xalvadortheelfbard · 4 years
Be me 5 minutes ago
Playing dnd with a couple friends in discord and we murdered a gobln dude who nobody was supposed to know about while we talked to a dude called gova.
"So we kinda know about the tunnels"
"How did you guys find that"
My dumbass responds with "murder"
This guy gets scarwd and puts a gun to my head and asks "who did you kill?"
Me being thor I respond how thor would respond "dat pussy"
I rolled deception and got an 18
He thinks I seduced someone for information
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xalvadortheelfbard · 4 years
This is my first game of DnD that I have never played these are some of the notes I took while we were playing ill post a more descriptive version when I get the chance.( I am O)
Xalvador-O- elf bard
Sophie-A- human warlock gambler
Thog-B-goliath paladin
Aggy-JB-triton bard
After escorting a man to the city of seashore the crew goes to a bar near the lower part of town where our story begins.
Sophie and Xal go to a table nearby while Throg and Aggy go to the bar and talk to the barkeep.He tells them about a black market in the slowest voice ever. They drink and become slightly drunk.Sarah intimidates the people playing cards and clear out half of the room. They go to the bar and Sarah grabs a drink. A drunk green man mumbles about something and Xal doesn't care but due to his alignment he has to listen. He goes on talking about some wizard school in his drunk tone slurring his words. Sarah and Xalvador leave to go steal a ship. Sarah persuades Xal to steal from a ship and they come up with a plan. Sarah tries to use her water magic to distract two men on a boat but fail. The short man pulls out two knives and the larger man grows 8 feet tall and pulls out two axes the size of xalvador so xal runs away and sarah follows. Xal goes back manages to get a job playing music at the bar for a free room and tells thog who is drunk. 
So we take a step back to see the adventures of thog and aggy. Thog and aggy talk to the dudes about what happened but thogs green friend is not having it and wont talk. Aggy manages to persuade the otjer man to show him magic but because thog has a pot that negates magic 10 feet from him nothing happens. And aggy manages to persuade him to give him a room and become part of the party. Thog takes a sip from the barkeeps strongest drink and gets batshit drunk and mumbles with drunk green man. Aggy leaves with the other dude. Xalvador returns and tells thog he has a room but he doesnt understand and passes out. Sarah tries to explore but gets bunted by the smooth side if a guards shield so she returns and gets a mission from the tavernkeeper about killing a guard and gets a free room. She then goes to sleep.
End of session 1
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