xfstardust-blog · 8 years
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“—You’re adorable when you’re determined.”
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❝Flattery will get you nowhere.❞
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
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“—Well, you’ve known me for at least five years and probably have had to change your lock at least four times that.”
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❝See? My point exactly. Locking my door is useless when you’re around.❞
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
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“I was travelling with this Time Lord . We got separated when they forced him to join the war. Since I can’t be sent home, they proposed to marry me off to another Time Lord.  “ The whole situation made Benny feel  isolated.  “I’m Benny. Benny Summerfield. “
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❝Pleasure to meet you, Benny.❞ Mikael said with a sympathetic smile. He knew how it felt to be isolated and alone, and it was not a fun feeling in the slightest. It was lonely and...well, terrifying. ❝Where are you from, exactly?❞
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
“Pontmercy, If Cosette was around, you wouldn’t notice naked women in a kick line dancing across the barricade singing carols. You’ve been busy spending the last few days pinning after her and she’s to much of an air head to realize that she should just snog you and be done with it.” Benji said, she quickly realized that none of these twits where going to listen to her and started toward the powder to move it herself, before one of them stopped her and did it himself with a few of the others. Gentlemen to a fault, even to a strange women that planned on continuing to making herself heard.
“Relax, boys. I’m here to help, but let me ask you something. If this succeeds, how do you plan to get the people of France behind the bright new Democratic future that Enjolras has preached the laurels of that a few of you don’t even believe in? I can hardly believe that the people of France will see a body of disorganized school boys that can’t agree on what they want as a unified force well enough to back this, They will laugh in your faces even if you succeed and the lot of you will be hung. If none of you can agree on the same thing, then how do you plan on getting the rest of France to agree with you?” Benji asked. She found a loose chair not being used in the wall, sat down, and started braiding her lose hair as she talked. Enjolras got this enraged look on his face like he’d come and slap her.
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“Enjolras, before you slap me and I know you are considering it, I think I should let you know that I bite. If you slap me, I will rip your thumb from your hand with my teeth and shove it so far up your ass it’ll comes out of your nose. I’m not here to spread disbelief in your movement, I’m trying to make a point, you that I don’t actually believe you know what you are doing. You’re all relighting the match for the bonfire for the bloodiest revolution the world has ever seen. The Americans took to war, the French took people’s heads off. The American Revolution only worked because all of the men at Congress at least had some idea of what they wanted, where able to agree on things, and had an idea of where they were going. What do you each of you want to change? If you can’t agree on what should change then how the hell do you expect to not lose the barricade when the people leave you to die?” Benji asked, she had full awareness at how uncomfortable several of these men seemed, in one breath she had both threatened someone and talked about decapitation. Benji was having way to much fun with this.
He could tell that Enjolras was upset and nearly going to lose his temper. If he did, there was nothing he could do to hold him back, and this strange woman certainly wasn’t helping the situation. Marius wasn’t necessarily angry, but rather in shock. How did this woman know who they were? Their names? How did she know about Cosette? It was like nothing he had ever seen before, and he wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about the situation. 
❝Enjolras,❞ he said in a stern voice, placing a hand on his friend’s shoulder before nodding his head in the direction of the door, motioning him to back off. 
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❝Surely you can understand why we are not so TRUSTING,❞ he spoke as he stepped closer to her. Really, there were multiple reasons, and he had questions. Ones that needed to be answered before he could put any trust in her. But where to start? 
❝How do you know who we are?❞
Starter for xfstardust’s Marius Pontmercy Title: Saving The Wretched
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
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“Isn’t it always?” She recalled a Time Lord laughing in her face, when she told them she always planned to marry for love.She wasn’t  from this planet. Wasn’t a Time Lord, but she was part Gallifreyan, as well as been half human.  And the man  she was meant to marry was as cold as ice. But perhaps it was a Time Lord thing. 
“Maybe that’s because nobody on Gallifrey  ever  questions it.” Benny was well known for her outspoken views.  views that often landed her in trouble. 
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❝There are things that I don’t even know about, and I was born here.❞ Mikael admitted with a small sigh. In a way, he was thankful that his current regeneration was a man. In this day in age, women on Gallifrey weren’t treated as great as the men were, which made him feel awful.  ❝Things that the council put in place millions of years ago that nobody dares to even question. I’m Mikael, by the way.❞
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
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“—Me? Pick your locks? NEVER.”
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❝Right, how long have I known you? And how many times have I had to change my locks?❞
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
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Rebellion was on the rise. They were closer and closer to finally winning. Blood would be spilled, of course, and not everyone would live to see the end of the French revolution, but they all knew that going into this. Anything was worth it if they could finally win the freedom they so desired.
The commotion was replaced with a confused silence when the strange woman spoke. She was unrecognizable, clearly not from around here, and her attitude was nothing like they had ever seen from a woman. 
A few of the men began to mutter something, but Marius put his hand up to cut them off, shooting  Enjolras a warning look telling him to remain quiet and allow him to handle this.
❝Madame, forgive me, but I do not believe I’ve seen your face before.❞
Starter for xfstardust’s Marius Pontmercy Title: Saving The Wretched
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Why does all of this seem so familiar? Benji thought, felt like she was having major Déjà vu as she meandered aimlessly through the streets, she was dressed as a working class women for the period having stolen some clothes. It took until she hit a pretty obvious barricade for everything to click. She’d read the book at least seven times, why had it taken this long to click? The coat around her had come from Valjean.
Les Misérables… This is bad, but if I stay quite they won’t notice me, I can let the vortex manipulator charge so I can leave, The Time Lady thought. She stared amazed watching Enjolras argue with Marius. She stuck to her idea of staying quite, but that was until she noticed the gun powder barrels totally exposed to the clouding sky and she remembered the rain that was going to come. Fuck Quite.
“If I can interrupt the little penis measuring contest happening… I’d like to inform both of you that the black powder is going to be exposed to the rain that is coming with where you’ve put it and that someone should move it into the cafe.” Benji said, she’d hidden her vortex manipulator and sonic screwdriver in her coat, the coat had been given to her by an old rich man, who she quickly realized was Valjean and the girl with him had been Cosette, Marius Love interest. She’d landed right in the thick of this and she returned the stare she was getting from Enjolras with a challenging stare, she’d hated him even more with every read of the book for some reason.
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
@xfstardust | THOMAS
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“—You should really repaint your walls, and possibly lock your door.”
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❝I like my walls. They inspire me. And you’d just pick my lock anyways.❞
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
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 “Maybe a book on  Gallifreyan marriages?” if she had no choice about her  upcoming arranged marriage, then she was determined to be the best wife she could be. It was clear that divorce was something that didn’t happen on this planet. 
 “Or failing that maybe a life,” she muttered to herself. She didn’t realise how boring this planet was going to be.  
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Mikael was almost taken aback. Never had he heard of such a request. Normally, the people who came here were here for just something to read for entertainment, with the occasional college student. But this was very different. 
❝I don’t believe we have anything on that, if I’m being honest with you..❞ he told her in reply.  ❝Of course, I’ve never actually had anyone ask about that...arranged, is it?❞
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
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❝So sorry, I didn’t realize you’d come in.❞ Mikael voiced as he made his way to the front of the store. He’d been in the back taking count of what books they had and what they needed to order. A boring job compared to what he used to do on Gallifrey, but it was a job. ❝Need help finding anything?❞
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
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“—I know, I do hope you can forgive me.”
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❝I’m sure I can manage. To what do I owe this surprise?❞
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
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“—I do hope you at least think it’s a pleasant surprise.”
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❝Well of course. However, I was hardly prepared for your arrival. An announcement would have been nice.❞
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
thomas tag drop.
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
kurt tag drop.
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
jacob tag drop.
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xfstardust-blog · 8 years
normal tag drop.
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