x-astcriia-x · 5 years
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When I was little I used to dance and model and that was fun. But I was always the person that was goofing off and I would memorize every line in every movie that I saw. And at recess that’s what I would do, I would talk to my friends and recite movies.
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x-astcriia-x · 5 years
BOLD all that applies to your muse!
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Eyes: Blue | Green | Brown | Hazel | Grey | Other
Hair: Blonde (dyed) | Brown | Black | Red | Ginger | Grey/White | Multi-color | Other
Body Type: Skinny | Slender | Slim | Built | Curvy | Athletic | Muscular
Skin: Pale | Light | Fair | Freckled (slightly) | Tan | Olive | Medium | Dark | Discolored
Gender: Male | Female | Trans* | Cis | No Gender | Other
Sexuality: Heterosexual | Homosexual | Bisexual | Pansexual | Asexual | Demisexual | Other
Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic | Heteroromantic | Biromantic | Panromantic | Aromantic | Demiromantic | Unsure | Doesn’t like labels
Species: Human | Undead | Shapeshifter | Demon | Angel | Witch | Ghost | Incubus/Succubus | Werewolf | Alien | Mutant | Android | Vampire | Other (Necromancer)
Education: High School | College | University | Master’s Degree | PhD | Other 
I’ve been: In Love | Hurt | Ill } Mentally Abused | Bullied | Physically Tortured | Brainwashed | Shot
Positive Traits: Affectionate | Adventurous | Athletic | Brave | Careful | Charming | Confident | Creative | Determined | Fearless | Generous | Honest | Humorous | Intelligent | Loyal | Modest | Patient | Selfless | Polite | Down-to-earth | Diligent | Romantic | Moral | Fun-loving | Charismatic | Calm
Negative Traits: Aggressive | Bossy | Cynical | Envious | Shy | Fearful | Greedy | Gullible | Jealous | Impatient | Impulsive | Cocky | Reckless | Insecure | Irresponsible | Mistrustful | Paranoid | Possessive | Sarcastic | Self-conscious | Selfish | Swears | Unstable | Clumsy | Rebellious | Emotional | Vengeful | Anxious | Self-sabotaging | Moody | Peevish | Angry | Pessimistic | Slacker | Thin skinned | Overly dramatic | Argumentative
Living Situation: Lives alone | Lives with parents/guardian | Lives with significant other | Lives with a friend | Drifter | Homeless | Other 
Parents/Guardian: Mom(s) | Dad | Adoptive | Foster | Grandparents | Family friend
Sibling(s): Sister(s) | Brother(s) | None | Other
Relationship: Single | Crushing | Dating | Engaged | Married | Separated | It’s complicated | Verse dependent
I have a(n): Developmental Disorder | Learning Disorder | Personality Disorder | Mental Disorder | Anxiety Disorder | Sleep Disorder | Eating Disorder | Behavioral Disorder | Substance-related Disorder | PTSD | Mental Disability | Physical Disability | Other
Things I’ve done before: Had alcohol | Smoked | Done drugs | Stolen | Self harmed | Starved myself | Had sex | Had a threesome | Gotten into a fist fight | Gone to the infirmary | Gone to jail | Used a fake ID | Played hooky | Gone to a rave | Killed someone | Had someone try to kill them
Tagged: @captainbloggie Tagging: @toallthesouls | @warhexed | @the-t-word-x | @breaking-atlas
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x-astcriia-x · 5 years
russian classics aesthetics.
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BOLD whatever applies to your muse
BROTHERS KARAMAZOV:  orthodox monasteries ,   deep woods ,  starry nights ,  the sound of paper being torn ,   dimly lit rooms ,  withered roses  ,  an unfinished letter , piles of books   , the sound of shattering glass , ticking of clocks in a silent house , heavy wooden furniture ,   the air before a storm   ,  the smell of earth ,   a crowd of people dressed in black  ,  distant murmurs  ,  emptied streets ,   the fear of walking alone in dusk.
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT:  coldness of the skin against a blade ,   slender pale fingers   &   slightly shaking hands ,   a red stain blooming on white fabric , lonely steps in a corridor , the slow dripping of water ,   looking out of the window into the thickening darkness ,  a single dying candle on the table   ,   listening to one’s breath   &   counting heartbeats ,  too many stairs  , the desire to be invisible  ,  a subtle memory of kind words.
THE IDIOT:  classical statues  ,   wealth covered with dust  ,   a dark house tainted with inherited madness ,  an unsettling feeling ,   long walks in a park  ,   useless chatter ,   a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench   ,   a melancholic face   ,   an unexpected spring rain   ,  the joy of reading one’s favorite book  ,   the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around  , looking at cloudless sky.
ANNA KARENINA:   fields of crops  ,   flowers brought from an early morning walk   ,  the wind caressing a girl’s hair ,   a bowl of fruit ,   the smell of ripe pears ,   the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea ,   children’s laughter coming from the garden,   soft sunlight   &   white curtains ,   the sensation of velvet against skin , pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor ,  a sudden silence in a room full of people.
WAR AND PEACE:  a glass of wine ,  the brightness of  a crystal chandelier , white lace ,  a raging snowstorm   ,   the sound of a door being gently closed ,   the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ballroom ,   indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light  , closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing ,   the sweet smell of strawberries ,   a pair of gloves left on an armchair ,   light scent of powder.
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA:   the chaos of a lively city ,   ambient jazz in expensive restaurants,   jumping on a moving tram ,    the sight of moscow from the roof of a house   , yellow flowers in a vase, leaning out of the window ,  shelves stacked with books   ,  a small tin box with old photographs  , strange shapes in the night sky  ,  laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony   ,   colorful posters for a surreptitious magician’s show floating in the wind.
EUGENE ONEGIN:   a lonely mansion  , reading a book in the parlour   ,   faint piano melody lingering in falling silence ,   long evenings ,  passing seasons ,  discussing french novels of the moment  , unspoken thoughts  ,  leaning against the door frame  , quickly averted glance , eating a peach absent-minded , bright mornings , footprints in snow ,  a loud gun-shot terrifying a flock of birds nearby.
FATHERS AND SONS:  birch groves   ,  morning mist ,   moss-covered stones near a moor,   scientific books   ,   white roses ,   cheap champagne   ,   shabby pocket-watch  ,   light-hearted irony ,   a maladroit cello sonata   ,   freshly mowed grass   , letting thoughts come   &   go   , a  slow yawn ,   picturesque plates   &   bowls filled with traditional dishes   , drinking tea on the porch.
DOCTOR ZHIVAGO:  a strange feeling of loss , writing poems in a diary , traveling by train ,   the hesitation before touching someone’s hand , the gaze of one lost in thought , the warmth of cinnamon   ,   a scarf brightly embellished with flowers   ,   a glass of water ,   a threadbare jacket  , the tempting void , the evanescent serenity of yesterday.
CHERRY ORCHARD: a lone chair in an empty room  , falling blossoms ,   old samovar,  the unsettling need for change ,   a mirror reflecting full moon   ,  the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance , a piano out of tune.
Tagged By: @tewwor Tagging: @captainbloggie | @warhexed | @breaking-atlas | @toallthesouls | @the-t-word-x
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x-astcriia-x · 5 years
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Your mind is just a program And I’m the v i r u s I’m changing the station I’ll improve your thresholds I’ll turn you into a super drone And you will  k i l l  on my command And I won’t be  r e s p o n s i b l e
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x-astcriia-x · 5 years
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Manny Henderson’s Instagram Feed
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x-astcriia-x · 5 years
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With a hardened heart and bow on his back, the hunter entered the room of the witch coven’s leader. When he turned, the human was in awe of the witch’s supernatural beauty; a sharp jaw with symmetrical features cut from marble and beautiful, twinkling eyes. 
“I hear you’ve been searching for power,” the witch said.
“I have,” replied the hunter. 
“For what purpose do you require such a thing?”
“Revenge,” he answered simply, resolve shining in his bright blue orbs. “These bloody vampires have taken away my home, my family. God knows how many other lives they’ve ruined this way. I want to put an end to them, but I feel weak. Fragile. I can only get so far against them being human.” Desperation slipped into his features. “Please, can you help me?” 
There was a moment of pause as the witch seemed to consider. “I can give you the power you want,” he assured the human. “It will be tedious and more than likely painful, but the end results will be well worth it if this is what you crave. You will have enhanced strength, magical capabilities, immortality. However, there will be a price, as there always is with magic.” His lips stretched into a smile, revealing pearly white fangs of his own. Faust stood then and approached the other man, curling a finger under his chin to lift his gaze. “You get your power, and in exchange, you will be bound to me as my familiar. I believe we can help each other with our common goals. Do you accept?” 
Finn hardly needed a moment to think it over. He’d been seeking this sort of answer out for years – who knew if he’d ever have this chance again. 
“I accept.”
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x-astcriia-x · 5 years
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x-astcriia-x · 5 years
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x-astcriia-x · 5 years
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@baskinghes: HAHAHA HELP
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x-astcriia-x · 6 years
The wideeyed look was very endearing. Most of the boy’s who participated were sluts and while he could appreciate a slutty boy there was something about the boy’s just a hint of reluctance that was both sweet and sexy. His misunderstanding was also adorable. He smiled and shook his head before he remember the boy couldn’t see him. After a moment he typed. “Yes it would be nice for a peek of that as well, but I think you know what we want to see most is for you to turn around. Just a peek.” 
Manny paused as he read the message that flashed across the screen, biting softly at his bottom lip. Oh okay. This guy on the internet wanted to see his ass, not his dick. That wasn’t so bad. He hesitated for a second and then took a deep breath, murmuring an “okay” before he pushed back from the computer again. He’d come this far with this whole pledge thing, why not go the full mile here? “I hope you’re not expecting some Kardashian ass or anything,” he joked with a shy little smirk as he turned around, giving the camera a nice view of his nearly bare ass. 
First Time Show || Manny & Kris
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x-astcriia-x · 6 years
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I’m quite carefree. I know what I’m like. I know who I am. I would say I was a pretty decent fella. They [the medias] can write what they want, to be honest. I don’t really care. I never have been one to worry about things too much. You can’t walk down the street with a female without it being written about. I’ve just kinda given up caring. If they ask me [personal] questions, you know, it’s a bit silly. So yeah, they kinda can write what they want. That’s their job I suppose. They’ve got a job to do. I’ve gotten past the point of caring.
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x-astcriia-x · 6 years
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New photo of Drew ✨• • @drewvanacker #drewvanacker #jasondilaurentis #LoveThyKeepers #pll #prettylittleliars #pllcast #pllarmy #pllboys #remidelatour #deviousmaids #deviousarmy #pllvideo #instagram #tommycampbell #trainingday #trainingday2017 #towerprep https://www.instagram.com/p/BucezDOA2dT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=104mxxd6xtqnd
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x-astcriia-x · 6 years
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x-astcriia-x · 6 years
Kris wasn’t sure which thought was more delicious. The fact that he had reduced the once hero to a teary begging mess or of what was soon to come when the boy would lube himself up and fuck himself on his greatest enemies dick. He smiles as the boy whimpered and begged his already hard cock responding to the words. He let the boy go on for a minute before he gestured to one of his henchmen that quickly brought a bottle of lube which he handed to Kris. He gave the boy’s ass another caress. “Come pet time to lube your self up. I’ll pour it for you, but I want to watch your fingers invade that tight little hole and prepare yourself for your Master’s cock.” He smirked and uncapped the lube and dribbled a bit down the boy’s crack. He was sure the cool lube felt good on the boy’s very red and hot ass. 
Manny sniffled quietly and wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand. He couldn’t even believe this was actually happening to him, and he hoped there was still time for him to wake up from this horrible nightmare. He instinctively flinched when Kris rubbed his sore ass again, expecting another smack. He sighed in relief as the lube provided some coolness to his burning skin, partially grateful for that aspect, but he was not at all looking forward to prepping himself. Or what would come afterwards, for that matter. Manny briefly contemplated just ignoring the wicked villain and not doing anything, but he knew that wouldn’t be a smart decision. He was positive his rear end would not survive another spanking right now. Grimacing, he reached back and went to work, spreading the lube around his entrance and stretching himself with his fingers, groaning softly as he did. 
AU- Super Villian Kris
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x-astcriia-x · 6 years
How Far We’ll Go || Kara & Tanner
Okay, she had to make sure she had absolutely everything she needed, even though Kara knew full well that she and her brother would have the ability to purchase necessary items at the Adventurer’s Guild when they arrived. She couldn’t help it; she always liked to be prepared to the point where she probably overpacked. She’d never left the grand city of Waterdeep before, what were the bare necessities that she would need for the few days of travel? 
The young Druid emptied her backpack and started over, packing everything back into her bag one by one. A few days of traveling and common clothes, a bedroll, blanket, mess kit, at least a week’s worth of rations, some hempen rope, a tinderbox and torches, a waterskin. Then her healer’s kit and herbalism kit, her wooden shield and quarterstaff. She was already wearing her leather armor. Okay, she was definitely missing something, but she couldn’t figure out what it was... 
Oh! Her totem! Kara cursed under her breath and scrambled about her room to find her focus. She couldn’t leave without that, she needed it for her spell casting. She quickly found it right where she left it on her dresser and clasped it tight in her hands over her chest, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. 
There was no doubt that Kara was nervous about leaving her home for the first time, but she was also excited. She’d longed for excitement and adventure for as long as she could remember, and now, at twenty six, she was finally getting what she wanted. She had to remind herself she had no reason to be fearful or nervous of going out into the world when she had her big brother coming along to look out fo her (even though she continued to insist she could take care of herself).
Considering herself now officially ready, Kara tied her totem around her neck and slung her gear over her shoulder. “Tanner!” she called, shuffling out of her room and down the hall towards her brother’s. “Hey, Tan-Tan! Are you ready yet? Don’t tell me you’ve gone and changed your mind now,” she teased, standing in the doorway. 
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x-astcriia-x · 6 years
Definitely a super slut. He chuckled as the boy’s body tensed in need his back arching in a way Kris had to wonder if the boy was aware of or not. He was betting the boy couldn’t help himself. The words made him chuckle and caress his hand down the boy’s needy cock. “Mmmm so needy. But I don’t know if you’ve earned orgasm yet. After all that is something you’ll be earning from now on.” 
Manny let out a whine of protest at that, not at all enjoying the idea of having to earn his orgasms. Or really anything about this situation at all. He’d have to revisit why his mind automatically disagreed about the orgasm thing when his head was in a much clearer state and not fogged by this awful lust. The former hero squirmed in Kris’ lap, groaning out loud once more in pleasure. He grabbed the villain’s arm with his other hand, his eyes fluttered closed, and his head fell back while he rocked his hips in time with Kris’ strokes. “Please,” he begged hoarsely, “Please Daddy. I’ll do anything. Anything you want. I just...I n-need to cum, please.” 
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x-astcriia-x · 6 years
The poodle had been a careful calculated decision. Of the choices it was probably the most tame. Yes it was a poddle and yes it was pink, but other than that it was hardly special. But he had picked it because he knew the memories it would bring of another time the boy had earned genuine punishment. That time he had Javaad to use against Manny now he just had Manny, but it was sure to be effective anyhow. When the boy agreed and started to get dressed Kris relaxed a fraction of an inch. It was a step he doubted the boy regretted his attitude yet, but it was a start. 
Honestly the boy looked rather cute in the ears and collar, but he didn’t let that show on his face as the boy turned his puppy dog eyes on him. Instead he looked at the plug that was indeed bigger than the one he had used on Javaad. He was about to refuse the boy’s request, but after a moment nodded. “I will help but you’ll play with your dick while I do.” Only thing more embarrassing being paraded around as a naked pink poodle was the illusion that it had the boy hard and needy. Without waiting he pushed against the boy’s back to make him bend over as he grabbed the plug. He considered just shoving it home, but finally settled on a bit of lube as it was a big toy. He wanted Manny to rethink his attitude he didn’t want him actually harmed. So he removed a small bottle of lube from his pocket and added just a bit to the plug. The boy was already stretched and probably lubed enough for the mid-flight fuckings, but it didn’t hurt to be careful. He was angry with Manny but at the end of the day he was still his boy. 
Once the toy was lightly covered he pressed the nicely thick plug against the boy’s hole. He had made sure the plug was substantially thicker than any of the men who had fucked him on the flight. He wanted Manny to feel every moment of being forced to wear the large and humiliating toy. He worked it in gently aware the boy would be sore, but making himself largely ignore that. Once it sank home he gave the boy’s ass a harsh slap. “Now let’s go see the island. It’s going to be a paradise. Well for me anyways.”
Manny let out a slow breath as he agreed to the terms. He didn’t really want to do this, but it was Kris’ birthday, and he supposed he had been a bit of bitch lately. If this was part of what his master needed to make amends, then what good was really fighting it? So he let himself be bent over, and curled his hand around his cock to stroke it as Kris went to work inserting the plug. 
It was definitely larger than what he was typically used to, and he kept reminding himself to relax and breathe through the process so it wouldn’t hurt so much after all the fuckings he’d received. He felt the toy press against him and he inhaled sharply, forgetting his hardening cock and gripping the plane seat with both hands to anchor himself. He groaned softly in between deep breaths as the plug was slowly pushed all the way into him. Manny yelped when his ass was smacked, now very aware of the aching fullness down there. He stood up slowly after a moment, grimacing as he turned to face Kris. The plug after all the men was a little more than uncomfortable, but he was more than willing to suck it up for as long as he could if that’s what Kris wanted. 
“I can’t wait,” he said, attempting to force a smile, “Lead the way, Daddy.” 
Birthday Bash...
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