xandyrellakempampara · 8 months
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Submitted by : Aira Quezon Opinion & Xander James Matulac (GRADE 11 - HUMSS TWAIN)
Submitted to : Ma'am Hanilyn Parcon @mtekassayer
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xandyrellakempampara · 8 months
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First day of intramurals, we started it with a parade. Each team has their own Props that makes their team colorful. While marching, Each teams performed indak Indak sa kadalanan that is very satisfying to watch, the yelling and cheer of each team gave me goosebumps. After the parade, when we already arrived at our school's gymnasium, the host introduced the Different teams. we started the morning activities with a prayer and singing of national anthem and the lighting of torch by the each teams basketball team captains. After that, the volleyball and basketball players oath of sportsmanship.
After the announcing of rules and regulation of the game, the dance sports began.
The dancers are very satisfying to watch, we even cheered our classmate who joined the competition.
After the morning activities, there's a afternoon activities which includes the solo singing contest, duet, and the hip-hop competition. I can really tell that the students of our school are very talented, I bet they enjoyed performing at the stage because of the loud crowds. I was very proud of my classmates too who joined the competition, I can really tell that they are indeed talented. After the Afternoon events, we were very exhausted that time but we are also happy because the events gave us happiness and an unforgettable experiences.
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The second day of intramurals was the starting of mind games and ball games. as a ball games participant, I was very excited to play and slay (lol) that day wasn't the schedule of our game but I already felt the nervousness. I enjoyed watching other teams play, the game was very intense and it is very satisfying to watch it gave me goosebumps. (they are so good at playing). After watching the game, our team head announced that there will be a practice of sayawitan. I and my team mates did our best to execute our sayawitan well. And finally after the practice, we decided to watch basketball at the court, Even we're still at the side of court, I can already hear the loud cheering of students.
 When we already arrived into the gym's bleachers, we sitted and watch the game. it is truly satisfying watching the players (they are indeed good at sports). After watching basketball, we decided to go back to zeal to continue our sayawitan practice. (we practiced  until evening) we were very tired that time and after the practice we decided to go home.
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The third day of intramurals, it is the exciting day for me because it is already the schedule of our game (huhu I was very nervous that time). I arrived at school late because of the heavy traffic. When I arrived at our school's gymnasium, we started to warm up to get ready for our game and I was mad at my team mate because he was very lazy to move. when the game started the nervousness hit me huhu my hands were very cold that time. While playing I can't hear my team mates talking because the crowd was very loud. I was both excited and Worried that time. Sadly we didn't won the game, but after all, I and my team mates still congratulate each other. even tho we did not won, we're still very happy that time because of the team work we had. we did not lost our hope because there's an second game in the afternoon.
After lunch, the second game started. We tried our best and put all our strength to the game but still, we didn't won. Even though we lose, we were still proud of ourselves for doing our best. After our game there's an announcement that there will be a practice for our sayawitan, I was very tired from the game but I still make myself attend the practice. I decided to attend because it was the last day of our practice. we had a final practice and the outcome was very good, I and my companions were very excited to perform our sayawitan.
Day 4
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Fourth day of intramurals, we didn't make it to the championship so I focused my self into sayawitan preparation. January 18, 2024 was the day of championship and the pageant for Mr. and Ms . pasiklaban 2024. Three of my classmates have been joined the Pageant, so early in the morning when I saw them and gave them a warm hug as a way of supporting them, to their upcoming event. I didn't go into our school gymnasium because I was very busy preparing for our sayawitan.
Afternoon Events was about to start and I was very excited.
When the afternoon events started and the candidates entered the stage, the crowd was very loud. When I saw the candidates with their handsome and pretty faces was very stunning ,and I got goosebumps by their fabulous look.
After the introduction of candidates was the performance of sayawitan, my hands gets cold because finally we're gonna perform what we had been practicing for a long time.
Before the sayawitan there's an sneak peek of fashion show, I was amazed by the clothes that the designers had made, it was very stunning and the models carried the show. After the fashion show the emcee called our team to perform, I was shaking because of the excitement. We performed so good and a lot of audience cheered us. After the sayawitan performance was the awarding of the candidates, I was proud of my classmates who joined the pageant because they got several awards. Especially, I was very proud of concha for getting the title of 'Mr. Pasiklaban 2024'. not only to concha I was proud to, but also to the other candidates who tried and did their best to won the pageant. We took a picture as the remembrance of the happiness we experienced at the day 4 of our intramurals.
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the fifth day of intramurals, it is the last day of our intramurals and also the awarding of players and teams. That day was the championship day of basketball and I decided to watch the game at our school gymnasium, the game was very intense.
after the morning activities was the afternoon awarding ceremony, while waiting for the ceremony to start sir migs and the ssg did a shout-outs. I was very excited to hear the Winners of the events.
When the ceremony already started, my hands turns cold because of the nervousness I felt. I can't hear the emcee's voice because of the loud crowd of the students. When the emcee already announced the overall champ I and my teammates were very happy that time, finally the hard work and team work has already paid off, the trophy and the certificates gave us inspiration to do better next time. It was a heart melting moment when I saw the happy faces of the students getting their rewards after all the challenges in our intramurals.
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xandyrellakempampara · 10 months
Hinata Shouyou*
(日向 翔陽)
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I’ll share with you a little trivia that I find out about him.
First Name: Shouyou (翔陽) Last Name: Hinata (日向)
Gender: Male Date of Birth: June 21st
Star Sign: Gemini Age: 16
Height: 162.8cm (5′ 4”) Weight: 51.9kg (114.4lbs)
Favorite Food: Tamago Kake Gohan
Likes: Volleyball Dislikes: Being short, studying
High School: Karasuno
Volleyball Position: Middle Blocker Jersey Number: 10
First Appearance: Episode 1
Hinata’s Goals
1.To become a player like the Small Giant!
2.To become Karasuno’s ace, someone that everyone on the team can rely on!
3.To become taller…
Oh sweet sunshine child! Dear Hinata~!
Why do I have such a love for you?
Let’s start with your personality.
Hinata is a very lively, cheerful soul with a lot of love for everyone around him. He may be a bit childish, which for some reason is more charming than annoying; that’s probably because he’s a very good person who looks out for his friends and teammates. Best to imagine him like an “adorkable” Pomeranian puppy; very fluffy, very loud, talks alot, and is very happy to see you. His energetic countenance also translates into a large amount of stamina in volleyball games, as he perseveres through competition with people much taller than him. That’s also what I really appreciate about him; even against difficult odds, Hinata is the type to never give up unless forced to.
His wholehearted love for volleyball is something to be admired.
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