the other meant by ‘floating’ even in their world a floating cat was a pretty odd phenomenon, unless someone was helping it float, but so long as it meant the cat wasn’t outside that was what mattered. Despite it seeming like a very odd thing at first the other talked so normally about it that it began to make sense to him. “O-oh... I guess that helps then.” He’d just never really thought cows got cold. “U-umm... Are they friendly?” He’d known a cockerel on a farm growing up... he’d been grumpy and tried to peck him. Still, better that than whatever he’d been convinced was following him. 
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
This definitely wasn’t the first time Remus needed to comfort Peter, and he was sure it wouldn’t be the last. Of course he didn’t mind, after knowing him for so long they were practically brothers and Remus would do anything for him. He tightened his grip around Peter, holding him for as long as he needed, a small smile tugging on his lips. “Don’t be sorry. Everyone is entitled to their feelings. You were overwhelmed, and that’s perfectly okay. We all feel that way sometimes, there’s no need to apologize for something totally normal.”  
Keeping an arm wrapped firmly around Peter’s shoulders, he nudged them in the direction of a nearby coffee shop, “C'mon, I need my midday sugar boost.” After another restless night, Remus was in desperate need of a coffee at this point, and he was glad he found Peter who clearly needed an excuse to get away from the building. “The coffee shop around the corner is usually pretty quiet. Hopefully being in a calmer environment will make you feel better.” And if it didn’t Remus would try something else to help calm him down. He wouldn’t be able to leave his friends side without knowing he did everything he could to help. “And we’ll get you something with chocolate in it, since chocolate makes everything better.” Remus added, smiling over at Peter.
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Peter hated that he was the weaker one, the weakest, the link that would break. He knew it, his friends knew it and he was damn sure the whole Order knew it too. How long could they put up with it? Him being nothing but a burden that threatened to drag some of their most promising members down. He’d step out but... He was a coward, far too scared to even relax his death-grip on the comfort blanket their provided, let alone release it altogether. “B-barely ever with you guys.” They were always able to keep going and manage no matter what happened, he just went down and gave up.
Peter released his grip when Remus began to steer them away, he didn’t mind too much where they went so long as it was away from that chaotic building. “Haven’t you had a bunch already?” he asked, sniffing quietly, it would be odd for Remus not to be several cups in at this point in the day; how he managed it he wasn’t sure. Peter had one cup and that set him up for the whole day. He had three once and couldn’t set for twenty eight hours. “Quiet... Q-quiet sounds pretty nice.” he said with a small nod. He looked up at the other and offered the first small smile he’d made that day, “You t-think that chocolate makes everything better.” The funny thing was, around Remus chocolate was usually all else that was needed to cheer Peter up, though he was sure it was more the man than the sweet.  
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
It was a little surprising how quickly Peter had clung on to him, but definitely not unwelcome. Remus instinctively wrapped both of his arms around his friend and rubbed his shoulder, something he would do for anybody in need of comfort. “It’s alright, Peter. You’re away from it now.” Remus spoke softly, so not to frighten him any more, and rested his cheek on Peter’s head. Normally, he hated his height, but it definitely came in handy when he needed to comfort somebody and they just fit in his arms so easily.
“You gave me a bit of a worry. I checked your office first, it looked like you left in a hurry. I’m glad I found you, though.” Remus offered Peter a smile, hoping his presence was helping him out in some way. “Want to go grab a coffee or something? I don’t think anybody in there would notice you slipped away, it’s a mad house.” He was aware that sometimes, to make Peter feel better, he just needed to be removed from the situation to regain himself. It likely wouldn’t take too long for Peter to calm himself down, and Remus would make sure he made it back to his office safe and sound after spending some time with him.
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Peter didn’t want to be such a bother and usually went out of his way to not burden his friends more than normal since he was worried they might get fed with him but it was all too much right now, his hands tightened around Remus’ back, clutching maybe a little too tight but he just needed to be steady for a moment, needed something that was whipping about in the maelstrom that was the world. When Remus rested his cheek on him he sighed quietly and seemed to slump into him a little further.
“T-they were all just yelling... some of them r-right outside my office and I-” he’d hated it. He’d wanted to turn into his animal form and hide under the desk until people were done and it was all quiet but he couldn’t, so Peter had shot up and all but ran from the place. At Remus’ words he nodded against the other’s chest, “Y-yea. C-coffee sounds nice.” he mumbled, anything to get away from here right now; he just couldn’t handle it all and needed to get away. “S-sorry.” He mumbled again, pretty sure he was just being more of a bother right now but he really couldn’t manage much of anything else.    
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
Daisy noticed how horribly uncomfortable he seemed to be, and tried her best to be warm and welcoming. Not that she wouldn’t do that for every customer, anyway, just some people needed a little extra kindness to open them up. “Right, Peter. You hung around with… James? Right?” James and his group of friends were well known throughout Hogwarts, everyone seemed to know who they were, even if they’d never interacted. Daisy had a couple of classes with them, and she got to know Remus quite well, but never really had a chance to speak to the others. “It’s nice to formally meet you,” She giggled, “I’m Daisy. Wouldn’t surprise me if you don’t remember me, though.”  
She walked to the back of him and began to measure him, starting at his shoulders. “Been doing anything exciting since school?” She questioned, trying to make small talk. Daisy had been told her first day to never leave an awkward silence with a customer, it wasn’t good for business. “With the friends you had, I’m sure you’re just wreaking havoc all over the place now that you’re not confined to Hogwarts.”
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Peter would say ‘uncomfortable’ was something of a default setting that really couldn’t be changed. Try as he might he was forever destined to be a person always at odds with his environment. Still this woman was doing her best to be nice to him, the least he could do was try and respond in kind, “U-uh, yes I did.” he nodded slightly, “We’re friends.” James was one of the few people who seemed willing to put up with him. “I-I do a little, you were a-above me in school, i-in Hufflepuff.” He was surprisingly good at remembering things. He nodded at her words and swallowed before responding, “I-It’s nice to meet you, umm, properly.” he added like she did, licking his lips and looking down again.
There was something very awkward about having a person measure you, he had no idea what to do with himself; did he stand tall, try and take a pose or what? He settled for just remaining as he was and letting Daisy work. “I-I umm, I usually just t-turned up to things.” he said with a small shrug. Which was a bit of a lie; just because he was very nervous didn’t mean he didn’t have any ideas himself, some had been pretty good.  
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
@rascality @potterxprongs @lvpin-remvs
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The Benefits of Being a Rat Animagus
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
If she remembered correctly, Peter always had robes that were slightly too big for him, and she figured measuring him wouldn’t be a bad idea. Some people didn’t realize that having a perfectly tailored set of robes really did a lot for their confidence, and Daisy loved helping people realize just how good they look in a new set of robes. Jumping down from her stool, Daisy picked up a measuring tape and smiled at him, “Taking your measurements is probably a good idea. Lots of people tend to think they know their size but end up buying too big. Perfectly fitting robes is something everybody needs in their wardrobe.” 
Daisy walked across the store and gestured towards a full-length mirror, “I’ll just get you to stand in front of the mirror here, it’ll be exactly like when you got measured for school. I’ll need to measure your height, waist, arms. Everything, really. But it shouldn’t take long, if you’re in a hurry.” The measuring process was one of Daisy’s favourite parts of interacting with customers, it gave her a chance to get to know them a little bit, and she really loved getting to know people she went to school with. “You’re Peter, right? You’re terribly familiar, but sometimes I’m bad at remembering names of people I didn’t really get a chance to know.”
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Peter was just used to baggy robes. They’d been practical in school since he’d been growing and his parents didn’t have spare money to go throwing on multiple sets for just one year so for a few of his growth spurt years he’d arrived in robes too big and left in robes too small, odds were they’d fit him at some point throughout the year... Still, he had a job now, his own money and he didn’t want his boss thinking he intentionally came to work messy... Everyone was so tense right now that they were snapping over the smallest things. “O-Okay.” he nodded slightly, “T-then I guess we’ll just do that.”
He, somewhat woodenly, walked over to the large mirror and kept his gaze down to avoid looking at his own reflection, it was hardly an amazing sight, though he spoke up again at her words to say “Thank you,” and added, “N-no, I’m not in any hurry.” He’d only be going back to his empty little apartment, eating a rubbish tea since he had nothing in and was likely too pent up shop and then sleeping as a rat under his bed. When she said his name he looked over, a little surprised and nodded after a moment, “Y-yes, I’m Peter. Peter Pettigrew.” Despite the popularity of his friends, Sirius and James in particular, he was often overlooked and really he couldn’t say he minded that.    
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
Remus was sure the Ministry was a mess at the moment, and he was confident that Peter was even more of a wreck than he normally was. While Peter was typically great at working under pressure, Remus knew that sometimes things could get overwhelming for his friend and decided it would be a good idea to go check up on him. He visited the Ministry building often, his father and his best friends working there was enough to have him stop by every couple of weeks, and he knew exactly where Peter’s office was. But upon arrival, his office was empty, papers were scattered everywhere and his chair wasn’t pushed in, it seemed as though he left in a hurry.      
Feeling slightly panicked over Peter’s whereabouts, Remus snooped about and checked in on surrounding offices, but he was nowhere to be found. Although it was almost lunch time and figured perhaps if he waited outside he would spot Peter going out for a break. Remus exited the Ministry building and took a sharp turn to the left and almost crashed in to someone pressed against the wall. Just the person he wanted to see. “I figured you were feeling a bit overwhelmed.” Remus smiled, “Wanted to come check up on you.”
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Peter recoiled after bashing into a figure, sure it was just going to be another angry body and there’d more yelling or maybe even a punch; he’d seen a few people fighting on the first floor as he’d been trying to get out. Instead though, he recognised the voice and with an almighty sigh half fell against the other, as though trying to hide from the world and everything else past Remus. He wasn’t usually so open with his weakness (a lie... he simply tried not to be so open about it, but his friends always saw) but in this case things were just so dark and hectic and loud that Remus’ presence was akin to a life-preserver in an angry ocean and he clutched at it with both hands.
“S-sorry,” he repeated, a mumble against Remus’ chest though he didn’t step back, the other was tall and made it seem from this angle like there was nothing behind him. “I-It’s just so mad in there,” he said quietly, “E-eveyone’s screaming, yelling, f-fighting. I wanted to just w-work but it never stopped and I couldn’t h-handle it.” James was probably in there right now braving the madness in the worst department of it all and he was hiding out here because he couldn’t even being in the periphery.  
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