xanderxdickens · 5 years
Lloyd laughed a little. “Have you really been waiting for ten minutes? I hope it didn’t get flooded or something.” He tried to look ahead but couldn’t see that far. He smiled back to the other male. “Do you mean this bar? I hadn’t come here before, but I heard this event was going on and I wanted to come see. Also, I just turned twenty-one. So I didn’t go to bars, a lot. Except on Tuesdays to one a couple blocks north. I’m Lloyd. What’s your name?” 
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“Yes, it’s starting to piss me off, really,” He admitted, shrugging his shoulders. “I hope not.” Xander sighed, trying as well to look ahead. But to no avail. “Really? I love this place, it’s very nice. The event was just another fun reason to come. Oh, then that’s fair. Congratulations on finally turning 21.” He laughed. “I’m Xander. Nice to meet you.”
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
“I sure hope so,” Xander said teasingly. “Otherwise I’ve been standing in the wrong line for ten minutes.” He chuckled. He nodded at the other man. “Yeah, it’s the line for the bathroom. I haven’t seen you around here before, do you not come here often?”
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Lloyd was at a bar in Boystown that was hosting an event that included cheap drinks, a popular DJ, and pop up drag shows. It was super close and seemed like fun, so he wanted to check it out. He’d been there a while before he went to the back to find the bathroom. “Hey is this the line for the bathroom?” He asked the male with a smile. 
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
 Alex smiled happy that Xander liked the idea. It had been a while since they’d spent time together. “You could come to a game too. Would be great to see you there and you were always good luck for me when you came.” 
“A game? Yeah, for sure. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you play in person. And seeing you play in person is even better because I can look at all of you in your uniforms,” He teased, a smirk finding its way onto Xander’s face. “But yes, I am good luck as well.”
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
“Why’s that?” he asked pointedly, not breaking eye-contact with Xander. He wasn’t about to go into his past with a complete stranger, and it hurt to even consider such a thing, so his mind automatically went to making up a fake excuse, though he felt like he shouldn’t even owe one. “You said it yourself; I’m pretty enough, I can’t be pretty and alone?”
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“I mean...You can.” He shrugged. Anyone could be alone, pretty or not. “It’s just odd to not see someone like you without someone there to ogle you.” That’s what he was doing. Ogling. It was kind of rude when the other clearly wanted to be left alone, but Xander was a determined guy.
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
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He smiled at that and nodded agreeing. “I do too. We need to make more time to meet up. I know play is in full swing but I’m free most evenings early in the week, even if we just hung out at my place and watch box sets it would be nice to see you.” Standing closer to Xander he was happy to hear the other wanted to see him too. He’d always hoped for things to get better between them again.
“I agree. That actually does sound really nice, I mean, that’s what I do when I’m not in class anyway. Doing it with you would just be even better, man.” He couldn’t wait now. The other was getting him excited with ideas on how to spend time, even if they might be bland to someone else.
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
   “They did and am so happy for them. They are always so good with Oliver. I know he will make a great dad,” he replied with a grin and smile on his face. “He will love that. Last time I got him a stuffed Lion and bear.”
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“I’m sure he will.” He nodded. “Did he love them? Well, that’s actually a silly question, of course he loved them, they’re lions and bears.” He laughed softly. “I can’t wait. I love spending time with you guys.”
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
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“Solo was excited to come see you, so of course he’s gonna want your attention,” the dancer said and rubbed his friend’s back when Xander called for his mom. He also had a couple of things in the bags, one was a small bouquet of flowers, and another was box of gourmet assorted dark chocolates. “I got these for her, hope that’s alright.” When she came down she greeted him and the dog. “Hey, Mrs. D. You look incredible,” he said, wrapping his strong arms around her, gently though, but firm enough for a warm hug. “Thanks for having me over, we’re excited to cook you lunch. I brought these for you.” He presented the chocolates and flowers. “Happy Mother’s Day.” He gave her a soft peck on the cheek.
“Well, I’m always excited to see him!” Xander knelt down to pet the dog, happily accepting what love he was given by it. Looking up, Xander’s heart melted. Enzo was such a sweet guy. “Of course it’s alright. That’s so nice of you, En.” When Xander’s mother was addressed, she smiled happily. ‘Thank you, dear. You’re looking very nice yourself.’ She reciprocated the hug and Xander watched the exchange happily. ‘You boys are too sweet to me.’ She cooed, taking the gifts and holding them close to cherish. “You deserve the world, Ma, so we’re gonna try our best.” He told her before looking back at Enzo. “I’m ready to start when you are.”
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
   “Thank you. My brother is really excited and after years of him and his wife have been trying for a baby. They have their first child,” he said smiling wildly. Mason was happy for his brother and was glad to be a uncle again. “He loves the wolves and the bears. I know he is going to want more stuff wolves.” he chuckled as he added. 
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“Well, it’s good that they’ve finally got their wish. I’m happy for them.” That was always so exciting, someone new coming into the world. “Bears are lame, it’s all about the lions. But I’ll pretend they’re cool, just for him. I’ll gladly buy him a stuffed wolf.”
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
    “Yup. I am a uncle again,” he replied with a chuckle. “Ollie is excited to meet his new baby cousin soon. Am planning a trip to go see and visit him soon.” he added. “I always take him to the Zoo once a month. He can’t wait to see the lions, bears and wolves.”
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“Congratulations, man.” Xander sometimes wished he had siblings so he could be an uncle, but he enjoyed being an only child as well. “That sounds fantastic. I’m happy for you and Oliver.” It must be so exciting. “The lions are always the most exciting.”
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
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Xander was Enzo’s friend, and when he said that his mother was sort of sad most days without his father around now, it did pull at the dancer’s heart strings. He himself never had a relationship with his own mother, but it made him happy to see people like Xander have such a healthy bond with their mothers. So when Xander invited him over so they could make a delicious lunch for her, he wasn’t going to refuse. He arrived with all the groceries needed to make a few traditional Spanish dishes: of course his main star being paella, tortilla española, pisto, and he already had his signature flan ready for dessert. With Solo at his side, he was at the door and gave it a knock. It didn’t take long for Xander to greet him and let him inside, Solo excitedly entering and scuttling around Xander’s feet. “Hey, how’s it going?” he greeted and kissed his best friend’s lips with a smile. “Thanks for having me. Lemme put this stuff down and greet your mama.” When he put everything in the kitchen he turned to Xander. “Where is she?”
“Solo!” He exclaimed, laughing as the dog did its thing. Xander smiled as he was kissed, chuckling softly. “It’s going fantastic. I’ve got two of my favorite people here and one of my favorite pets is here.” He cooed, closing the door after En. “Oh, she’s in my room. Ma!” He called for her and a few moments after, his mother made her way to the kitchen. She was definitely looked better than usual. His mother waved at Enzo and gave a small ‘hello’ before shifting her attention to the dog and making her way to say hello to him as well.
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
Mother’s Day was always a really big deal to Xander. Seeing his mother a little more engaged than usual was always something nice for him. He loved to celebrate and do nice things for her, so this afternoon, he was going to try to cook her a meal. With Enzo’s help of course. If he did it all on his own, it wouldn’t be any good. It would be edible and that was it. He was really excited to see his friend, he was so glad that he had someone to help him show his mother just how much he cared about her. As soon as he heard the knock on the door, he bounced with excitement and went to answer it. Opening the door, his eyes lit up when he saw his friend and the pup that he’d brought along. “Hey! Nice to see you. Come on in.”
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
“Most of the games are at the weekends so I’m free at the start of the week. We could go to your favourite place.” He smiled softly remembering a few of their dates when they’d go out and talk about how excited they were over passing exams and getting closer to their dreams. “It’s great to see you again Xander. I missed you”
“That sounds perfect, man, I can’t wait.” He spoke excitedly. Man, did he love hanging out with Alex. They’d had so many good times together throughout the years. He was honestly so proud of the other man for getting to do what he loved. “It’s great to see you too, I wish I could see you more often, man.”
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
   “You’re not bothering us. His uncle is having a baby and my grandparents will be helping out my older brother, so it will be fun to have someone around,” he replied with a smile. “Great. You can join us for the trip to the zoo. He is excited to see his favorite animals.”
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“A baby? That’s exciting. Well, I’m always there if and when you need more. Or want me, I should say.” He chuckled lightly, keeping a smile on his face. “The zoo? That sounds really fun. I bet he’s going to love it.”
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
Jacob heard a voice, but didn’t look up from his phone until about a sentence in. For one thing, he didn’t want anyone talking to him at the moment, which should have been obvious with his Airpods in, but alas people in this town didn’t often get the hint. Removing one of them, he finally turned his attention from Instagram to Xander, startled, slightly, at the beauty of the male who would have done easily in the modeling industry, but whom Jacob did not recognize in that capacity. A beat or two passed as he looked the other up and down with an unblinking eye, before he said finally, “I’m fine alone.”
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Immediately, Xander was shocked by Jacob’s response. He could understand some people wanting to be alone, but he definitely was not used to someone flat up rejecting him like that. It wasn’t exactly the nicest rejection either. Just an I’m fine alone. No ‘sorry’ or ‘maybe another time’. It was so odd that he had to take a step back. “Really? That’s too bad. Someone as gorgeous as you should always have someone on his arm.”
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
Alex smiled happy to hear Xander was okay. He knew they’d had a few rough patches but he still cared deeply for the other man. “Reaching the end of the semester must feel great. I know you’ve put in a lot of hard work for it.” Moving over to Xander’s side he tried to avoid the flow of people rushing by. “We should go out for dinner soon, would be great to catch up with you”
“Yeah, it always feels great to blast through another year. Sometimes I forget how much I love teaching when there are rough patches in the year. But generally, it’s so rewarding.” He chimed, glad that the other recognized that he did put the effort in. “Dinner? That would be fantastic. When are you thinking? I’m sure you’re really busy with everything.”
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
   “You can hang out with me and Oliver,” he said with a smile on his face. Oliver did keep Mason on his toes and there were hard moments but that was something Mason would never change. “The little guy would love having someone to play with him.”
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“I’d hate to bother you guys, but if there’s ever a time you want me over, I’ll gladly haul my ass there.” He chuckled softly. He adored Mason and Oliver by extension. He was definitely a cute ass kid. “No worries, he’ll definitely have me.”
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xanderxdickens · 5 years
   “Of course. I love using your weakness,” he said with a chuckle as he noticed he and the others movement got faster. Chase knew and could tell that, all his teasing was working. 
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“That’s cheating,” He teased. Once the other saw his apartment building, he took in a breath happily. Xander could finally get his clothes off and have some fun. It felt like forever since he’d been able to do that when really, it had only been maybe two days since he’d slept around.
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