xchoronq-blog · 10 years
I-- `she takes a few steps back playfully; Who what why huh- `scrunches up her nose; Wow- Who was it and what did she say?! I'm definitely not that weird though.
-she sticks her tongue out at you- Nooooo~ -she quickly stops and laughs at her own actions- Aish, but I heard from one of your members that you are weird. -she teases-
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
Hm? `she tilted her head; OH- Of course! I will get that for you and the rest. `she kept quiet, laughing softly at the male's noisy stomach; Yah! Did you starve or something? I can hear the noises loud and clear over here!
The only thing I ask, noona (/smiles brightly), is that we get meat. Beef - oh please. I can’t remember the last time I had a really good meal… See, now I’m just getting myself hungry just thinking about it! (/lifts his shirt slightly to rub at his now grumbling stomach)
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
This is actually the first time I heard of someone not liking chicken. `laughs before nodding; Noted. I'll keep that in mind.
/she shakes her head/ She doesn’t. It’s weird, I know. We’ve come to terms with it though. /she pauses for a moment as she thinks before shrugging/ I think she’s fine with anything besides that. She’s not picky, she just doesn’t like chicken.
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
Okay okay. `burst into little fit of laughter; I know that actually. Because if you don't share food.. we might all go against you until you get us food. `nods; Of course I know. It's like how I tend to fall sick before doing something important. `pats her back; We're all lucky to have each other. Being from complete strangers , to becoming a family. That just sounds real good. `rolls her eyes playfully hearing the other; I've said we're a family. So we will support you no matter what. Besides it's not something bad! As long as you're happy and that's great enough. `she scoots closes to the younger , looking at the screen , before letting out another soft squeal; Omo!! They're really really adorable! All of them seems so small and fluffy! `she kept silent , imagining a scene of what she had mentioned; .. I'm tired just thinking of that. Having to chase them all over. Sounds like a good exercise though-- `laughs; And yes please. Someday you should bring me over.
[‘she snorts;] Hayoung requesting for yaja time has nothing to do with me okay? That kid just wants to be rebellious. [‘she scrunches up her nose, whining;] Yaaa unnie. I can be a nice sister too. I buy them food when they ask me to and even when I want to eat, I buy for them as well instead of eating alone. [‘she chuckles softly;] That’s good. ‘Cos I’m nervous, but you know me, I always get too stressful when It comes to any of our projects. [‘she nods;] Sometimes, yes. There is this invisible pressure that Bomi has to be funny, you know? But I’m glad I have you guys, and Namjoo’s help too, so It’s not too bad. [‘she nods small, biting her bottom lip out of her habit before looking up at the older, a soft smile tugging on her lips;] Thank you for supporting me unnie, It really means a lot. I don’t want my relationship to become a problem with our group, so I’m happy you guys all support me. I promise I won’t do anything to cause scandals or troubles for us, Apink is still the most important thing to me. Nothing can change that, me being in the dorm or not because you guys are my family. [‘her face brightens up at the mention of her pets, she takes her phone out, opening the album to show the older the photos one by one;] Here they are. Cute kids, aren’t they? But they can definitely cause chaos if all of them running around the apartment. You should stop by sometimes.
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
Inside The Actor’s Studio Edition.
Tagged by: ynbbm & kxnamjx 10 Questions:
1. What is your favorite word?: Peace.
2. What is your least favorite word?: Pathetic?
3. What turns you on?: Uhm.. I have to say it depends
4. What turns you off?: Bad attitude.
5. What sound do you love?: The sound of raindrops hitting the ground.
6. What sound do you hate?: Those sharp noises-
7. What is your favorite curse word?
Um.. none
8. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?:
Hm.. I have actually never thought about it.. I'm all ??? rn.
9. What profession would you not like to do?: I don't know tbh.
10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God(s) say when you arrive at the pearly gates?: .... What are you doing here? Meh idk.
Bonus Questions: 1. Something most people don’t know about you?: The sensitive and soft side of me? I mean- people prolly see me as a strong leader of APink. They see me as a charismatic leader. But y'know. The members know this. I'm actually really sensitive. More like I cry easily when it comes to them. Not crying as in the sad crying. It's those little cry where you just.. without reason? Just look at the final ep of showtime where I cried just thinking of the girls--
2. Sexual Preference? Pansexual.
3. What position do you sleep in?: Laying by my side. I don't care. As long as it's comfortable.
4. What if someone told you…you HAD to lose, just this one time? I don't know. I give in easily but it have to depend on the situation.
5. Greatest fear? Being alone? Ohmygod please don't leave me alone.
6. If you could leave one thing to be remembered by, what would it be? That even in the future , maybe many years later. I'd hope that Apink will be remembered. Apink's Park Chorong.
7. If you were told to choose just one person you could remember if you ever lost your memory, who would it be? This is a tough question. How can I only choose one person when there's a important family at home. A family with CUBE , and the dongsaengs. Not forgetting there's all the amazing friends out there.
Tagging : None.
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
I guess that's probably the reason why Hayoung requested for yaja time. `grins; Do you buy food when they ask you to because they wanted it or.. you yourself wants to eat too? And okay to chicken feet! `she let out a relax yet happy sigh , nodding; I do feel relaxed though. `laughs slightly louder as the younger whined; That scene was funny though! You're just staring at those feet. `smiles; You're doing a good job on that. But I guess it's kind of hard on you sometimes huh? I'm glad Namjoo help you out with..gag. Yes gag , sometimes. `pats her head softly; You didn't upset me , okay? Dating is normal and I understand that. Also , you only moved out of the dorm. We're still APink like you said. I know it all , Bbom. So don't worry okay? `her jaw dropped , nodding each time the other mentioned a pet as she counted them mentally; Wow- But yes! I want to see pictures of them! It must be so so adorable.
[‘she snorts, shrugging her shoulders;] Maknaes are there for us to bully, aren’t they? I’m not taking advantages of them, I’m just doing a job of an unnie. I do take care of them though [‘she scrunches up her nose;] I buy the food when they ask me to. Yes, yes unnie. Chicken feet is a must and you will have ‘em when we have our party okay? [‘she smiles;] of course, we’ve worked really hard for this, seems like we are receiving good feedback so far so you can relax a bit [‘she raises her brow when the older stopping her hand, her bottom lip purses out as she whines;] Ya, ya, we don’t talk about my embarrassing moment. You know I don’t like raw food, and raw chicken feet is disgusting, okay? Heh, thanks unnie [‘she nods;] I love making people smile, and I’m glad I’m able to do that. [‘she smiles softly;] Well, I didn’t want to upset you because of the whole boyfriend thing and then me moving out of the dorm. I’m still and always will be a member of Apink, and this is still my home, you know that right? [‘she grins;] yes, 7 pets. Let’s see, a bunny, a chinchilla, a fennec fox, a chow puppy, a husky, a teacup pom and a maltese. Wanna see pictures of them?
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
Omo-  Irene-ssi don't really like chicken? Why? `she mouthed a 'wow' , surprised at what she said; Well- Then I should know what she like. I don't wanna make anyone upset. `chuckles softly;
A chicken feet party sounds fine with me. But Irene would be upset. She doesn’t really like chicken. The rest of us do though. /she tilts her head/ I suppose you could just bring something else for Irene though.
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
`she grinned and reaches up to poke the male's reddening cheeks; You're right though. But then again.. We're also 6 ladies with huge appetites.  We should just.. share and buy some food and get together.
I- (/stutters, a small blush spreading across his cheeks) I guess… But I don’t know, it doesn’t feel right making you pay for all of us. Especially seeing how we’re seven guys with really big appetites…
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
Yes I do. `she chuckled softly before tugging onto the other's arm, quickly walking towards the direction; Let's go! I'm hungry!
You like it? -she grins a bit; Oh you’re right! I think I can almost see it right there. -she points down the street; 
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. Tagged by: yxbxra
Last Beverage: Milk Tea. Last phone call:  The members. Last text message: Um... understood. Last song you listened to: Sunday Monday Last time you cried: Showtime Finale.
Did and done the rest here
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
“It's understandable though! I believe someday or somehow- the awkward border will be gone.” She smiled gently , knowing that the younger female had a great day. “That's great to hear. I'm pretty much the same tbh.”
"Oh yes…If you can get passed my slight awkwardness at first." A soft laugh leaving her lips as she nodded. "So far? Pretty good actually. Yourself?" 
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
It's just like how we all love BTOB! But hold on- `clears her throat; Shouldn't it be like , us treating you guys because you all worked hard for it  and not the other way round?
(/nods, smiling brightly) Oh, come on noona! You know we love you girls. I consider all of you all my close friends, too. I know your support would definetly help us to win a stage! And hey - if we do, I’ll be sure to treat all of you guys out to dinner!
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
I-- `gulps nervously; Alright. Just don't snatch me in the middle of a performance okay? I'll be prepared though!
That information is classified, I’m afraid… Don’r worry about it though. I’ll go and snatch you at the most convenient hour— So you just have to be prepared.
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
`gasp dramatically; Unnie!! How is my love for chicken feet weird? I mean- those are just yumz! `flails around playfully; Though raw onions are more weird.. `grins;
-she shrugs her shoulders- I don’t know. I just like the taste of raw onions. -she chuckles before staring at you with a serious face- No, I’m gonna have to say you and your love for chicken feet is weird.
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
Yah- Are you taking advantages of the maknaes? You should take care of the maknaes you know. `nodded quickly with a wide grin,throwing her fist up in the air; Of course! Actually- Chicken feet is a must in all party as long as there's Park Chorong. `smiles softly; I'm glad your friends and other people like it. We've really worked hard for this like you said. It just came out much prettier than expected! `she grabbed her hand and stopped her from patting her head; As long as it happen..some day. Pfft-- you can't even handle raw chicken feet. You know , that scene from Human Condition. `burst out laughing , thinking of the scene; Don't feel pressured though! It's like you can make things funny even with just a sentence. `reaches to squish the younger's cheeks as a way to calm her down; Why would I be? I would be mad if you hid this from me tbh.  And sure thing , I would love to visit your place but what- `widen her eyes slightly; 7pets? 7?! `squeals softly; What are they?!
[‘she laughs;] at least she does more house chores than I do, but that’s the job of our maknae isn’t it? I can just be lazy around the house. [‘she snorts;] I’ll make sure we won’t get caught. Don’t worry unnie, we can never forget your chicken feet, they are a must when It comes to Apink’s party, right? [‘she nods her head;] I agree, I got a lot of text messages from my friends saying that our MV looks great and we all came out really pretty, that makes me happy. We have worked really hard for this haven’t we? [‘she pats the older’s head, chuckling softly;] Yes, yes, I said it, though I don’t know when that day will happen though. ‘Cause I know your favorite food is chicken feet and I don’t think I can make that. A variety show material? [‘she rubs the back of her neck;] It sounds like a pressure, honestly. And sometimes I feel like I’m trying a bit too hard. [‘her eyes focusing on the leader as she bites on her bottom lip nervously, waiting for her reaction, letting out a relieved sigh afterwards;] and here I thought you’d be mad. Um, Eunji and Namjoo knows about this too, since they are my roommates, so they’ve been covering it up for me. I’ll take you to my apartment sometimes, okay? With 7 pets, It’s a bit hard to live at the dorm still so I moved out.
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
So I'll gain their love just like this. `laughs; I don't know what do you girls like to eat though. I might just buy a ton of chicken feet and have a chicken feet party-- `nods firmly before chuckling; Kidding , what do you all like?
We’ll leave it as a surprise. I’m sure they’d love it if you brought an album, especially if you also bring food. They won’t turn down a surprise feast. They’ll probably love you for bringing food. /she chuckles/
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xchoronq-blog · 10 years
So I'll gain their love just like this. `laughs; I don't know what do you girls like to eat though. I might just buy a ton of chicken feet and have a chicken feet party-- `nods firmly before chuckling; Kidding , what do you all like?
We’ll leave it as a surprise. I’m sure they’d love it if you brought an album, especially if you also bring food. They won’t turn down a surprise feast. They’ll probably love you for bringing food. /she chuckles/
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