wyldwyldwest · 1 year
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 - 𝐖𝐲𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫
        “The vinyl.” She repeated, gesturing to the floor below. When he didn’t get it, she put her arms on his shoulders and slowly lowered him towards the floor. “Baby, it’s for your back. I promise. It’ll be quick. Just fifteen minutes. That’s it and once it’s over I’ll buy you food, deal? As much as you want.” Marcella tried, hoping that the bribe would be enough to get him to lay as still as he could. “The whole thing. You can’t move any of your body. It’s to help align your back properly.” 
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"Oh the floor....why didn't you just say the floor..." he muttered more to himself than her. "Babe I love how committed you are to making me feel better  but I physically don't know if I'm capable of not moving for fifteen minutes." he told her. "That and well, I don't think you could afford to feed me until I'm full.....I don't think I could afford to feed me until I'm full." he said after he corrected himself. Still, as always he would try for Marcella. "Can you lay with me? Or on top of me? I might be more inclined not to move." he wiggled his eyebrows.
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wyldwyldwest · 1 year
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 - 𝐖𝐲𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫
        “Good.” She sighed, letting the relief swell inside of her as the anxiety faded. She found that she still blamed herself for what happened to Wylder the previous semester, carrying the weight of the guilt with her always. If she had done everything perfectly she wouldn’t have ended up in the situation that had caused him to have to rescue her and ultimately ending in his temporary crippling. She was plagued by nightmares of it. “Now lay on your back on the vinyl for 15 minutes. Hands at your side and no moving.” 
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“Lay on the what?” he asked her before she was lightly guiding him to where she wanted him. “Fifteen minutes? NO moving? Baby...”he said the pet name like it was his last life line.  “that’s an eternity for me. Why can’t I move? Like, what’s the definition. Am I not supposed to move like ONE specific part or?” he asked her needed clarification. He’d do anything for marcella. But for fucks sake he was only human. “what’s this do anyway?”
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wyldwyldwest · 1 year
𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @wyldwyldwest​ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐥𝐝
         “Sorry if this hurts.” Marcella preemptively apologized, hoping that it would help if she did accidentally dislocate a shoulder or crack his back incorrectly. Taking a deep breath, she straddled his back and pushed her palms softly against either side of his spine. “Okay, deep breath in and then out.” She waited, listening to his breathing until the moment came where she could force the edge of her palms into his back. “How do you feel?”
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“well you can’t hurt it any worse than it already feels.” he reassured Marcella as he laid under her. He waited in suspense while she placed her hands on his back. He tried his best to not tense up. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her, but he had already spent half the previous semester in a wheel chair. He wasn’t eager to do it again. He let out a hiss when he felt his back crack. Then the relief came. “Better...alot better.” he told her.
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wyldwyldwest · 1 year
closed starter for @robbedrobin​
“ pretty secluded out here, huh?” Wylder pointed out as he followed Bruce. When his ex-bestfriend stated he wanted to talk,he didn’t imagine they’d be doing it so far from prying eyes. He stayed on alert, scanning for any of Bruce’s other friends. “If you’re trying to get me alone, I’ll have you know I don’t put out without at least dinner"  
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wyldwyldwest · 1 year
closed starter for @flyingeros​
Wylder sat on the edge of Warren’s bed, head in hands. He’d asked Marcella to bring him here when she found him freaking out on the field. He loved her he truly did, but she knew  she wasn’t who he needed right now. He needed Warren. The two of them had formed a bond that had left a hole in him when Bruce broke his heart. Warren was his person. And he just…he needed him. The two hadn’t seen much of each other since the roommate switch, especially with Warren dating Mira. Wylder was happy for him of course, but it was easier when they still lived together. Now he barely saw him and he worried that, like bruce, he’d lose the most important person in his life. Warren came in finally and Wylder looked up. “I’m sorry for barging in like this. Marina let me in.” he muttered. “i’m so lonely. i didn’t know what it felt like to be lonely, because i always had you.” he admitted.
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wyldwyldwest · 1 year
Closed starter for Marcella @hellhathnosavior​
No no. Not now. Wylder could feel the anxiousness bubbling up in him. He threw his phone full force into the wall, not caring when he heard it shatter. ‘breathe. just breathe.’ he thought to himself, putting his palms on the wall and closing his eyes. He heard someone coming up to him and he didn’t move. “i’m fine. i just, umm… just a little panic attack. they come and go” he said to whoever it was. He took a deep breath and a familiar smell filled his senses. Marcella.. She must have followed him off the field when he got the call. Between his mom,  having to not only change roommates but end up with Bruce, and the rest of the carnage in their life…it had taken a toll on his mental health. Wylder didn’t like to dwell on the bad. He believed in pushing through with a smile. But it was so much in so little of a time. The break had hardly been a solice. He felt her touch him and he took in another breath. “im ok..im just…” he trailed off not sure what to say. He hadn’t told anyone what had gone on at home with his mother. Not even warren. He hadn’t wanted it to dampen his year back at school. “I’m ok.” he repeated.
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wyldwyldwest · 1 year
“Okay, look, I’ve never made this before, so if it’s terrible, you have to tell me,” Peter said, although his expression was so hopeful that it would take a real Gordon Ramsay to tell him if they didn’t actually taste good. “I pressed brownies to the bottom of the pan, added nuts and caramel, then spread vanilla ice cream and caramel swirl ice cream over the top, and put them in the freezer. Then I added chocolate sauce to the top.” He looked over at Wylder. “I thought you’d be a good taste tester since you’re always hungry,” he said, with a grin. “What do you think?”
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Wylder wasn’t sure what Peter was up to this time, but he did know it smelled like what he imagined was the Hufflepuff common room and that was enough to make him agree. His mouth was practically watering as Peter described what he made. It took him all of 3 seconds to down the entire dish. Truth betold, he didn’t really taste it. But the after taste was really good. He’d go off of that. “It was great! Do you have another one?” 
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wyldwyldwest · 2 years
“Call me a cliche but there’s somethin about The Mist that got me really good!” Maybe he shouldn’t have been so excited about a movie with a despairing ending but Ricky couldn’t help it, he enjoyed the mythology of it so much. It was awful and sad but god so engaging! He hadn’t even realized it to be Wylder at first, he’d simply jumped at the aspect of describing his favorite horror movie. Oops. “Billy.” Ricky said without hesitation. “Anyone could pull a ghost face but Billy? That’s a toughy, and you nailed it bud.”
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“The mist? REally? Were you even born when that came out?” Wylder teased him, ruffling his hair. Or wig rather. “Thanks. It was Marcella’s idea. I think she’s living out out some Billy Loomis fantasy.” he shrugged.
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wyldwyldwest · 2 years
Open Event Starter - @lkustart​
     “Alright, alright - so what time do you think the giant swamp monster is going to get here?” Hazel asked, raising her brows. She couldn’t relax after what had happened at the Homecoming dance. They had all let their guards down and things had gone south so quickly. That being said, part of her really did hope that this was a Halloween party and nothing more because it was her favourite time of year.  “Or do you think they’ll use something else to test us?”
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If there’s going to be a swamp monster attack, it’s your sister in disguise.” Wylder said to Hazel, pouring her a cup of the apple cider. “I spiked this with whiskey by the way. Primo stuff. So smooth you don’t even know it’s there so...take it easy on the refills.” he smirked. Everyone knew wylder spiked the drink bowls no matter the events. The professors had long since stopped trying to stop him. “God I hope not. I really don’t want to end up in the infirmary again.” he groaned. Worse 3 weeks of his life. 
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wyldwyldwest · 2 years
"What's your favorite scary movie?" Wylder snuck up on -insert Muse's name-,placing the plastic knife at their throat. "and if you say child's play i swear to god." his voice was back to normal. Letting them go he went in front of them, removing his mask to show he'd styled his hair and added fake blood to look like Billy at the end of the movie. "So? What do you think? am I a better Billy Loomis or Ghostface?" he smiled.
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wyldwyldwest · 2 years
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“Yeah…it’s hot until the knife is turned on you and all that..” Rocky shook his head. Valentina would never actually hurt him. It was something that Rocket knew without her needing to say it, but nobody would believe him if he said such a thing so he didn’t bother. Anybody that had met her since he left had met a different girl. “Not a chance, man” he shook his head fervently. “I’m trying to move on…jumping into bed with my ex seems counterproductive..” he sighed. Rocky knew that it was certainly something Valentina wanted to happen, although, she was probably just bored. She’d get over it. “Yeah…I think you might be right”
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“Take it from me, nothing good can come out of being friends with an ex like that.” Wylder said, thinking momentarily of Helena. The two of them were friends at an arms distance. Mostly because Helena could play Wylder like a fiddle. But that was over now. He was with Marcella now and unlike with Helena, it was simple.  Everything wasn’t a game. “I usually am.” Wylder told him with a nod. “Plus, Daphne could use a good guy like you. Especially after what Bruce put her through. If you ask me, he and you ex deserve each other.” Wylder’s tone was filled with acid.
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wyldwyldwest · 2 years
“Well if you want to think of it as magic you can.” Dory waved her hand over the shirt pulling the water from it in a small orb she moved towards the grass. “My shadow?” she repeated before nodding in understanding. “Marina - she is here on campus grounds but I asked for a little time to myself. I am sure she is not far. Besides, it is good for her to be around other people who are not me.”  
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Wylder pointed to the orb of water. “I know magic when I see magic.” he said to her. “YRD YM RIAH” he said out loud, running a hand through the soaked curls on his head. As It passed over it, they dried, styling themselves perfectly. “I didn’t think she knew how to do that.” he chuckled. He’d only met the girl a handful of times, normally from a distance. There weren’t a lot of people that put fear into him, but she was certainly one of them. “So what are we going to do with all your new freedom princess?” he asked with a smile. “Get into some trouble?”
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wyldwyldwest · 2 years
      Marcella rolled her eyes at his flirting, ignoring the way it made her cheeks heat up. As used to Wylder’s flirting as she was, it never got old. “Thank you.” She smiled, taking the compliment. Leaning into his touch, her eyes fluttered shut as his lips pressed against her skin. “If you help me we probably won’t make it to her the date.” She teased, opening her eyes and turning to face him. “But thank you.” 
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Wylder continued to kiss up her shoulder to her ear. When she turned, his hands stayed on her hips, keeping her in front of him. He brought his lips down to hers, kissing her softly. But it only made him want her more. His grip on her hips tightened and it took all his will power to remember today wasn’t about THIS. He let out a sound of frustration, pulling back and kissing her forehead. “I’ll wait outside.” he whispered. “I don’t have the will power to watch you undress with a bed in the room.” With that Wylder went out into the living room, sitting on the sofa and trying to think of well...anything BUT Marcella as he waited.
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wyldwyldwest · 2 years
@helenakylewayne continued from here.
“I’ve heard that one before Kitten. “Wylder rolled his eyes at her, an amused smirk on his face. Helena would always be, special to him despite their complicated past. He was happy that they could at least be some resemblance of friend’s still. After all, she was his first love. He wasn’t sure he’d be the person he was without her. He didn’t move, letting who do what she wished, withing reason. 
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wyldwyldwest · 2 years
unsolicited closed starter for @robbedrobin​
Wylder’s pencil tapped so quickly a small indent began to form on the desk. He kept his eyes low, focused on the tapping as Bruce sat across from him. Wylder was usually pretty good when it came to avoiding people. Between his superspeed and magic, he could disappear without a trace. But unfortunately, he could only do so much. Especially when they ended up paired together for this project. Just his luck. When he realized what Bruce had done, he had been inconsolable. Bruce had been his best friend. And then suddenly....he wasn’t. He was a stranger. Mood bouncing between rage and sorrow. His mother had gone as far as to put wards around the house to keep Wylder from getting out. Wylder had always been a deeply emotional boy, and seeing as powerful as he was, his parents worried he’d actually kill Bruce and regret it. They weren’t wrong.
. While time had helped heal his wounds over it, or at the very least make them bearable, Wylder couldn’t even look at Bruce most days, and he hadn’t said a word to him since before the trial. Now here he sat, his stupid traitorous face just a few feet away. The pencil he’d been tapping snapped. He grabbed the pieces, tossing them towards the trash can. He didn’t look to see if they went in. “Look. I can’t afford to bomb to his grade. We get what we need to get done, done. And that’s it.” There was no trace of his normal upbeat humor. Not when it came to Bruce.
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wyldwyldwest · 2 years
       “The flowers are beautiful. Thank you.” Pulling them towards her nose, she inhaled the floral scent, the smile reaching her eyes as she did so. “Go check my closet?” There was obvious confusion in her tone. She set the flowers on the counter near her sink before moving into the bedroom, attention now captured by curiosity. A gasp released from her parted lips as her eyes found Wylder’s gift. “I’ll wear it.” There wasn’t a moment of hesitation. She was going to wear it because she wanted this date, the one he had planned with no prompting, to be perfect. 
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“Not nearly as beautiful as you.” he smirked winking. He followed her towards the bedroom, beaming at her excitement. She was happy she liked it. He liked to think he knew Marcella pretty well, but she still tended to surprise him now and again. He walked up behind her, moving her hair to the side and kissing her shoulder and neck. “Need help getting changed?” he teased her jokingly. Well...half-jokingly. Wylder found keeping his hands to himself when Marcella was a round was a surprisingly difficult task.  
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wyldwyldwest · 2 years
…to pretend - wylder @wyldwyldwest​
“-Oh!” Emrys exclaimed in surprise when he felt the other man’s lips press against his own. Moving his head back as an attempt to avoid him before quickly succumbing to the sensation instead. He’d never kissed another guy before and he was surprised to find the experience wasn’t so different. When he felt Wylder pull away from him, his ginger brows raised and he gave him a small nod. “Huh. Not bad…” He started before his gaze hardened and he reached forwards suddenly to grab Wylder’s face. Squeezing his cheeks to puff out his lips. “But if you ever do that again. I’ll cut those pretty lips off your face.” 
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“Yeah same...still....” Wylder shrugged. Emrys grabbed his face and Wylder’s eyes widened. “Well that’s rude.” he got out before he vibrated out of Emry’s grip. “Whoa easy there. It was just a dare man. Besides, you’d have to catch me to cut off my lips. And it would be such a tragedy. I’m partial to my face being whole.” he sighed.
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