wydabin-blog · 6 years
have you ever used a ouija board?
“No, no, no, no, no. You don’t mess with the dead, okay? You just don’t. You can’t mess with them and then be shocked when something happens to you.”
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
what are some things you find endearing in people? (Boyoung) // welcome !!
“Uh, I like when people are themselves, you know? When they express themselves freely. Those little things they do when they think no one is looking and maybe got embarrassed about when they get caught. Or things they usually say. Stuff like that.”
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
what are your plans for this weekend? ◢to Boyoung - Welcome to Wonyang!◣
“I did go to karaoke on Friday! That was a lot of fun, even though I’m not the best singer. Saturday was boring. I had to get done with all my homework over the weekend and study. Gonna help out in the restaurant today. All in all it a typical weekend for me.”
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
“when were you going to tell me that you’re pregnant?”
“I’m what?” Dabin blinked. Did he mishear what Hyunju said or was Hyunju mistaking him for someone else? “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I can’t get pregnant. If this is one of those things where a couple says they’re pregnant, it’s not that either.”
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
“you have to tell me why were committing a felony before we do it. not that that’s going to stop us, but at least i’ll have all the facts.”
“Shh, we’re not- okay, but it’s not bad. Where’s the harm in breaking in? I mean we’d pet the animals, not steal or break something. Don’t you think all those animals would be happy? Who doesn’t like cuddles?” His speech was slurred after a few drinks too many.
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
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‘sup it’s Melly back with another muse! he is deryl’s younger brother (he thinks he’s an only child so don’t tell him) if you want to read his bio it’s here and there will be some trivia under the cut. 
he’s a new muse so pls don’t expect him to be fully developed yet
chances are you’ve seen him around cause he’s a local and helps out w the family restaurant
pretending to be excited about finishing high school soon but lowkey terrified by what’s coming afterwards
he’s curious to the point where he’s nosy. he’s trying his best not to upset ppl with intrusive questions tho 
please don’t tell him any scary or shocking stories because he will believe they’re true and not be able to sleep at night
a meme lover
misses vine and will watch compilations at 3am
would rather run away from his problems than confront them
speaking of running he’s a hella fast runner
also what is talking about your feelings boyoung doesn’t know her
if you spontaneously ask him to explore smth he will be down
actually if you ask him in general he’ll say yes to that. even if it’s just walking around in the middle of nowhere
if you ask him to play smth on the piano for you he’ll always play the same song because he knows like one. maybe two
not a big fan of sweet food
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
“i vote today to be a pajama day.” (from russ)
“I second that.” On top of feeling tired Dabin also felt a little sick. There was nothing he’d rather do than stay at home and wear comfortable clothes. “You think that if everyone would wear pajamas all day the world would be a happier place? Like no one would look intimidating and we’re all like vulnerable with each other so the world would be less judgmental. I mean pajamas are for sleeping and there’s not a lot of people who see you sleep. They could draw on your face when you’re asleep and you couldn’t do anything about it. You must trust whoever you’re sleeping next to.” Dabin wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but he had a tendency to ramble when he was tired. 
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
hello to everyone I have or haven’t talked to yet! send me one of these  (or other ones from the resource blog...or anything you can think of)  if you want a a short thread based on a sentence starter with dabin
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
Finishing her inspection at one of her restaurants, Minah steps out with her son, Jinoh. “Come along, Jinoh. Say bye bye to them.” The young boy waves his hand at their employees before walking along with his mother. They held hands as they walked and Jinoh was getting exhausted. “Should we buy some ice cream then?” The pair walks a little further and heads to the nearest convenient store. As they were about to make a purchase, the person ahead of them seemed to be troubled. It sounded like they lost their wallet and couldn’t pay what they were supposed to purchase. “I’ll pay for it,” Minah says, placing the bars of ice cream on the counter. The male behind the counter simply nods. “Just put them in separate bags, please.” Handing Jinoh the bag of ice creams as she settles the payment. Taking the other’s purchase and handing it to them. “Here you go.”
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The last time Dabin had forgotten to take his wallet with him to a shop was when he was a little kid. Back then he was close to crying, but the cashier had known him since birth and told him it was okay. His mom had paid for the items later that day and he was glad he hadn’t gotten into trouble. Now he felt embarrassed more than anything. “Thank you so much, that’s very kind of you.” Dabin was about to walk away and come back with the missing wallet when the person behind him had offered to pay. She seemed like she had a good heart if she’d help out a stranger . “If you wait here, or come with me, I’ll give the money back to you. I’m Dabin, by the way.”
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
       Eunji was on a rather important call with one of her business partners, and investor — her mother. It had been some time since she last spoke with her and updated on her daughter, Jinah. Her voice was very cheerful as she did so - her family was the few who actually got to hear her soft non business like voice. This was unless they were talking business of course. The young woman was working hard in her office when her mom phone her causing her to drop everything and take a walk to the park to answer the call. Her mom’s conversation usually last at the least an hour - on a good day. Today it was nearing two and she needed to go close out her office. It was a good thing she had done all the work she must have finished this morning.
     Once ending the call the woman smoothed out her hair she was getting ready to leave when she heard a voice beside her - she was so focused on her mother she didn’t even notice her bench partner. “oh -” Surprise filled her voice as she took in his English, it was rare for her to find someone else her spoke the language. “Well, I was born in the states so English is a must “ Her voice was a matter-o-fact as she gave a small smile to the man, it was rare that she was willing to let strangers take up her time but she was curious as to why he was listening in on her conversation. “I’m assuming that is where you are from?” She spoke in perfect English manicured finger pointing to him. “You weren’t listening to all of that were you?”
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Of course, I should have figured that out was going through his mind when the woman said she was from the states. Even though he wasn’t that good with identifying accents, it was the one he was most familiar with through watching movies. Then again he hadn’t focused on that. “No, I’m from here. Well, not Wonyang, but- never been out of Korea.”  Usually Dabin didn’t have problems with talking to strangers as he had to get to know new people all the time, but he was more nervous when he talked in a foreign language. Not that he could blame anyone as he had been the one to start the conversation. The nervousness increased when she called him out. Rightfully so, Dabin wouldn’t appreciate strangers listening to his conversations. 
“I’m sorry.” Embarrassed he broke eye contact for a second. “I didn’t wan- I just-” He sighed, not sure how he could justify his actions. If he hadn’t said anything, she’d have never known that he had been listening and it wouldn’t have been a big deal.”I didn’t do it to know what’s going on in your life. It’s just that I don’t hear people talking in English very often and when it happens it’s often not as fluent and I wanted to see how good my English is. Trying to work on getting better, actually.” Hopefully the explanation was good enough for her not to get mad at him. Even better if they’d carry on with their conversation as Dabin was glad about all the practice he could get. 
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
How does your character prepare for bed? Do they sleep at all or can they stay awake for days on end without trouble? // welcome!!
Dabin usually brushes his teeth and puts on his pajama before going to bed. It often takes him a while before he does fall asleep (partly because the first thing he does after laying down is picking up his phone) but once he does there’s not a lot that will wake him up.
Even though he tries to have a normal sleeping schedule, he often ends up having to stay up late to finish a project or wake up early for one - sometimes on the same day. If he has to pull an all-nighter, it’s about the only time he willingly drinks coffee. Though if he goes that long without sleep, he can fall asleep anywhere and everywhere.
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
The word workaholic has been thrown around Dabin before, but he’d disagree. Even though he’d love to have more free time and spend more of that time relaxing, there is no doubt he has a hard time saying no when he gets asked to pick up more work. Not because he wants to do it, but he’s afraid it’ll have consequences in the future if he slacks off now. Even so he knows that it’ll be too much for him unless he takes breaks. Personally, Dabin loved to take those in parks. There was nothing that calmed him down as efficiently as being surrounded by green. It did not matter whether there was a lot of noise or not, as long as there was somewhere he could sit down he was happy. Often that was on a bench because he didn’t like sitting on the grass without a blanket and he didn’t always have one of those with him.
It was one of these days. After a particularly annoying day, Dabin went to the park immediately after his classes ended. Homework will have to wait.  Luckily there was enough free space. Despite trying to relax, there was something that caught his attention that kept him from simply tuning out. A stranger on the bench next to him was talking on the phone. In perfect English. It’s not like he meant to, but Dabin found himself eavesdropping, trying to see how much he could understand. While it was easier to understand, he knew he would have been hopelessly lost if he had to talk as fast. Going out of his comfort zone, he turned towards the stranger once the phone call ended.
“You, uh, your English is really good. Very fluent.” Not what he wanted to say, but his nerves got the best of him. 
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
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dorky best friend college student!minho
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
“Okay, listen…” Yunhee started off into the distance but paused to take a sip of her soda. “You get a million dollars, but you have to get rid of all your clothing and all your new clothes for the rest of your life have to be three sizes too small.” Eyebrows raised then lowered several times as she leaned forward to place her can on the top of the white plastic table outside of the convenient store. “Would you do it?”
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Intrigued by the question, Dabin stopped dead in his tracks. On the one hand, he would love to have a million dollars, on the other hand, he couldn’t think of what to spend all the money on when asked out of the blue. Being given that amount of money without having done anything would feel like he didn’t deserve it. “No,” he said, his facial features relaxing when he came to a conclusion. “This will affect me for the rest of my life, right? Technically I could still earn a million dollars during that time and wear fitting clothes at the same time. I’d feel uncomfortable all the time if my clothes were too small. Actually, I’d probably even be in pain because it hurts when shoes are too small. On top of that, everyone would judge me. Imagine going to an interview and getting rejected because you don’t get taken seriously if you don’t dress properly.”
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
Seojun had slotted a coin inside the machine to pass some time, but yet ten minutes and a fair few coins later, he was in a bit too deep. “Come on, come on…” He muttered, eyes focused solely on the crane. The soft toy dropped once more from the clawed grasp, to which he huffed with annoyance. “This HAS to be rigged.”
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Dabin had never gotten anything from a claw machine. While he had desperately wanted to win something as a kid, he’s sworn off them due to frustration. When he saw a stranger testing his luck, he was rooting for him. Seeing someone else beating the odds would be enough satisfaction. After watching for several minutes would have felt bad for walking away without saying anything. “That’s how they get you.” Dabin gave the stranger a slightly awkward smile. “I could look at the claw from a different angle? Maybe it’s just impossible to get something without help.”
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
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‘Sup I’m Melly I’m 21 and I never fucking learned how to introduce myself without feeling awkward. I currently don’t have discord, but you can talk to me on here (through messages or asks) whenever you want to. Here’s his bio if you wanna know some background stuff. Under the cut you will find some random trivia about Dabin 
he’s an only child
he doesn’t really know who his dad is and tbh doesn’t care either. his loss if he walks away from 2 amazing people
his major is cinematography and film video production
wants to become an internationally famous director one day & buy his mom and grandparents a big house when he has the money
knows what he wants in life & who he is & is willing to work hard to get what he wants
v money-conscious. the only time he really splurges is when he’s buying presents bcuz he wants to make ppl happy & show them how much he loves them like I GOT THIS BECAUSE I LOVE YOU
often looks like he has a resting bitch face when he’s concentrating but don’t let that fool you ok he’s full of love he wants to share
has like no guilty pleasures bcuz he’s hardly ashamed of anything
has some trust & control issues but once he latches onto ppl he’s clingy. & would do anything for them
hates getting his hair cut so usually he gets it cut really short so there’s a lot of time between hair cuts
an independent guy, has no problem doing anything on his own
can cook & bake, rarely eats out often
when he’s stress he tends to eat chocolate
when he’s nervous he tends to mess up his hair
to relax he likes to go to parks
still has his favourite childhood plushie in his room. not a violent guy but would harm you if anything happens to it
he loves smelling nice ok perfume is important to him
hates pet names bcuz he thinks most of them sound condescending
always sleeps w the windows open
can be blunt at times but he’s more of the quiet type so chances are he’ll judge you internally instead
his wanted connections page is...pretty much empty right now...but I love plotting & I’m sure we’ll find smth if you wanna plot w dabin!!
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wydabin-blog · 6 years
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