x--vengeance · 11 years
        "I heard Bali's nice this time of year."
               [ sarcasm isn't appreciated ]
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"I think I need a vacation."
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x--vengeance · 11 years
        [ the blonde has been looking for hours for the lost item, and yet no luck. It's not in her house, nor was it on the grounds of the house. Her last option was the small cafe she works in. Within five minutes she had clambered into her car and made her way to said cafe, more or less bursting through the doors and resuming her search. Not conscious of the strange looks she was getting ]
               ❝ It has to be around here somewhere. ❞
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x--vengeance · 11 years
        ❝ We're closed until 5. Renovations and all that. ❞
               [ Adam attempted to explain the situation to the individual on the other side of the door, while he sat on the far end of the rather large room. Maybe that would get them to go away and stop knocking ]
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x--vengeance · 11 years
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x--vengeance · 11 years
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x--vengeance · 11 years
        ❝ You could try, but with the state it's in it won't look the same. ❞
               [ you're not helping, Adam ]
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      [ He considers it for another moment. ]
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          ” Do you think we can superglue is back together? No one’s gonna notice, right? “
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x--vengeance · 11 years
The left ear plays before the right ear creating a layered effect. 
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x--vengeance · 11 years
outofconjuring; I'm actually really weird, I apologise in advance
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x--vengeance · 11 years
        ❝ That's not weird at all. ❞
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             ’You are the branch to my sloth. Just thought I’d let ya know.’
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x--vengeance · 11 years
        ❝ Ugh, fine, we can watch Johnny English. Just because I'm in a giving mood, 'cause it's coming up to Christmas and all that. ❞
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"But … it’s my favorite — I mean, there’s nothing else to watch. Pick what you want."
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x--vengeance · 11 years
        ❝ You think? It looks pretty broken to me. ❞
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         ” —- I think it’s broken. “
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x--vengeance · 11 years
        [ allowing his lips to form a tight line, he attempted to keep a straight face as she scolded him. It didn't matter that he could play various other roles, Adam could only see him as Mr. Bean and him playing anyone else just seemed weird in every sense of the word ]
               ❝ Let's go with that nice option of Iron Man, because Love Actually always confused me. ❞
     [ and that wasn't a lie. Everyone's lives were intertwined and there was numerous stories going on at once- it confused Adam and he wasn't sure what to be paying attention too. His eyes remained on the screen the entire time, only half glancing over at Jessica to shoot a somewhat smug grin ]
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                                { She wasn’t happy with his expression and expressed it by pouting excessively as she looked through the netflix profile }
                      ❝I’ll have you know he can play various other roles!❞ she muttered while scrolling through the screen and looked over at Adam, pointing her finger.                 Finally accepting defeat Jessica pulled the oversized hoodie over her hands ❝How about Love Actually? Or should I be nice and suggest something like… Iron Man?❞
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x--vengeance · 11 years
        ❝ I’m not carrying you, so if you want to die out here that’s fine with me.                 Just be sure to drag your body somewhere safe, I heard there's bears out here. ❞
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x--vengeance · 11 years
        [ okay, he'd give her that. He was somewhat of an idiot, but in the good way not in the intelligent department- Mainly because he could whip anyone in a random pop quiz. ]
               ❝ Ouch, you wound me with your words. ❞
     [ Adam joked lightly, placing his hand to his heart for extra effect. He was one for dramatics, most people that knew him- well barely knew him- would say the same. Her next words did catch him off guard- a new beginning was something he could never have but dreamed of on a regular basis. Being born into a cursed family meant a fated path- more-so fated than most ]
               ❝ Everyone needs new beginnings every so often in their life. I guess you could say I do also. ❞
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"It means you’re an idiot.”
That’s a joke too, of course, and she’s still smiling as she pulls the card back and mixes it back in with the rest of the stack. Truth was, her father often used different tarot cards for his shows but they were mostly props—he never read them and, well, neither did she. She liked the pictures more than anything.
The made-up stories that went along with them were kinda like horoscope columns in the newspaper.
"Okay, I dunno—I think it’s new beginnings. You need one of those, champ?"
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x--vengeance · 11 years
        ❝ I do watch The Notebook for the plot you know, not just for Rachel McAdams. She's just a bonus.                Fine, what else is there to watch? ❞
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        ❝ Not all of us are as enamored with The Notebook as you are, sweetheart. I get that Rachel McAdams is hot and all but if anyone is going to get with that firecrotch, it’s gonna be this girl. ❞
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x--vengeance · 11 years
        ❝ Someone has to keep it alive.                Damn, and I was hoping to crack some jokes. ❞
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          “How kind of you. And here I was thinking chivalry was dead.
                     “Maybe if this was Lost. No weather twin. Sorry to disappoint.”
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x--vengeance · 11 years
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