wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
If you feel too much, there’s still a place for you here. If you feel too much, don’t go. It this world is too painful, stop and rest. It’s okay to stop and rest. If you need a break, it’s okay to say you need a break. This life –it’s not a contest, not a race, not a performance, not a thing that you win. It’s okay to slow down. You are here for more than grades, more than a job, more than a promotion, more than keeping up, more than getting by.This life is not about status or opinion or appearance. You don’t have to fake it. You do not have to fake it. Other people feel this way too. If your heart is broken, it’s okay to say your heart is broken. If you feel stuck, it’s okay to say you feel stuck. If you can’t let go, it’s okay to say you can’t let go.You are not alone in these places. Other people feel how you feel. You are more than just your pain. You are more than wounds, more than drugs, more than death and silence.There is still some time to be surprised. There is still some time to ask for help. There is still some time to start again. There is still some time for love to find you. It’s not too late. You’re not alone. It’s okay –whatever you need and however long it takes- its okay. It’s okay. If you feel too much, there’s still a place for you here. If you feel too much, don’t go. There is still some time.
Jamie Tworkowski (via agirlnamedally)
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
The best kind of people are the ones in your life who help you see the sun where once you just saw clouds, the people who believe in you and help your see your worth so you start to believe that you are valuable, as well.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
I’ll always hate myself for what i did. Always
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
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[drawing of a blue and pink ghost next to a caption that says “I’m so grateful to know you! You’re the best!”  in blue, purple, and pink text on a purple and blue background.]
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
All you can do in life is to be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won’t like you at all.
Rita Mae Brown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
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Please like and reblog if you save!
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
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Penguin Shadows By Josh Anon | More
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
I might appear confident and chatty, but I spend most of my time laughing at jokes I don’t find funny, saying things I don’t really mean - because at the end of the day that’s what we’re all trying to do: fit in, one way or another, desperately trying to pretend we’re all the same.
Tabitha Suzuma (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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wyttincofio-blog · 8 years
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