xdrugsandcandyx · 4 years
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xdrugsandcandyx · 4 years
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Some non-binary awareness pictures I made for a russian nb blog
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xdrugsandcandyx · 4 years
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Plz we need lip ring back,,,,,
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xdrugsandcandyx · 4 years
consider: teenagers aren’t apathetic about everything they’re just used to you shitting all over whatever they show excitement about
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xdrugsandcandyx · 4 years
one time a stranger on neopets years ago told me “school makes you think you have to be good at everything but sometimes it’s ok to just be good at one thing. even if it’s not something you get a grade for. they don’t grade you for being a good person” and tbh i still think about it little did i know all i needed this whole time was in glowing purple text and that icon of the goth fairy
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xdrugsandcandyx · 4 years
it’s all fun and games until the consequences of impulses catch up to me
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xdrugsandcandyx · 4 years
I am myself, and that is enough.
I don't need to conform to anyone's ideal image of how I should look. Or how I should act. Or how I should be. Nobody knows me better than me, and nobody can tell me who I am.
All of society's rigid guidelines are meaningless. I don't have to follow any of the rules or check any of the boxes unless it's exactly what I want to do.
I am myself, and that is enough
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xdrugsandcandyx · 4 years
This pride month more than ever the LGBTQ community needs to remember that it was Marsha P. Johnson, a black trans woman, that made where we are today possible
We need to stand with BLM and protestors just how they have stood with us
The first pride was a riot and we need to stand with them while their protests and riots go on
Nothing will change if we don’t stand with them and we need to remember the black members of our community, especially the black trans women, who are constantly being murdered by cops and their supporters
Never forget George Floyd
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xdrugsandcandyx · 4 years
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xdrugsandcandyx · 4 years
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why none of them got into The Good Place
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xdrugsandcandyx · 4 years
hot take
cops arresting people and raiding people's houses to enforce social distancing contributes way more to the spread of covid 19 than just. not arresting, raiding, jailing or imprisoning people during a fucking pandemic
this is true in normal times—but i want to remind everyone again—you will save more lives by not calling the fucking cops
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xdrugsandcandyx · 4 years
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it’s fuck the cops forever ✊🏾
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xdrugsandcandyx · 4 years
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xdrugsandcandyx · 5 years
I'm a Guardian Demon
Yeah, you read that right. We’re by no means requested as much as those feathery dick-muffins, but we take our job just as seriously. ‘Course, we’ve gotta go about it a bit differently. No sense in doing the same damn thing - we’re summoned for a reason.
Guardian angels work pretty much exactly how you think. They look out for you, having you trip on the sidewalk to avoid getting hit by a car and whatnot. They love tangling with the threads of fate, plucking a string here and tying a loose end there. And while they’re great at predicting things short-term, they suck donkey balls long-term.
Keep reading
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xdrugsandcandyx · 5 years
I want to apologise to
- Britney for making fun of her when she had her breakdown
- Monica Lewinski for judging her when she was a 22year old temp sexually assaulted by the most powerful man in the world
- Ke$ha for ever thinking she was trashy when all she wanted to do was make party music
- Kristen Stewart for ever thinking she was dumb when she’s actually one of the coolest people ever
- Megan Fox for ever thinking she was just a slut when actually she was an actress being harassed by her employer. 
- Hating all the women who made a career out of having a hot body. Being is shape is hard, beauty is a weapon and auto promotion is hard work. 
- All the Mary-Sues, who exist because young girls everywhere want to be part of a story they love so much
- All the female characters I ever snobbed because they got in the way of my ship.
- Hating the color pink during my teenage years, when it’s actually a lovely color and what I resented was society’s pressure to perform femininity. 
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xdrugsandcandyx · 5 years
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For you and your internet friends! 💙
Feel free to send these to them but please do not repost
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xdrugsandcandyx · 5 years
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