xenonsense · 2 hours
[IDs: a photo, which shows a black and white photo of the kent state massacre, where someone is on the ground, with some kneeling and looking very distressed, while others move around in the background, aligned with the location now in color, with the text "The government wants you to remember school shootings, just not this one" in all capitals.
A black and white photo from Kent state, which shows two cars at the bottom, and people on the grass below a window, where a few people are sat, with a banner that says "they can't kill us all" in capitals.
A black and white photo from Jackson State College, where two black students can be seen through a beoken window, with the surrounding windows having bullet holes in them.
The "Now That's What I Call Music" logo, with a colorful background, but music has been covered with white, and it's been changed to say "Now That's What I Call State Sponsored Propaganda"/End IDs]
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Kent State University
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xenonsense · 9 hours
[ID: a floor plan that has, from left to right, a mud room, a "guest/flex space", a pantry, a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and a master bedroom. On the left, it is labelled "Closet door", which opens up to a space surrounding the rest of the plan, except the front door, labelled "Big long evil closet".
Screenshot of the tags, which read "This is so evil that it's been on my dash half a dozen times and only now is my brain comprehending what nightmare is happening there"/End ID]
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xenonsense · 9 hours
[ID: Two tweets by Tom 🇮🇪🌽 @ TLO_SULLY, which read: "I wanna live in a world where a plumber can pursue his passion and get a PhD in medieval studies if he wants to in his free time at no insane cost, and have just as much financial security as his lawyer or doctor neighbor
Learning is a right, it shouldn't be reserved for the privileged. And it just so happens to be the first step to making a better world."/End ID]
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xenonsense · 9 hours
[ID: screenshot of tumblr notes, which says "181,487 notes" at the tope, and underneath shows 3 replies, 95,153 reblogs and 86,331 likes.
Another screenshot of tumblr notes, which shows 9,170 notes, with 2 replies, 4,524 reblogs and 4,644 likes.
Tumblr notes showing 9,475 notes with 4 replies, 1,410 reblogs, and 8,061 likes.
A final screenshot, which shows 4,150 nores, with 23 replies, 275 reblogs and 3,852 likes/End ID]
The primary reason I don't reblog more is because there is no image description.
here’s a little comparison for people who say engagement hasn’t gotten that bad and anyone who complains is ungrateful.
these are two posts from my first go round on tumblr circa 2014-2017, my most popular gifset of all time
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& a text post
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notice how the ratio is about even on likes to reblogs?
here’s from this go around, my most popular gifset
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and my most popular fic
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do you see how that’s discouraging?
i love being on this site. i love the little community i’ve found and the people who follow me and the mutuals i’ve made friendships with and the mutuals that i’m still getting to know. i love it. but at a certain point it’s hard to justify spending so much time on works that get bad engagement.
reblog, comment, send asks. without them, this site doesn’t work.
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xenonsense · 11 hours
At some point in your life, you were taught that being slightly annoying is an unforgivable sin. Maybe it was by your parents or a teacher or a friend or a bully or an older sibling. But someone taught you that being slightly annoying is a crime punishable by death.
You must unlearn this.
You must accept that all people will be annoying at some point or another in their lives, maybe all of their lives, and that this is okay. It is okay for strangers on the bus, it is okay for children in the grocery store, it is okay for people on social media, and it is okay for you.
If you ever want to truly love your fellow humans, if you ever want to truly love yourself, you must have forgiveness for being annoying.
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xenonsense · 11 hours
I must not mock Gen Alpha. Mocking Gen Alpha is the mind killer. Mocking Gen Alpha is the little-death that brings total generational solidarity obliteration. I will engage with Gen Alpha lovingly. I will permit them to be cringe. And when they grow up I will turn my eye to their accomplishments. Where mocking has gone there will be nothing. Only generational solidarity remains
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xenonsense · 11 hours
ice cold take but if you have to pay for accessibility features it is not in fact accessible
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xenonsense · 11 hours
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[ID from alt: a traditional drawing of Xenon's ocs, both draconic, on a couch, which hasn't been colored in. On the left, there is a thin, masculine looking person with pink skin, and black hair, pulled into a short ponytail. He has tall, slightly curved horns. He's wearing a black dressing gown, with top surgery scars visible, and scars visible under the sleeve, and white trousers. He is looking at the other OC, sat cross legged, and holding her hand, with his tail draped over the arm. On the right, there is a fat, feminine looking character , with turquoise skin, and a purple-blue bob, and horns that curve back. She's leaning on the other OC, and wearing a black crop top and grey sweat pants/End ID]
Decided to revamp some of really old OCs, so here's a bad photo of a drawing I did today in school !!
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xenonsense · 17 hours
yall are pro mental illness until they hallucinate
yall are pro mental illness until they dissociate
yall are pro mental illness until they self-isolate
yall are pro mental illness until they're paranoid
yall are pro mental illness until they split
yall are pro mental illness until it's too Scary for your comparatively neurotypical brain to handle
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xenonsense · 1 day
“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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xenonsense · 1 day
Pro-tip: You can lie to your disordered thoughts and urges.
“We should stop eating forever” Cool, we’ll start that tomorrow (grabs a bowl of cereal).
“We should run away and upset all our friends” Alright, just let me take a shower first.
“We should key that stranger’s car” Sure, but on our way home, we’ve still got that bus to catch.
You never have to do these things, but if procrastinating and kicking the can down the road causes you less distress than outright saying no, there’s no harm in that.
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xenonsense · 1 day
I think some people forget that some literature and some media is meant to be deeply uncomfortable and unsettling. It's meant to make you have a very visceral reaction to it. If you genuinely can't handle these stories then you are under no obligation to consume them but acting as if they have no purpose or as if people don't have a right to tell these stories, stories that often relate to the darkest or most disturbing parts of life, then you should do some introspection.
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xenonsense · 2 days
I'm probably gonna get yelled at for saying this but sometimes something isn't a real problem in fandom, you just learned a Japanese word describing a general fandom practice and got scared and decided it meant "The Bad Ones" of that practice
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xenonsense · 2 days
UPDATE: Food Packages!
Hussam managed to put together 150 food packages with feta cheese, halva, biscuits, sugar, salt, yeast, cooking oil, tomato sauce, and canned legumes! He also put together another set of 200 vegetable packages.
Thanks to all your help, Hussam’s able to put together packages like these to feed the people of Gaza in the midst of such a difficult time! There’s a special message in the video to everyone, so please take the time to watch it!
Please continue donating and spreading the word — every penny means so much! Feel free to share our campaign link to other platforms as well!
Donate to our GoFundMe which goes directly to Hussam, who manages camps in Rafah, with NO middleman in between!
HelpGazaChildren Notion Site || #helpgazachildren tag
GoFundMe Link
[ID: Video of packages of food with the aforementioned items displayed infront of the packages to showcase the contents. There is a 'Tumblr' sign in front the packages and the '#helpgazachildren' tag underneath them. There is a second part to the video where we see plastic bags of veggies. The tumblr sign is infront of these packages as well.]
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xenonsense · 2 days
Not-so-hot take: Having accessibility options is useless if you don’t let people know they exist
Yesterday I went to go see Wicked on tour with my parents, one of which is hard of hearing. She doesn’t like going to theaters (both live theater and movie theaters) because she’s never able to follow what’s happening but she went because she wanted to make me happy. She ended up deciding to leave after act 1 because she wasn’t enjoying it since she couldn’t understand what was being said (it didn’t help that the seats were very poorly set up she people’s heads basically blocked the entire stage). When she went to leave and was asked why and told them it was because she couldn’t hear what was being said, they told her “oh, well there’s headphones you can get before the show!”. Of course at this point it’s too late and she ended up just sitting in the lobby for the rest of the show.
After the show we decided to go to their website to see what accommodations they had, and it took forever to even get to the page about them. It shouldn’t be that hard for someone to access the accommodations you provide. We’ve attended multiple shows at this theater and never once have we seen a sign or anything else letting us know what kind of accommodations they had. Even something as simple as a pop up when purchasing tickets that says “Does anyone in your party require visual, auditory, sensory or other accommodations?” And list what’s available. There’s already a popup letting you know if your seats arnt wheelchair accessible, so why not add this too?
We’ve had similar experiences with movie theaters where we’ve only recently learned about those captioning systems that go in your cupholder. Before than all we knew about where the headphones that only worked about 50% of the time (half the time you were lucky if they were even charged). Why have accessibility options when you’re not even going to offer them to those who might need it.
We’re going back to that theater in June to see Beetlejuice, and we’re going to try to set up headphones before the show so we can all enjoy it together. That’ll be the fourth show we’ve seen at this theater. It should not have taken 4 shows to be made aware of what options they had available. Not to mention if my mom had never brought up the issue and the staff member didn’t say anything, we still wouldn’t know about it. If you have other similar stories about places making it hard to access their accommodations, please share them. This stuff drives me crazy, because it’s really not that hard to put your accommodations somewhere accessible.
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xenonsense · 2 days
I feel like a good shorthand for a lot of economics arguments is "if you want people to work minimum wage jobs in your city, you need to allow minimum wage apartments for them to live in."
"These jobs are just for teenagers on the weekends." Okay, so you'll use minimum wage services only on the weekends and after school. No McDonald's or Starbucks on your lunch break.
"They can get a roommate." For a one bedroom? A roommate for a one bedroom? Or a studio? Do you have a roommate to get a middle-wage apartment for your middle-wage job? No? Why should they?
"They can live farther from city center and just commute." Are there ways for them to commute that don't equate to that rent? Living in an outer borough might work in NYC, where public transport is a flat rate, but a city in Texas requires a car. Does the money saved in rent equal the money spent on the car loan, the insurance, the gas? Remember, if you want people to take the bus or a bike, the bus needs to be reliable and the bike lanes survivable.
If you want minimum wage workers to be around for you to rely on, then those minimum wage workers need a place to stay.
You either raise the minimum wage, or you drop the rent. There's only so long you can keep rents high and wages low before your workforce leaves for cheaper pastures.
"Nobody wants to work anymore" doesn't hold water if the reason nobody applies is because the commute is impossible at the wage you provide.
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xenonsense · 2 days
Diabetes isnt the 'ate too many sweets disease'. It just fucking is not. It's your body slowly losing an integral function needed to nuture and energize it. Its your pancreas shutting down, its your blood cells rejecting your attempts to feed itself, its not enough insulin to go around. Its you slowly getting colder and weaker, gorging yourself with healthy food and getting next to no benefit, its being so exhausted you cant sleep. Diabetes used to kill, straight-up KILL. So no, I don't think I will be laughing at your diabetes joke.
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