x434 · 8 years
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okay, guys, i’m gonna update you guys on what’s exactly happening.
i have 0 muse for punk. it’s hard keeping his muse for long because i simply don’t watch wwe anymore, and i don’t really want to watch it cause i’m not very passionate about anyone. so....
i DO, however, plan on getting on @gatcs soon enough. so if you want to RP with me through somewhere, follow that account. if not, then i DO have a kik and i’ll rp punk over on kik, or you all are gonna have to wait until i get muse for punk again. 
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x434 · 8 years
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it’s all in the background and psds, tbh. buuuuuut..... http://amysthemes.tumblr.com/tagged/theme
this is where i got the theme.
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x434 · 8 years
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my!!!! theme!!!! is awesome now. uwu i lov it.
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x434 · 8 years
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gonna go update my theme to be kinda like chance’s. catch you all on the flip side.
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x434 · 8 years
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x434 · 8 years
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❝            I can´t feel ANYTHING. For as long as I can remember, I´ve never been able to feel emotions. I  p r e t e n d  to be normal when I´m around other people, but on the inside, I feel NOTHING. It´s not as bad as it may sound. I know that I´m broken, but I don´t care. This is normal for me. But everything changed when I met her… My SOULMATE. For the first time, I felt something. A strong desire. A longing. A yearning. A CRAVING. Now I finally understand what it means to be human. To be A L I V E. I´m addicted to the way she makes me feel. I don´t care about anything else. She is EVERYTHING to me. And now, someone is trying to take her from me… He wants her, but not in the same way that I want her. He could N E V E R appreciate her the way I do. He doesn´t DESERVE her. She belongs to me a l o n e. He has taught me a new emotion… RAGE. I want to stop him. I want to hurt him. I want to K I L L him. There is nothing I won´t do for Nova. I won´t let ANYONE come between us. I don´t care what i have to do. I don´t care who I have to hurt. I don´t care whose BLOOD I have to spill. I won´t let anyone take her from me. Nothing else matters. NO ONE else matters. ❞
                               First Comes Love, Then Comes Obsession yandere AU for @x434
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x434 · 8 years
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Oh my god, fuck you ski ~ @x434
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x434 · 8 years
ski’s hate for me through the tags gives me life 👌🏻👌🏻😍
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x434 · 8 years
Essie really was trying to read one of his Latin spell books, honest. He had recommended it earlier in the day in case she needed to deploy something, should she ever get herself into trouble; by contrast she begrudgingly accepted. But once she received a couple of eye-rolls she got to reading, and honestly, it was pretty interesting.
She kept moving her position often as she sat on the couch: First normally sitting, then legs dangling over the arm, then upside-down for a spell – but a strange look from her tattooed guardian caused her to change once more. 
The teenager remained reading for what seemed like a long while, but then a sudden idea popped into her head: “So, do you want to see the new Ghostbusters movie, or is it too realistic?” She was half-joking, because the film had at least piqued her interest somewhat.
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       it was GOOD that she was trying to learn. of course, he’d taught himself latin--        but he assumed essie wouldn’t be that girl to try to teach herself. regardless,        he’d given her a spell book just so she could try to ENTERTAIN herself. there        would be no way in hell he’d actually teach her any of the spells in the book,        unless it was a very simple protection or healing spell.
       of course, that would be for later. right NOW he was at his desk in the same        room as essie, trying to figure out a case he’d recently received. once he had        figured out what steps to take into killing the beast, he’d leave for a few days        then come back. but don’t worry. that was the USUAL.
       he continued researching until the teen spoke up. he paused somewhat, then        continued to read.     ❛ saw the first ghostbusters when i was your age. actually        saw a lot of things back then. ❜    a pause. then he scoffs,    ❛ then i realized i        had more IMPORTANT things to do. a remastered version of a movie isn’t one        of those things. ❜
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x434 · 8 years
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Jax hadn’t shifted in almost two months because he promised Phil that he wouldn’t use that side of him anymore. But now the other was asking him and it caused his stomach to drop. “ – You want me to what?” The male snapped.
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       ❛ didn’t HEAR ME, jaxsy-boy? ❜ he takes a step closer, tilting his head,        ❛ i want you to use your damn FBI SKILLS and track down the        MOTHERFUCKER who caught me. i mean, what’s so difficult about that? ❜
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x434 · 8 years
                                                       @x434   /   closed thread
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   Another day, another morning with the family. The samoan rose from her bed && rubbed   away the sleep from her eyes, she looked at her phone to find out that she had recieved   a new message from an unknown number.
                        7:02 AM: Sleep well?
   Nova didn’t know what to do && she was just slightly creeped out by the message, but she    decided to take no action && she didn’t reply to the text. She just went through her morning    routine, she took a pleasant, cool shower, changed into appropriate summer clothes, ate    her morning meal && headed out the door to start her day.
   Since he was in town, she figured that she would go to starbucks && get a coffee with her    high school friend Taylor, or Bo Dallas as he was better known as in WWE. Anyway, Nova    gave him a call && told him to meet her there in fifteen minutes, after that she recieved    another text from the same unknown number.
                        7:36 AM: You look beautiful today
   Now she was getting scared, so she did what anyone would do… No, not block them, she    replied to the text with a simple;
                        7:37 AM: Stop texting me, leave me alone
   Before she continued her walk to starbucks where she waited for Taylor.
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      phil brooks had ALWAYS woken up early in the morning. it was just a       habit of his, especially RECENTLY. each and every day he has been       waking up just a few minutes prior to the day before, which resulted in       him waking up at about 5 this morning. he had only about 4 hours of sleep...       but somehow, it didn’t FAZE him. not after some coffee. of course, coffee       wouldn’t come first. a SHOWER would do him good. a shower, and..
      he checked through his messages, seeing no one had needed him or       wanted to check up on him. he was OKAY with it, but.. there’s been this       lingering feeling that has resided in him for the longest amount of time...
      the feeling of EMPTINESS. usually he wouldn’t notice it, but ever since he       had seen his TRUE LOVE--- his SOUL MATE--- he has noticed the empty spaces.
      oh, his love. her beautiful pitch black hair accompanied by those wonderful       eyes that could hold the universe in them. her rosy cheeks that reflected well       against her pale complexion. her gorgeous figure, the way he bet it could BEND       in a multitude of ways..
      he’d become quickly OBSESSED, as you can see. so obsessed he acquired       her address.      her number. every information he could.       nova...
      he texted her a simple text then went out to get himself some coffee. though,       he decided to have a little.. STOP by his love’s house. just to make sure she       was okay. she hadn’t texted him back, so he had gotten worried. he got into his       car and drove to her house, waiting until she finally got out. when she did...       dear GOD-- she was absolutely breathtaking. is this what being in love was like?       to see your love every day and act as if you’ve seen them for the first time?       he texted her again... simple text, but this time a little more.. vocal.
      he saw her receive the text and text back! oh, what would she say? he smiled       at the thought and when he went to see what text she had sent him...
      he frowned. that’s... not right. oh, she must have... just not known who was       texting her. he’d introduce himself in due time. then she’d HAVE to accept his feelings.
( 💔|| lιѕтen тo мe wнen ι ѕay "yoυ're мιne"|| 💔 )
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x434 · 8 years
► @x434 || Rollins starter call ◄
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“ Someone let a mutt into my locker room! Who let this animal in here?  ”
Rollins made sure to scream that into the hallway of his locker room. Then he just looked back at Punk and made a face of feigned realization. 
“ Oh, it’s just you Punk! My bad, my bad, I looked over at you too fast and thought    there was a dog in here. Now that’s cleared up, what can I help you with? ”
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        punk watches on, letting rollins continue with his... ahem, scene.         it was rather... PATHETIC, then what-not, but that’s rollins for you.         punk simply continues to sit on the bench, one leg folded over the         other in a displeased style.              once the other man stops...         he raises both eyebrows,
        ❛ ... OH. didn’t realize your shit attitude could be cleared up.         THAT’S good to know. ❜    a sigh,    ❛ gee, you sure know how to         prove your unbelievable ignorance. kinda feel BAD for you, ‘cause         that little stunt didn’t humiliate ME... think it just humiliated you, bud. ❜
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x434 · 8 years
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“I know…”said Dean but he remembered what the Wyatt family told him if anyone even Punk”but…I don’t want you to be hurt or worse the Wyatt family told me what they’ll do to my friends or you.”
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        ❛ dean, the wyatts are full of SHIT, ❜ well... it wasn’t a lie. they try to scare         everyone shitless in any way they can, and majority of the time-- it’s just         gaining up on people and beating them.      ❛ they’re freak-show wannabes         that are huge fucking cowards. i wouldn’t worry about THEM. ❜
trapped in hell||Dean and C.M.Punk||
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x434 · 8 years
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‘ aaaanything? ’ she asked in a playful yet teasing tone. her hands move to trace the tattoos on his arms, admiring them. 
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        he simply SMILES at her, looking at her with a amused expression. ❛ anything you could want. ❜
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x434 · 8 years
“I…I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to go poking around where I wasn’t allowed. I’m too curious for my own good. I’ll leave, if you just let me go.” She smiled at him weakly. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone what you did. I know you didn’t mean it. Can, can I have some water?”
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       ❛ oh, i’m SURE you’d leave, alright. ❜    but that just isn’t an option. he smiles        BACK, however, but he’s somewhat unfazed by her... attempts? whatever        they are, they go right through him. it’s OKAY. sooner or later, she’ll actually        MEAN IT.    ❛ hmm. ❜       he gets her the said water, but it’s in a bottle. he        hands it to her.    ❛ i know what you’re doing. victims in the past have tried it.        --- amusing me to benefit YOU. but that’s okay. you’ll learn, because i know        you can. ❜
★ i was right about you.
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x434 · 8 years
Jeff was quiet. That was kinda his thing. Hardly anybody knew who he was, because he consistently sat at the back of the room and never volunteered if he could help it(unless it was history or art. But this, unfortunately, was math). 
He was also generally the last one out of the room, but he was surprised to see that that wasn’t the case today.
Cocking his head and shouldering his backpack, Jeff ambled over to the other boy’s desk and shook him by the shoulder gently. “Hey, uh…wake up.”
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       math... MATH... he wasn’t bad at math. hell, he wasn’t really bad at any subject.        it’s just the fact that the last few nights haven’t been.... favorable to him. thoughts        keeping him up, parents doing their annual fighting, yadda yadda. it doesn’t pass        his mind that the test was THAT important...
       his shoulder. it’s being shaken. he awakes in a jolt, QUICK to defend himself.        oh, what can he say? he’s trained himself to have quick reflexes. school is a bitch        and his brother treats him no better. though once he realizes some dude was        just trying to do him a solid, he relaxes.     ❛ hmm. ❜ he nearly wants to go back        to sleep, but....        ❛ how long was i out...? ❜
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x434 · 8 years
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          Oliver’s glad that Phil adds nothing onto his reason for leaving the UK ; he’d rather NOT have to delve into any MORE detail that was needed anyway.  ❝ Me accent’s pretty strong, I s’pose, ❞ He grins,  ❝ Sounds like a lot of fun, I work teaching teenagers how t’do English Lit, y’meet a variety from a vareity of places I guess—— ❞ He shrugs before giving a nod,  ❝ Aye, I am, m’from Yorkshire, England. Take it you’ve been t’England a fair few times?? ❞
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         hey, he JUST met the dude. the other would tell him whatever later on,          if he wanted. that, and punk didn’t care for another life story.     ❛ yeah.          stronger than most i’ve heard.  ❜ not ALL, but most. ❛ yeah. and english lit,          huh? i would probably be HORRIBLE. not because i suck at the english          language, but i’m a HUGE grammar nazi. i’d go insane. ❜          a laugh.          ❛ used to be a wrestler, so, yeah. england was a fun time for all of us. ❜
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