xcelestialismsx · 3 years
The vampire stubbornly silent, frustrated with himself and the new, confusing desires Asha seemed to provoke. Desires that he greedily wanted to grant himself— despite his conflicting emotions. Caught up in his own thoughts, the vampire tensed from the unexpected feel of Asha’s arms encircling him. Exactly what he wanted. His shoulders relaxed moments later, and one arm draped itself over Asha’s . His fingers laced with the celestial’s as he hugged Asha’s arm against him, gentle yet firm. “Goodnight, Asha,” he parroted back, barely audible as he felt a warm sense of contentment deep into his bones. Leon hadn’t been tired nor actually needed rest prior, but suddenly the idea felt quite appealing, and the vampire welcomed the opportunity to rest in the other’s embrace as long as Asha permitted.
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
thanks | leon & asha
Leon’s gaze roamed Asha’s, hesitant to even give the celestial an answer. He knew he owed the other an answer, but still had his own reservations and insecurities regarding what he truly wanted…
Lips quirked into a cocky grin, he suggested, “How do you know I didn’t already get what I wanted?“ He rolled away from the slave’s penetrating gaze, facing the wall as he added, “Don’t worry about it. It wasn’t important anyways… Just get some sleep.”
Asha could feel the hesitance in Leon when he spoke despite the face he was showing him and he watched for a long moment after the man turned his back towards him. There was clearly something stopping Leon, perhaps it was pride or a fear of being vulnerable, but Asha was not a telepath. The celestial let out a slow breath as he contemplated what to do before he inched over to pull the vampire in against his chest. 
“If you say so... Good night, Leon,” he mumbled into his lover’s ear as he settled himself down to rest.
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
Leon could feel his heart break as Asha took to the skies, quickly falling out sight. It was a feeling he buried deep just as quickly as it began to set in, like pouring water over a fresh burn. Things would be better now… He hoped. Perhaps not for him, but he’d manage, he reasoned with himself.
The vampire gave himself only another brief moment to reflect on the starry skies above before he took back off for the castle. Even without stops, it would take some time to get back, and he needed to check on Aleixo immediately.
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
Leon couldn’t help the surge of pride and possessiveness that swept over him– as well as a wave of affection at the other’s rather surprising disclosure. “That’s.. one way to word it,” he answered with a rather pleased grin. “I’m glad to hear it sounds like you haven’t had many issues with vampires since we parted then,” he added, gently pulling Asha closer as his fangs extended eagerly. “I’ll try to make this as comfortable as possible,” he added softly before piercing the celestial’s skin, remembering Asha hadn’t always been fond of Leon feeding– an activity that had taken some time for Asha to adjust to back in the day. 
“I’ve learned my lesson,” Asha responded with a light shrug before he stilled as the light drag of Leon’s fangs brushed against the skin of his neck. It had been a very long time since the celestial last allowed someone to do this, but to say that Asha was anticipating this with some excitement would not have been a lie. His eyes slid shut when those fangs pierced his skin and he allowed him to drift into a peaceful state of mind, trusting his old master to know when to stop.
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
thanks | leon & asha
Leon moaned as he felt Asha take his cock in his hand, eyelashes fluttering as his hips jerked instinctively in the other’s grip. “Believe what you want,” he retorted weakly, already envisioning how he wanted to fuck the other– and get fucked in return. They’d have to take things to the bedroom eventually, or at least Leon wanted to. He wanted to be held, too… A request he would make when things were over, if he felt brave. For now though, his attention remained focused on the celestial, and his sinking resolve thanks to the other’s touch.
They eventually found themselves on their backs in Leon’s bed by the end of the night and a few rounds of sex, chests heaving from the welcome exertions. Asha was feeling properly blissed out for once as he lay there, the fact that he went into this willingly took a lot of the edge off their usual sexual encounters, when he started to notice a shift in Leon’s emotions. The vampire had not once called in what he wanted Asha to do, but the celestial had a feeling that it was going to happen soon. He turned himself onto his side to face the other man, eyes roving over Leon’s profile. 
“Will you tell me what you want me to do for you now?” the celestial asked, voice soft.
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
thanks | leon & asha
Leon’s fangs nipped at the celestial’s lips in a play for dominance, palms moving to Asha’s hips. They flexed and gripped at the flesh, kneading it as they slipped just under the slave’s ass, already thinking of several ways he wanted to take Asha up on his offer. More than surprised by the other’s forward behavior though, Leon felt inclined to sit on the *anything goes* offer, and see just how much Asha offered up on his own.
A low moan escaped Leon’s lips as he rolled his hips against Asha, arousal making itself known. He’d always been weak for the other male, not caring how they did it or where— only that he had Asha’s undivided attention when together. It was something he knew he’d grown addicted to, and intended to partake in as much as he could moving forward. “How about we… see where this goes. And I’ll let you know when I’d like to cash in my thank you,” he suggested, pressing a kiss to Asha’s jawline as he spoke. “I promise it won’t be anything nuts,” he added, admittedly already knowing what he wanted yet too afraid to say aloud. He only hoped perhaps he would will away the desire with a good fuck or two first.
The celestial moaned in kind when he felt the other man’s arousal against his own growing one. Ever since Leon claimed him, the vampire had been the only person he slept with and he was more than happy to keep it that way. He had even begun to truly enjoy those times because Leon could give as good as he could take it, something Asha had not realised how much he appreciated in a partner until now. 
“I find that hard to believe... But alright,” Asha smirked as he snaked a hand down between them and past the waistband of Leon’s pants to wrap his fingers around his clearly interested cock to start stroking.”
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
back here again | angelo & asha
“That seems like a strange concidence.” Angel remarked when the man said he had just arrived. So many of them were being pulled back and he didn’t feel good about it at all. He wanted to get Minho out of here and quickly, just the mere mention of the other man made him feel protective.
“Truth be told, Minho is all I have–” He gave a sad smile, “And I would go nowhere else than to be with him.” The nephilim cleared his throat then, “What have you been up to then?”
“That’s good. I’m happy that you found someone, Angelo,” Asha smiled, genuinely glad that the other man’s life had turned around. “In the last few years? Mostly keeping my ear to the ground and an eye on what the witches have gotten up to ever since the war ended. I have to admit at this peace that they’ve brought about has made me feel uneasy, but I don’t know why just yet...”
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
“You might be more comfortable that way,” Leon admitted, thinking aloud. He reached for Asha as the celestial pulled him up, tugging the former slave into his lap. A part of him felt conflicted accepting the offer, but only briefly. He’d missed Asha too much to turn down such generosity nor feel too weird about it. “Just.. tell me if I take too much, okay?” He gave a weak smile, explaining, “The collars.. I can’t explain it, but between the hunger and everything else, it can get hard to judge sometimes… I don’t want to take more than you’re willing to give.”
“I will,” Asha nodded as he settled himself in Leon’s lap and tugged the collar of his shirt open to bare his neck for the other man. “Would it be entertaining for you to know that you are the last vampire who fed from me?” Ever since the celestial left the castle all those centuries ago, he had not allowed any other vampire to do so. There had been no reason to until now.
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
Leon’s body sagged, head moving to lean against Asha’s shoulder as the celestial sat down beside him. He could feel himself growing weaker– each movement feeling heavy and exhausting. The vampire knew he’d have to conserve what energy he had left if he wanted to at least make it to sunrise.. One final sunrise. 
There was comfort in Asha’s words as he spoke. Asha not leaving him was all Leon had ever wanted; to not be alone. And it felt a bit like a blessing to have him here at last. Finally. 
He let his eyes flutter shut one final time, content and at peace. 
Asha stayed just as he promised until he felt Leon leave and then he stayed awhile longer. There was a commotion happening down in the castle by now but the celestial paid it no mind. The weight of the vampire’s body was still resting against his as he watched the sun come up, content to not need to go down and take part in what was clearly fighting going on. 
It was clear now that he had come back to this castle for this reason alone -- to be with his old master one last time before they were parted for good. The sun was well into the sky now and the sun’s rays were beginning to encroach on their section of the roof. Asha’s hand that was clasped around Leon’s much colder one loosened its hold as he pulled away to lay the vampire down onto the ground. His eyes slid shut as he pressed a hand against Leon’s cheek and whispered a silent prayer for his soul. 
Dark eyes opened again a long moment later as a tear trailed down Asha’s cheek and the celestial smiled softly. The ring he wore around his neck that bore Leon’s crest was tugged off and slipped into the vampire’s fist. Wherever Leon’s soul had gone, Asha was sure that he was in a better place -- a more peaceful place -- and only God knew if they would ever meet again.
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
“Essex,” Leon responded with ease, smiling as he spoke. “Surely you can find it on a map?” He hoped Asha might pay Aleixo and him a visit at least, but didn’t hold his breath.
"Ah," Asha nodded. He would keep that in mind for the future. "I'm sure I could." The celestial reached out with both hands to draw Leon's face in, his lips brushing against the cool skin of the vampire's forehead. 
"We will meet again, Leon Blagden," he said in a low whisper before he pulled away to take a step back. Brilliant white wings unfurled on his back in the next moment and the celestial shot up into the sky.
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
Leon’s lips curled into a frown, avoiding Asha’s gaze for a moment as he felt guilt with his response. “Always.” They kept them starved, but it was easier to just not think about… Accept it as a norm and push it from the back of his mind. Mentioning it to Asha made him hesitant though, not wanting to pressure the other into feeding him– as if he still held any real sway.
“Come on then,” the celestial said as he padded across the small room towards the bed. “Time to eat.” The nonchalance in which he said it as he reached out to tug Leon up into a seated position was almost like he was talking about the weather. “Should I get in your lap?” Asha asked, voice teasing to make light of what was going to happen.
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
thanks | leon & asha
“Then what should we use?” He reached for Asha to pull him into his lap, questioning if the celestial had had a bit too much to drink perhaps. Surely the wings alone couldn’t be responsible for Asha’s mood? Regardless, Leon found himself quickly falling in love with the curve of Asha’s lips. “I’m not sure I like that promise… Perhaps I enjoy when you get a little rough.”
Asha’s knees landed on either side of Leon’s hips as he was pulled down and he arched a brow as his hands found the other man’s shoulders. “We could do rough if you want. Like I said, I’ll do anything you want.” The celestial’s hands tightened their grip on Leon’s shoulders as he pushed to press him against the back of the couch to hold him there. Asha was certainly strong enough that Leon would feel it and he leaned down to press their lips together in a bruising kiss.
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
back here again | angelo & asha
Angel narrowed his eye slightly at that, not liking that thought at all. He took in a deep breath, and shook his head– hoping to avoid thinking about it too closely. “I’ve… been well– As weird as it is to say that.” He let himself smile softly, something that would have been much harder the last time Asha saw him. “You?”
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“That’s not weird at all,” Asha returned that smile with one of his own. The castle had done a number on all the slaves in the past and Angelo was no exception. That he had managed to leave that all behind after the war was a feat in itself. 
“I’ve been good. Funnily enough I only just arrived here a few days ago. Before this spell happened, so I’m trying to figure out what’s going on. Are you still with Minho?”
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
Leon exhaled as he felt his back hit the cool stone of the castle, gaze swinging up towards the sky with as much force as he could muster. Beautiful. As much as Leon missed sunlight, he had always found comfort in stargazing. There had been some peace even in the loneliest of nights, knowing that somewhere out there others… Asha… Was looking up at the same sky. 
One hand clung with what strength he had left to Asha, stubbornly not letting go. “Stay?” 
The celestial moved to sit next to the other. He had no intention of leaving Leon. Not when that hand was clutching at his own in desperation. There was still the option of going to find a master to take the collar off for him, but it did not seem that Leon wanted that at all. 
“Of course,” Asha said gently and placed a hand over Leon’s. He should be used to this after so many millennia of being on this earth and watching the people on it pass on, but it still tugged at his heart each time. And somehow more in this instance. “I’m not going to leave you.”
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
Leon gave a faint nod in response, thinking of how lucky he was to have met someone like Asha despite his past transgressions. “Perhaps I’m the one who wants the distraction,” Leon suggested, walking around the other’s small apartment and making his way over to the bed, allowing himself to fall back with faux familiarity. “After all, you said it yourself– you’re just.. passing on through. Surely you didn’t swing by just to play therapist with me, did you?”
“I go where I’m needed... Even I don’t know how long I’m passing through, so there’s no need for the disappointment. I might be here for awhile,” Asha smiled as he watched the other man fall onto his single bed. His apartment was quite bare given that he had just moved in but the celestial was not one who needed much to begin with. 
“As I recall, you didn’t take very well to ‘therapy’ back then either. Getting you to meditate was hard enough already,” he teased before he asked his next question. “Are you hungry?”
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
Asha’s touch felt electrifying yet haunting, Leon’s eyelashes fluttering closed for the briefest moment in response to his touch. “Not long,” he answered softly, gaze meeting Asha’s and no longer trying to hide how vulnerable he felt. “I’m gonna take Aleixo and get out… Go home.”
This confession was a surprise as well, but it spoke to Leon's changing attitudes surrounding the castle, something Asha hoped he would be able to witness. He nodded once in acknowledgement as he projected feelings of calm and affection over the vampire. This was a very big step for the Councilman of England and Asha wanted him to know that he was safe in making these decisions. "And where is home?"
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xcelestialismsx · 3 years
Leon’s eyes narrowed with mild annoyance, feeling embarrassed, frustrated and even a bit vulnerable in response to Asha’s laughter. He wished he could enjoy it more, not able to remember the other ever laughing in his company. The vampire did his best to commit the moment to memory regardless, thinking of it almost as a gift of his own. “Are you trying to make me change my mind?” There was no malice in his words as he spoke despite frustration. Only longing. Leon certainly wanted to change his mind, but he also knew there was no going back now. He couldn’t catch Asha even if he tried— he knew… Had known since their first battle that he was no match for the celestial at full strength. “I guess this is farewell then?”
Asha could only smile knowing that Leon was not going to do anything of that sort. Not with the ring sitting in the palm of his hand. The longing that the vampire was emitting beneath the frustration had Asha reaching his other hand out to run his fingers over Leon's jaw gently, unlike any other time they touched. "I suppose it will come quite soon," he smiled, a fondness in his eyes. "How long do you intend to stay at this castle?"
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