xforgedsecrets · 2 months
"It is very rare I get to indulge with wine at all," Yaling said with a warm smile, "apparently my tolerance has seriously decreased recently." Her cheeks are red and warm, her whole body is warm despite the cold air and the distance between them and the fire.
"you are making me feel as if I have missed out on experiencing magnificent fires in my life. I have always thought if it is large, hot, and self sufficient enough that I barely have to tend to it, it is a success. What makes these small fires so magnificent?"
She smiled at the offer, rising to her feet and feeling a little relieved that she managed to do so stably. "I hope I don't seem that out of sorts, leading you to believe I am unable to stay on my feet!"
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Lorenzo took a closer look at Yaling, instantly recognizing the somewhat glazed look in her eyes. “The wine has gone to your head, clearly.” He said it with a smile and a laugh, despite it not really being a joke. “It’s somehow too large, but also not large enough. Like they couldn’t commit either way and tried to find a happy medium. It’s an outrage.” It was a nonsense answer, but it was a nonsense conversation at its core. “I’ve seen fires half the size that carry twice as much majesty than this one.” 
Even as he said it, Lorenzo was looking on in awe. The flames were only growing larger, and even from their distanced position, he could feel the heat radiating off of it. Pleasant on a cold day, maybe, but a bit much for a pleasantly cool afternoon. He turned and began walking, speaking over his shoulder. “I’m moving to the surf. You’re welcome to follow if you can walk without tipping over.” 
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
"People are angry, desperate. I am not saying we shouldn't listen to them, but if we allow our movement to become ruled by those emotions... we will all end up in here for good." What price was she willing to pay? "My papa died when the revolution turned violent the first time. I am not sure I can watch that happen again."
They are perhaps the greatest barrier, made more difficult by the fact that Nicolette liked both of the sisters. "And knowingly give them a position of political power in France? It would make it so easy for people to argue that they should retain power, and allow them to make alliances. They have too many friends, it is hard to think of a way to remove them safely from the equation. And while they still have power, so do their parents." She almost felt sorry for these royals, all becoming pawns in each other's games. All attempting to manipulate each other, barely seeing each other as people.
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"We'd be remiss not to recognize the obvious." Araminta points out, after a brief interlude of silencer. Her dark eyes spanning the prime minister's, through the candle-lit haze of the prison cell. "This could be the will of the people, brought on by its most vulnerable." It's been a long time since she felt a hunger in her stomach, a desperate willfulness to herself. But she remembers it well, and she looks at Nicolette imploringly. "Injustice isn't only felt by those loudest in a privy meeting, or a court." Sometimes it is the small and meek, that build the resistance. "We'd be fools not to listen."
Despite the dire straits, Araminta still finds it in herself to scoff. A ginger smile of contempt. "Nothing quite like being young and beautiful." Such things are a license to survive. "Careful," she heeds, clicking her tongue. "A betrothal could be harmless, until their new family sets sight on France. Look at the lot of them out there - fighting for every viable scrap." Pausing, she turns to Nicolette daringly. "Why not find a way to send them away? On a diplomatic mission? Far out of sight and mind."
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
"We had the element of surprise then", Nicolette said, voicing the fear she had harbored for a while, "they all underestimated us, but now they know what we are capable of. They understand that we truly could be a threat to their reigns." It was the risk that they had acted too early that terrified her. "We cannot do it again the same way."
He was right of course, but she couldn't help but feel a little resentment. When had she become more position than person. "I am not sure how to look strong in there. If I stand up for our people too much we will be accused of being revolutionaries ourselves," and would that be wrong? "but people are relying on us to be the voice of democracy. It is so fine a line to tread."
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“They very well may turn the tide, but we will fight against it. We’ve done it before, there’s no reason we can’t do it again.” It felt like he was begging as he said it, pleading for his words to be true. He wanted them to be true. Max took a look over his shoulder, looking at the crowd. A few attendees were casting lingering glances at them, and he began walking slowly in the other direction, hoping she’d understand and carry on walking beside him. 
“This is a desperate scramble to regain power and take revenge against some wayward assassins, nothing else.” It was certainly a simplification of events, but in the moment, it was the least of his concerns. “We need to remain upright. Show we can keep our heads as the world seems to crumble around us.” They’d walked further down the hall now, away from prying ears, and he stopped, turning to her. “You more than anyone. If there’s anyone in this world who cannot afford to show weakness, it is you.” His tone was soft and understanding, but still forceful. It was something he felt strongly about. “Everyone, from our enemies to our allies, will look to you and judge how well our true leader weathers these storms.” 
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
"They deserve this, they deserve that, but where are those people? how many innocents would you punish in the hopes a few of them may deserve it?" The distain in her voice was clear. "Where will the justice be for my dresser? She is only recently turned 18 and terrified of the dark. I have never asked her why, but I can imagine many reasons for it. She is just a girl, on her own in a country other than France for the first time. I have already heard her crying for her mother. Will you deliver her justice?" The sound of her fear had been the hardest to bare.
"Can't you? Or would trying simply require you to see them as human." She shook her head in disgust, "even if you are right, even if the existing revolutionaries are a lost cause, this is a brilliant way to make more of them. How many people in these cells who previously wanted peace and cooperation will feel completely abandoned by the monarchy now? How many innocent people will be vulnerable to revolutionary voices whispering in their ears?"
She stands at her full height, looking down her nose at him (although he stands taller than she). "I believe in many things, but one of them is the rule of law. That people are innocent until proven guilty. That all people, regardless of birth, are equal under the law. It breaks my heart, to see it abandoned to easily."
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unmoved, rafael's gaze remains still. "you still breathe, that is enough justice for the potential pain this tragedy will cause many of our courts. to allow such people to escape; violent, cruel people who do not see us for what we are - human as they are, to me, that deserves far harsher punishment than what you have gotten." it's a thought that escapes from his control, words that speak to the concern for his children and his partner; for their entire family. "one cannot reason with revolutionaries, minister. they already believe their violence to be just, to tell them of their wrongs would go in one ear and come out the other. regardless of the truth of my actions, they have already made up their minds. in other words, i do not need to give them a reason to believe i am unjust and cruel or deserve death, they have convinced themselves that there is no other way i can be; nothing else that i deserve."
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
who: @classiqals, @espionisms, @umitvar // not a group thread
where: the palace entrance
It was quickly coming up on 10pm. Arshiya had signed herself out of the palace, needing fresh air and a ride, a chance to think. She had not intended to stay out so late, but the threat that she had to return had made it hard to.
As she was finally waved through by a guard, she noticed another making their way in. "Are you also rushing to get back before lock-in?' she asked, voice bitter, "I thought we had left the curfews behind in previous nations. Why is it our hosts keep insisting on having us locked up like criminals, or misbehaving children?"
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
Perhaps the physical comfort he is providing is a bad thing. Making her feel far too at ease in the present circumstance. During the height of the chaos was likely not the best time to have this argument, would only lead to further escalation between them, but she was too far gone to stop now.
She does not care for the accusation in his tone, nor does she appreciate the idea that she would have lashed out in this way and not told him. Is this simply a diversion tactic, she wonders, a way for Angelo to try and deflect his own guilt.
"Are you suggesting I somehow found time to interrogate this woman, find all the answers I needed, and then arrange a poorly executed murder? At what point would this have been possible Angelo = have I not been in your arms every night since we arrived? And why would I not confide in you at any point? You have far more resources than I to draw upon." Those last words have a bitter edge to them. A reminder that he has his throne, while she has aspirations to one.
She is the new element, but it hurts her to be described as such, "and as the new element I would have very few resources or friends to smuggle a person into the country. You, on the other hand, would have more than enough power to bring her in and keep it secret from us all." She jumped slightly as something was thrown in their direction, the fright only serving to rile her up more. "I respect you enough to suspect that even if you did not bring her to China, you very well could have discovered her presence"
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It may not be the traditional way one spends their honeymoon bliss. But Angelo and Arshiya are forged in fire of war, solidified in the ice of political games. He can hold her close, devote himself to her safety. But he can also turn to her, cutting through the noise, and search for maleficent intent. A man can adore a woman, and still find it in himself to suspect the worst.
"We all do terrible things in the name of justice." Angelo delineates, an attempt to cull the original offense of his question. But it does little to take the wind out of Arshiya. Rather, it turns her guns towards him. "Not unless you already had your answers." A million possibilities; did she know Meryem did it, and wished to rush the conclusion? Or did it not matter, and she simply wished to hurt Rostam? Scoffing, he raises his blade, tugging her closer to keep her safe. "And who's to say you did not invite her yourself? You are the new element here, wife."
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
"I am rather proud to have any legacy at my age. Although I expected it will fade as I come into my birthright. The actions of a teenage heir really mean nothing when compared to the achievements of an empress and sultana." She sipped her tea, considering Ariyan carefully. "Tell me, Advisor, what is your legacy." She offers a smile, as if simply eager to get to know them better, "I would love to hear it. I know so little about you. So many unknowns." An inelegant attempt to make them feel small.
"I think the real question is how patient the people of Persia will be, an unknown person as regent. How long will they give you to prove yourself, how many mistakes will they allow you. Your window to establish yourself may be far smaller than you expect."
She had to repress a laugh at his threats, "you speak as if a bridge remains between us. Rostam to likes to believe that I was the one to burn it, but it has been a long time since his words and actions matched eachother. He is on denial of his own want for power, his own need for control. At some point, I suspect, the two of you will look around and realize you have gained immense power, but lost those close to you. How many more family members will you dethrone, whilst telling yourselves you are doing it for the greater good?"
"I know better than to think myself a hero in this story, but I also know life is not black and white. At the end of it all I will be able to accept my villainy. Can you say the same for Rostam?"
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" I had been warned of your legacy of impatience. " Eyes glittered, as everything they had read about the Sultana turned Empress, seemed to play out as true. She complimented Angelo in the worst ways, and their opinion continued to form in the favor against Arshiya. They may have been willing to try && work together before, spending hours on the documents for her... but now, that desire waned quickly. It would soon vanish entirely.
Power, happiness, stability, strength... these things took time. Time Ariyan feared they did not have, though one could question what standing China could even have, after such a recent defeat. Both had fire that blazed - but could either own up to their threats left unspoken, cackling in the air?
Gaze hardened at Rostam's name. How dare she- how dare... " Nothing would hurt my husband more than seeing the former's Shah's home torn apart by your own actions. Let us not pretend with each other that Rostam's care is even considered here. " Not with her, anyway, and Ari was still too hesitant to let too much of their growing loyalty to their husband show. It would not become a weakness to be exploited. They remained, in appearances, aloof && lofty. " Do not make an enemy of us, Empress. You have few bridges left to burn. Be. Wise. "
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
She nodded as he spoke. Nothing laid out was surprising. Humans needed motivation, to believe in the people who led them and the causes they fought for. It was part of what worried her - could they believe in a foreign Empress?
She supposed she would simply have to make them.
"You make it sound so easy," Nicolette said with a smile, "but I have to ask - what will the result be if we do not win the next war? How detrimental could another loss be to our future military might?"
A speech was something she could definitely do. "That is a good idea," and a definitive action she could take, "a display of unity and authority, assurances that the Emperor and I believe in them, to help them believe in us."
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everyone should focus on their expertise, their own responsibilities, and then their nations would prosper. this is certainly true, and he admires that outlook on life. a nod in agreement, a more relaxed smile ( to the extent which daeng is capable of ) on his face, he listens quietly. "exactly. i cannot underestimate the importance of training and strategy on the battlefield, though morale is just as important as the other two, and trickier to ensure." this conversation would not leave this room, nor ever reach the ears of his men, yet it still makes him uncomfortable to put it this bluntly. "they do believe in china and our ability to succeed." their loyalty is true, though the cause is trickier, more of a cloud of smoke than something one could grasp in the palm of their hands. "and they will follow orders. we just need to ensure them they can win the next war, and then the next... at one point, a speech from you, and your majesty could prove useful."
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
Hisashi gave a bitter laugh, "Here lies Comte... He rotted away in prison, but at least he was always his own self." He takes a moment, released a breath, and then turns to Dante looking like a guilty child. "I have been told that I have a habit of lashing out when I am scared. Perhaps they were right."
What a sorry sight he must seem, completely unable to control his own emotions. Still he took a seat on the ground, an attempt to behave. "This seems so ridiculous to me, a complete overstep."
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the glimpse of humor is a good sign, or so dante assumes. at the very least, it's better than punching the prison bars to no avail. he pats the other's back once before pulling back, a nod. "that's admirable. always be your own self, even in the face of adversity, and all of that." it's cheesy enough that it almost makes him grimace, though it is the extent to which he will go to raise the man's spirits. "unfortunately not." this time, he does grimace, gesturing to the beat up matress. "come on, let's sit. we can talk. it'll be a good distraction for us both."
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
"Panic and desperation are the tools of survival." He told her, "they have saved my life more than once." And landed him in jail, but that he blamed on overconfidence and running too slowly.
He thought of the bag of sweats he had in his pocket, a secret gift from Midori he had no intention of sharing (except perhaps with Max, but that was mostly to not piss off the woman who had given them). He was in full blown survival mode.
Still he attempted to take a breath and calm himself. "What is it reason and logic are telling you to do then. I will warn you, if the answer is to sit and wait that is likely to make me more panicked and desperate."
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Colette stood in the dimly lit corridor, her eyes narrowing as she observed the commotion. The shadows clung to her like a cloak, and her presence went unnoticed until she chose to make it known. She stepped forward, her voice soft yet commanding, cutting through Hisashi’s desperate cries. “Such theatrics,” she remarked, her tone laced with a mix of amusement. “You should conserve your energy, my lord. Panic and desperation are the enemies of reason.”
The Whispering Lady had always held a complex relationship with the concept of nobility. Raised in the aristocratic circles of France, she had witnessed firsthand the duplicity and treachery that often accompanied titles and lands. The grandeur of the French court was, in her eyes, a veneer that masked a festering core of ambition, deceit, and ruthlessness. Standing in the dim corridor, she couldn't help but reflect on the many nobles she had encountered in her life. Most were consumed by their own self-importance, convinced that their birthright protected them from the harsh realities of the world. Yet, Hisashi’s predicament was a stark illustration of how quickly that illusion could shatter.
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
Auckland had been a strange land to Yaling at first. Culture had been important in China, just as it was in Aotearoa. Adapting was never easy, particularly when her place was so uncertain. Her sister had purpose from the beginning, Yaling did not.
Bowing her head in acknowledgement of the introduction Yaling replied "It is a beautiful place, although I found the cold difficult to get used to at first. It can feel as if we are a world away from everyone else. The journey over here did not help, I almost dread having to travel home again!"
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Leo gracefully caught Yaling's hand, she smiled warmly, feeling the rhythm of the music pulse through her veins. Dancing was second nature to her as well, a cherished skill that allowed her to connect with others in a way words often couldn't. "Indeed, it's a night to remember," Leonor agreed, her voice carrying the lilt of excitement. "The ambiance, the energy—it's intoxicating."
She twirled Yaling effortlessly, the two women moving in perfect harmony. "I am Leonor de Guzmán, the ambassador of Spain. It's a pleasure to meet you, Yaling Xu." Leonor's eyes sparkled as she continued, "Auckland, you say? I've heard it's a beautiful place, rich with culture and stunning landscapes. I must visit someday."
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
He could not help the thought that perhaps the discord between Elliot and Maceon served as proof that they had been right in their actions. Surely if the Bonapartes were still fit to rule they would not be jostling for power in this way. It was a convenient way to attempt to quash his guilt.
"I do not control Mariam. Nor do I want to." It was not what Maceon had said, but Kekoa's response is instinctual. His tone is sharp, but it softens, as Maceon's words have time to actually break through to his brain, "but I mean it when I say I want to find a peaceful solution. I will continue to advocate for it on my side."
"We want what is best for Spain." Even when the Ortiz family did not agree, they knew they needed to present a united front.
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As bitter as it tasted to put any sort of foul idea of his brother into the mind of the enemy (and as much as it pained Maceon to view their friend as such), the truth needed to be said. Where he had come to respect peace over vengeance, Elliot was the opposite. Spain's North had turned not to dead man walking - but to the man who had been there. Another consequence of reckless decisions that he would have to bare; and another crime against Spain, for his people to shoulder.
In his eyes, both men had wronged their home, and had done wrong by their duty. It was hard to hold judgement, even in the face of bleak, senseless death. " If it is not I who opposes my brother, he will bully through the entirety of Spain to make right the wrongs. All of them. " Perhaps it was a righteous thought, but one he came by genuinely. " You let me handle things there - as I trust you are doing what you can to control the damage done by your Queen. "
He hoped this would not be taken as an insult; but instead, that Kekoa was still enough of the man he once knew to see they both fought a similar war from within. Considering the words, Maceon hesitated - for as much as he wanted to finally find agreement in peace with someone, he could not risk endangering Elliot. " I will not lose another member of my family, Kekoa. No deal can be made that would compromise Elliot's safety. "
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
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He leans into her touch, using it to anchor himself. Every part of her is familiar to him, home even when he is not sure where that is anymore. "Thank you," she knew his past, but he would hate to think she still saw him as the criminal he had once been. It means more to him than the sweets (although he certainly won't be giving them back).
Normally he would blanch at the idea of seeking help from Kaito, but right now the only thing on his mind is survival. "I will." For the first time he is able to manage a joke, if a strained one, "careful, I may be able to accept your feelings for Max, but I cannot stand the idea of you worrying about him more than me. I am supposed to be your biggest frustration."
She knows every part of Hisashi - his quirks, his weaknesses, his lies. It takes all but a second to see him in the light and know his innocence in her heart. The kind of instinct that can only come with knowing someone as entirely as she did. Her hands push past the bars, placing a soothing palm against his cheek. "I believe you." Midori whispers. "I am with you, every step of the way." Releasing his cheek, she reaches for his hand. Placing in it a handful of sweets, taken from the dining chamber. "For your strength." She advises, closing the wrapped sweets in his palm.
"You will not do this again. Do you hear me? I will find Kaito, as soon as I can. I will plead he try and help. And if not..." Then Midori will do as they have done since childhood; escaped undue prosecution. "I will find a way to get you out of here, Hisashi. But you need to breathe, keep your head about you. And Max - you two must protect each other." One can only guess what could occur, once the hours turn into days in a prison cell. Saner heads rarely prevail.
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
who: Kekoa & @ymir-heart, @rubynoble // not a group thread
where: the palace kitchens
Kekoa never slept well anyway, and with everything that had happened over the past day, sleep was even harder to come by. Instead he was waiting up, the only public space he had been allowed entry to without a full escort, cooking himself a late night snack.
He need not look up to see who was approaching, instead continued to stir the water in the bot in front of him, "Would you like a cup of te de manzanilla?" He called out, the smell of chamomile filling the room. "Normally a late night walk is the best trick but," his eyes flicker the guards at the doors, "this can be a close second."
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
"I do not like the feeling of having my hand forced." Nicolette said. "If this is an attempt by the revolutionaries to make us move quicker, move more violently..." It does not sit right with her. "Not that it really matters in the end. All we can do is adjust. If our timeline must be moved up, then we will move it up."
Her mind is carefully considering every option. "We can prepare for when she does. Ensure that any connection is seen as something that was taken, rather than offered." Funds could be stolen, claims of friendship or protection formed from deceit rather than intimacy.
"I have been considering this for some time. The war in Spain is helping, the less power our rulers cousins have the better. Perhaps there is opportunity for... more." For deliberate chaos. "Our King and Queen are already digging their own graves, they are so unlikable. The princesses will be more difficult. They are too popular to be removed by violent means. There is one solution I can find." One she could live with, "Marriage. To crown monarchs or heirs. No second children. Preferably ones who live far away, so they cannot rule two nations at once. They will be neutralized that way, it will be easier to dethrone the parents."
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"So what if it is?" Araminta asks. "If this is the outcome they wanted, then it is to our benefit. We always knew what the Orleans were made of. Now we know it, for certain." If the royal family truly cared for its constituents, they would be down here with them. "And now, we know what must be done." Thus far, Nicolette and Araminta played at the grey edges of revolution. Maneuvers made. Friendships brokered. Now, it is time to embolden their rage.
"Yes... Our evidence has escaped everyone's crutches." The Duchess was the one piece left unknown, carrying Florentian gold and pieces of a larger plot. "But she will return. When she does, we need to be ready." Whether the Duchess could be an asset or an enemy - either way, a revolution on both ends might be exactly what their countries need. Nodding, she faces Nicolette.
"Everyone in here will have a bone to pick. No, Prime Minister, it is the powerful figures out there we need to eliminate. Those who support the monarchy foolheartedly."
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
Her face has not moved since the revelations began, cold and detached as she watched. Her mind all but shutting off, rather than deal with the questions that would need to be asked. She could not start to work through it with so many eyes on her.
Then things had really descended into chaos. Whilst her face remained calm, her heart was beating through her chest. Guards surround them and Angelo pulls her in close. She clutches at him, seeking comfort, even as she turns to him with accusation in her eyes.
"Did I poison her?" She asks, voice incredulous. "If it was my work do you truly think it would be so sloppy?" she is almost offended, "let alone that I would want her dead before we had answers from her?" It was here that she was forced to raise the question she had been ignoring, "answers like how exactly she came to find refuge in China?!"
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@xforgedsecrets | Arshiya and Angelo, At the Grand Jury Hall Dining Hall During the Pre-Tribunal
It starts with a whisper, and ends with a bang. The clashing of swords, the hollering of patrons. Madness and violence descend, and immediately, Angelo returns to the roots of his years of naval service. The rounds of guards surrounding the Emperor and Empress, whilst he twists his staff to unveil the dagger within. He's born-and-bred soldier, and no crown or injury could undo the instinct. His hand grasps at Arshiya's elbow, pulling her close to shield from the madness.
"What did you do?" He asks just under his breath, hurried yet lined with accusation. She is his wife, his Empress, his partner-in-crime. And such realities make asking such a thing less offensive, and more a matter of reality. "Did you poison her?" Meryem was the serpent that led to her brother's undoing. Why wouldn't Arshiya do it, if given the change?
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xforgedsecrets · 2 months
who: Kekoa & Mariam // @espionisms
where: the pre-tribunal
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As soon as things began to deteriorate, Kekoa sought her out. He knew better than to stand in front of her (as much as he may want to). She did not need that. Instead, sword drawn, he stood with his back to hers, each watching the other's.
"Are you ok?" He asked. This was not their fight and he only had one goal in mind, to get out of this room safely and regroup with their people. Everything else could be planned from there. "An absolute farce, all of it!"
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