wystirea · 3 hours
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wystirea · 3 hours
Joy swept through her as she watched over the others. Despite their dismay to their uniform change, they still seemed to enjoy the warmth from the hashira. Accepting her praise and corrections, well- at least until, she pulled their joints just a little too hard. How they all sat together with the tea and sweets she had whipped up for them in the morning. All but one. She was hard to miss. Soft and pretty long yellow hair, with the perfect white ribbon stringing it together. She was an anxious one, seeming to panic despite her good form. Slowly she was already so close to passing her training already. Where she would get to meet Iguro! Moving through the gardens, she passes the hives. The sweet scent of honey rushing through her. It's then complimented by the gardens. Eyes scan over the flowers, the pond.. And then the shed. Its obvious where she is. The soft sniveling giving her away. Moving quietly, she comes closer. The sound clearing more as it drowns out the birds behind. Peering her head to look at the side shielded from her before.
' Oh, '
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' Are you okay? Did something happen? '
@kaminarikokyu !!
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wystirea · 14 hours
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rip mitsuri kanroji, you'd have LOVED chappell roan.
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wystirea · 1 day
Nothing seemed to phase her. At least on the surface. A master at self control, she avoided such issues with ease. Able to handle seeing slayers bare before her without a second thought. Through all her obliviousness and feigned confidence, she crumbles before him. Cheeks rosy and warm, it spreads down to the tips of her fingers and through her legs. It makes her feel as though she would simply drift away in the breeze. Pressing herself against his lips, letting herself melt into him. Greedily trying to keep him from moving back. To stay together just a little longer. Lashes flutter as their gazes are met, the gentle touch against her side sends a chill rushing up her spine.
Was she sure? ' Of course... '
A smile softly tugs the corners of her cheeks. His head is pushed back down to press their lips together once again. A hand once idle in his hair runs down to the nape of his neck. Fingers gently slipping just below the collar of his uniform. Withdrawing, she moves her head, just to whisper ear to his ear.
' More than anything, '
indulging wasn't something they did. it was enough to share moments together, to steal kisses here and there when no one was watching, when they weren't too busy. it was how their night had started but it would seem that their night would be taking a turn. not that he was complaining in any sense of the word.
his lips trail, allowing them to explore her skin. it feels good to let loose, just a little, to allow themselves the contact. head lifts to meet her gaze, words slipping out before he can even think about them only to earn three in return.
i trust you.
such a simple statement but one that makes his heart swell and his lips quirk into a soft smile. he leans forward, lips pressing to hers, allowing himself to press closer. when he pulls away, he moves to press their foreheads together as fingers move, brushing against her thigh as he drags his hand up towards her hip.
' are you sure you want this ? '
even with the trust, he needs to know. needs to be sure that this wasn't just a moment of them getting lost without being sure. always cautious, this man was. and with shinobu he was more so. she means the world to him, he wanted to take care of her properly.
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wystirea · 1 day
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when you are your own biggest critic.
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wystirea · 1 day
i’m so proud of the person you’ve become. (Kanae @ shinobu)
The pair had come so far. Their path seemed certain as they would find a young man to settle down with, begin a family- Live quietly and happily until they would pass over. It's all they could have truly seen after all. What other world existed outside their own after all? But things weren't meant to be so simple. Clutched in her sister's arms as they watched in horror. Unable to scream as the tears flowed over their cheeks. Certain this would be their demise. But even then- It wasn't meant to be. Spared by the slayer wielding a ball and chain, they would push on to follow in his path. Desperate to prevent anyone from enduring this pain. It was all they could do.
There was no going back, not anymore.
Standing tall and proud before her sister. The soft glow of her sister's features is impossible to ignore. To make her proud meant more than anything. To live in the shadow of her light was enough if it meant seeing the elder flourish. To know Kanae was a blessing. Anyone could agree to that. Kind hearted and gentle, graceful and delicate. Like a petal in the wind. How much she wanted to be like her. To follow in her footsteps. But, no matter how hard she tried- it seemed impossible. Always there, but out of reach. Blocked by something burning in her heart. But it's name unknown. A smile forms over her face. Heavily subdued, keeping her composure. The insect breather bows her head. Polite and formal, even if towards her own older sister. It takes everything in her to relax herself.
' Thank you, nee-san. But I still have a long ways to go before I catch up, '
Humble, but an honest truth. Compared to her sister, she was still behind. But, determination was set in stone. Something her sister would simply have to endure. Shinobu was always the more stubborn and headstrong of the two. Anyone could agree to that. Bold and brash, honest and bossy. More like a sting from a bee. The more undesirable fact of nature, but an unfortunate necessity.
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' We're still going on recon tonight, right? Since there's four villages, maybe we should split up. It's only some unusual activity isn't it? It'll keep whatever is in the area from running off to another town if we find it. '
compliments & praise from @higekki-> accepting !
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wystirea · 1 day
His safe return was expected, it isn't his safety he focused on, but the safety of those who needed him. A radiant smile is masked behind lost vision. It mattered little when his body oozed with unmatched energy. Ready to return to a mission despite his return.
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' Of course! Not a single casualty either. A few minor scrapes, but nothing I couldn't manage. I can trust your missions have been going well? '
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' i'm glad to see you returned safely. ' / @wystirea ( rengoku )
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wystirea · 1 day
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taking some time to write and take an edible
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wystirea · 1 day
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when ur muse wants to interact with a muse
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wystirea · 4 days
"i'm so proud of the person you've become." shinobu!
Time was running out. This much she did know. It is what plagues her mind each night as she stares blankly at the ceiling. Death as a slayer was an almost inevitable fate. A fate her sister managed to defy at the cost of so much. Now, she was preparing to face the demon who had nearly taken her away. All her efforts and research into the demon and how to take him out culminating in what would be her demise.
Time is running out. Kanae knows it too.
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Standing before her sister, she feels small. Just as she always had when they stood together. Perhaps it was her sister's coddling of the younger girl, but all the same- Shinobu feels helpless. The soft glossiness in her gaze as they meet. To break her sister's heart hurt far more than the threat of her own death. She doesn't want to die. But with all logic and reasoning— It was all that she could do. The beast wouldn't fall so easily. Diverting too many slayers to the area wouldn't serve them well. It would be her and Kanao, once her fate was sealed. Kanao would ensure the demon dead with a swift removal of the head.
' I— '
Whatever strength her body had as she stands tall begins to fall. Tears welled up in pools, running streaks down over her cheeks. Even as she is praised for her strength and growth— No, she is nothing more than a frightened child. It is too late to turn back now. They would be apart for so long she can hope. Her sister flourishing in the beauty of the world she is denied visage of. Kanao needed her far more anyway. All the girls did.
Closing the little space between them, tears are silent in their intensity. They cloud her vision as she buries her face into her shoulder. Shinobu hasn't grown, not when it involves her sister. A hashira reduced to nothing more than a soft and sniveling mess. Hiding her face into the fabric adorned on the elder girl. The warmth and familiarity soothing a trembling heart. Tears stain the fabric as she holds onto her. It's all she can do—
' I'm sorry, nee-san... '
compliments & praise from @hanakokyu -> accepting !
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wystirea · 5 days
To interact with anyone beyond the upper moons was rare. Many hardly keeping his interest long enough. They grovelled at his feet. Begging for his blessing— For his mercy. It isn't worth the effort of responding. Simply given a swift ending or cut silence as he departs. An enigma to all, even the demon lord himself.
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' Douma is young... Lacking experience to provide advice... '
Sweet nothings were fine on the pitiful flock gathered around the fox. His gentle promises of salvation and peace. They were vapid and hollow pieces of advice easily found in literature. Plain but broad that all could truly relate to. But they weren't concrete, failing to address the problem at it's roots. As he chooses to preserve the other's integrity to further string them along in his game. The young sparrow had a powerful teacher that simply chose to coddle the child. If she wanted more, she would have to find other methods to grow. Her potential squandered by waiting around. The desire for more radiates off her. It's a feeling he is all too acquainted with. The need to be stronger. To be better than where they were now. Life had done him no favors, everything he held onto was taken by his own hands. Just as she calls it— Rain falls. A gesture that moves faster than almost the rain itself, he rises and an arm is cast over her head. The sleeve covering her from the rain. Even as it runs down over his features, clinging hair to his skin.
' Demons do not stop for the rain... But we will move inside... '
golden eyes shift to stare at him, wide and bird-like. zenitsu doesn't speak to many of the uppermoons. it doesn't matter to her or to douma whether or not she makes friends. but she did always watch, and admire, from afar. staring at them as their power grew, their sounds changed, as they flourished.
upper moon one, to her, was an enigma. his sound was tragic, like a wind chime broken. he was quiet, even her ears struggled to pick up the noises he let out. he was .. fascinating to her. which is why every word he says is taken seriously, wings puffing up in mild excitement. it was good advice. grab what you want, take it for yourself. favors aren't handed out lightly ... the world has never done her a favor for as long as she's been alive.
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her talons stop their preening at long last, content as a small chuckle leaves her lips. " ... you give better advice than lord douma. " not an insult towards her savior, her father, but rather the truth. lord douma would rather smile and pet her hair than tell her what must be done. she is his songbird, meant to sing and dance and laugh. but she hungers for that bloodshed. she is starved.
she stands from where she sat, dusting off her outfit and offering him a simple bow. " thank you. " they were not family -- honestly, you could hardly call any of them friends. but there was something ... close to it in this interaction. she wouldn't read into that, though.
" it's going to rain soon, " a stretch of her wings. " forgive me. it seems to follow me everywhere. "
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wystirea · 5 days
The pain that rushes through his veins is unbearable. To imagine what runs through hers must be far worse. To have endured them for as long as she has already. How often did she find herself alone to wallow in these thoughts? Her attempts to mask these moments are careful. As often as he could detect a sense of sadness, he has little time to act. Pulled away to a distant town, forced to leave her behind in dire moments. But not this time. Failing to keep him at a distance. He is unyielding in his desire to stay at her side. Even when she attempts to cut at him with venom laced words. His forehead comes to rest against her. Hand held firm in his, and fingers run through her hair. Tears roll down his cheeks, but they're not for him- But for her. Holding her so tenderly, as if even the slightest breeze will make her shatter. She is a storm, this is true. Lightning creating an unmatched display of beauty and ferocity. Thunder that is a deafening melody. Even in her rage, she is still beauty. The embrace from the sun is brutal. But a warmth all encompassing. It seeps from his bones, warming his touch. His hand squeezes her own, like a wildfire spreading over her palms.
' I'm not leaving you... Not when you think you don't deserve this... '
why won't he leave? why won't he go away? that's what she was used too -- being left. it was easier when people disappeared, at least, that's what she wanted to believe. zenitsu is dead weight, constantly dragging behind the people she loved down, down, down. kaigaku hadn't been wrong about her, she gets attached and doesn't let go. even when she should. even when they deserve it. perhaps that's why she pulls away, stops moving when everyone else is going places. she would only drag them down, she would only ruin their lives.
she is going to ruin tanjiro's life.
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how does he not see that? why does he keep pulling when she pushes, she's just trying to protect him. get away, she wants to scream. get back. run, run, run. she will destroy you, poison you, ruin whatever good that is left. she can't shield you from her own winds, she wants too but she can't. she wants to push him away, but she can't. she can barely bring herself the energy to struggle against the way he holds her like something precious -- like she's not all hurricanes and typhoons, coming to destroy any and all. her throat hurts, sobs so pitiful it's a marvel tanjiro doesn't find her disgusting.
" d-don't, " she chokes out, eyes shutting tight. " don't apologize. please. " i am always like this, i am ugly. " tanjiro just go. " please. please. please. " i don't-- " choked, pathetic noises. " i don't deserve you. " no one does, but especially not i.
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wystirea · 5 days
' i'll take good care of you, i promise. ' / for themst..
It didn't feel real. Each meeting of their lips made her head spin. Every touch of his hands sending chills over her body. How similar this night had started, just as all the ones before it. Nestled together on just the edge of the bed. Playful poking and prodding from the insect hashira towards her companion. Having been settled at his side before— Now nestled on her back, loose strands sprawled out behind her head. Wide eyes staring up at him, where the kisses continue. They moved from her lips to her jaw, and then her neck. All her bluster and confidence slipped away so quickly. Far from her usual posture— She fidgets beneath him as a gentle sense of anxiety ( and excitement ) consumes her. Of course, were it anyone else, they'd never have noticed. Giyuu, no matter how quiet he was— Was observant. The softness behind the darkened blue gaze that looks up towards her. Lost in the ocean's waters, it almost sweeps her away.
i'll take good care of you, i promise.
Words burn deeper than any touch. Cheeks flush a vibrant hue of red as hands move to entangle with his hair. Pulling the tie that bound it all together. Brushing through the slightly tangled locks, letting it fall to his shoulders. She gazes down towards him, lips gently pressing to his head.
' I trust you... '
smut starters from @cosmosin -> selectively accepting !
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wystirea · 7 days
🐝  *  ―  𝑷𝑶𝑺𝑰𝑻𝑰𝑽𝑰𝑻𝒀 𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑵.  reblog this post and give the person you reblogged it from a small compliment in the tags.  just something sweet and simple that’ll hopefully bring a smile to their face.
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wystirea · 8 days
❛  see? you have a talent for this.  ❜ / chikm to son boy
Heavy breathes take in air, desperate to cool down his body. It's a burning feeling. Far different than anything before it, but, it doesn't come to him the same way hinokami had. But it was far more in tune with his body than the cool rush of the water. Was this really what he was set for? It took everything in his posture, his form to replicate the flame breather's motions. It was only the first form, and a shaky one at best. But his head perks up, even as hands hold on tight to the blade still. Pride rushes through him, but fatigue holds him in place. His body threatens to crumble if he moves. Made of ashes from the rising flames that had finally spewed forward.
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' Thank you, ' Swallowing hard, his chest trembles. The flames becoming nothing more than cinders as his body cools. ' It burns... More than the kagura has... '
unsure from @cosmosin !
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wystirea · 8 days
❛ i thought you’d like some company. ❜  from tanjiro, for muichiro !
Ache takes its toll on his body. Bruises swell, restricting movement. But even so, he pushes through. To continue training those beneath him. The cold air of winter looms overhead, nights begin to chill as the sun departs. Still choosing to run the water over wounds. The tight pull of his muscles makes him wince. Slowly sinking away from the crowds just out front.
To assume no one would follow was an error on his part. Having almost glanced over the sunbreather in the gaggle of slayers. Not that he minds him following at least. Rested on the veranda, he looks up towards him. A smile forms over his face, it's impossible for it to not.
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' I'm not sure I want it, '
An honest statement, but it is gentle. It wasn't what he felt was necessary right now. As far as he was concerned at least.
' But, your company is always welcomed anyways. '
dialog prompt from @kkjodai -> accepting !
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wystirea · 10 days
' I don't mean... To play... '
It's a tired, heavy sigh. Demons of similar art could learn from one another, if the master would allow them so. But such actions among demons is taboo. Perhaps in the sparrow's case, he may allow her some leniency. But it's only thanks to the upper moon guarding her.
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' Power will only come to those who will take it... To achieve the best work must be done... '
Douma's own methods of consumption were unconventional though not the only way. Preferring work come to him rather than seek it out. His strength would still prove him as a formidable foe. But he still floundered behind the moon. The difference between them as far apart as the moon itself from the earth. Stiffening his posture, he doesn't focus on the sky. Nor the waters ripping a bright reflection . Even as the sky darkens as passing clouds push through.
' In order to use that strength... You must get to your feet. Hiding behind the doors will leave you... With the ability, but no understanding of how to use it. [ ... ] All that you will have, gone to waste in a fight... If you cannot rely on him to train you, then you must train yourself... Favors are not to be handed out so lightly in this world... '
" i have. " she gives a lazy shrug, picking at her feathers further. talons reaching to gently tug old feathers out to make room for new ones to grow in. " she plays wonderfully. but i don't need a teacher when it comes to it. "
it wasn't a brag, just a fact. her ears were sensitive enough to tell her how to get every note, every harmony, every melody. she'd never even looked at a piece of sheet music when douma gifted her the instrument. she was good at that.
" it's less about the instrument. more about the storm it causes. " a talon points to the sky, a clear beautiful moon. " i want the song to cause as much damage as it can. it needs to create a perfect storm. my winds have gotten stronger. "
" ... it's a little fitting, right? a songbird with a song of destruction? "
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