xdefendingandy · 14 days
Andy had never planned to do this again. The split with Laurie and everything that came before it had hurt him deeply, and he'd assumed it had damaged the part of him that did serious relationships forever. If there was anything the experience had taught him, it was this: that it took more than one person bailing out the ship for it stay afloat (no matter how ragged he ran himself trying to save it), and that it was possible to survive far more than he thought he was capable of. But he wasn't sure he would survive it a second time. For his own self-preservation, he couldn't do it again.
He had a feeling it was only Kara who could have slipped past that certainty. Someone he'd known for years, whose character he was already sure of. He'd watched her grow into this wonderful young woman, never imagining she might want to be by his side. She was right. He hadn't taken her childhood crush seriously. He'd had no idea that it had turned into something more. "What makes you think that I would ever share you?" When Andy was with someone, he never wavered. He could feel himself already slipping into that mindset, despite never even having kissed her. There was nothing about this he would do halfway.
"It's a calculated risk. One I'm willing to take," he agreed, not as certain as she was that Tony would see it that way. He thought there was a chance, though, and that was enough for now. His hand settled at her knee when she leaned into him in the cab, the warmth and scent of her so close testing his willpower more than any of her words. "You can do anything you like, darling." His thumb played teasingly against the hem of her dress, enjoying the temptation of her while knowing he wouldn't give in. Yet.
It made him smile when she shifted her chair closer. It always delighted him how well she knew her own mind, and the rest of the world could simply accept it. He laced his fingers with hers, thumb stroking over her knuckles. "Water will be fine, thank you." He'd barely spared a glance for the waitress until Kara started talking to her. Even then, his amused gaze was mostly for her, trying to figure out what had spurred her to share so much.
He waited until their waitress left before he spoke again. "Are you jealous already, princess? You have no reason to be. I'm already yours." He lifted their linked hands, pressing a soft kiss to the inside of her wrist. "I would love for you to stay with me tonight, in my bed. And I would love to make you pancakes in the morning." He'd always enjoyed it when she stayed over. Jacob was no longer living at home, and most of Andy's guests were of the one night variety. The apartment was too big and empty for him. He'd even considered selling, but it seemed like more hassle than it was worth, and he liked having rooms for Jacob and Kara to stay over. "You should eat something. Have whatever you like." He reached for the menus, opening one between them so they could both look at it.
He leaned back slightly into his own space, catching those beautiful blue eyes and steadily holding her gaze. "You are not just any woman, Kara Stark. And I would never treat you like one." Andy rarely said things he didn't mean, even when he was trying to pick someone up, and this was no exception. It was new for him too, to say something like that, to admit she was an exception to all his usual rules. It was an admission that this was the furthest thing from a casual hookup for him.
He gave a warm chuckle at the confession, his heart rate picking up at having her so close and yet still ever so slightly out of reach. He didn't mind her staking a claim for everyone to see. That possessive side of him wanted to do exactly that and let everyone here know she was taken, for as long as she wanted to be. He wouldn't, at least not in any over the top way, but he recognized the impulse. "Be as possessive as you like, love."
He laced his fingers with hers, keeping close as they approached. "You're lucky to have each other." Ellie had a number of people vying for her attention, but she didn't seem to be favoring any one of them over the others. Andy kept loose tabs on her, for Steve's sake, but he had no idea if she was seeing someone right now. He did, however, know about Tony's secret girlfriend, even if he didn't know who it was. He was frankly amazed he'd managed to keep it out of the tabloids for this long. He paused out of range to give them some privacy, returning Ellie's bright smile with a nod. This wasn't news to her.
He curled an arm around Kara as they made their way out, draping his jacket over his shoulders when they hit the sidewalk and the cool night air. "Takeout is not an acceptable first date. I know a place." He raised his hand to hail a taxi and helped her in, directing the driver to a local restaurant owned by a celebrity. He'd helped them out of a legal situation several months ago and hadn't yet had a reason to take that invitation. They were led to a table in a section that was otherwise empty, relatively private from the rest of the place. "I've never been here. I don't know if it's any good," he admitted as he pushed in her chair and took the one across from her.
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xdefendingandy · 15 days
"Let's not be hasty. I'm just not that kind of asshole." A warm chuckle, glass tipping toward his lips. Andy was well aware that he could be an ass, both in and outside of a courtroom. It wasn't always something he liked about himself, but he was old enough to accept it and find it useful on occasion. He liked to think he wasn't a bigoted piece of shit though.
"Rough day?" There was a hint of concern in his voice, an implied invitation to talk about it if he wanted without pushing him for more. He hummed, pausing while he looked him over. He'd already done so, of course, but it was an opportunity to take a closer look and reaffirm that he liked what he saw. "Your friends have good taste. You're very handsome." It wasn't even a line, just simple honesty. Andy could lie with a straight face and an even voice, but he preferred not to, especially in situations like this one. "You sound like a New Yorker. Born and raised?"
andy + matt
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A little over a year after the deaths of his wife and son, and Andy had relocated from Massachusetts to New York City and more or less settled into his new job. The firm was a significant step down from District Attorney, but at this point, he was grateful to be practicing at all. It hadn’t been a sure thing in the aftermath, and losing his license might have been the thing that finally tipped him over the edge. He’d been dangerously near it for a while there anyway, until he realized he had to become someone else to survive. Gone was the joint career and family man, and the one that remained was a little rougher around the edges, a little more prone to gritted teeth and bruised knuckles and abrupt ends to conversations.
After being at the epicenter of a small-town scandal that nevertheless made national news, he appreciated the anonymity afforded by a larger city, although it was far from foolproof. The renewed media circus over the one-year anniversary had involved a few bottles of whiskey and at least one patched-over hole in the wall of his apartment. It had mercifully died down except for the occasional paparazzo who didn't have anything better to do, but Andy gave them nothing. Everything he’d intended to say about it had already been made public.
The fact that his statements barely scratched at the surface of the truth was irrelevant. He wasn't sorry for the lies he'd told, not to the press or the courts, not even to his family. The truth had killed them, the weight of it too much for them to hold, and those bonds were more fragile than he'd ever imagined. If there was a single moment in all of it that he regretted, it was sharing his doubts with Laurie. He'd been holding everything together until that night, but he'd slipped and let his fear overrule his sense. If he'd just kept his mouth shut, knowing full well she couldn't handle the reality of it, things might have gone differently. Instead, that moment of weakness cost them their lives.
He could die in that wreckage with them, or he could stand up and walk away from it, and for whatever reason, Andy had never been the type to quit, even when he knew he was beaten. His life had narrowed down considerably, his days filled with therapy, swimming and boxing at the gym (the latter a new hobby meant to channel some of that pent-up aggression), and work. It was mostly the worst cases that came his way these days, but he still put everything he had into them. It was maybe the one point of pride he had left, and it filled the endless empty hours to focus his mind on familiar, solvable problems. His success rate was better than it should have been, all things considered, but it wasn't like he had a lot of other things distracting him.
And then there was this. When a case failed to keep his interest and he couldn’t stare down another sleepless night, counting the hours until dawn, he found himself in a bar. It was rarely the same one twice, nothing about his existence right now geared toward making lasting connections. It had been so long since he’d done this one night stand shit, just a couple years in college before he met Laurie and things got serious. It was almost uncanny how easily it came back, picking up strangers and deleting numbers from his phone on the sidewalk as the sun came up. He smiled when he said he wouldn't call to take the sting out of it, but he was never anything less than honest about exactly what it was (if not about who he was, if they didn’t already know). Still, people heard what they wanted to. He didn’t feel guilty about it, but he didn’t feel good about it either, and that was okay. He wasn’t sure he was going to feel good ever again.
This place was new to him and a bit of a dive, which suited him fine. He'd found he could no longer stomach the kind of upscale place where lawyers in nicely pressed suits congregated for happy hour, if he’d ever really had a taste for it. He had nothing to say to those people, and they sure as hell didn't have anything to say to him anymore. Happy hour had long since passed anyway, night having fallen outside the tinted windows. He was on his second drink and had just caught the bartender's attention for a third. "Do you mind? Thanks." He nodded toward the man at the other end of the bar, signaling to send him another of whatever he was drinking as well. A long shot, but fuck it. He was easy on the eyes, and Andy was just buzzed enough to not care if he got punched by a homophobe.
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xdefendingandy · 16 days
Andy had no intention of sending her off to bed when he brought her home, but there had been conversations that needed to happen first. He was far too old to play games, and it was cards on the table as far as his feelings for her and his intentions moving forward. Maybe it was early in their relationship for him to be so committed, but he couldn't risk doing anything halfway with Kara. They both had too much to lose to go into this lightly.
If she'd wanted to sleep afterward, of course that was fine. She'd always had her own room at his place for when she stayed over with Jacob. But it wasn't sleeping on his mind. He wouldn't have said he'd waited a long time for her, since waiting implied he expected to have her someday, and he hadn't. The longing was there though, the hunger for her. He wanted to learn every curve of her body, touch her and taste her and feel her tremble for him. He was nothing but patient with her first time. They had all night, and the foreplay was what made it good. He wanted every time to be good for her.
He slept well with the warmth of her body comfortable over his, and that was miracle enough in itself. Andy didn't always sleep through the nights, and he often found himself getting up to work, but he slept peacefully until morning. He didn't stir even when she left the bed, but some part of him must have registered her absence. He woke after a few minutes to the smell of coffee, throwing on a pair of sweatpants, brushing his teeth, and going to look for her.
The sight of Kara in his shirt stopped him dead, and it took all of his self-control not to pick her up and carry her back to bed right that moment. All her things were still in her room exactly as she'd left them, but it had been years. He wouldn't have been surprised if none of the clothes suited her anymore. He much preferred this option anyway. "It looks better on you than it does on me."
He joined her at the counter, fitting himself easily between her legs and stealing the coffee cup for a sip. "I believe I promised to make you pancakes…" He stood by it, of course, if she still wanted them, but room service worked fine was well. His idea of breakfast was egg white omelets and coffee. He set the cup on the counter, hands running slowly along her bare thighs. "I want both. I want everything." He felt greedy for every spare moment he could get with her, ready to do everything they'd never gotten to do together. "Why don't you send for something to wear to the pool, and we can spend the day relaxing?"
Send "Is that my shirt?" for your muse finding mine in your muse's shirt (Reverse for Kara/Andy @xdefendingandy)
She had been overwhelmed last night, his lips on hers, confessions of feelings for each other. They'd came back here after having dinner together and she sobered up enough to know that she was glad the drinks had loosened her enough to let him know he was the only man she wanted. They both spoke of how hard it would be and to keep it secret but Kara had assumed that once she'd gotten to his home, that he'd just tell her to go to bed and they'd talk about it more in the morning.
It wasn't what happened and as her mind played back on his lips, the way he worshipped her body in a way she didn't think was possible and of course the sweetness that was used to get her through the first time. Although, it hadn't been as hard as she thought it would considering she'd been taking care of herself for some time. It was a blur of sex and talking more sex and then finally she'd passed out laying on top of him and when she woke up, he hadn't moved her at all just wrapped his arms around her, making her feel like she was home for the first time in her life.
When she woke up and looked around his penthouse, she realized that although he used to have clothing for her here, after two years, she was sure it had been moved or given away. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she picked up her dress and laughed at the idea of getting back in that and then dropped it before picking up his shirt and buttoning a few button before sliding into her red lace panties.
She needed coffee, and more of him but he looked peaceful so she opted for something to drink and maybe find a bit to eat. There had to be some sort of food. She started making the coffee and then looked in the fridge with a grimice and the lack of things she'd like. Going over to his phone that connected to the penthouse front desk she ordered a few diifferent pastires, fresh fruit and some bacon. She made sure there was enough for both of them and then placed the phone back before going back into the kitchen.
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As she was sipping her coffee, back to the room, she was lost in thoughts of his lips and mouth discovering parts of her body that she'd never let anyone touch before and then she jumped when she heard his deep sexy morning voice. Turning around, cup still in her hand she smiled.
"It is, I didn't think putting that tiny dress back on was gonna work out to answer your door for the concerege." She giggled before popping herself up on his counter. "So, since we were supposed to spend the day together. I guess we can, you know being that Im already here. Question is do I send Evan to get me clothing so we can go out for the day or do I just slip this off and we can stay right here all day. Since you were supposed to be planning it, you've got to choose."
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xdefendingandy · 17 days
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xdefendingandy · 18 days
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Chris Evans as Andy Barber [Defending Jacob, 2020]
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xdefendingandy · 19 days
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Chris Evans as Andy Barber in Defending Jacob | 1x07 | Job  
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xdefendingandy · 1 month
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CHRIS EVANS as ANDY BARBER Defending Jacob S01E01 “Pilot”
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xdefendingandy · 1 month
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xdefendingandy · 1 month
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Andy Barber + visible wedding ring so far  〈eps 1, 2 & 3 〉
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xdefendingandy · 1 month
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Defending Jacob, ep. 5 Visitors
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xdefendingandy · 1 month
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CHRIS EVANS by Mark Segal for Esquire US (April 2017)
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xdefendingandy · 1 month
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xdefendingandy · 1 month
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CHRIS EVANS as ANDY BARBER Defending Jacob S01E01 “Pilot”
So would I.
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xdefendingandy · 1 month
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Defending Jacob - Pilot (2020)
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xdefendingandy · 1 month
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endless gifs of andy barber (05/??)
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xdefendingandy · 1 month
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endless gif of andy barber (04/??)
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xdefendingandy · 1 month
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endless gifs of andy barber (03/??)
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