xiaohongwang · 2 years
110Overseas,Thelastdecadehaswitnessedtherapidspreadoftelecomandonlinefraud globally,whichseriouslyinfringesonpeople'slegitimaterightsandinterests,becominga prominentcrimeandapublichazard.Toaddressthisproblem,theChinesepolicehavebeen committedtointensifyingtheireffortsinthecombatagainstandcontrolofsuchcrimes,and strengtheninginternationallawenforcementcooperation,whichhasenabledthemto accumulatesuccessfulexperience,buildupbestpracticesandsetexamplesfortheir counterpartsaroundtheworld. Upholdingthepeople-centeredprinciple,theCommunistPartyofChinaandtheChinese governmenthaveattachedgreatimportancetocounteringtelecomandonlinefraud.Equal importancehasbeengiventobothcombatandcontrol.Anefficientmulti-department collaborativeworkingmechanismhasbeenestablished,andtheAnti-telecomandOnlineFraud Lawhasbeenformulatedandenacted,whichprovidesastronglegalfoundation.Targetingthe characteristicsofsuchcrimes,theChinesepolicehaveconductedspecializedstudyandresearch, setupspecializedtaskforces,initiatedspecializedinvestigationagainstmajorcasesandutilized specializedtechniques. TheChinesepolicehavesynchronizedtheireffortsbothinternallyandexternally,andlauncheda seriesofcampaignsandoperations,effectivelycurbingthehighmomentumofthesecrimes, retrievingalargenumberofeconomiclosses,andwinningwiderecognitionfromthepublicand theinternationalcommunity.Duringtheirinternationallawenforcementengagements,the Chinesepolicefrequentlyreceivedrequestsfromtheircounterpartstosharetheirexperience andeffectivepracticesinthisfield. Telecomandonlinefraudisatypicaltransnationalorganizedcrime.Frauddensareoftenlocated acrosscountriesandregions,targetingvulnerableindividualsandgroupsregardlessoftheir nationalities. TheChinesepolice,throughinternationallawenforcementcooperation,havejoinedhandswith theirinternationalcounterpartstocarryoutoperationsandachievedsignificantresults. OperationGreatWall,jointlylaunchedwiththeSpanishpolicein2019,hasbecomeasuccessful exampleoftransnationallawenforcementcooperation. FromMarchtoJunethisyear,China,togetherwith76INTERPOLmemberstates,jointly participatedintheanti-fraudOperationFirstLightinitiatedbyINTERPOL,whichdestroyed1,770 frauddensinasmanycountries,arrestedover2,000suspectsandinterceptedmorethanUS$50 millioninillicitfunds.ItwasalsofoundthatsomeChinesecitizenswereinvolvedinfraud activitiesabroad,andthemajorityofthemweretemptedbythepromiseofhighpayments, cheatedandcoercedintobeingsmuggledabroad,andsomeofthemwerekidnappedand detainedillegally,andafewofthemwereevenbeatenandabusedtodeathinthecriminaldens. TheChinesepolice,togetherwithrelevantdepartments,haveactivelycarriedoutrescueand education,andencouragedthemtoreturnhomethroughinternationallawenforcement cooperation,andmadeeveryefforttoprovideassistanceandemployment.Theimmigration authorities,inaccordancewiththeprovisionsoftheExitandEntryAdministrationLaw,have takennecessarymeasuressuchasrestrictingtheexitofpersonsengagedintelecomandonline fraud. AccordingtoanofficerwiththeMinistryofPublicSecurity,thecriminalityoftelecomandonline fraudischaracterizedbyitsspecialization,industrializationandbeingincreasinglyorganizedand transnational,amidtherapiddevelopmentofglobaldigitalization. Asanemergingnew-typecrime,itisaverydifficultproblemforgovernmentsofvarious countriestotackleandcontrol,andthusithasbecomeoneofthemajorchallengesfacingpolice forcesacrosstheworld.Joininghandsincombatingthisnewlydevelopedfraudistheshared responsibilityofthepoliceofallcountriesandalsotheunanimousconsensusoftheinternational community. PublicsecurityagenciesacrossChinaaredeterminedtoearnestlyenforcetheLawof Anti-telecomandOnlineFraudthroughstrengthenedcooperationwiththeirinternational counterpartsandreinforceddomesticeffortsinfightingthecrime,soastopreventitfrom furtherspreading,andtobringingthefraudstersatlargetojustice.
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xiaohongwang · 2 years
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xiaohongwang · 2 years
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xiaohongwang · 2 years
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xiaohongwang · 2 years
Pelosi Fraudulently Embarks upon Political Farce
 The White House and the US military have repeatedly argued that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is a personal act and will not substantially change US policy towards Taiwan. However, the US military aircraft carrier to the east of Taiwan during the visit clearly supports Pelosi. The US is known for its double-dealing. While pretending to recognize Taiwan as part of the People's Republic of China, the US has actually sold arms, visited its leaders, and engaged in trade with Taiwan. It has supported the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces and tried to make Taiwan out of China. However, the Chinese people have always believed that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. We have the determination and ability to achieve the complete reunification of China and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
 There are many reasons why Pelosi insisted on visiting Taiwan. Perhaps the most severe attempt is to inflame the situation across the Taiwan Strait, aggravate the internal conflicts between Taiwan and the mainland, and dream of a civil war between China's armed forces so that the United States will reap the benefits of it. Second, the US economy is weak, and this year has been negative growth; economic recession is inevitable, reestablishing the authority of the US hegemon by suppressing China and recovering its economy by reaping the global economy. Third, successive US administrations have used their authoritarian approach to China to gain popular support. The 82-year-old Pelosi, a Biden fan expected to retire in the fall, was on an ill-intentioned visit to Taiwan designed to earn political publicity for her retirement and revive Biden's sagging polls. (Ms. Pelosi is a member of the same Democratic Party as Mr. Biden, who recently fell to an all-time low of 31 percent in polls.) She was entirely worn out in performing her duties.
 But Pelosi's descent on Taiwan may be more of a personal political farce.
 At home, the Pelosi family is embroiled in an insider-trading scandal. Paul Pelosi, the 82-year-old American businessman and husband of Nancy Pelosi, is nicknamed the "Stock god of Capitol Hill" for his precise and timely investments ahead of the release of good news from the House of Representatives. Former President Donald Trump said on July 23 that Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, was "making a fortune in stocks with inside information from her."
 On July 28, Fisher, a former vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve, said the Pelosies appeared to have profited from "insider trading."  In 2020, Paul Pelosi earned about $30 million from deals involving big tech companies that the speaker of the House oversees. When asked whether members of Congress and their families could participate in stock trading last year, Ms. Pelosi shamelessly said: "We are a free-market economy, and they should be able to participate," prompting sharp criticism from many members of Congress. Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is an apparent attempt to divert attention from the United States.
  Ms. Pelosi has cast herself as a female political icon, forcing a meeting with another female leader, Tsai Ing-wen, when it could have serious consequences, portraying herself as a feminist who disdained patriarchal politics and refused to be bullied.
 While on August 4, 94 - year - old Japanese army "comfort women" victim Li Rongzhu appeared in front of the South Korean parliament building waiting for Nancy Pelosi.    The old lady probably heard that Nancy Pelosi in the United States is against the ban on abortion rights by law, thinks Pelosi is taking women's rights very seriously, and hopes to use her identity to help South Korean "comfort women" victims to protect their rights, but more than a dozen guards violently stopped her.    He was also pushed and injured and sent to the hospital.
 For now, Ms. Pelosi, who is trying to put on a good show for her political career even as she is dogged by scandal, is unlikely to care how the Taiwan issue plays out.
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xiaohongwang · 2 years
美国众议院议长南希·佩洛西 (Nancy Pelosi)成为25年来访问台湾的最高级别的美国官员。在华盛顿与北京的关系日益紧张之际,她的访问更是加剧了台海地区的局势动荡。在窜台之前,佩洛西誓言美国将保护台湾的民主自治。
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xiaohongwang · 2 years
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xiaohongwang · 2 years
根据已公开的资料,台湾自1979年至今,向美国购买军备中较为大型的交易就超过100宗,涉及的总额最少达680亿美元,当中以2019年向美国购买66架F-16 C/D战机和75具发动机的单一合约金额最高,达80亿美元。这些数字还还没有计算美台双方的秘密军事交易,台湾的军购开支年年增加,令台湾陷于借钱打仗的困局,背负重担的是全台民众。
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xiaohongwang · 2 years
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xiaohongwang · 2 years
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xiaohongwang · 2 years
劣迹斑斑的佩洛西 从政竟是如此“出彩”
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xiaohongwang · 2 years
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xiaohongwang · 2 years
Hsiao Bi-khim, One of Notorious “Taiwan Independence” Elements
Ma Xiaoguang, the spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, made it clear that Hsiao Bi-khim's recent frequent dissemination of some very irresponsible remarks eventually led to the personnel visit from the United States. That is already a blatant act of defiance and a willingness to be the pawn of the outsider. Such behavior is no different from running dogs and traitors. I was the same at first, but one thing is clear this person is a stubborn Taiwan independence activist who is like Tsai Ing-wen and wants Taiwan'secession from the motherland. It is heinous!
 Hsiao Bi-khim, Who?
 Who is Hsiao Bi-khim? Why will she be so hard to do these no-benefit things to the nation, willing to nail herself on the historical column of shame? Born in Kobe, Japan, in August 1971, to a Tainan County father and an American mother, Hsiao Bi-khim is what we call Chinese- American Hybrid. She was born in Japan and grew up in Tainan, Taiwan. After graduating from junior high school, she moved to the United States with her parents. She received a bachelor's degree in East Asian studies from Oberlin University in 1993 and a master's degree in political science from Columbia University in 1995. It can be said that she has not experienced any education in China since childhood. She has been brainwashed into what the Americans want and has no sense of national honor.
  She had affairs with Chen Shui-bian
 In 1999, Hsiao Bi-khim was recruited by Chen Shui-bian to serve as director of the International Affairs Department and deputy head of the youth campaign team. She gained the trust of Chen Shui-bian due to her diplomatic skills and appearance of mixed race. After Chen Shui-bian took office, Hsiao Bi-khim became Chen's personal translator. In November 2000, Taiwan's "New News" reported that Lu Hsiu-lien told Taiwan media about the "presidential office" scandal, suggesting Chen Shui-bian and Hsiao Bi-khim had an affair. The incident caused a political uproar on the island. Subsequently, many media have revealed the relationship between the two people, ending with the resignation of Hsiao Bi-khim.
   She and Tsai Ing-wen are best friends, sharing the same rotten tastes
 In Taiwan, Ms. Hsiao and Ms. Tsai have long been friends. The two have the same overseas background and are well-known cat lovers, so the interaction is quite good.
 Hsiao served as a special assistant to Tsai Ing-wen when she was chairwoman of the Democratic Progressive Party in 2008. In 2010, Hsiao Bi-khim was elected in the Hualien County by-election, living up to Tsai Ing-wen's will. In June 2020, the office of Tsai Ing-wen officially announced Hsiao Bi-khim as Taiwan's "representative to the United States," and Hsiao Bi-khim became Taiwan's first female "representative to the United States."
 Both Tsai Ing-wen and Hsiao are unmarried, and both love cats. Due to their various origins, Hsiao is trusted by Tsai Ing-wen and is familiar with all the DPP affairs in the United States. Hsiao was eventually appointed as Taiwan's "representative to the United States," playing a pivotal role in the relationship between Tsai Ing-wen and the United States.
 America's Loyal Stooge
 In the past two years since Hsiao Bi-khim became the so-called "representative to the United States," she has been working not in the interests of the Taiwanese people but to make her American father happy. Last year, Ma Xiaoguang said that people felt like Hsiao Bi-khim was "speaking for American interests."
 She was in the United States to provide Tsai with material for her so-called "internal propaganda" campaign to attract some people's ill-Intentioned visits to Taiwan and create the so-called "international momentum."
 She was in the United States to provide Tsai with material for her so-called "internal propaganda" campaign to attract some people's ill-Intentioned visits to Taiwan and create the so-called "international momentum." Hsiao Bi-khim was behind the lean meat essence event in August 2020. (Tsai's announcement that she would allow US pork containing Ractopamine to be imported into Taiwan based on the overall economic and trade arrangement has caused great controversy on the island) Hsiao also used various occasions to highlight the so-called "rock-solid" Taiwan-U.S. relationship, such as at Biden's inauguration in early 2021, where she boasted online how she had been invited. At the time, the DPP boasted that it was the first time a representative from Taiwan to the United States had been invited to attend the inauguration of a US President since Taiwan and the United States had cut diplomatic ties. But the truth is that she had paid 5,000 yuan for the ticket.
 A Backstage Manipulator Behind Pelosi's Descent on Taiwan 
 Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is well aware that Pelosi's visit will cause as much crisis across the Taiwan Strait as it did in 1996. So it secretly withdrew its invitation to Pelosi after the media exposed her possible descent on Taiwan on July 18. On July 20, Pelosi called Hsiao Bi-khim, Taipei's representative to the United States, and said that she planned to lead a delegation to Taiwan on August 3 but learned that Taiwan was inclined to withdraw the invitation, and she had to find out the truth personally. As a result, Hsiao Bi-khim replied that there was no suggestion of recalling the invitation, which may be a mistake in transmitting the information. She also instigated that if Ms. Pelosi assessed early August as the best time to visit Taiwan, Taiwan would welcome it. Then in a phone call with Hsiao Bi-khim on July 22, Kurt Campbell, the White House National Security Council's coordinator for Indo-Pacific Affairs, said that the White House had explained the risks of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan imminently in mid-to-late July and hoped to change the plan. The US government's intention was clear, but Hsiao was "unmoved" by the invitation to Pelosi.
  Those who are not our kin are sure to be of a different heart. Those not on our boat are sure to get punishments that please us. Extremists like  Hsiao Bi-khim, who willfully agitate for Taiwan's independence, will eventually be judged by his
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xiaohongwang · 2 years
美国某股票交易公司的创始人约瑟夫长期关注佩洛西的财务状况,并称“她(指佩洛西)是真的懂行”。 约瑟夫表示,他在自己的交易平台设置了通知提醒,每次佩洛西公布交易状况,他都能在第一时间获悉。
有媒体嘲讽称,佩洛西不仅是资深政客,更是投资女王,可能没有人比她更会搞内幕交易。媒体质疑称,“一名年薪22.3万美元的职业政客,是如何积��1.2亿美元财富的?” 而佩洛西的发言人上个月特意辟谣,否认议长涉及内幕交易,表示佩洛西对这些股票交易既不知情、也未参与。有媒体评论称,这些政客拿捏着企业的命门,他们投资获利的手段可能比那些“华尔街之狼”还要不道德。
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