xice-queenx · 2 years
girls thighs rb if you agree
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xice-queenx · 3 years
lesbian culture is staying up way later than is wise so you can talk to a girl
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xice-queenx · 3 years
Person: So like, how do lesbians have sex?
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xice-queenx · 3 years
Hate how the gaming industry is moving, god above i just want to buy a physical copy, go into my house and play alone. No i don’t want exclusive online content, no i don’t want online multiplayer, and for fucks sake i don’t want to talk to those strangers on the internet. I see myself playing ps1 again, remember those good times, when u owned your games, games that came out whole…, no exclusive content, not renting parts of them, trading with real life friends… I’m ooooldd This minor breakdown was brought to you by Bethesda and Microsoft
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xice-queenx · 3 years
fucking love how powerful women keep trading catco like a freakin game of ping pong for the blue eyes cardigan-obsessed oblivious nerd that is kara. dare i say. iconic.
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xice-queenx · 3 years
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Lena is such a mood
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xice-queenx · 3 years
the “deleted” scenes that aired on showcase but not the cw
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xice-queenx · 3 years
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xice-queenx · 3 years
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xice-queenx · 3 years
Lena: Don’t kill me, I have a wife!
Random villain: You think I care about that?
Lena: No, this isn’t a plea for mercy. It’s a warning.
Random villain: Wha-
Kara: [kicking down the door] ARE YOU READY TO DIE?!
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xice-queenx · 3 years
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why must reductress hurt me in this way
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xice-queenx · 3 years
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: the CW really fucked up Supergirl. It could’ve been the gayest crime fighting comedy out there.
Lena Luthor really could’ve made Kara a suit with a hidden thermos pouch. “Secret snacks for my sneaky super,” she said as she loaded potstickers into the pouch.
Kara “I almost flew into a skyscraper cuz I heard Lena singing 80s pop” Danvers
Alex “if I have to see y’all f*ck on my couch one more time, I will have no choice but to drink myself blind” Danvers
Nia “whoever bought Brainy that advanced math book is about to catch these hands cuz he hasn’t put that down in days and I hate it” Nal
Brainy “I am smart beyond y’all’s wildest dreams but I can’t figure what to give Nia for her birthday SOMEONE HELP ME!”
J’onn “Oh you think the sewage system is dirty? It has nothing on Kara’s thoughts when Lena showed up in her lab coat that one time” J’onzz
Mon El “I flirted with Kara once and got decked in the face by that Luthor woman. I was fine, but she broke three fingers punching me. Then I really got my ass kicked by Kara because those broken fingers royally messed up their sexy times”
Cat “Keira being Supergirl is great because now I can bully her into getting me coffee from Italy” Grant
James “Kara you need to be less charming when saving women because I can’t use any of the photos I took today. Look at them! They’re too smitten! How are people supposed to believe that these women were rescued from a burning building?!” Olsen
Lillian “I blame myself. I said ‘fuck aliens’ around Lena once, and apparently she really listened” Luthor
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xice-queenx · 3 years
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xice-queenx · 3 years
Ok but imagine someone finds out that some journalist for a gossip website is writing an article on Kara and the DEO tries but they can’t get access to it and they’re all freaking out thinking it’s a Supergirl reveal and the article comes out titled ‘Who the hell is Kara Danvers?’ And it’s got a series of photos of her with Clark Kent and Lois Lane, her following after Cat Grant and interacting with Maxwell Lord. There are pictures from her college internship working at Wayne Enterprises - including candids of her eating lunch with the elusive Bruce Wayne himself. There’s a photo from years ago when she met Diana Prince while visiting Clark. A picture of her and Lena Luthor sitting close, leaning in to each other and whispering. There are excerpts of her quotes from supergirl, someone she seems to know personally.
At no point does the article mention her possibly being supergirl. It only talks about how this seemingly plain, average 20-something from a coastal small town is somehow connected to many of the most powerful and influential people from coast to coast. And thanks to the DEOs attempts to get the article before it’s published, there’s an editorial addition at the end that says after announcing plans to write on the reporter, their servers were attacked and nearly hacked in to in an attempt to stop its publication.
“So I ask you,” the article ends, “who exactly is this Kara Danvers?”
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xice-queenx · 3 years
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“Alright, but I'm not letting you out of my sight.”
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xice-queenx · 3 years
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i would crawl on my hands and knees through broken glass uphill for a thousand miles just to bring her a cup of coffee
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xice-queenx · 3 years
Supercorp Practical Magic AU in which baby witch Lena Luthor is afraid to fall in love because she’s seen what it does to people, so she casts a true love spell for a person with impossible qualities so that she never will.
Qualities like “Marvelously kind” and “Will hear my call a mile away”.
Cute, ridiculous things like “They can jump higher than a kangaroo,” “They can hold their breath for 6 minutes,” and “Their favorite letter will be an S”. 
(Lena also wishes for them to have a family. A good family. A mother who loves them. “No,” she adds greedily, “two good mothers”.)
But what really gets Lena, in the end- what makes her realize that Supergirl, Kara, is the one that she summoned all those years ago- occurs on the warm summer night that Kara finally convinces Lena to go out on a flight with her.
They fly all across National City- past L-Corp, by the buildings, up above the clouds. She shows Lena some of her favorite places to go, like the hills overlooking the city (Close enough to bask in it’s busy light and yet far enough to be at peace).
Finally, Kara takes her to speed just above the ocean water. 
And as Kara reaches down to skim her hand over the waves, the night sky reflected in the water so clearly that it looks like she’s making ripples across the cosmos itself, Lena remembers her final wish. The final feat that would prevent her heart from falling, because it was impossible.
“They can touch the stars”
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