“Tadpoles? Are you talking about your coworkers or the customers?” she posed taking another hit. This guy seemed about his business and Creme could always appreciate that. Time was precious and when you were on your time, fuck anyone trying to come in a mess with that. She couldn’t agree more on that one. “ Hey so long as the money is good do you really need to be a millionaire?” they certainly didn’t. Granted their way of living was significantly better she wasn’t ever going to be rolling in dough like Scrooge Mcduck- though they really would love diving into a pool full of money. Not gold coins cause that would hurt like a bitch. At his question, they blew out some smoke offering up a grin. “ You mean you can’t tell by the getup?” chuckling Creme gave a little bow.  “ Creme Fraiche, Ringmistress at Freakshow. The circus down by the pier. We normally come in here after our night shows to get something to eat.” 
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“Oh, I mean my co-workers.” Xander clarified with a half-grin. “This place would fall apart at the seams if I chose not to show one day, I know it and they know it. Personally, I think it’s an excellent position to be in.” His day job was something he took seriously, with his passion for cooking only compounding his work ethic. Anything he did, Xander did well, being both stubborn and cocky enough not to embarrass himself even attempting something he thought he might not excel at. “Definitely not. I’ve always found it a little strange that so many people want that type of status. It’s nothing but a bright red bullseye on your back. Nah, I much prefer living comfortably, but living. I’ve got enough problems, I don’t need that one too.” Taking another hit from his cigarette, Xander shifted a bit towards the other, nodding. When Creme bowed even sightly, his eyebrows raised, grin widening. “Right, right!” Lifting his free hand, Xander pressed the heel of his hand to his forehead. “Forgive me, I definitely know who you are. I’ve been out to the Freakshow, and I’ve seen your crew here. I really should think harder before I speak. So, have you come for lunch today as well, or does something else bring you to this neck of the woods?”
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“Well look at you being a gentlemen,” she joked with the boy, reaching over to grab the cigarette from him. Aurora was more than capable of doing it herself, but it was a nice gesture. Giving it a nice long puff, she instantly felt a bit of the stress of today melt away as the nicotine filled her lungs. While it was a terrible habit to have, she liked to think there were worse things to be addicted to. “Shit, it’s been busy as all hell but I’m just glad it’s coming to an end. How about you?”
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A rare laugh escaped Xander’s lips, his face brightening for a moment. “Did you expect anything less?” His eyes followed her as she took a hit, pulling one of his own from his pack. “Hey, better busy than boring right? I mean, if you’ve gotta be here, might as well have something to do. I get it, though. It’s nice to be able to breathe after a long day.” Shrugging, he took a drag from his own cigarette. “It was a day. No different than any other, aside from the new guy we’re training in the kitchen. It has been thrilling, really. A blast.” His tone remained steady, even with his attempt at a joke. “I’ve got the next few days off though, so...Well, from the diner, at least. The weekend is coming, do you have any big plans?”
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“Maybe so.” She was sure a few of her own vices would be enough to send her into an early grave and at her age she certainly had time to develop more. Either way she doubted that dying in her sleep when she was old and grey was likely off of the table for her so she was going to enjoy the amount of time she had left - so far Ophelia was doing an excellent job of it too. Her gaze followed his own and she nodded, she would just head into a diner on the way home for food she guessed. At his suggestion she nodded, tucking her hands into her jacket pockets to avoid the cold before they were far enough away she could continue to talk. “No real jurisdiction from me, I just want it to be slow and I want her to know it’s coming - mess with her for a few days before you deliver that final blow y’know?” 
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“Eh, I try not to think about that shit anyway. Here we are, right here, right now. No one is promised tomorrow. I figure, it’s gonna happen one way or another, no question about it. Can’t avoid it, so why worry about it?” The corner of Xander’s lips turned up a bit, a smirk emerging on his features. Among the information his father had spent too long beating into his head was that death was the unavoidable truth, the great equalizer among everyone. And, in Xander’s line of work, it wasn’t something he could afford to fear. He’d made his peace with it, peace with whatever the universe decided his fate would be. Turning slightly, Xander began to walk slowly up the alley, keeping his eyes open and scanning every direction. Knowing every detail of his surroundings was something Xander did as second nature, something he hardly even noticed himself. Nodding, he took a breath as he turned to face Ophelia. “Gotcha. Its been a while since I’ve been able to color outside the lines. I’ll make damn sure it’s a beautiful picture.” Tossing Ophelia a wink, he chuckled a bit. “Can I ask exactly what her offense was? Not that it’s really relevant but...You’ve piqued my interest.”
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Location: Outside of one of the local bakeries in town
Time: Late evening, around 9 PM
Status: Open
Aurora had just completed her closing shift at the bakery. Afternoons weren’t usually terrible, mostly filled with sorting through any of the specialty orders for the the next day and prepping for the morning rush that was to come. It was around 9 PM now and she was the last one there, finishing up a few minor tasks on her closing list before she could go home. Walking outside through the back doors, she threw all of the trash she had into the dumpster. Turning around, she felt like it was the perfect time for a quick smoke before coming back in. Trying to feel for her lighter that was usually in her apron pocket, she cursed under her breath when she realized that she left it at home. Dammit.
Hearing someone walk by, most likely a last minute customer, she comes up to them. “Hey, you got a light on you? I could use one. I’ll throw in a free cookie or something if you do?” she asked.
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Naturally, Xander had been headed to the bakery. Sure, it was only a few minutes before closing, but he wasn’t the type to care much about trivialities like that. And, he knew Aurora was working tonight. They knew each other, both of them being on the O’Riley family’s payroll, so he hoped she’d help him out. Sweets normally weren’t something he indulged in, but he had a hankering, and he also wasn’t the type to deny himself. He was surprised at the voice that came floating through the darkness, though as always his features remained unchanged. Turning, he smiled a bit, realizing it was Aurora. “You know me, don’t leave home without it.” Xander joked lightly, pulling the lighter from his pocket. His fingers moved quickly to produce a flame, and he guided it to the tip of her cigarette. “My father always said a lady should never have to light her own cigarettes. How’s your night?”
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“everyone in this place is looking for something, and i’ve never really been scared of finding out what.” if he could get people to talk then more often than not he could figure out what was plaguing them, he could find the in to their weakness ready to exploit it. as the other male went on the deliver his warnings griffin was anything but shocked at the thought of him being someone a little more sinister, in this town it was always a risk and he did give off a vibe - the male could only imagine the red of the mans ledger, and all he wanted to do was lead him to the damned so that he could help him clean it. “what gives you the impression i was soft? i complimented you, i do believe all that takes is eye sight, not a soul.” griffin countered. “but if you feel the need to demonstrate what you would be capable off in these streets, feel free, i can’t imagine having that much anger pent up in you all the time.” 
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“Yeah?” Xander asked rhetorically, eyebrows raising. “You should be.” Leaning back, he shifted as he crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes never leaving Griffin’s. The man had balls, Xander would give him that. People who knew who he was knew better than to enter anything remotely resembling this type of territory with him, and people who didn’t know him generally didn’t make it this far into a conversation with him. “That’s where you’re wrong. To compliment someone is to see good in some manner. Seeing good requires a soul- people without souls don’t compliment people, at least not genuinely. So, if we’re following your line of thinking, your compliment would have been disingenuous. If that’s the case, you’ve only doubled-down in revealing your softness. That would mean you’ve openly admitted a weakness to me after I warned you not to do that very thing. Are you following, or should I slow down?” He asked, never missing a beat. “You aren’t in a position to make judgement calls, I’d suggest watching yourself with that.” Xander retorted, still studying the other. “Do you do this often? Force conversation on people?”
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“Xander, I don’t care how you look you can calm down.” There was no reason or sense to challenge him on how he looked, it wasn’t like he was working for her right now, not really anyway and she had come from darkness, if anything her taunts had been more of a jest than anything. Still, it was a respect thing she guessed and that wasn’t so horrible, it meant he knew his place in the chain of command, wise men weren’t all that easy to come by so who was she to complain? “Mines expensive footwear, not as damaging for the lungs but my accounts never like it.” She mused with a soft shrug. “Anyone in the kitchen or can you cook whilst I talk?”
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Xander sucked his lips between his teeth at Ophelia’s words, nodding slowly as he chuckled softly to himself. “Noted, Ophelia. Thanks for the reminder.” Shaking his head to himself, he brought his gaze back up to her, eyebrows raising as she admitted to her own vice. “Nothing wrong with that, if that’s what you’re into. You enjoy hurting your bank account, I enjoy hurting my chance of survival past 65. I guess it evens out somewhere.” Xander shrugged, sliding his free hand into his pocket. He glanced over his shoulder at the slightly ajar door, the sounds of the kitchen floating through the small crack. “Eh, there are a couple other guys in there. Here, we can take a walk around the corner there. I’ve got about 15 minutes left on my break. So, talk. When, where, and how do you want it? Or, is this a dealer’s choice type situation?”
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Alessia had been on errand duty that night, meeting up with her supplier for some additional medical supplies. Which coincidentally was near Xander’s day job. Being the friendly person she is, she wanted to pop by and say hello if he wasn’t busy. Luckily for her, she noticed him standing outside smoking. Perfect timing. Her smile dropped when she heard his attitude, rolling her eyes. “Well, damn. That’s one way to make friends, Xander.” Adjusting the bag on her shoulder, she eyed him again. “I just wanted to stop by and say hello but clearly you’re too busy being broody so I can leave if you’d really like.”
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Xander lifted his head slowly, turning to face Alessia. “Sorry, Alessia. Didn’t know it was you.” He sighed before taking another drag from his cigarette. “Nah, don’t leave, I can adjust. It’s not you, just...A long day. We’ve got a newbie in the kitchen, and I’m about 10 seconds from snapping his neck and tossing him into the fryer.” Shrugging, he took a step closer. “Thanks for stopping by. I’ve heard a little socialization might do me some good. So, how goes it?” He asked eyeing the bag on her shoulder. “Need some help with that?”
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“Well I was going for a conversation but it seems like you’re only pretty on the outside I guess.” That didn’t mean that it was going to stop him though, in his mission to save people. those that were rude were often the ones that he found the most rewarding, they were the most broken and damaged on the inside and he knew that they needed him - that they needed to be saved. Every guard and wall he came up against was just something he saw as a temporary barrier he needed to work through. 
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Cocking his head, Xander inhaled a large breath, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he considered whether or not now would be the appropriate place to lose his absolute shit on someone. “Tell me, what about me gave off the vibe I was looking for conversation?’ He asked, a smirk forming. Rolling his eyes at the man’s ‘observation’, Xander shook his head slowly. “And isn’t that the best way to be? Word of advice- advice I’d take if I were you. Being soft in a place like this? It’ll get you chewed up and spit right back out. Keep talking like that and someone on these streets will make ground beef of you faster than you’ll know what’s happening. And...” Xander continued, leaning forward menacingly. “Keep speaking to me like that, and I’ll have no qualms about being the one who does it.”
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It’s not like Dom has a death wish, okay, and it’s not like he’s stupid either, but when it registers that he’s up against someone from one of those families, he’s on the defense right away. The smart thing to do would be to let this go and continue on his merry way, but surviving in Santa Ysabel is a whole lot easier when no one considers you, for lack of a better term, a pussy. “Nah, man, I just definitely wanted to go smack right into you. Easy on the eyes. How could I resist?” Sarcasm laces his words and he holds his ground with caution. “I’m not looking for trouble here, my dude, but I’m just saying this town could use a little sprucing up with the manners and whatnot. I’m like Mary fucking Poppins with this shit, ya’know?”
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Xander nodded as the man spoke, eyebrows raised as the corners of his lips turned downward. “Are you implying I wanted to run into you?” He asked, his tone even as he took a small step forward. Xander gave the other a once-over, eyes narrowing as he worked not to lash out at the other right then and there. After a few moments of silence, he nodded again and relaxed his shoulders. “Good to know you recognize beauty when you see it. That’s an important trait in a place like this.” Pulling his cigarette pack from his pocket, Xander pulled a stick from the bunch, bringing it to his lips as he spoke. “Alright, Mary fucking Poppins. I’ll take your word for it. Got a light?” He asked. 
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Gio normally wouldn’t bother with lower ranks but today he was in the area. Xander was one of the smart ones. He had a life outside of the O’Rileys. It’s a balance that some members aren’t lucky enough to have. Plus the two of them would talk food from time to time so stopping by wasn’t a bad thing. He found the bonebreaker outside on a smoke break. As the words crossed his lips, Gio stopped in his tracks. Unfortunately, he wasn’t as smart as he sometimes exhibited. One of the biggest things with Gio is respect. That includes how one talks to their superiors. “Talk to me like that again and you won’t have a fucking job. Understood?” 
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Of course, Xander would never disrespect one of his bosses. There wasn’t much, or many people in life he actually respected, but any member or associate of the O’Rileys fit that bill. And, he liked Gio, having made plenty of conversation about things outside of ‘work’ with him on several occasions. Though, sometimes, especially at his ‘day job’, his attitude took over in ways it shouldn’t have. Straightening himself, Xander sucked his lips between his teeth momentarily, grimacing. “Understood, and my sincerest apologies. I’ll pay more attention to who I’m speaking to in the future. Let’s rewind a bit. Good afternoon, Gio. How are things?” Xander smiled, raising his eyebrows as he stepped forward, extending a hand between them, offering to shake as a peace offering. 
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“I hope that’s not how you chose to speak to all of your bosses.” Ophelia hummed as she looked back at him, brow raised. She wasn’t actually his boss, more like his bosses boss but she was choosing to believe he didn’t quite realize who it was he was speaking too as he spoke back to her. “I would also advise against smoking if you plan on staying in the top form possible, but I’m not here to lecture you. I have a job I need you to do, this one is more personal than anything, a little petty if you were to ask anyone else but she pissed me off.” The youngest O’Riley was many things, and cruel was among them, the thought of sending someone to end another’s life merely because she had annoyed her did nothing to phase the brunette. 
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Hearing Ophelia’s voice, Xander jumped, righting himself immediately as he dropped his cigarette on the ground. Running a hand through his hair, he wiped his other palm on his apron quickly. “Shit. I mean- Sorry. I wasn’t even looking. I’ll pay more attention next time.” Glancing down at the still-burning cigarette on the ground, he glanced back up at Ophelia. “You’re probably right, but...We all have our vices, don’t we?” Offering an awkward, tight-lipped smile, Xander took a step closer to the woman, nodding as she spoke. “A job, right. You’ve come to the right place. You know the drill, all I need is a name. Consider it done.” His eyes locked onto hers as his expression turned serious. Despite anything else, he was nothing if not a professional. 
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The others sigh should have been enough to encourage the male to give up for the day but he had learnt in life that he was nothing if not persistent and those that seemed less interested in talking were often the most lost. And he could do a lot to help a lost person. It also didn’t hurt that the male that had sat in front of him was sinfully attractive and who was Griffin to deny himself the change to speak with such a truly beautiful man. “I said hello, not a greeting you’re use to or just having a really bad day and decide to take it out on a stranger?” 
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Xander nearly grimaced, though he did his best to keep his ‘facial thoughts’ to himself. The man’s subtly shady response was noted immediately, as he reminded himself to pay attention to that detail. “Neither, actually. I meant ‘what’ as in ‘what do you want’. I heard what you said clearly.” Xander pursed his lips, studying the man’s expressions intently. Studying human behavior was something his father had taught him to do- and truly, it had come in handy over the course of his ‘career’. 
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“Easy sugar, I’m not looking for you no way.” they said with a smirk. It was a tradition at this point, after a late night performance to go to the local diner and grab a bite to eat. It was always funny to see the looks on people’s faces when they walked into in full costume . Some looked shocked other looked intrigued and other may have even asked for some pictures. As they should, because why not they were the best entertainment that they were going to find in the city. Pulling out their gold joint box, Creme pulled out a joint before striking her lighter to light it. Taking a long drag they  gave the other a once over  before slowly exhaling . “ My uncle use to work as a line cook. Bitched and moaned every time he came home. Couldn’t never understand why he stuck around.” they said taking another pull from her joint. “The money can’t be that good can it?” 
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The response caused Xander to open his eyes, turning slowly to look at who was speaking as an eyebrow raised. Giving the person a once-over, the corners of his lips turned down a bit as he nodded, giving them the okay. “Fair enough. I deal with enough in a night, when I’m on my break I’m on my break. Some of the tadpoles in there don’t get that.” He said, jerking his head back towards the kitchen as he spoke. His eyes followed as the joint was lit, and he took another drag from his cigarette. “As far as money goes, it’s decent enough. I’ll never be a millionaire, but I figure I probably wouldn’t have been either way. I’ve been here for years, though, so my paycheck looks significantly different than some others.” Xander furrowed his bows. “I’ve seen you around, I think. What’s your name?”
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Name: Xander Joseph Carson Age: 30 Birthday: May 20 Occupation: Chef/Bone Breaker for the O’Rileys Sexuality: Bisexual Relationship Status: Single Length of Time in Town: Lifelong, but he moved away from 19-24 Positive Traits: Loyal, Honest, Organized, Clean, Confident, Self-Assured Negative Traits: Sarcastic, Asshole, Stubborn, Standoffish, Detached Bio: tw-parental death, alludes to abuse, alludes to murder
Xander Joseph Carson was born May 20, 1991 in Santa Ysabel. His parents, Ellen and Joseph, were never the best parents around, and there were many things Xander was forced to learn to do for himself from an early age. Ellen, a waitress at a local diner who moonlit as a stripper, often found herself in a single parent situation. She and her on-again-off-again partner, Joseph, seemed to be more off than on the older Xander got, and he was frequently left alone to fend for himself while his mother danced or picked up extra shifts. Although Xander’s father wasn’t completely absentee, when he was around, his brand of love was more tough than anything. He firmly believed Xander needed to fit his own definition of a ‘man’, which truly was nothing any child should ever have had to be exposed to. There was no tenderness, no love, and no softness to be found with his father, and it shows in Xander’s demeanor and attitude (despite how hard he’s tried to remove himself from that mindset). 
Joseph Carson, although not aligned formally with any group or family in particular, was known for his ‘services’ around town. Although no one could ever truly prove that he was a hit man, everyone knew he was someone to be feared, and anyone who was anyone was aware that if you needed someone scared or shaken up, JC  (as he was known in Santa Ysabel) was the man to go to. They say everyone has a price, and truth be told it was common knowledge that JC’s price wasn’t usually very high. Generally, anyone who crossed paths with him when he was in a certain mood, paid or not, either wasn’t seen again, or reappeared in much, much worse shape than they had been when they disappeared. These were ‘talents’ and ‘values’ Xander was taught from the time he could talk, walk, and understand the basics of what his father was teaching him. Under JC’s teachings, by the age of 14, Xander Carson was considered to have the ability to kill another with his bare hands, much to his father’s pleasure and excitement. 
As a child, Xander did get love from his mother, when she was around to give it, though that wasn’t very frequently. In fact, there were days on end during which Xander did not see his mother at all, especially when she was trying to make his father jealous, and found herself staying over with some fling or man she’d picked up at the club. It was the requirement to fend for himself that first sparked Xander’s love and passion for cooking. After school, he would come home and turn on the cooking channels, listening as he did his homework and trying to recreate the dishes for his own dinner. 
Despite everything, Xander did well in school, and is obvioiusly very intelligent. The one thing that had always held him back in many ways, and prevented him from many of the opportunities he might have had otherwise, was his dislike for authority. His father’s lack of rules and respect had truly rubbed off on Xander, and although his marks were high, his attitude was sometimes intolerable, especially when his teachers hadn’t given him a valid reason to respect them- at least in his eyes. Still, he made it to graduation with a perfect 4.0 GPA. Initially, he had no plans of attending college, believing it to be too much for ‘people like him’. But, he couldn’t let go of his culinary passion. So, he took a job as a line cook and saved as much money as he could, then at the age of 19 moved away from Santa Ysabel to attend one of the most prestigious culinary schools in the country. 
Once he’d completed school, he moved back at the behest of his mother, who had fallen ill in his absence. From the time he moved back, things went downhill and seemed to continue spiraling. His mother only survived for two years following his return, and his father passed in the interim. While his mother was still alive, Xander was desperate to make money, his job in the diner’s kitchen not enough to make ends meet, and his mother’s medications getting more and more pricey. So, he was forced to turn to what he knew, what he’d been trained to know from the beginning- hits. It was then he became involved with the O’Rileys, knowing the family by name from growing up in Santa Ysabel. His position with them began as odd jobs, and Xander managed to gain their trust, prove his loyalty, and work his way up to being one of their bone breakers. And, he lives up to and exceeds expectations. 
Due to his upbringing, Xander has never had an easy time making friends or entering relationships. Though he has an incredibly high libido and has had a plethora of partners, anything long-term is foreign to him. This is in part because of his upbringing and demeanor, and partially because of his job. And perhaps, somewhere, deep down, in a part of himself he has not accepted yet, he is terrified of becoming his father. 
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{OPEN} Taking a drag from his cigarette, Xander leaned his head back against the wall behind him, closing his eyes as he filled his lungs. Feeling someone approach, he exhaled slowly, though he made no move to turn his head or open his eyes. “I’m on my break.” He announced, using his free hand to gesture to his chef’s whites and apron. “So, this had better be important. And frankly, unless the building is burning, my guess is it probably isn’t. But, you’re here already. So, speak.”  @indulgencerpgstarters​
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The sun is shining. The birds are singing. The dealers who don’t give a crap at what the Zapata-Acostas would do to them are handing out free half oz baggies. Dom manages to score one before flipping the guy off as they try to promote whatever the fuck they’re selling. Dom would rather have his balls in tact, thank you very much, and buying from someone who’s probably giving him mostly stems based on a quick rub through the product is not one of his top things to do today. Besides, he’s more up the nose than down the lungs, you know? Save the environment and all that crap.
In his effort to lose the sales pitch, the man bumps into someone else as if life is giving him one big fuck you for going out on his day off. “I swear to God don’t you people know how to walk? You see a guy. You step aside. These are basic fucking skills, bro.”  
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Of course, Xander only rarely watched where he was going when he walked. Given his status and ties to the O’Riley clan, he found that the people who knew or even had an inkling of who he was tended to move out of his way, and those who didn’t read his face and energy and moved anyway. On this particular day, though, he found himself colliding with something- someone- and that someone apparently had a mouth. When they collided, Xander didn’t stumble at all, in fact he stood his ground as he stopped his movement completely. “Funny. I could say the same thing to you.” His features were calm, and outside of his words he appeared to give no reaction at all. 
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Open - Anyone | Location - TBD @indulgencerpgstarters​
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Griffin was never not on the look for people to save and welcome to the believer of the damned. It had been so integral to his life at this point wondering eyes for lost souls was as natural to him as breathing was. Most days those he found to rescue were an accident, bars, cafes, walks through the park in this city the possibility of finding someone who felt they needed a higher purpose was almost certain but today - today he was looking with intent. Desperate for the rush of leading someone to their awakening and he was determined that he would have the next believer in his grasp by the end of the day. As soon as his eyes locked with the other he knew it was them, something about the other calling to him. “Hi.” He smiled before dropping the eye contact for a second, jaw moving into something of a smirk. 
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Being who he was, and having grown up how he did, one thing Xander prided himself on was his ability to read people. Something about the man’s energy had seemed off, and initially he’d made it his goal to avoid the other entirely. After all, his sixth sense aside, it wasn’t as though Xander relished any conversation with others. Antisocial was his middle name, and it wasn’t something he was interested in changing. “What?” He spat back with a sigh, making the conscious choice to speak versus acting like the utter asshole he actually was. 
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