xcaneolupusx · 7 years
Reborn! Secret Bullet : mono.CHROME [Part 3]
Part [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
Ahh... I’m getting slower with each part... But I’m very determined to finish this, even if less than a dozen people read it. 
Seriously, I knew what I was getting myself into. The series ended, like, 5 years ago? Still, I would appreciate it if you spread the word around! Reblog away, people, so more of our cozy little fandom can read the elusive novel! (or maybe this has already been translated and I’m making a complete fool out of myself, in which case please do tell me Orz)
Anyway, onwards! Japanese scan credited to @squaloscans​, as with the other parts.
[ translation under cut ] 
The hands of the clock pointed at half past twelve.
It was the only clock that was still moving amongst the ruins.
Staring absently at the clock illuminated by the moonlight, Ken sat on the bare concrete floor.
He just realized that he was thinking about the girl with eyepatch.
He still couldn’t believe the him of that time himself.
Not only did he eat an apple given to him by an unknown woman he’d just met, but he had done it while crying―
(Forget it byon… That sort of thing couldn’t possibly be true byon… Something is definitely wrong byon...)
After he escaped from the mafia and started living in the underworld with Mukuro and his gang, Ken never eat anything unless he worked for it with his own hands.
The only exceptions― are things that Mukuro had given to him.
It wasn’t his intention, but it was instinct. It was an absolute law that cannot be changed. It was the proof of his loyalty to Mukuro.
And yet, he broke that law so easily, Ken couldn’t help but feel regret and anger towards himself.
There was no way he would tell Chikusa about this.
Ever since coming back, Ken had been suffering here alone.
(Why did I, that sort of thing… Dammit… Goddammit…..)
The sudden voice of Chikusa surprised Ken to the point that he almost stopped breathing.
At the moment when he was about to instinctively shout, Chikusa’s hand reached out to covered Ken’s mouth.
“...There’s an intruder.”
Ken and Chikusa’s advanced into the darkness inside the ruins with their concealed footsteps.
Chikusa silently grabbed his Hedgehog.
Ken, too, shoved his hand inside his pocket and grabbed his ‘weapon’. He didn’t take it out immediately because there were several types of them, and it was necessary to use them according to the situation.
First, he’d need to make sure of the intruder’s identity.
With a cautious movement, the two of them peered into the room in which they sensed a person’s presence.
And then,
Scream echoed inside the ruins.
Chikusa clicked his tongue a little, then leaped out from the shadow behind the door.
He jumped onto the human figure inside the room, and brought said figure down in one stroke.
“W-wait byon! Kakipii!!!”
Chikusa looked back with a cold expression.
He was carelessly grabbing the intruder’s neck.
“You… Why…”
Ken, having looked at that person closely, asked in a trembling voice.
“Why are you in a place like this byon!!!”
It was the eyepatch girl who had given Ken an apple.
“...You know her?”
Ken shook his head vigorously.
“This… this girl… she… shesheshesheshe…”
Chikusa slowly dropped the girl’s body.
“I’ll ask one more time, Ken. Who is this woman?”
“...This...this person is...  Um….”
Chikusa suddenly felt nervousness running through his body.
The girl who had previously been dropped to the ground, without any care in the world, her body rose up once again.
Then, she extended her hand out towards the bag that was rolling on the floor.
“D-don’t move byon! You, do you even understand what situation you are in!?”
Ignoring Ken’s shout, the girl grabbed her bag and reached out for something inside.
Chikusa’s response was instantaneous.
If she took out her weapon, they would be at risk.
Carefully bending his wrist, he raised his Hedgehog without any hesitation―
But his movement was stopped.
From behind his back, Ken was grabbing his arm.
“...What’s the meaning of this?”
Ken couldn’t give him any answer. Even he himself didn’t understand why he was doing this.
“Ka-Kakipii… I… I…..”
At that moment, the girl finally pulled something out from inside her bag.
Packed inside the square box was―orange salmon fillet, light brown fried chicken, vivid yellow tamagoyaki, and white glossy rice.
No matter how you look at it, there was no way this was anything other than a ‘bento’.
Ken stared, dumbfounded.
It smelled so delicious, his stomach began to rumble again.
So, to covered up the sound,
Chikusa silently diverted his gaze.
His stomach, too, was making sound.
Ken and Chikusa returned to their senses.
The girl expressionlessly offered the bento towards the two.
“O… Oi…”
Ken squeezed out a sound from his suddenly dried throat.
“You… made this byon?”
The girl nodded.
“Don’t tell me… F-for me?”
The girl nodded again.
A rage he had never felt before exploded inside Ken’s head.
“You, are you an idiot byon!!! Why do you keep on doing something that doesn’t make any sense byon!!! That-that bento, nobody asked you to make it byon!!! And to give it out all of a sudden, there’s no way I can eat it just like that―― Byo―――n!!!!!!”
Ken spoke so hurriedly that his voice tried desperately to catch up.
Being on the receiving end of that rage, the girl closed her eye slightly.
“...I see.”
The bento fell down from her hands.
It was so sudden, both Ken and Chikusa couldn’t move an inch.
The box hit the floor with a clang.
Beautifully arranged rice and side dish scattered around.
Wordlessly, Ken and Chikusa stand stock still.
As for the girl...
She lowered her head.
She lowered her head ever so slightly, and turned her back to them both.
The girl trotted away―
Ken found himself unable to look away from her retreating back.
Now look at what you did and be ashamed, Ken. You and your tsundereness. Chikusa was hungry too, and now he can’t eat because of you. Poor him.
On a little bit more serious(?) note, I don’t think I would eat it either if I were in this situation. You really need to work on your communicating skill, dear Chrome. But you’re adorable like this so eh.
There should be 2 or 3 more parts, and hopefully I’ll be able to wrap this up before the year ends.
Part [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
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xcaneolupusx · 7 years
Reborn! Secret Bullet : mono.CHROME [Part 2]
Part [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
Back again with part two! This time we get.... Flashback! Yay!
A big thank you (and a hug, if you want) to everyone who liked / reblogged the first part. Please spread the Kokuyo and KHR love guys! >_>
Japanese scan provided by @squaloscans, thank you very much!
[ translation under cut }
“Geez, that Kakipii, why is he so serious byon. Just eat your glasses to replenish some calcium.”
At a park in the evening.
Joshima Ken was lying on the grass while eyeing the reddening sky.
From his mouth, an uncharacteristically weak sigh slipped out.
Ten days ago―
In order for Ken and Chikusa to escape from the Vendicare Prison, Mukuro had acted as a decoy and was once again captured.
To break him out, both of them were about to carry out a reckless rescue operation.
It was then, just before they can go through with the plan.
While Ken was in the middle of a nap, Mukuro appeared in his dream.
―Go find the other me.
Chikusa, too, received the same message.
With Mukuro’s special ability, he can pass his order through the spirit world.
It was so sudden. Although both of them were puzzled, Mukuro’s orders were absolute.
Thus, they both suspended the rescue operation, and traveled to the place that Mukuro instructed them to―
They came back to Japan.
“What’s up with that, another Mukuro-san… It doesn’t make any sense byon.”
Ken and Chikusa spent all of their time outside sleeping and eating searching for information concerning ‘the other Mukuro’.
But they couldn’t find a single clue.
His eyelids slowly drooped.
Leaning down tiredly, Ken fell asleep.
For Ken, there was one memory regarding Mukuro that he would never be able to forget.
It was the first night he spent with Mukuro and Chikusa after they escaped from the Estraneo’s demonic human experiment.
Ken and Chikusa, hiding in the abandoned garbage dump, could do nothing but tremble.
The thing that still controlled them both was fear.
Treated as a guinea pig since as far as they can remembered, resisting meant instant death, and even not resisting might still result in death.
That sort of fear, in just a small amount of time, nothing can really be done to make it go away.
Even now, they were still afraid that their mafia pursuer would appear from the darkness across the street.
They were still afraid that they would have to go back to that hell.
The moment that person showed up, was when that fear reached its peak.
Ken let out a soundless scream. Next to him, Chikusa silently lost consciousness.
However, the one who appeared wasn’t a pursuer.
It was Mukuro.
Mukuro had disappeared without saying anything, and now he was back.
Held within his hands were a lot of apples, ripe and red.
Mukuro, with his trademark faint smile, handed an apple over to Ken.
His stomach made a rumbling sound, but Ken made no move to accept the apple.
Even though he was the one who killed all the Estraneo adults and bailed them out from that place, Ken still didn’t completely trust Mukuro.
Is this some kind of trap?
For so many years, this fear was carved into him, and naturally, it instilled him with wariness.
―You aren’t going to eat?
Mukuro, not sounding particularly disappointed, brought the apple up to his own mouth.
The sound of him biting vibrated in Ken’s ears.
Little by little… The apple disappeared into those small lips.
Ken was unable to take his eyes off that scene.
His tongue started to extend from his mouth towards the ground.
―Now eat.
Before he realized it, a brand new apple was thrusted in front of Ken’s face.
Ken took the apple into his hand.
Without any hesitation, he chomped down.
After that, he earnestly wolfed down the mountain of apples as if he was in a trance, fulfilling his hunger. When he came to his senses, Chikusa, like Ken, was also eating apples intently.
The taste of those apples, he would never forget for the rest of his life.
He would never be able to forget it.
It was… his contract with Mukuro.
Still drowsy from his sleep, the scene of sunset registered faintly in Ken’s eyes.
Seeing as the sun hadn’t yet completely dropped off, it seemed that he didn’t fell asleep for very long.
Ken had just realized.
With the sunset sky as the background, someone was looking down on him.
“Nn? Nnnnnnn!?”
Furthermore, under his own head was something that felt soft, warm, and comfortable. Something that he was sure hasn’t been there before.
Ken cried out in surprise and jumped from the spot.
It was his first time, having someone else’s lap as a pillow.
No matter how tired he was, he couldn’t believe that he allowed a stranger to come so close.
The girl, who seemed like she was around the same age as Ken, looked at him vacantly.
Since he couldn’t see her legs on the ground, this girl gave off the impression like she was drifting.
A bland blouse with no fancy decoration, long dark hair [1] that looked like it hasn’t been cut in a while, large and round left eye peeking out from the bang, and right eye covered by a gauze eyepatch.
“Wh-wh-what do you want, you bastard!!!”
Ken quickly thrusted out his hand, intending to keep the girl away from him.
The hand Ken shot out hit the girl on her forehead.
The girl fell down on her back with no resistance at all.
“D-Don’t just fell down like that byon! You… Just from this much…”
The girl said nothing.
She didn’t even move an inch after falling down.
―Is she dead!? No way, to die from something like this…
The girl rose up without any warning.
“...It hurts…”
Rubbing her forehead, the girl mumbled with no emotion.
After a period of astonishment, Ken returned to himself.
“You, who the hell are you byon!? Why did you, to me… t-to me…”
Confused and not knowing what to say, he ended up scratching his head in frustration.
“Aaah, whatever, anyway, why did you do such a thing to me byon!!! Why byon!!! Just why, byon!!!!!!”
The girl replied with a blank face.
“...Because you looked like you were dead.”
“You die… Poor thing.”
Those words that sounded like they didn’t went through any thought process at all just angered Ken even further.
“Wha, what kind of reason is that? You take me for a stray cat or what!”
“Don’t look at me with eye that says ‘aren’t you?’ dammit!!!”
Ken couldn’t find a place to take his anger out on, so he settled with flailing around and roaring.
This woman is absolutely weird!
Even Ken, who knew nothing at all about woman, could certainly tell that much.
This woman in front of him! This… unreasonable woman!
This woman, no matter what anyone says, is…
Ken immediately stopped flailing.
Blushing faintly, he glanced at the girl.
“...‘Grrr’ ?”
The girl tilted her head slightly, at her words, Ken’s blush got even deeper.
She heard…
Ken wanted to crouch down to hide his embarrassment.
“...Are you…hungry?”
“I-I-I-It’s none of your business...”
“...You’ll die.”
“I won’t die!!! Stop saying I’ll die over and over already!!! Listen! I’m not like you who’s just a weak woman...”
Ken’s words were interrupted.
When he saw the thing the girl offered to him silently.
It was an apple, ripe and red enough to rivaled the sunset.
Same with the one Mukuro gave him back then… Fruits that shine like jewels―
Before he could think, his hands were already stretching out.
As soon as he got the apple from the girl, he bit down, forgetting himself completely.
Ken was shedding tears.
Without realizing it, surprisingly large drops of tears were falling down.
“Ah… Wha…What is this… Why… Why…”
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Ken wiped his face roughly with his dirty sleeves, then he turned his back on the girl and ran away.
Even though tears kept falling down, he ran.
He didn’t understand anything.
Truly… He didn’t understand.
[1] : This actually says ‘black hair’ but to avoid confusion, I’ll go with ‘dark hair’ instead.
And that’s one less part to translate! We’re about halfway there already! \o/
This here is why I like the Kokuyo Gang, almost all of them are tsundere, especially Mukuro. *shot*
Go on, keep saying you don’t care about them while you do everything in your power to keep those boys (and girls) fed and free and alive, you magnificent bastard.
Seriously though, Ken swearing loyalty over apples is so sweet and so... Ken. lolol
Part [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
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xcaneolupusx · 7 years
Reborn! Secret Bullet : mono.CHROME [Part 1]
Part [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
Why yes, no one answered my last post, but I’m a complete Kokuyo trash and I want to share the love even if no one might see this so I’ll just go ahead and translate things anyway.
This is a chapter from the Secret Bullet light novel, which tells the story of Chrome’s (sort of) meeting with Mukuro, her first encounter with Ken and Chikusa, and also Ken and Chikusa’s relationship with Mukuro.
Japanese scan provided by @squaloscans, coupled with my country’s volume of the novel whenever I feel unsure about the translation, so there shouldn’t be too many errors.
[ translation under cut ]
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Her tears were flowing.
They weren’t tears of sadness, but more like liquids mechanically oozing out from inside her eyeballs.
The feeling of tears rolling down her cheeks made here feel strangely at ease.
That is why her tears were flowing.
The feeling of sadness was something she couldn’t remember anymore.
Everything involving reality has already spilled out within those tears.
The gap between dream and reality was gradually becoming more obscure.
Everything mixed together, it kept coming and going.
Neverending, repeating.
Viennese Waltz,
Industrial town,
And… Soul reincarnation.
The future… yet at the same time the past.
The gently… trembling… soul.
Beyond the softly swirling mist.
Coming closer from a faraway place to her who was waiting is… a promise.
...It was...another name that was engraved into her.
“...dear……...Chrome―――” [1]
The boy was still silent.
In a corner of the ruins once known as “Kokuyo Center”, inside a building with “Kokuyo Health Land” written signboard.
Said boy was sitting on a rusty bench, eyes staring in front of him.
Lively spiked hair, fierce eyes, dirty and worn out school uniform, and long tongue hanging from his mouth.
Beside him stood a figure of another boy who was also silent.
In contrast to the aforementioned wild-looking boy, this boy was like a quiet shadow.
This boy, who was wearing glasses and a knitted cap, opened his mouth as if he was tired.
Tell me why, was what that short word conveyed.
However, the other party kept his mouth stubbornly shut.
Both of them said nothing, merely letting time passed by.
Five minutes….. Ten minutes…..
“........Nghhhh! I can’t take this anymoooooore!”
The first one who couldn’t bear the silence any longer was the wild boy.
“What’s wrong with you, Kakipii!? Staring at me like that!”
“Are you that thing!? A Buddha statue in a temple on a large mountain somewhere!? You national treasure glasses!!!”
“It… It can’t be helped. These things were saying ‘kufufu’ in front of the shop so I couldn’t think straight.”
Without blinking, the boy with glasses twitched.
“...What were saying that?”
“These. Things. Were! Byon!!!”
Angrily rising from where he was sitting on the bench, the boy pointed at his feet.
There, piling like a mountain, were tropical fruits, green and yellow in colour.
“...These can’t talk.”
“Pineapples can’t say something like that.”
“They totally did! These nappos kept going kufufufu…”
Suddenly in pain, the boy jumped and screamed.
In the hand of the boy with glasses was a yo-yo like assassination weapon called ‘hedgehog’.
The needle from said weapon was embedded in the wild boy’s buttock.
“Wha, what, did you just stab me with a poisoned needle byon!!?”
“Just now… Wasn’t poisoned…”
“Shuddap byon! Poisoned or not, you already got a free stab at me...”
“Shall I poison it then?”
At that cold and bloodthirsty tone, the angry boy stopped in his track.
“....Uh….Ah….Erm….. W-wait a minute byon.”
Gathering up the pile of pineapples, the boy ran away from the spot at full speed.
The glasses wearing boy muttered as the ruins became peaceful once more.
As for how this situation happened…
That guy was out in town alone, and for some reason decided to buy pineapples in such a large amount that was impossible to eat, and so a fight broke out when he told the guy to return them....
That wasn’t it.
That sort of thing wasn’t the real reason.
It was because of frustration.
Both from the boy with glasses, Kakimoto Chikusa, and from his partner, Joshima Ken.
Rokudo Mukuro.
The boy with the kanji ‘六’ chiseled on his right pupil, who has the six powers of ‘Six Paths of Reincarnation’, a skill that was based on illusion.
Ken and Chikusa, like him, were once a member of a mafia family, the Estraneo.
Right now, however, said Family doesn’t exist on Earth anymore.
Mukuro, back when he was a mere young boy, had killed every adults in the Family, destroying it in the process.
Developing weapons that went against the laws and moral code of the underworld, Estraneo would even experiment on the children of their Family members.
Amongst those children were Ken, Chikusa, and Mukuro.
Being saved from that sort of circumstance where they could lost their life at any time, Ken and Chikusa swore loyalty to Mukuro. For the sake of his ambition, they became his pawns and worked for him.
To change the world.... In order to do that, they would first annihilate the mafias.
Ken and Chikusa, who were targeted by other mafias due to being relatives of Estraneo, gladly obeyed Mukuro’s plan.
However, while carrying out the core of their plan, to seize control of the tenth boss of the most influential mafia ‘Vongola Family’, Mukuro and his gang were met with defeat.
After that, they were restrained by the mafia’s enforcer of law, the Vindice. There, they had a taste of both physical and mental suffering beyond imagination.
And yet…
―Will you join me? [2]
It was the same with back then, at the time of Estraneo’s destruction. Mukuro had once again spoken those words to Ken and Chikusa, and then he rescued them from a place that was just like hell.
As a compensation… Mukuro himself was…
Chikusa noticed a single pineapple at his feet.
Ken probably overlooked this one.
Chikusa took it in his hand and, one more time, muttered that person’s name.
There were no answer.
[1] : My dear Chrome, or My cute Chrome, both can be used. Pick whatever you like. (I prefer the first one since it’s less... awkward.)
[2] : Will you join me? or Shall we go together? Same sentence, but different translation depending on if you watch the anime or read the manga. (I personally found the first one more true to the original sentence so I went with that)
That’s it! Thank you for reading all the way until the end. The chapter is quite long, but next part should be along within a week, I think.
Seriously, Chikusa, you dork. You can’t just say pineapples don’t talk then go ahead and talk to it anyway.
Part [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
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xcaneolupusx · 7 years
Is there a KHR translation masterpost somewhere?
So uh, I still have some of my enthusiasm for KHR left after exam so I’m looking to translate a few things from the Secret Bullet novel, and I would like to know what has/hasn’t been translated by the fandom already.
My google search only find bits and pieces here and there (because the fandom is so old D:), and the wikia only has summary for some of them. I also found a masterpost on tumblr but it’s already taken down Orz
I’m not sure who to ask so I’ll just... Post this, tag khr, and hope for the best? ; ; Any help is appreciated! plshelpmeanyone
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xcaneolupusx · 7 years
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Starting November 17, 2017, Akira Amano’s hit manga Katekyo Hitman REBORN! will be republished into 21 volumes (2 volumes each month). The cover of the bunko version will be an entirely new illustration with postcards of the original illustration inside.
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xcaneolupusx · 7 years
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87 notes · View notes
xcaneolupusx · 7 years
Hello Tumblr my old friend.
Because of fucking course I suddenly feel the need to once more be obsessed with an old fandom I left ages ago, just a week before my exam.
I bet there’s a 80% chance that I’ll lose interest the instance my exam finished too. My brain works in an asshole way like that.
So, er, as of right now I’m back in tumblr once again for the KHR fandom, even though it’s kinda half dead? I have no idea what I’m doing with my life. God.
As for the Shingen/Emilia Epitome of Eighteen Histories that I said I’ll do, I’m sad to inform everyone that I dropped it (even though you probably figured that out already from the fact that I completely disappeared for 7 months lmao). But since someone else already translated it anyway... Ahem, sorry, not sorry?
I’m awful. At least I’m going to be sorry for that orz
By the way, hey, in case some of you haven’t seen it, all of the 18 episodes have been translated and compiled into a masterpost here! Check it out! It’s really cool.
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xcaneolupusx · 7 years
Epitome of Eighteen Histories Masterpost
Here is the full list of links to all the eighteen epitomes all of us translators have worked on over the years. Thank you to everyone that contributed.
Episode 1: Shinra Kishitani
Episode 2: Masaomi Kida
Episode 3: Yuuhei Hanejima & Ruri Hijiribe
Episode 4: Kururi Orihara & Mairu Orihara
Episode 5: Kyohei Kadota
Episode 6: Akane Awakusu
Episode 7: Anri Sonohara
Episode 8: Shizuo Heiwajima
Episode 9: Awakusu Ninkyo
Episode 10: Shingen Kishitani & Emilia
Episode 11: Vorona
Episode 12: Yumasaki & Karisawa
Episode 13: Mikado Ryuugamine
Episode 14: Chikage Rokujo
Episode 15: Izaya Orihara
Episode 16: Kasane Kujiragi
Episode 17: Celty Stulurson
Episode 18: Kazane Kinomiya
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xcaneolupusx · 8 years
Thanks for the very nice translation! It was a lot of fun to read. Actually if you don't mind me asking, what is your first language? Was it hard to learn Japanese and English? It's pretty amazing that you speak 3 hahaha
Thank you very much for your kind words! :)
I don’t mind at all. My first language is Thai. For me, English wasn’t very hard, probably because I started early (some schools in Thailand start teaching English when you’re grade 1). 
Japanese is a whole lot harder. I’ve been studying it for 5 years and I’m still not that good. I fumble every time I need to speak Japanese haha, reading is a bit easier though! I also studied German for a while, that language is a nightmare.
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xcaneolupusx · 8 years
Thank you for that drrr translation! You're so talented. I can't even imagine being able to translate between 2nd and 3rd languages so well. I hear that translators don't get a lot of credit so I just want to say thank you personally ❤️❤️
Woah, my dear anon, I don’t know who you are but I love you!
Seriously, thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot to me :)
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xcaneolupusx · 8 years
Callout Post: Suzuhito Yasuda
art has improved massively since he started work with Narita in 2004 but only draws fanservice now
seriously (nsfw)
i wish i was joking but im not
and with minors too (nsfw)
Mairu and Kururi deserve better (nsfw)
why cant they wear actual clothes (nsfw) 
me too aoba (nsfw)
this wasnt even necessary
break his arm mikage
is he aware that using saika doesnt require tearing your shirt open
bc i dont think he does
less of this and more of this 
why are they pointing their weapons at each other’s boobs 
we knew izaya was a shitty older brother but this is overkill 
xSH is especially bad (nsfw)
and i mean especially (nsfw)
what do you have against Himeka seriously 
we have two pictures of nozomi and she is half naked in both of them (nsfw)
are you fucking kidding me (nsfw)
this is ridiculous
had to finish SHx2 with a bang didnt you (nsfw)
not even etsusa bridge is safe (nsfw)
i really wish that was all of them 
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xcaneolupusx · 8 years
Hi, will you ever translate one of the Epitome of 18 Histories of Durarara again? Since you've successfully shared Izaya's.
Hi Anon!
About that, well, the short answer is : maybe.
The long answer : I’m not very fluent at Japanese, so translating something like a short story takes me a long time. The problem is... I get bored very easily, so I always struggle to finish what I started unless there’s enough motivation. And there currently isn’t enough motivation.
Seriously, the only reason I could stay focus all the way through Izaya’s episode was because I’m an Izashin shipper lol
Back on topic. I actually picked up the Shingen & Emilia episode quite a while ago, but with the rate I’m going (one sentence followed by a lot of procrastination per day), I can’t promise you anything.
It’ll be done eventually, because the episode is hilarious and I want to finish it too. Unless someone else finish it first, which isn’t unlikely xD
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xcaneolupusx · 8 years
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Everyone is an Arslan Fanboy, but Daryun is definitely #1
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xcaneolupusx · 8 years
just finished Arslan EP02
I’m currently torn between “YAY Gieve is back!” and “WTF Andragoras!?”
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xcaneolupusx · 8 years
what i had to do today: lots of stuff
what i did today: nothing
how i feel: guilty
does this feeling make me wanna do something: no
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xcaneolupusx · 8 years
Durarara!! Fandom Shoutout blog
I’m starting up this blog to spread some positivity to the DRRR!! Fandom. I’ve been around a while and seen some drama and have gone through it myself.
Everyone could use a pick me up; I know I do.
So here, anonymously or not, send a positivity shoutout to your favorite DRRR!! blogs. The blog can be an RP blog, ask blog, fanart blog, fanficion blog, or any other blog that makes you happy to follow. They don’t have to only be DRRR!! either, but it must be one of their fandoms. You don’t have to interact with the blog personally either.
If there’s something you’ve been dying to tell them, or you just want to spread some cheer, jump right into the ask box and let them know.
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xcaneolupusx · 8 years
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デュラララ!!x2 結 | Durarara!!x2 Ketsu DVD Vol.4 cover illustration
Full size.
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