xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
“I don’t have Mia this weekend, so we should definitely hangout. Let’s have a wild guys night out tonight, what do you say? I don’t take no for an answer.“ ( @xanderprescott )
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“Only if wild doesn’t mean as wild as last time because I am not using my badge to get us out of jail... again.”
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
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tatiana shifted from her slightly slouched position to a more engaging one. “ okay, so tell me if this is weird? so… someone left a usb stick with my name on on my doorstep this morning, and ugh– i was a little confused at first and apprehensive about plugging it into my laptop, so i grabbed one of my old macs and opened it to find someone had made me a romantic playlist? i mean, it took me back to middle school and high school– that old school love which was pretty cute, but i’m still skeptical. what if i got some weird stalker?”
Xander’s frown deepened, this is how stalkers happened, at least in his profession -- “First of all, definitely creepy. There wasn’t a note or anything? Also objectively speaking how good was this playlist, really?”
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
“No Mellie, we are not gonna buy a pink tree.” Liz sighed as talking on the phone with her best friend. “I promise I’ll do. Okay, bye.” As much as she didn’t want to hang up on her bestie, she knew she was gonna do it anyway because Mellie started rambling and Liz didn’t have time for that. Eyes slightly narrowed, the blonde looked for the tree section. Even though she hated shopping, somehow she ended up as the one who’s gonna buy the tree. Turning to the nearest person, Liz started speaking. “Um – do you know where Christmas trees are?”
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Xander did not do holidays -- well he celebrated, with his family at their place, but when it came to his own he had always steered clear of them, whether it was christmas or thanksgiving or anything else, nothing changed in his home decor -- no christmas tree had yet to make it inside Xander’s home, in his mind, he didn’t have time, besides his would never look as good as his mothers and he wasn’t about to hire anyone to decorate it and it would just be another thing to obsess over for being imperfect. A familiar voice distracted him from his thoughts as he noticed the blonde he occasionally ran into at work, “I don’t work here.” he was short in his typical fashion, “But if I was to make an educated gues, probably next to all the other christmas bullshit.”
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
‘I’m so confused to see what movie I want to see this weekend-Thor Ragnarok or Justice League? Or wait till the Last Jedi comes out and see that?”
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“Depends what you are in the mood for. Thor was hilarious, Justice League was pretty solid -- better then I expected and you should go see the Last Jedi whether you see the other two movies or not.”
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
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Neslyn balanced the box of flowers in one hand as she reached out to knock on the apartment door. The flowers mistakingly were placed in front of hers, and for how much the blonde liked flowers these weren’t her favorite. “Hi,” she chirped nervously. “Sorry to bother you but I think these may be yours? They were delivered to my door by accident.”
A knock brought Xander pulled him away from the files in front of him and back to reality, they said don’t bring work home with you, but he couldn’t help it. He opened his door to find a blonde female hidden behind flowers, her comment surprised Xander -- “Mine -- no, definitely not.” 
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
His question made her raise an eyebrow a bit before giggling a bit. “My feet-my feet hurt from standing and dancing too much,” she explained before nodding, waving the bartender down to get a gin and tonic for him and a whiskey neat for her. “I haven’t seen you around before,” she said once their drinks came and sat down in front of them. “New in town?”
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He let out a soft “Oh,” at her explanation, nodding in understanding as he glanced down at the floor quickly before returning his attention to her -- wow, he must have been tired to not catch onto phrases like that. He pushed his empty glass toward the bartender as he showed up rather quicker then usual, “New, no. I’ve been here about 2 years...” He trailed off before accepting his drink, “This isn’t my usual kind of spot.” He stated, his eyes tracing over the people dancing on the floor.
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
The Cat and Shadow was particularly full this evening-the DJ was playing some very awesome music, drinks were pouring by the glasses, and almost everyone was on the dance floor, dancing the night away. All in all, it was a damn good night, and Cassidy was behind the bar, making everyone’s drinks without taking one break until now. “My dogs are barkin’, good lord,” she said over the music, resting her head on her arm. “Wanna have a drink? My treat…”
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Xander stumbled his way into The Cat and Shadow purely by mistake and coercion -- it was too crowded, he preferred grungy and rundown bars and this place was too nice, way too nice. He had spend a majority of his night at the bar, avoiding eye contact and doing the exact opposite of what he was supposed to be doing -- talking, but at least the drinks were good and so he stayed glued to his seat. He was surprised when a voice interrupted his thoughts, “Your dogs?” He paused wondering if the person could actually hear dogs, and what they were doing here in the first place, “Ugh, sure -- gin and tonic.” He was surprised a female was offering to buy him a drink, wasn’t it usually the other way around.
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
Text ✉️ Open
Lea: This is a mass text.

Lea: I’m doing a series for my next show and need models! All shapes all sizes all colors, all genders. 

Lea: I’ll pay you in actual money but also pizza and alcohol.
Xander: Is this a joke?
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
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richard + messy hair appreciation post  (◡‿◡✿)
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
Dexter did like his assistant, he really did, but they were always coming up with ridiculous scenarios that ended up in a heated debate and he was positive that it was on purpose to get him riled up. Today’s topic of question had the British man’s blood boiling, so much so that he slammed his hand on the desk and stormed out of the funeral home and onto the street. “Please, just settle this once and for all,” he groaned to the first passer-by he saw, “Die Hard– Is it a Christmas film, yes or no?”
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Xander was walking down the street attempting to remember his grocery list -- milk, eggs, potatoes... He would have typically driven, but something made him decide to walk today. He knew he had made a grave mistake when a man decided to approach him, this is what he got for walking -- strangers trying to talk to him. He was slightly surprised by the question that the male posed to him. “Die Hard -- I mean that depends, if you hate traditional Christmas movies, then I guess it could pass for one...” 
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
All Xander wanted to do was go home and fall asleep while watch some dumb show on tv, something stupid that would take his mind off of the long day he had, but instead he found himself getting dragged to the local cop bar just a few streets from the precinct by some other detectives. He was typically pretty good at saying no, but he figured one beer couldn’t hurt. The bar was small, filled with a surprising amount of people for a Tuesday night. He heard her before he saw her, like a force pulling him to find her. It was easy to locate the women, standing out from anyone else at the bar. He knew better then to go over to her, nothing ever ended well when he was around Deven -- someone got mad and the other was victorious, it was just the friendship (if you could call it that) that the two had shared for a number of years. He couldn’t resist, once he had his beer he excused himself from his coworkers to go and poke the bear. He leaned in behind her, in his best attempt to surprise her, “Isn’t it a little past your curfew?” 
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
📨  A.P.
Alice: Saturday, 5PM.
Alice: Anyway, I can text you later.
Xander: I should be able to make it.
Xander: How is she liking karate?
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
The end of November to the New Year was Winnie’s busiest, most hectic time. It was Nutcracker season, and any ballerina knew that that meant spending pretty much every waking hour - and some napping hours - in the theatre. Especially as a principal in a small company, Winnie was dancing non-stop. Which she loved, and was grateful for, but she was already exhausted. After the morning warm-up class, Winnie headed out of the studio, needing to get coffee before she began to prep for the performance that night, throwing on a low slung pair of sweats and a baggy, off-the shoulder sweater over her leotard and tights. She was still sweating, and since her favorite coffee shop was only block or so away, she decided to forgo her winter coat, instead just adding her scarf on top of her sweater and calling it good. She immediately regretted it, practically jogging to the coffee shop and entering in a rush, getting into line. As she waited, her arms wrapped around herself to try and generate some heat, she couldn’t help but stare at the pastries they had. “How many calories do you think one of those has?” she asked the person in line next to her. “And guesstimate high, because I seriously need to be convinced to not get one,” she sighed, thinking about the tight costume she was going to have to put on in only a few hours. 
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Xander was running behind this morning, it has been a late night and he had snoozed his alarm two times before finally staggering out of bed. Work had been busier then usual, that’s how winter always was though, more paperwork, even murderers got cold and less likely to strike. Even if he was running late for work, nothing was going to allow Xander to ignore his need for coffee. He rubbed his eyes as he got into line, unzipping his coat as his body happily welcomed the warmth of the cafe. The soft voice pulled him out of his thoughts as he looked at the slender women behind him. “Depends. I’m guessing around 550 calories, at least thats what the sign states.”
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
Charlie’s eyebrow slightly arched at his response, a chuckle leaving her lips as she grabbed the glass that was set in front of her, bringing it up to her lips to take a sip of it. Honestly, his response had made her feel ten times lighter about being social. Usually she was the kind of person who went to a bar, had a couple drinks, told every person who tried to talk to her no, and would go home at the end of the night to an empty apartment but new town, new you.. that’s the way it worked, right? She glided her tongue along her lower lip, glancing around as she sat down in the stool. “I think this may even be the hottest place in town.” She smirked, glancing back to her drink. “I just wanted the nearest bar towards the place I’m moving into. As long as the booze is good, I’m happy.”
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A short chuckle left Xander’s lips as he heard her response, “Now that you are here, maybe. I don’t think the two old guys playing pool, the bartender or myself make this place exactly hot.” It was the best Xander could do at a compliment, it was piss poor and he regretted it the moment the words left his mouth, but he blamed it on the beers. God, his conversation skills were pitiful, how he managed to get through interviewing criminal was beyond him, but criminals were easier and he was always in control. “You new to town?” It was more of a statement, but Xander allowed for a slight inclination at the end of his voice to at least pretend it was a question. “Where are you from?”
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
Charlie knew this case was going to be harder than her usuals but she should have prepared herself for how difficult it was truly going to be. Her footsteps echoed as she walked down the street, her eyes roaming to look around her, check out the scenery. It was the first time she decided to pick up and move her life to another new town since going back home to Vegas a few years ago. She turned her head to look a bar door, a drink wouldn’t hurt no one. She pushed open the door, hearing the sound of conversation and the low sound of the jukebox playing some country. She let go of the door, letting it shut behind her as she walked towards the bar, folding her fingers together and placing it onto the surface of the bar. “Whiskey.” She asked when she got the bartender’s attention. Her head turned to look over at the person next to her, letting herself slightly smile. Be more outgoing her father said before she left their home in Chicago. “So.. Is this the place to be or what?”
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It had been a long day, nineteen hours of being on the clock wore a person down after a while. Xander had to remind himself that he wasn’t 20 anymore and couldn’t do two days of work straight without any repercussions, not that he would ever admit that to anyone, he barely admitted it to himself. At the end of the day, no matter how many hours he had left on the clock, the job was done, at least for this case. Interrogations were Xander’s least favorite, right before paperwork, they weren’t like they were on tv, no one cracked in 2 minutes, and everyone lawyer’d up, even the dumb ones knew better then to risk it. And so after hours of interrogating and even more hours of paperwork that still wasn’t completed, Xander found himself at the bar down the street from his apartment. He stared at his beer, twirling the glass with his fingers against the bartop. The voice surprised him slightly, looking over at the dark haired female before staring back at his beer, “Oh yeah -- it’s poppin’” He didn’t have to look around to know that with this female there was a total of five occupants of the small dingy bar.
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xanderprescott-blog · 7 years
📨  A.P.
Alice: Sorry to bother.
Alice: I'm ok, I guess. Mimi has got a flu but she's doing fine. I even allowed her to get ice cream. Speaking of it...
Alice: She has a presentation of karate. If you wanna go, feel free to go.
Xander: When is it?
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