x-caeli ¡ 4 years
“Merrinyn…” The triton now out of water offered her a more courtly smile, as if switching from the lure of easygoing friendliness to the more complex demeanor of an ally in war. It is a sort of game courtiers play, she thought to herself, having heard of it from her elderly landlady whose own experiences were muddy at best. Merrinyn was no courtier, no noble woman playing at social elevation, so it was clear her attempt was misguided and uninformed. Her motives were genuine, though: She believed this “friendship” of sorts would be beneficial to both parties. “…I am of the tides, the Deep City, though I reside in Arx for now, learning, studying, about your surface world for my research.”
As she neared, she saw more of the warrior’s features, the things she had not while in the waters for her once-in-a-blue-moon swim. There was something…odd about her, but Merrinyn could not put her finger on it. Her inexperience with surface creatures didn’t help. All that she knew about them, she read from books, from literature, and those barely delved into the intricacies of their difference. She knew of humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, and whatever else race there was, but she knew close to nothing of the truth of this other woman’s existence.
“You are most definitely warrior, tried and hardened by battles both physical and, I assume, emotional? It matters not. You are a warrior nonetheless, though of what, whom, I cannot be sure. There is something…about you that I cannot quite figure out.” The warrior may not share what, but Merrinyn’s curiosity spurred her to try.
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So Merrinyn wanted to know about the world up here. She was researching and studying...on purpose? Willingly? Now that sounded boring. Caeli had to admit, though, she was a little curious about what lay under the water. It wasn’t something she had really thought about before, and her interest was peaked. Were there whole cities under there like up here? What sort of treasures were they smuggling in their underwater hideaways? Certainly it would be much harder to swing swords down there. How did they fight? Maybe she should have paid more attention during lessons.
Maybe she could get to one of these underwater cities one day.
“You’re very observant. Maybe one day you’ll figure it out.” It would be more fun to see her connect the dots herself than to simply outright tell her. “So...what’s the point of all this research you speak of? Simply to satiate curiosity?” She crossed her arms, looking out over the ocean in front of them as she spoke.
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
“We all need friends and allies, don’t you think?”
She swam closer, slowly rising from the waters. Merrinyn hasn’t been long in the surface world, and while she understood the intricacy of politics and war, she was not herself familiar with those of this kingdom. Most of the lessons she has taken to heart were from the histories of her people, the tritons of the deep cities, settlements really, with little to no context of how they truly apply to the surface world. Merrinyn herself had spent much of her time within four walls, in the company of literature, rarely meeting or making new acquaintances. 
I belong in the sea with my people, with my research, but I cannot improve upon anything if I do not journey forth and gather new knowledge… “My work may deliver me towards antagonistic physicality, and I am better suited to the strengths of the mind.” It would be no easy thing to forge a friendship between two strangers, especially of different worlds, Merrinyn knew, yet for the good of the realms, it must be tried. “I see you seem to be quite the opposite of me. Perhaps we can help each other out. When need be.” 
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So, she was saying that she was a bookworm who might want something beat up every once and awhile? Got it. And in exchange, perhaps the other would be a source of information when Caeli needed it. Couldn’t complain about that. And Caeli could keep some things away from this one. It’d be easier if she didn’t know the whole scope. Or, maybe she would be on board for Caeli’s type of anarchy. Who knows. She was equally in the dark about the background of the ocean dweller.
“I don’t see a downside to a proposal like that. A little unexpected of one to be making out here on the beach tonight, but sure.” She said with a shrug. “I’m Caeli.” Names seemed like a good way to start this out.
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
Merrinyn turned to her, swimming closer, as close as she could while still keeping most of her body under the water. She had no intention to return to land this early today. At least not yet. She still had a few minutes of rest. “Not just do what you say, but perhaps, if you make friends with it, of those of the sea, its children and people, you may find new allies when you need them.”
Despite this strange creature’s…rudeness, she seemed like an able fighter, and able fighters make for good friends. At the very least, they could help each other. Merrinyn wasn’t as good a fighter as the next person but she was well-versed in other things, and to be honest, most warriors never really have time for books. What the other lacks, the other may balance out.
“The more friends, the brighter, as you folks say.”
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“Hm. If you say so.”
Friends and allies weren’t words that she was so familiar with. At the very least, what she considered friends and allies weren’t of the kind that most would consider good company. She wouldn’t deny being somewhat intrigued, though. It seemed this person had no idea who (and what) she was and the reputation that preceded herself. Some avoided her on a glance, but this one had interacted with initiative.
“Are you looking for these ‘allies’ yourself? Is that was this is about? There’s something you want done?”
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
“Compared to you or me, that may be true.” Merrinyn sighed, her mind wandering back to her lamentation of the sea creatures’ flaws. They are magnificent creatures, yes, full of potential to adapt, but adaptation often takes a long time, time that they may not all have. The triton shook her head, water streaming down from the side of her face, through hair, as she floated upright once more, turning her attention back to the other. “But we all know how to defend ourselves, at least we have the instinct to do so when danger shows itself. Sharks, giant squids, krakens… So many amazing predators down here…” 
“You seem like a warrior out of water.” The triton butchered the phrase, though ignorant that she had done so. Surface dwellers had the penchant of playing with their words. Why don’t they just be direct about things? It would be much more efficient. “You can make the seas your ally. You just need to ask.”
A grin formed across her lips without her consent.
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Well now. Wasn’t that an interesting thing to say. She paused in her walking, looking back towards the other still floating in the water like they belonged there. Caeli had heard of some living within the sea like they do on land, but she hadn’t much encountered any. Her life hadn’t taken her to the water often.
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“And what do you mean by that? The sea will just do what I say if I ask it nicely?” She hadn’t seen the sea as something that could understand what anyone said, outside of its reigning gods. Perhaps that’s what this one meant.
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
“I suppose it would be unwise of me to judge someone based on their outer appearance,” Eamon said with an apologetic smile. He was fairly certain that what he saw was part of the truth, but he had known plenty of intimidating people who turned out to be sweethearts and vice versa.
He let out a tired breath as he adjusted his position. “The old knee isn’t what it used to be. You’re young and spry for a while, then age hits you like a ship against the shore.”
“Well, it depends on what you are looking for,” he responded. “I find the coast to be an adventure in and of itself. With good weather and the sunset ahead, few things beat it. Otherwise…” He thought about it for a moment. “I believe there is a festival happening up north soon, but that might be a bit far for your liking. I imagine you are looking for more immediate satisfaction, yes?”
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She snorted under her breath at his comments about age. Wasn’t something that concerned her anymore. Caeli certainly lowered her guard a little, though. Not all the way, she didn’t trust like that, but it seemed like she could outrun him by jogging if needed.
“Right. I’m not looking for scenery. Immediate would be nice, but...a festival is good to know about.” Up north. She’d have to change course, but that was alright. All roads led to the same places eventually. “I’ll be happy to get out of the damned sand.” She turned her course more inland, walking away from the waters and towards more solid ground.
"I’m assuming you have your own destination to go to.”
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
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Sofia Boutella
Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/B8HzK6JJ6rn/
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
Eamon looked the woman over.
Her dark demeanor and strange aura spoke of outer planar connections to him, touched by someone of an evil nature. He had read of the aasimar, the children of celestial beings and mortals touched by the light of the gods. They were as varied as the deities themselves with their motivations, outlooks and appearances. He had read of the fallen ones, those touched and corrupted by evil – willing and otherwise. Not all of them were bad, but a lot of them were a result of expectations gone wrong.
“I find that traveling on lonesome roads provides a lot of insight,” he replied, a smile on his face. This woman was dangerous. He should be careful, but he was also strangely intrigued. It wasn’t every day he met someone like this one. “You seem distraught. What’s troubling you?”
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“Do I? Perhaps I always look like this.” Caeli kept trudging down the shore as she spoke. She would let this one linger around for now. Sometimes holding your blade back and letting people speak led to more interesting things than bloodshed for the sake of it. Sometimes. Depended on her mood.
“I can’t say I’m too troubled. Simply looking for an adventure. You wouldn’t happen to know of anything interesting around this area, would you?” Any leads for any local locations of intrigue, magical artifacts, special creatures, or even small peaceful villages - those were all things she could go after and mess up. She was getting a little itchy to get into something bigger than petty thefts and brawls. It wouldn’t cut it for much longer. She was here for so much more.
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
When the surface dweller turned to her direction, Merrinyn instinctively offered her a smile. Whether or not that was seen didn’t really cross the triton’s mind. She had recently been taught that most surface dwellers appreciated to be greeted with a smile during a first meeting. She thought this one would be the same but was quickly proven wrong with their quick and abrupt response. Rude.
Merrinyn simply shrugged and quickly leaned back in the waters, just floating, savoring the peace and quiet that had returned once again, with only parts of her face out of the surface. She didn’t need them to be so, but she recently found out that this was the preferred swimming method of the surface dwellers whenever they needed or wanted peace while in the water. It was…reflective. Or something along those lines. 
“Suit yourself, though I can’t be sure the tuna wouldn’t avoid you. They can be so…defensive, the prickly creatures.” She called out before slowly, carefully, attempting to…reflect.
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“That’s pretty smart of them. I always thought fish were quite dumb.” Caeli commented. They’d be easy prey. Now, if there was a kraken on the other hand...that’d be something worth seeing.
She continued to trudge down the shoreline, remembering quickly how much she hated sand. It got into everything. People went into this stuff willingly sometimes, for vacations and the like. Ridiculous.
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
It would have been quicker and more efficient to travel via Dustspire in order to reach Khaggon, but something in him told him to take the scenic route. He didn’t have a specific date for his appointment, just that it was good to be there at the most opportune time.
Being this close to the border to Eowesoa brought bittersweet feelings to his mind. In one way, he missed the way things were. Before the purgings began, before the ascension of anyone and the end of what was good. At the same time, he looked to the south and felt the fear try and trap his soul. He refused to allow it so. It was not the time or place for such a thing.
He had to admit he was surprised to see someone else out here at this hour. The coast was fairly peaceful at this time of day, not like the storms that would often plague his hometown of Arx. Whoever it may be seemed determined, walking with purpose… yet they seemed lost. Perhaps he could be of help to this lost traveler.
That didn’t mean he wouldn’t be cautious, of course, but he had to admit to some curiosity as well. He simply walked up, calm and collected, admiring the scenic view ahead. “Beautiful, isn’t it? Not quite like the sunset on the coast. Are you here for the view as well?” He gave her a smile. “Pardon me if I was interrupting anything.”
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Lost with purpose was a good way to describe her. She had a goal, an ultimate mission, but didn’t have a particular location to accomplish it. It could be achieved anywhere at any time, really. It was best to be always the traveler. No one could catch on as quickly that way.
Caeli hadn’t expected to be approached. Not all the way out here. And yet, someone managed to defy the odds. Was she really that approachable? This fellow was either very brave, very stupid, very strong, or some combination of the three.
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“Then you’re pardoned.” She said. “If you’re in the habit of talking to strangers, I’ll warn you that it may not be good for your health.” Eamon would be able to sense the poison laced in her words, the sharp teeth behind every glance. Caeli did not exude any form of goodness. The dark of the night suited her here.
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
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Sofia Boutella photographed by Brian Higbee
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
Most of her time, Merrinyn spent on her research. Her curiosity knew no bounds, and to satiate it, she decided she needed to stay in and study everything she could, every chance she got. Sometimes, though, like tonight, she gets some time to herself, a hidden, often absent, urge to escape the confines of her makeshift lab, the lonely and dark spare space that she rented when she surfaced from the depths, luring her back to the sea where she used to belong.
Tonight, the triton chose the form of the dolphin. She swam as far as she could in the form, relishing in the celebration of the oceans’ secrets that few from the surface ever get to know. The sea and its salt were a part of Merrinyn. No matter how far she’d go away from it, she would always be lured back. Even for just the few spare moments such as this. It was a fact she knew well, the truth she could never forget, and she liked it all the same.
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Coming closer to the shore, she left the dolphin’s skin and sough the refuge of her own. Dolphins couldn’t walk on land, sadly, but if Merrinyn had her way, she would change that. All she needed was time, and maybe more suitable data. 
As she popped her head out of the water, she immediately noticed someone else close by. She narrowed her eyes towards the figure, curious about the dangers it brought with it, if any. The triton wasn’t as concerned as most would be, however. She was in her element, after all. She was in a safe space, the safest she would find.
“Can I help you?” She called out, ignorant of whether she could even be heard or noticed. She was just curious. 
It had seemed isolated out here. Peaceful. Nothing to interrupt the sound of the waves against the shores, and the early moonlight reflecting off of its edges. The very last thing Caeli had expected to hear was a voice coming from the water. She paused, looking towards the source of the sound, spotting what seemed to be a single bobbing figure.
She turned, fully prepared to pull the sharp greataxe from her back if events called for it. Caeli had the posture and attire of a warrior. Everything about her would call out ‘danger’ to one looking for it. However, how effective she could be against something in the water was questionable. She wasn’t much of a swimmer.
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“No. If I’m in need of seaweed or tuna, perhaps I’ll let you know.” She responded as she started walking down the beach yet again.
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
Basement Bounty
Date: November 30th Place: Old Carnegie’s house (Runswick?) Status: Closed (@champion-fighter​, @fists-of-flame​ )
Caeli stood outside of the house, checking the address again that she had been given for this job. It had been scribbled down quickly by her sister, passed over to her in the interest of ‘sibling bonding’, and then, of course, she hadn’t shown up. ‘Duty and god stuff’, or whatever. Here Caeli stood by herself, looking awkward despite her imposing presence, like she’d wandered into the wrong party without an invite.
Still, it could be fun. The job had mentioned something about a dangerous basement. Perhaps whatever lurked within it could ‘accidentally’ make its way out into poor Old Carnegie’s house and into the streets. It’d either be a good way to cause some chaos, or a good chance at some combat practice.
She was about ready to head up to the door and offer to take it on by herself when she paused, noticing another approaching who had a look of intent.
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
Date: January 3rd Time: After sunset Place: On the western shore of Hegaehend, near Howe Status: Open
Her journey across the kingdom had led her to as far as she could go. Her boots had hit sand, and only open waters lay ahead. To the left and right, unending coastline, disappearing off into the horizon. She could follow them and reach either of the two other kingdoms. Straight ahead, across the moonlit waters, was Anari. This shore felt like a crossroad.
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Still, she had to admit to herself - she had no passage. Her inquiries into travel had produced no fruits, and here she was, trapped on the shores. She knew there would be a number of fishing and boating villages up and down these coasts. At the very least, she could find one and steal herself a smaller ship and some supplies. She’d been alone thus far, she could continue that way. And besides, was she really alone with a devil at her back?
She looked left and right again - south and north. Then, she started south. If she didn’t end up across the waters, she could at the very least see how the border of Eowesoa was doing.
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
“Holy water cannot help you now. A thousand armies couldn't keep me out. I don't want your money, I don't want your crown. See, I've come to burn your kingdom down.”
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x-caeli ¡ 4 years
Rinnil walked into the room he and Thalra had been sharing and sighed as he closed the door behind him. He dropped the disguise he’d been using before realizing that Thalra wasn’t in the room. But he didn’t let himself worry about it. She could just be getting food or a drink. Her not being in the room didn’t immediately mean she was in danger.
He moved quietly over to where his bag was. Even when completely alone, Rinnil moved as silently as he could. It was just instinct now. He crouched down in front of his pack, but as he did, he tiredly rubbed his eyes. He hadn’t gotten much rest recently. In fact, he hadn’t gotten a good amount of rest in a long time. There hadn’t been a point yet where he was close to exhaustion. But as time went on, it began getting harder and harder for him to find any rest.
Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw movement. Rinnil’s attention was immediately drawn to the window that showed the street outside. He didn’t know what he expected to see, but he definitely didn’t think he would look up and see his sister flying in the air. What was she doing? He wanted to call out and ask her what was going on. But before he could, a javelin flew through the air, past her, and arced back down towards the street. Then, another came into view and pierced his sister’s shoulder. Then she was falling and she was completely out of his sight. It all happened so fast that Nil wasn’t able to push past his own fatigue to react before she fell out of the sky. Then, almost immediately, he was moving. Out the door, down the stairs, and outside. He didn’t even think to disguise himself again before running outside.
The streets were as calm as they had been moments before this all had happened. The residents of Dustspire were used to ignoring confrontations that were not their business and they continued this tendency, aside from the person who had cried out at the first javelin seconds before. Rinnil could see the discarded javelin on the ground, blood still evident on its point. But Thalra was nowhere to be seen. He felt panic grip his chest like a vice. But he forced himself to push past it. He remembered a spell he’d learned a while ago, long before he found Thalra again, a spell to let him see through invisibility. He had only used it once or twice. Not recently, but he still remembered what to do to cast it. A quick few muttered words under his breath, a subtle hand movement that he tried to keep hidden, with talc and powdered silver, and the spell was cast.
Suddenly, Thalra was visible to him. She was standing a few feet away from the bloodied javelin on the ground. He followed her line of vision towards a woman who was standing a distance away. She was an imposing sight for sure, giving off an intimidating energy seemingly without trying. Without letting himself think twice about it, he stepped forward, one hand staying close to where his dagger was stowed. He walked forward with the intent of putting himself in between this stranger and his invisible twin while at the same time trying to pretend like he hadn’t even seen her. “Is there a problem?” he asked, trying to put more confidence behind the words than he actually felt.
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The sight of Thalra falling to the ground was a sweet one. The other could do her fancy parlor tricks all she’d like. It wouldn’t stop the crimson from staining her clothes. Caeli decided that this had been a good decision after all. Was it necessary? Absolutely not. Would Thalra ask her to be her bodyguard ever again? Very unlikely. But it was fun. She hadn’t had some fun in awhile.
Her eyes narrowed as Thalra vanished from sight. Tsk, couldn’t even stay visible. “I’ll find you, mouse.” Caeli spoke. With a few arcane words and a wave of her hand, she directed magic towards herself. She started to flicker, like her entire aura was separating itself from her form in multiple directions. Then, three mirror images of herself appeared around her. Four Caelis stood in the street, mimicking each others movements, shifting and flickering back and forth, across each other, like flames in the wind.
The four images paced five feet forward. As she walked, she pulled her greataxe from her back, the blades sharp and ready. Then - she was interrupted.
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Her gaze, intense with the promise of bloodshed, shifted towards the source of the voice. “Oh, a brave one. There is no problem here. Don’t get involved.” Her eyes looked past him, brushing him off like a speck of dust. Caeli began to walking towards Thalra’s last location yet again, scanning for signs of her target.
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